I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 333 Beautiful deep sea, bloody beach

Chapter 333 Beautiful deep sea, bloody beach


"The depth reached 2100 meters, and the Trieste was operating normally."

"The depth reached 4700 meters, and everything on the Trieste is functioning normally."


The intertwined voices of Caesar, Fu Nian and Chu Zihang were transmitted along the cable of the submersible to Yuan Zhisheng of Xumizuo,

"Xumizuo received it. Please be vigilant." Yuan Zhisheng would respond to everyone under the deep sea with his own reminder after each sound.

Caesar: "The depth reaches 7900 meters, and everything on the Trieste...!!"

Yuan Zhisheng: "Sumizuo received it, please also..."

"Damn! I rely on me, rely on me, rely on me!!" Yuan Zhisheng's voice hadn't finished yet, a burst of rough roar appeared intermittently in Yuan Zhisheng's ear along the cable,

Yuan Zhisheng, who was standing in the strong wind, changed his face instantly.

"This is the Sumeru Tower, please reply when the Deliaster received it, this is the Sumeru Tower..."

Yuan Zhisheng ran towards Xu Mizuo's research center while talking, "Assemble!"

A large number of armed men rushed towards the research center following behind Yuan Zhisheng.

Along with a group of scientific researchers in white coats who were squatting in front of the railing of Xumizuo watching the sea breeze and smoking buttocks.

"What happened! What happened!! Please answer if the Deliaster received it."

Yuan Zhisheng stood in front of the big screen in the research command center, and the busy staff in front of him looked anxiously.

They need to delay the picture they saw on the Diliaster. In the current emergency, they can only judge the current situation of the Diliasite dock based on the speculative data.

But now the data in front of Yuan Zhisheng shows.

All was well, even a little too good, on the Diriaster.

"Damn, this is so damn good-looking."

After Caesar cursed and cursed with trembling mouth, the voice of exclamation was slowly transmitted along the cable to the command center.

The staff in white coats who were running wildly stood there blankly.Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched wildly.


Caesar and Fu Nian put their faces on the screen in front of the screen. Chu Zihang also leaned forward curiously, and the light shone on their faces through the screen. It was a warm red light, shining , as if the color of the shelled egg yolk in the warm winter.

But here is the deep sea at a depth of 7900 meters, which should have been an absolutely dark place.

But now.

The color of the water is like a sunset, thousands of fish entangled into a large school of fish floating in the glow-like water, they are like a big tornado whirlpool, spiraling up one by one, from the end of the light to the darkness in the distance , From top to bottom, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the fish schools are getting denser and denser.

The gigantic Trieste was as small as a stone on the beach in front of them.

Some of these fish are as white as silver, some are almost transparent, and some have a faint blue fluorescence, but when gathered together, they are like a rainbow bent by a tornado.The lustrous luster shines between the fish scales, showing a magnificent and magnificent spectacle.

There are giant manta rays flapping their feathery, fleshy fins through the schools.

There are also clumsy sea turtles waving their wing fins, being brought into the center of the vortex by the floating current, and then struggling to climb outward.

The vast majority of these fish the three of them had never seen before,
Even though some fish are very similar to the fish they are familiar with, there are great differences,
For example, the head of the manta ray has a black-gray armor-like exoskeleton, which looks like a combination of a pangolin and a manta ray. Cracked red basalt, when slowly swimming forward, a string of small transparent and crystal-clear fish is still biting on the small tail.

But under close observation, under the close range of the macro camera, both Fu Nian and Caesar could clearly see the small fish's shiny blade-like scales, and... the sharp teeth piercing through the jaw, Like two fangs, with a frightening sharpness.

The scene in front of me has a vast, brilliant momentum, and dreamy beauty, but under Mei's close observation, what is exposed is strange, bizarre, and a kind of biological mutation that is almost crazy.

