I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 330 Operation Longyuan, ready to start

Chapter 330 Operation Longyuan, ready to start


The black clouds were very low, attracting the sea water below like a magnet, and the sea surface heaved up and down restlessly.

The huge bow broke through the black water like the canopy of a deep forest one by one, and the hull pierced through, leaving white water trails in the soft splashes.

Two days passed in a flash, and they were now going from Genji Heavy Industries, where the Snake Hachika was located, to the planned dive site.

At this moment, Fu Nian was wearing a black cloak, standing on the bow of the Moniach.

Next to him is Yuan Zhisheng with a spider cut from his waist.

The two were silent in the air, Yuan Zhisheng was smoking, Fu Nian hugged his shoulders,
Behind them are Kaiser and Lu Mingfei, who are eating king crab in full swing, and drinking the noble rot wine of Iganburg, having a party. Behind them is Chu Zihang, who is sitting on a chair and drinking Hungarian sweet wine, crossing his legs.

"Did you convert the Moniah into a small fishing boat?" Fu Nian looked at the darkness in the distance, there was a large area of ​​darkness in front of him, and the only thing that filled his ears was the fierce wind that was screaming like a ghost.

It is early morning, and the world in the Eastern Hemisphere is in a moment when winter is coming and night is shrouded.

When they left the port, the sun was setting and the sea was setting in the west, and there was a strong wind. A large number of fishing boats returned to the port to take shelter from the wind. When the boats touched each other, the sailors on the fishing boats waved to them to warn them not to go into the sea again.

It is indeed not suitable to go to the sea, because the evening weather forecast said that there will be 8-level winds and 2-meter-high waves in the nearby sea tonight, which is not suitable for going to sea.

So they all evacuated.But what they don't know is that the reason for such a report is actually because Saki Hachika has applied to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for 12 hours of waterway control, and there will be no traffic in the next 12 hours. Ships appear to pass in this area of ​​the sea.

But now, in Fu Nian's view, the facts seem to be a bit beyond the expectations of the Sheqi Bajia.

The searchlights on the ship were aimed into the sky, black clouds rolled, and thunder rumbled faintly in the distance.
It seems that the weather forecast tonight is still very accurate. Not only will there be strong winds but also big waves tonight.The piercing cold flowed down the air like a cold current between the skins of everyone. Under the red skin, the dragon's blood in the hybrid's body was rolling rapidly.

They don't care about the cold winter, but they are more worried about this small fishing boat.

The Japanese branch disguised the Moniah as a fishing boat, with three white characters "Mani Maru" painted on the bow,
Although the technology of the Moniach is advanced, it is only a medium-sized ship. The stability of the ship in the sea mainly depends on its own weight. If the hull is not heavy enough, no matter how advanced the technology is, it will not work.

Fu Nian doubted whether the ship could really withstand the snowstorm.

"Don't worry. The Japanese branch is always fully prepared for things, and you will know soon." Yuan Zhisheng stood beside Fu Nian and said softly.

He could see that there was something wrong with Fu Nian's mood.It seems a little depressing.

The current Fu Nian is indeed a little depressed, but where does the root of the emotion come from? In fact, Fu Nian is a little unclear at all.
This feeling is like a layer of veil, except that this veil is not on the eyes, but on the brain.

Obviously my body is very honest and can feel something and want to grasp something, but my brain just can't keep up with the rhythm of my body, and I can't grasp anything.

In the two days here in the room, Fu Nian didn't find the root cause. Now that he got closer to here, Fu Nian found that the veil in front of him seemed to be a little lighter, but this didn't seem to be a big deal to Fu Nian. role.

Isn't this difficult for a dragon?

But if you don't understand, you don't understand. My family knows about my own affairs, so I can't just call Xia Mi about this matter, just in case someone eavesdrops on it.

Fu Nian would be embarrassed.



"Young master, we are about to reach the Sumeru Tower." The crow walked behind Yuan Zhisheng.

"Send a light signal to let Xu Mizuo open the dock." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"It's here." Yuan Zhisheng leaned against Fu Nian and said softly.

"En." Fu Nian nodded.

He had already seen it, the large protrusions in front stood there, pointing straight to the sky like Optimus Primes, it was hard for him not to notice.

