I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 334 They call it Gao Tianyuan.

Chapter 334 They call it Gao Tianyuan.


"Caesar, right side, be careful."

Chu Zihang stared at the airflow floating up from below, and reminded Caesar that this is not even considered a bubble.
Because in this ultra-high pressure abyss, the boiling point of seawater will exceed 500 degrees.

When the magma comes into contact with seawater, the seawater vaporizes, which then triggers a steam explosion.However, after the water vapor cools down slightly, it is reduced to a liquid by high pressure, and the bubbles do not even have time to leave the surface of the magma.But the abilities generated between them will still go up a certain distance.

And this distance is the cliff rope that the Diliaster is currently walking on.

The depth is 8600 meters.From the small achievement of 2000 meters under the sea, they have less than [-] meters left.

But even after nearly four 2000-meter distances, they didn't want to go on this one 2000-meter distance.


Fu Nian and Chu Zihang fixed their eyes on the picture at the bottom of the display screen, and Caesar, who was manipulating the Diriaster, had beads of sweat on his forehead.

Although this has an unshirkable responsibility for the rising ambient temperature, but the most fundamental role is still that...

The crack where the giant ax fell.

Endless cracks in the bottom of the sea are like fiery abysses,
The rock formation seemed to be split open by an incomparable Xingtian battle axe, leaving a thousand-mile-long scar in the deepest part of the earth. Golden blood flowed out of the scar, which was the flowing hot and gathered lava.

Even in the soundproof cabin of the Trieste, their ears were filled with dull, thunderous explosions.

The Trieste passed over it like a firefly.Be careful, and you have to be careful.

In order to precisely control the body, the Trieste had to turn on the weak power source, relying on lithium batteries to drive the propellers to cruise smoothly.

But this stability is a kind of stability in an ideal environment, but the reality is,

The lava was actively churning underneath like an irritable child, staring at them from time to time and spitting out a mouthful of acidic water like thick phlegm.

Caesar is not easy in this situation, he is simply Alexander. As long as he is a little negligent in the next step, the small wings stretched out by the Diliaste may not be able to withstand the erosion of high-temperature lava and become instantly dissolved and damaged. At that time,
They may lose the ability to control their lives in an instant, and they may be able to withstand the erosion of lava for a short time by relying on Fu Nian's dust-free land. The burst of Chu Zihang's flames gave them a one in ten thousand chance of getting out of the flames.

However, now they are eight kilometers deep under the sea, and the human body is so fragile in this environment that it can be easily broken by the wind like paper.

Caesar drove the weasel to the extreme, and the ear antennas generally shook around 360 degrees.He could clearly feel the two extremely fast heartbeats in the cabin.

It was a natural reaction of the human body under high tension. He was very pleased that he brought a teammate with a brain. If he brought a bastard who had no brains and opened his mouth to shout here, he would It is estimated that my pressure will increase by at least ten times.

Thinking of Caesar, he unconsciously glanced at the two people lying in front of the screen in front of him, looked at Fu Nian and Chu Zihang... wait! !

Why two people! !
I obviously heard two heartbeats beating extremely fast, one from myself, one from Chu Zihang, Fu Nian...

"Caesar, concentrate." Fu Nian's voice suddenly turned from the front,
Caesar's golden golden pupils stared at the deep pupils of the other party. For a moment, he actually saw the abyss in the pupils of the other party, a bottomless abyss.

"The external water temperature is 224 degrees." Chu Zihang stared at the front and said, "Although the Diliest has a thermal insulation layer, if we continue to approach the surface of the magma, we may not be able to bear it."

"I can hardly bear it now." Caesar avoided Fu Nian's gaze and focused on Chu Zihang next to him.

"Chu Zihang help me take off my underwear too."

Chu Zihang: "..."

To be honest, the scene in the cockpit is indeed a little bit chaotic now. Caesar is almost naked, everyone is sweating profusely, and their buttocks seem to be scalded and glued to the seats.

This was a mistake, because very few people reached the bottom of the abyss, and the equipment department had no information to check. They mistakenly thought that the bottom of the abyss was a low-temperature environment, so the combat uniform also had the function of keeping warm. If you continue to wear the combat uniform at this time, you will definitely suffer from heat stroke.

But Chu Zihang was still wearing a belt, with a long knife stuck in his waist. Caesar shook his chest muscles, letting the sweat flow down in small strands from the gaps between the muscles.

Fu Nian stood there indifferently, with his chest open, but his upper body was not exposed.

There are many reasons for him not being naked, but there are three considerations most directly.

First, he really doesn't need it. As the ruler of the throne, a temperature of more than 200 is really nothing.Even if he is not the ruler of the Bronze and Fire Thrones now, he doesn't think there is any problem just relying on the high temperature resistance of the Dragon Race.

Second, he was afraid that he would make Kaiser feel inferior after being naked. Chu Zihang himself didn't care. He shared a dormitory with the other party, and he knew how strong he was in a certain aspect.

Third, he is lazy.

Chu Zihang didn't act. First of all, as an opponent, he helped Caesar take off only his underwear, which was already a limit.

Secondly... Chu Zihang looked in a certain direction in shock.

At the same time, Caesar followed Chu Zihang's gaze to look in a certain direction, where Caesar's expression was so rich that it was hard to describe, frightened, confused, shocked, and terrified.He seemed to have seen a ghost, and also seemed to see God descending before his eyes.