"The ecological environment here is a bit abnormal. After experiencing the bottomless dive, I thought it would be some kind of dark and silent ghost place in the depths of the abyss. But now it seems a bit incomprehensible." Caesar threw Opened the screen in front of him and climbed towards the upper window of the submersible.

Because a huge tail passed in front of their screen just now, and one side of the tail was nearly ten meters long. From this angle of the screen in front of them, they couldn't see the whole picture of each other.

Finally, Caesar saw this big guy. It was a huge whale. It stirred the sea water with its long tail, leaving a transparent vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters. Its huge body hit the sea water forward, making a thunderous sound.

This is a giant whale with a body length of more than [-] meters. There are patterns like clouds rolling under the gray-white belly. There shouldn't be such a big whale in the world.

Because the blue whale is the largest animal known to humans to have lived on the earth, but their maximum body length is only 33 meters.And this is a giant monster that is nearly [-] meters long.

"So the legend is true." Caesar put his eyes on the edge of the window, like a child who came to the aquarium for the first time to see a corner of the world.

Suddenly, Caesar's eyes froze, and he saw a thick layer of green rock formations on the belly of the giant whale, like sedimentary rocks deposited on the seabed, accumulated over time to form a thick coral-like layer raised.

But this is not the focus of Caesar's attention. It is not unusual to accumulate coral sedimentary rocks, because in the deep sea, whales have no scales on the surface, and their skin is as smooth as humans, so they are easily affected by parasites.This phenomenon is quite normal in cetaceans.

What really attracted him was that under those layers of coral protruding rocks, he saw...

"Is that a scale?" Caesar looked puzzled. "Whale scales?!!"

When Caesar saw it, Chu Zihang also noticed it.

"The ecological environment is abnormal, indicating that there is something unusual nearby that has rebuilt the ecological environment."

Chu Zihang did not follow Caesar to focus on Big Yu.Instead, he looked below the submersible.

"Look down, we are now directly above the abyss."

Fu Nian leaned on the observation window and looked down, and finally understood why the sea here was red like sunset.

They are now above the Japan Trench, and below them there is a gentle seabed on one side and a steep, jagged cliff on the other, and between them is a giant meander that rushes and flows, but flow in a meander is nothing Sea water, but boiling lava.

The left side belongs to the Eurasian plate and the right side is the Pacific plate, where they collided to form an extremely deep submarine canyon.At the bottom of the canyon is a golden crack running from north to south, where the earth's crust is broken, and the burnt red rock layer is rolled out.

The magma gushes out intermittently, and the sea water and magma present a wonderful scene of water and milk, accompanied by the roar of thunder.This is an extremely rare scene,
Here the deep sea meets the fierce fire.

"The wound of the earth." Fu Nian murmured looking at the surrounding environment, but he was carefully examining the surrounding environment in his heart.

This seems to be a good place to incubate.If I put the bone bottle here...

"Yes, this is the wound of the earth." Chu Zihang said.

"Cracks in the hedging of the crustal plates directly exposed the deep mantle layer. Because of this wound, Japan became the country with the most earthquakes in the world. Below the abyss is a warehouse that stores trillions of tons of magma. Maybe one day it will sink into the sea due to violent turmoil like Atlantis.

Dragons would actually choose such an incredible place as a hatchery. "

"Our luck seems to be pretty good, and we came directly to Gu Long's territory, saving us from looking for it." Caesar climbed back from the upper window.Lie down next to the two of them and look at the Flame Mountain that is bright and dark below.

"Did you find anything wrong with these fish?" Caesar pointed to a school of fish circling in the distance.

Finally, he asked his own question. He had discovered this phenomenon since he first arrived here. He thought it was a characteristic of fish schools in the bottom of the sea.

It turned out that he had just discovered that the huge gray whale had the same problem, and compared with those swimming fish, the gray whale seemed to be in a worse condition.

Chu Zihang nodded, "I found out that each of them has scales on their bodies, this should not be a normal phenomenon." Chu Zihang glanced at the devil fish and sea turtles in the distance, and the gray whale that was already moving away. "They look like they've been affected by something, it seems like even the genes have been mutated."