Yuan Zhisheng turned to the Caesar group behind him and spoke loudly,
"Gentlemen, let me now invite you to enjoy the joint project of Iwaryu Research Institute and Maruyama Construction Co., Ltd.,
'The Unsinkable Xumizuo'. "

Caesar, who was drinking red wine with Chu Zihang, and Lu Mingfei, who was devouring his food, all turned their attention to Yuan Zhisheng.

They all looked in the direction he pointed.

The sea level hidden in the black clouds suddenly lit up like burning, and the line at the junction of the sky and the sea was particularly bright, as if balls of fire were rising above the flames.

Then it was as if buildings with steel frames came into their field of vision. Under the blazing flames, they floated above the sea like palaces. The exquisite pavilions were brightly lit, more brilliant than any mirage.The Mani Yehe began to slow down, and the city of steel opened its welcome gate.

"Floating platform?" Caesar understood.

"Yes, this is a project owned by the family. These offshore floating platforms are suitable for long-term offshore operations, such as exploration for oil or seabed mineral veins,
Although the moving speed is slow, because of their great weight, they can resist 12 strong winds and even tsunamis at sea.In Buddhism, "Xumizuo" refers to the pedestal for placing Buddha statues, pagodas, and treasure halls. We call them Xumizuo because they are well-deserved unsinkable seats.The family gathered all 6 "Xumizuo" floating platforms here as the base for this deep sea survey,

It is far more reliable than the Lenin that sank here, so please don't worry about the snowstorm. " Yuan Zhisheng spoke.

The Moniach extinguished its gas turbines, added traction chains to the hulls on both sides, and was towed into the dock of the floating platforms, which were large enough to easily accommodate the entire Moniach.

The locks are closed,

At the moment when the darkness is about to cover the world, the incandescent lights on both sides of the dock light up one by one,
Rows of men in black leather trench coats stood side by side on both sides of the dock,

At the moment when the lights came on, I bowed and drank,
"Welcome the young master to visit Xumizuo for inspection!"

The portal crane moved over and lowered the suspension bridge. Yuan Zhisheng led Fu Nian and Caesar's team, and boarded the elevator to the upper floors under the guard of Crow and Yasha.

The floating platform undulates with the waves, and even if they walk on a flat road covered with steel plates, they seem to be stepping on a lawn covered with soft grass.If I could lie on it with all fours at this moment, it would probably be as gentle and unfettered as a girl's dream...

They quickly followed the figures of the crowd and reached the top of Xumizuo,

Standing here and looking down is like standing on the roof of a building overlooking Tokyo, with overlapping waves beating against the bottom of Xumizuo, and occasionally white water splashes soaring into the sky,

The Xumizuo are also connected by steel cables. When the wind comes, these steel cables are stretched as tight as strings, and after the wind passes, they relax and droop.On top of each floating platform stood a man in white combat uniform,
On the Xumizuo below, the rotors of the helicopters entangled in a gust of wind that was no less than a sea breeze, blowing their hair close to their scalps, it was like an army waiting for inspection.

Yuan Zhisheng stood at the front and looked down at the men in black trench coats,
Take the megaphone from the crow,

"Gentlemen, please!"

"For the family! For the young master!"

The voices of thousands of people overlapped, suppressing the sound of the tide in an instant.They all know what their mission is and what their mission is.

Yuan Zhisheng turned to look at Fu Nian and the others,
"In this battle, they are the wind team," Yuan Zhisheng looked at the helicopter group in the sky, "their job is to inspect the entire sea area from the air. If someone wants to destroy the deep dive, the wind team will launch a counterattack. In addition They also drive away irrelevant ships."

After Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking, the crow fired a blue signal flare into the air, and a group of all-weather helicopters took off. These giant black birds went in different directions, shining their searchlights on the sea.

"Besides the wind group is the fire group. Their job is fire alert. We equip them with small water police boats, but they are equipped with twin-issue large-caliber machine guns, individual missiles, and light torpedoes. There are them guard, the cruiser will also be held back."

After Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking, the red flare in the crow's hand was lifted into the air, and the floating platforms opened the gates of the dock. The marine police ship was undulating on the sea surface, and the dual machine guns on the bow of the ship swept across the sea surface.

"The Lin team is formed by the elite of the Feng Mo family. They have deployed defenses on our periphery. They are all driving fishing boats equipped with submarine monitoring equipment and climate monitoring equipment. They are responsible for monitoring the conditions of the nearby sea areas. If the weather deteriorates If there is a danger, they will warn us in advance."

