I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 332 The accident at 7900 meters

Chapter 332 The accident at 7900 meters

Time 10:15 p.m.,
The coordinates are 122 degrees 56 minutes east longitude and 35 degrees 33 minutes north latitude,
"The Longyeon Project has started. I am Yuan Zhisheng, the on-site commander, and now, in my capacity as the director of the Japan Branch Executive Bureau, I have ordered the release of the Trieste."

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the screen in front of him: "Good luck."

The moment the sound fell, a staff member in a black combat uniform stretched his hands forward and squatted down suddenly.


The diving dock at the bottom of Xumizuo was opened, and the heavy-loaded Dieste fell into the black sea, and the splashing waves spread in all directions amidst the rumbling sound of starting.

White bubbles gushing out could be clearly seen from the bottom of the Sumeru Seat, which was the air released by the Trieste.

After the submersible submerged, the staff standing on the other side of Yuan Zhisheng stepped forward and made a gesture of waving his arms suddenly, with a firm and powerful posture.

The moment the gesture is waved,
Numerous frogman groups dived back into the sea from the edge of Xumizuo,
They very efficiently hung the safety line on the safety hook on the top of the Trieste, and the other end of the safety line was connected to the wheel on the top of the Sumeru seat.This huge roulette is wrapped with a 12-kilometer-long safety cable. This metal safety cable is resistant to bending and wear, and can lift five Dirieste. The special recovery system of the Equipment Department can lift the The deep submersible is recovered from the bottom of the abyss to the surface of the sea.

Seeing that everything was ready for work, Yuan Zhisheng took off one earphone and dialed another call on the mobile phone:
"Master, the submersible has entered the water."

"Okay, the follow-up troops will be in place immediately. Patriarch Ryoma has dispatched the self-defense force's right to use missiles. Hui Yueji has already invaded the military satellite systems of the United States and Russia, and no satellite can take pictures of the nearby sea tonight." Tachibana Masamune's voice came from the phone.

"Thanks for your hard work, Zhisheng. We put all our eggs in one basket for this, and the future history of the Eight Snaki Clans will be rewritten by you and me." After a pause, Tachibana Masamune continued to speak.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the sea silently and did not speak.His eyes reflect the darkness of the night, and for the first time he deeply felt that in a world without the sun, even the sea water is black.

The phone hangs up for a long time,
Yuan Zhisheng slowly moved his lips while staring at the black sea.

"Have you heard of the train track experiment, Sakura?"

Sakura behind her looked up at Yuan Zhisheng's back.

"I heard." Sakura said.

"A train running on the railroad tracks suddenly faced a fork in the road. Five friends were tied up on the two forked railroad tracks ahead. If no action was taken, the train would run over them without hesitation.
At this point you have the means to pull the lever and divert the train.but!
There is also a person tied up on the other track. If you pull the track, you can save five people on this track, but the people on the other track will die because of you.

What would you choose to do at this time? "

The sea breeze drowned out all the surrounding sounds, and Sakura's voice was already torn apart by the storm when it appeared.

The two stood on the top of the Sumizuo's crane one behind the other, looking at the black tide surging in front of them.The ink-like water splashed heavily on the base of Xu Mizuo, smashing it to pieces.

Sakura didn't give her own choice, and she knew she didn't have to give her own choice.Yuan Zhisheng was asking her, but he was actually asking himself.

If you choose not to move, the train will take five lives, but if you choose to move the crossing, it will also take the life of one person.

There is nothing wrong with five people, but does that one person deserve to die?

This is a difficult choice, because if you choose to save five people, then the responsibility for the death of that one person will fall on yourself, and you will sacrifice your morality and conscience.

Now Yuan Zhisheng is facing such a difficult decision.

On one side are the Snake Eight Family, and on the other side are the three most outstanding elites from Kassel College for decades. In just half a month of getting along with each other, a deep friendship has emerged between them.

In order to become a friend of justice, he once plunged a knife into his younger brother's chest with his own hands. For this reason, he was imprisoned in that dark night where he could not see hope for his whole life.

Lonely dragging the shackles forward.