When Caesar discovered the scales on the whale's body, Chu Zihang also discovered this.

"There must be some reason for this situation around here." Chu Zihang looked around.

But nothing was found.

"They are no longer ordinary fish, they are a subspecies of dragon." Fu Nian said, thinking about the knowledge taught by Kassel College.

"If that thing is an embryo, it will continuously release secretions rich in genetic information during the hatching process,

The secretions will attract all kinds of marine life, and the creatures that eat the secretions will have their genes rewritten by dragons, alienating them into subspecies of dragons. "

Fu Nian also looked around,

"Such a large and stable ecological environment comes from one source, and that source is the embryo we are looking for."

"Will the embryo cause such a large-scale ecological change?" Chu Zihang asked suspiciously.

"That's right. In history, there are only examples of evolution through exposure to the blood of ancient dragons. Is it realistic that such a large number of subspecies of dragons were born under the influence of embryonic secretions?" Caesar looked at Fu Nian and asked.

"This is reality." Fu Nian raised his hands,
"But for things you can't understand, the best option is to see it with your own eyes."

Fu Nian: "I've seen it."

"what about you?"

Kaiser and Chu Zihang looked at each other with blank eyes.





The sound of the bell was loud and mighty, it was the evening bell ringing by the Buddhist temple in the mountain at midnight.

In the darkness in the distance, a thin silver-white line appeared, appearing at the junction of the sky and the sea. It looked like the sea had plated a thin layer of silver on its surface.

Silver billowed and flowed on the sea surface, accompanied by the sound of roaring engines.Like a thundercloud blowing in the wind.

It was actually rows of dense spotlights, and heavily armed air-cushion landing craft rolled on the jet-black water.Among them are even two jumbo-class LCAC-type air-cushioned landing craft.

They are connected to each other in a row, moving forward like huge waves, slowly and firmly stepping towards the coast, and the scorching lights illuminate the Atami coast in the middle of the night.

A small vermilion torii gate was built in the black reef at the end of the coast. In front of the torii gate is the boundless Pacific Ocean, and behind the torii gate are undulating black cliffs.Next to the torii is a fishing boat sheltered from the wind.

The sea water was rushing forward under the action of the advancing landing craft, and waves of white waves beat in front of the fishing boat and smashed into pieces on the black reef.

At the end of the black cliff, a woman in black boots stood on the edge of the cliff, with her arms folded, her black hair fluttering in the air, and her pale golden eyes were watching the approaching landing craft below.

Her name is Jormungandr, and she can also be called Xia Mi.

A wooden black umbrella was stretched above her head to help protect it from the sea breeze. The one holding the umbrella was a classical woman in a combat uniform, with her hair in a bun, her eyebrows drawn, and her pupils reflected. The demeanor of Mount Tai collapsing in front of him and not changing his color.

Looking at the law enforcement officers who were chasing after them smelling fishy smell, a large number of law enforcement officers have rushed out of the confinement of the sea, and moved quickly along the beach towards the cliff where they were. Barrett heavy sniper rifle.

The woman calmly looked at the muzzles of the guns that were looking at them blackly. She was a samurai who served the monarch and a knight who served the throne. Even if a bullet appeared in front of her, as long as the monarch did not retreat, the samurai would not take half a step back.

She is Wanko Sakurai, the most loyal attendant of Earth and the King of the Mountain.

"In order to completely wipe out us, the Snake Hachika even used the strength of the military. This is the US LCAC air-cushion landing craft. The Japanese Self-Defense Force once purchased six air-cushion landing craft of this type from the United States in 93. Unexpectedly The Sheqi Eight Families have so much energy to use it now."

On the other side behind the girl in black, a woman in combat uniform stared at the giant on the sea in the distance and said.

Her name is Sakurai Kogure.Fierce ghosts and dragons and horses.

Xia Mi nodded and did not speak.