The crow fired a green signal flare, and faint lights flickered in all directions. It was the forest group who was deployed in the distance to respond to Yuan Zhisheng's call with searchlights.

"As for the platform we are on, it is the mountain group. I am in charge of the mountain group. All the team members are the elites of the Yanliu Research Institute. The job of the mountain group is to directly provide support for the deep submersible. During the whole process of your dive The Zhongshan group will float in this position, no matter whether the wind is 8 or 12, the wave height is 2 meters or 20 meters, ready to rescue you at any time, and also ready to welcome you back. This is the meaning of the mountain group, as immovable as a mountain. " Yuan Zhisheng spoke.

The men in black below shouted loudly.

"The family dispatched a team of thousands of people to escort everyone's dive. In addition to operating the deep submersible, please rest assured to entrust us with other tasks!"

It is as fast as the wind, as soft as a forest, as intrusive as fire, as motionless as a mountain, as incomprehensible as yin, and as moving as thunder.

Fenglin Volcano was first derived from a standard for army operations in China's "Sun Tzu's Art of War".Now the Fenglin volcano that is infused in the Bajia of Sheqi is a fighting spirit, an unyielding spirit.

Today's Sheqi Bajia is described as a group name, which is not only a way to show the family's iron will to the family members, but also an attitude to Kassel College to absolutely cooperate with the mission.

As for the reason for the cooperation, it may be for loyalty.


Everyone followed Yuan Zhisheng back to the location of the submersible.

The sea broke, and the heavy alchemy bomb was lifted by the crane. It was led by the terrible vice-principal of Cassel College, the night watchman, the mentor, and the rogue leader.

Made by Nicolas Flamel himself.

Then it flew all the way across the sea from Kassel College to the Rock Current Research Institute of the Japan Branch,

But even the Yanliu Research Institute has no way to thoroughly analyze this thing, because the history of alchemy after the dragon clan has disappeared,
The alchemy of the mixed race was completely born out of the previous archaeological excavations, and it has come out of two paths in the process of gradual development.

One is that Chinese gunpowder was carried forward in the West, and eventually developed into a behemoth of modern technology,

The other is the purest alchemy. The master alchemists among the hybrids perfected the puzzles that had been lost in the dust of time little by little during archaeological excavations.

But even so, alchemy is still mysterious like a garden in the sky, and those who can really touch that mysterious field are all geniuses among the mixed races.

And all the alchemy bombs made by alchemy are deadly poisons for the dragon clan.

Hanging in the middle is a long strip painted conspicuously in bright yellow. Its shape is not like a bomb in the normal concept of human beings, but rather like a thick and short cigar. The narrow tail is also different from the thick body. phase contrast.

It was to be delivered into the submersible Diliaste.

Fu Nian stared at this thing. He really suspected that the shape of this thing came from the vice principal's mischievous kiss.

"Can this thing really kill dragons?" Lu Mingfei looked up at the long thing and hesitated.

"The conclusion given by the Rock Flow Research Institute is that it contains a large amount of refined sulfur and mercury, which has fatal penetrating corrosion to dragons. As for other abilities, such as persistence and hardness, the Rock Flow Research Institute does not With the level of giving opinions, our reserves of knowledge in alchemy are very limited."

Yuan Zhisheng explained to Lu Mingfei.

"Oh, by the way, its code name is 'Momotaro'.

Now there are still 30 minutes before our scheduled sailing time. The Yanliu Research Institute will complete the final inspection and the warm-up of the Ditrieste within 30 minutes. These 30 minutes are free time for you . "

Speaking of which, Yuan Zhisheng took out the phone from his waist,
Dial a phone number that has been prepared above.

"Professor Schneider, this is the Japanese branch. I am Yuan Zhisheng, the director of the executive bureau of the Japanese branch. The dive team has arrived at the designated location, and we are waiting for instructions from the headquarters."


There was a terrible breathing sound from the other end of the phone, like a tattered bellows being forcibly pulled open.The creepy sound of wind pierced through the riddled holes.

The tingling of the scalp was accompanied by a chill that made the back sweat.

The sound of squeezing toothpaste came from the phone on the other side.

"Operation Longyuan, ready to start!"



(End of this chapter)

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