Will he make this choice again now?For the sake of the family, bury them in this abyss of the deep sea that never sees light.

"So trust is really the most shaky thing in the world, isn't it?"

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched, they put the most sincere trust on themselves, but all he could give was the promise that was so thin that it would fall apart when the wind blows.

He raised his hands to the sky, and the howling sea wind unscrupulously poured in from the hole.His empty eyes looked at the billowing sky.

The whole person couldn't tell whether he was smiling or in pain.

Sakura silently stood behind Yuan Zhisheng, she really wanted to hug him from behind at this moment, hugging him fiercely.

But she knew he didn't need it.

He never needed comfort from anyone.Because the person who can really comfort him has been left under the scarlet full moon by his own hands.

"Then Lu Mingfei?" After a long time, Sakura asked softly.

"Find him and confirm his safety, then...let him go."



"The depth is 300 meters, the flow rate is stable, and the Ditrieste is operating normally."

While manipulating this antique-grade deep-diving equipment, Fu Nian opened his mouth to Caesar next to him.

Caesar is the captain appointed by the principal for this operation.The communication cables of the Diliest and the Sumeru are being adjusted now.

If the depth continues to sink, radio waves are useless, and only communication cables are reliable.The cables for communication between the Trieste and the Meruza have already been prepared.

Now all it takes is one person to plug it into the submersible, and this cable runs parallel to the safety line.The job wasn't dangerous, and it wasn't even difficult, requiring only Caesar to twist and reach out.

Chu Zihang next to Fu Nian was staring at the jumping data on the dashboard.The pale golden golden pupils moved quickly among the pupils,
The data changes greatly every second, and they will drop nearly 1 meters every minute to match it.And this speed is still accelerating with the dive distance.His task is to ensure that all the indicators of the Diliest are normal.

There are actually not many things that the Trieste really needs them to operate.

And what this process needs the most is actually to communicate with Xu Mizuo on the real-time report of the dive data.

But now, they don't even have the chance to report to the top.

After the communication ended, the three of them sat in their respective positions. In the crowded space, the three of them focused their eyes on the screen that appeared on the front display screen.

The picture is as black as ink, not to mention the light, even the slightest variegated color can not be seen.If it weren't for the surrounding display devices to prove that it was still working, Caesar would have thought it was broken.

Not long ago, they could no longer feel the light source, and the sky above seemed to be covered with a curtain that even light could not penetrate.
A few minutes ago, when the last ray of darkness swallowed Xu Mizuo's figure, it seemed to swallow everything around. There was no life, no light, and even no hope here. They fell alone, and only here, Only then can they really feel the loneliness away from the world.

Caesar became silent, and even Chu Zihang's breathing became inaudible.The surrounding darkness once again added a depressive mood to Lu Mingfei's affairs.

The lonely sea drowned them, leaving them breathless.

Among the three, only Fu Nian had a flat expression.

He rested his chin on one hand and looked at the dark screen. To be honest, the current loneliness didn't affect him at all.

It's not that he has been immune to loneliness, on the contrary, loneliness is his deadly poison, but he has experienced greater loneliness, and his tolerance for loneliness is much stronger than ordinary people.

"Hello, brother, do you know about cannibals?" Fu Nian's voice broke the silence in the cab.

Caesar on the side quickly looked at Fu Nian curiously.

Chu Zihang looked at Fu Nian blankly and nodded.

Fu Nian smiled from the corner of his eyes,
"I once set foot in the corner of the world and ran into a cannibal patriarch in a fast food restaurant."

Before Fu Nian finished speaking, Chu Zihang's mouth squirmed, but in the next second, out of politeness to respect the speaker, Chu Zihang swallowed the words obediently.

"After he entered the door, he met a man named Guan with a red face and long beard. Guess what?" Fu Nian blinked at Chu Zihang.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Zihang nunuzui did not speak, but Caesar on the other side seemed to be aroused by some inexplicable interest.

"The cannibal leader said, I don't eat tomato sauce, and asked the boss to replace him with a raw one. So senior brother, you are about to be eaten by the cannibals if you keep a cold face."

The air suddenly fell into silence, and the muscles at the corners of Caesar's mouth, which had been cracked, were completely stiff around his mouth.