Sakurai Kogure continued, "The Saki Eight Family should have made the determination to kill us today. According to the intelligence investigation, a large number of law enforcement officers are gathering here. All means on our hunt.

Now our evacuation route at sea is blocked again. We are clearly prepared today. Do we want to evacuate now?
If necessary, I will let the wind group..."

"Need not."

Xia Mi interrupted Sakurai Kogure's voice slowly, looking at the hovercraft that was approaching slowly, their lights turned the night into day.

They were looking at her, as light drives out darkness,
She was watching them too, as the abyss watches a candle.

"If you want to be a servant of God, you have to bear the wrath of the king. Since everyone has come today, don't leave any of them."

After speaking, Xia Mi looked at Wanko Sakurai who was holding an umbrella on the other side.

Sakurai Wanko nodded, and took out a black mobile phone from her waist.

Then gently press the "1" above.

As Sakurai Wanko slowly pressed down with her fingertips,


The sound is exceptionally crisp.

next second.

Suddenly, all the fishing boats parked on the coast burst into dazzling flames, and more than a dozen fishing boats turned into fireballs at the same time. It spreads around like a waterfall.

The officers of the Bajia of Sheqi below didn't even know what happened, they were blown away by the huge impact, and then they were pierced through their bodies by countless steel balls, and the beach was stained with crimson blood.

Those fishing boats were not only filled with a large amount of TNT explosives but also filled with a large number of steel balls, and they would also produce multiple combos after the moment of explosion.

at the same time,

All the officers on the landing craft focused on the sudden explosion in front of them.

Suddenly, ghosts in black diving suits appeared behind the air-cushion landing craft. Their eyes were covered with golden vertical pupils, and they fired rope guns in their hands, and quickly climbed along the landing craft.

They were so fast that they were not like humans. Just when the officer at the end felt that the surrounding situation was not right, a black sharp knife slashed across his neck.


Da da da……

The radiant submachine gun flames bloom like fireworks in the dark night,
After firing a box of bullets, they didn't miss it at all. They tore off the fragmentation grenades and incendiary bombs around their waists, and turned back into the deep sea.

It was the crimson fire lighting the starry sky again.

They are the mountain group, the new mountain group after the fierce ghosts have been screened layer by layer.

What they did was the dive blasting task that the water team should do.

Sakurai Kogure watched the actions of the people below with satisfaction, and looked at the calm-looking Sakurai Wanko beside her. This is the Yamagumi cultivated by the other party during this period of time.

I didn't expect to show such an excellent record today.

However, there are too many reasons for the appearance of the Sheqi Bajia here today, and it is difficult for the backer group alone to completely kill them here.

Thinking of Sakurai Kogure, she looked at the girl at the front.

The girl still looked at the scene of gunfire below with a calm face, neither happy nor sad.

Sensing Sakurai Kogure's gaze, she smiled slightly,
Nod to her.

"If possible, Miss Sakurai?" Xia Mi said softly.

Although Sakurai Kogure was at a loss, she still nodded, she followed Kazama Ruri, the man followed the girl in front of her, then she followed the girl in front of her, even if she let herself die, she would not hesitate at all.

Sakurai Kogure drew a long knife from his waist, and watched the cliff below jump down.

At this moment, under Natsumi's gesture, Sakurai Wanko,

Slowly press the "2" button.

In an instant, countless fierce ghosts wearing black leather windbreakers emerged from both sides of the cliff, without exception, with the hideous word "ghost" behind them and red vertical pupils.

The sound of the long knife being unsheathed was like a stern cold wind blowing through the treetops, and black shadows jumped down amidst countless broken branches and broken leaves.

Follow behind Sakurai Kogure.

Xia Mi looked at their galloping figures with a smile for a long time...

for a moment,

Finally, he turned his eyes to the darkness somewhere.

There, a tall figure and a huge long blade loomed in the thick black mist.

"You worked so hard to bring me here, it's time to show up."

【[-] in [-]】

(End of this chapter)

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