Fu Nian originally wanted to tell a joke to polish the atmosphere, but found that he didn't seem to have the talent in this area.

What seemed to be worse was that he inexplicably felt that the air around him was a little colder than before.

"You guys...won't you give me some voice?" Fu Nian glanced at Caesar hesitantly,
He didn't expect Chu Zihang to smile.The opponent is already the best brother if he doesn't criticize him.

The corners of Caesar's mouth froze in place. In fact, he also discovered the inexplicable emotions that fell on them after falling into the deep sea, so in order to break the situation, he was also trying to create an atmosphere.

So he responded to Fu Nian with a very positive attitude. If there was a little funny joke, he would laugh exaggeratedly.

But...it's a bit cold.

"a ha ha ha."

Just when Caesar was about to open his mouth to laugh, a mechanical laugh suddenly popped out of the cabin.

On the other side of Fu Nian, the voice of Chu Zihang holding a knife is so rhythmic, like dou rai mi, dou, dou, dou...

The corner of Caesar's mouth reached the edge of the ear, at the end of the ear, "Hehehe..."

Fu Nian looked at the two guys who could be laughed at by him with satisfaction, and smiled contentedly.

"Your joke is so fucking cold." Finally, Caesar stared at Fu Nian with dead eyes.

"Isn't this to ease the atmosphere? We have just entered the edge of the dive, but your emotions are obviously affected by what happened to Lu Mingfei. This emotion will be infinitely suppressed in the dark environment of the deep sea. Enlarged, I don't want to see that we still see the dragon, just emo yourself first.

Lu Mingfei is destined to take the blame.But if it is more serious, if any of you can't bear it and commit suicide first, then Lu Mingfei will be blamed for the rest of his life.So in order to prevent Lu Mingfei from becoming a bastard, I still have to do my best to make friends with my classmates. "

"He doesn't blame him at all. I worked so hard today, but I turned around and saw that my teammates were gone. I was fooled by Lu Mingfei."

Caesar did not deny Fu Nian's words at all, Lu Mingfei did indeed account for 90.00% of the contribution of the emotions that had just spread.

"I can lose myself completely when I go to the toilet, and I'm convinced." And until now, Caesar doesn't think that Lu Mingfei had any accidents, just kidding, there could be any accidents.

Xu Mizuo is such a big place, surrounded by the sea, he can't jump into the sea and be eaten by sharks.And there are people from the Japanese branch all around, even if Lu Mingfei falls into the sea, there will be waves.

So Caesar didn't believe that there was something wrong with Lu Mingfei, and the most important reason why they couldn't find each other was because time was too short.

In 3 minutes, even the elites of the executive bureau of the Japanese branch can hardly turn over every corner of Xumizuo in a short period of time.

And Norma is always following Lu Mingfei's movements, they don't need to worry about each other.

But this is obviously secondary. The current situation of Lu Mingfei is something that needs to be worried by the old guys from the Japanese branch and the command center of Kassel College. They are now on the bottom of the sea, and their worries are not enough to support the implementation of their ideas.

But to Fu Nian's relief, although he told a bad joke, the air in the dock became lively.

"The depth has reached 1100 meters, and the Trieste is operating normally." Chu Zihang's voice was sent back to Xumizuo along the cable.

Norma then transmitted it back to the central command center of Kassel College along the Xumizuo.

In front of the big screen in the command center, Schneider, who was sitting on a chair, and Manstein, who was next to him, had calm faces.

"Everything is going well so far." Manstein glanced at the hatching rate of embryos on the big screen, and it remained at a safe 32%.

Embryo hatching is a big data model developed by Norma based on the information emitted by the embryos detected in the deep sea.When the embryo hatching rate reaches [-]%, it is the time when the embryo hatches, and what will be bred from it at that time will be a terrifying monster.

"It did go smoothly." Schneider's hoarse voice appeared in the air.

"I don't quite understand one thing. Frost is not a fool. He knows the danger of Longyeon's plan, but why did he entrust the life of the heir of the Gattuso family to us?
With Frost Gattuso's character, he should have sent an investigation team to forcibly send Gattuso's elites to intervene in this matter like last time. He will never let Caesar withdraw from the team.

Moreover, their desire for dragons can be compared to that lunatic principal. They don't need to donate the Diliest directly to the academy, and they completely delegated authority to us to carry out this mission. "Schneider stared at Manstein.

Manstein raised his head, "I didn't say that, it was that old fellow Frost who sent the Dilieste, and it was Pompeii Gattuso who sent the Dilieste, Gattuso's family Homeowner."

"Pompeii?" Schneider was a little surprised.

Manstein nodded, and held up the black card in his hand. This is one of the few black cards in the academy, but this kind of authority comes from the school board.It is precisely because of this black card that they can dispatch greater Norma authority.Get ready for tonight.

"It was also given to me by Pompeii. I heard that Frost was very angry with Pompeii for this."

"I've always had the feeling," Schneider mused for a long time, "that Pompeii knows something. He knows what's in the depths of the abyss, and he wants us to send people into the Japan Trench, even if it means making his own He is willing to take risks with his son."

Manstein was taken aback: "Why do you think so?"

Schneider pondered for a moment and then said, "Shortly after the prince reappeared, Pompey's secretary came to the academy. Because he is the secretary of the school board and has the authorization of the school board, he has the right to access the confidential documents of the executive department.

The secretary did not comment on other matters, except for the sinking of the Lenin ship. The secretary said that Pompeii had the legendary deep diving equipment Di Trieste in its collection, and the academy could send it directly if needed.

At that time, I didn't know that the equipment department couldn't immediately produce a qualified deep submersible, so I habitually wanted to refuse this gift.

I vaguely said that I would contact them if necessary, but a few days later they actually hired a courier company and took the Trieste to Chicago on a cargo plane.

The executive department inspected the deep submersible before sending it to the equipment department. On the surface, it seems that it has been used as a collection item in museums for people to visit, participate in public welfare activities, and be used as the background of large-scale performances, but in fact It has been lovingly maintained and everything is as new as when it was built.

Obviously Pompeii thought about re-activating this deep submersible, because not only is the Diliest so easy to collect, but its maintenance cost is an astonishing figure.

After receiving the Trieste, I wrote to thank Pompey and mentioned that we might include Caesar in the dive team.

In fact, I was testing at that time. If Pompeii just wanted to provide equipment for our people to take risks, then he should immediately refuse.

But to my surprise, Pompeo said he was very happy that his son had the opportunity to fly his collection on a mission and asked to have it painted as a Japanese flag. "

Manstein frowned, "So Pompeii thinks it's safe to dive?"

Schneider did not answer directly, "The Japanese branch is as strange as Pompeii. Because the Japanese branch is not an institution directly under the academy, the executive department rarely asks for their assistance. Another reason is that they used to be involved in many tasks. Very reluctant to cooperate with the academy.

But this time, we had to ask for the assistance of the Japanese branch, and the enthusiasm of the Japanese branch was extremely high.They invested in the entire Yanliu Research Institute, and even the entire high-level cadres were mobilized.They showed extraordinary enthusiasm for things in the Abyss, and kept asking us for information.

"Everyone seems to know something, but we who are in charge of the Longyeon Project don't know anything?" Manstein frowned as he looked at the screen.

"I do have this feeling. In order to reduce the risk, I asked them to find Fu Nian before I included Caesar in the dive team. I also asked the director of the Japanese Branch Executive Bureau to personally act as the on-site commander. He was in Snake Eight. He has a high status, and if there is an accident, he cannot shirk his responsibility."

Schneider stared at the slowly changing numbers on the screen.There was an imperceptible emotional fluctuation in the iron-gray pupils.

At 2100 meters, the Trieste was operating normally.

At 4700 meters, the Trieste was operating normally.

At 7500 meters, the Trieste was operating normally.

7900 meters, Diliaste...

Schneider, who was staring at the screen, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Manstein on the side stepped forward quickly, with his hands propped in front of the dashboard, his scalp numb for a while amidst the horrifying voice in his ears.

"Call the Diriaster!! Call the Diriaster!!"

(End of this chapter)

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