Fu Nian also slowly turned his gaze to that side, slowly folded his hands on his chest, raised his chin unconsciously, and looked down at the miracle unfolding the scroll in front of God.

He had already seen the existence of that place.Because...it's too obvious.

Caesar saw a tower in his eyes!

A giant tower so magnificent that it is difficult to describe it in words!

It stands on the gentle slope next to the fissure, and the tide of magma rises and falls not far from it. The dark tower body is reflected by the golden ocean, and the tower body seems to be plated with a layer of gold.

No one in the cabin spoke, at this moment all the words are so pale, the cockpit is filled with only shock, ecstasy and boredom.

It seems to have stood there for millions of years, towering like a god and lonely like a god, and everyone who sees it wants to kneel down and worship.

"That can't be human," Caesar said hoarsely.

"Impossible," said Chu Zihang, "It is impossible for human beings to build such a grand city under the deep sea of ​​8500 meters."

"Then it is... the city of dragons?" Caesar's voice trembled.

As the Trieste moved forward, following the Black Tower, a majestic city appeared at the end of the field of vision,

Stretch out the glory of the past with the attitude of the kingdom of God.

Crossing a submarine ridge, the ancient city below unfolds like a scroll,

It is centered on a high tower, adjacent to a long river of magma, and has experienced immortality for thousands of years.The Trieste swims above the ancient city, like a fish swimming through a shipwreck on the bottom of the sea.

It is not clear whether it is due to crustal movement or volcanic eruption, half of the ancient city has slipped into the magma river,

In the other half, there are only collapsed ruins. Only the giant tower in the center still stands stubbornly, like a sword inserted on the top of a mountain, like a king standing on a throne, symbolizing the city's former glory.

Even from the collapsed ruins, we can still see its original majesty, continuous buildings, iron-black tiles on the raised gable roofs, engraved cirrus clouds and dragon beasts on the tiles, hundreds of meters long metal chains hanging from the At the four corners of the thing, black wind chimes are hung on chains,
These chains undulate in the current, and thousands of black wind chimes sway, playing silent music.

From the diving team to the Yuanzhi students on the Sumeru Zuo, to Schneider and Manstein in the academy headquarters who are connected to the network along the cable.Everyone was overwhelmed by the ancient mystery and majesty of this city,

I have never seen such a magnificent architectural style in all the civilization relics in the world, but those ancient civilizations that have been destroyed, such as the ancient Roman arena, and even Atlantis, which is described by scales and half-claws, have inherited this architectural style. corners.

When the world completely turned a new page, they dug it out of the ruins of history again. Tens of thousands of years passed on it, but only time was taken away. Its architectural aesthetics are still ahead of today. Brand new.The depths contain mysterious realms that humans have never set foot on.

Chu Zihang sketched on paper, and he wanted to draw a map of the city.

During his movements, he could vaguely see the layout of the city at that time. The vertical and horizontal avenues divided the city into different districts. In the center of the ruins was a circular square like the Colosseum in ancient Rome. Starting from it, the four royal roads led to the southeast and northwest.

Caesar drove the Trieste to overlook the ancient city, trying to find a good angle, and took some samples from the building with the mechanical arm. "

The two were busy with their own affairs, Caesar came and went in the Trieste, and Chu Zihang quickly made his own sketches.

Both of them were so shocked by this magnificent scene that there were only records left, and no one noticed Fu Nian who was silently watching the scene in front of him at the moment.

Fu Nian's silence was not inspired by the magnificent city in front of him, but hidden in the ancient memories, and was inspired by the long-standing sadness.

It's a kind of boring silence, a kind of silence where everyone is drunk and the only one is sober.

To be more specific, Fu Nian's silence still had a kind of hesitation, hesitating whether to destroy the excited mood of the two of them.

Because... this is not a city of dragons at all.

Although from a general perspective, many things in this city were built by Zhaolong's city, but in terms of details, there are too many differences between them.

And... Fu Nian looked in a certain direction.

Moreover, the city seems to have started to move...

"I can understand the grandeur of the city, but why did the Dragon Clan build such a tall tower?" Caesar looked up at the huge tower that pierced the sky and the earth, in a trance.

Fu Nian glanced at Caesar, "Dragon people are used to recording wars on pillar-shaped things, standing in the open air, recording glory when victorious, and recording hatred when defeated.

Another use of the tower is execution.They are used to nailing sinners to towers to dry out. It takes hundreds of years to dry a dragon. During the hundreds of years, the criminal dragon was endlessly abused by all the clansmen. "

Caesar nodded half understanding.

The Diliest was already very close to the tower, and they could clearly see the huge tower building in front of them at close range.

"It's actually a metal tower, soaked in extremely salty seawater, without any rust. It's unbelievable." Caesar looked closely at it.

"Such a tall tower, the body of the tower is actually formed in one piece, without any seams, which is impossible with today's human technology. This may not only be the ancient city of the Dragon Clan, but may even be a royal city." Chu Zihang boldly guessed.

"Maybe this is the hometown of that embryo, and it returned here to hatch again." Caesar guessed.

"Call Sumizuo, call Sumizuo." Said Caesar and connected to Yuan Zhisheng's channel,
Caesar: "Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"We saw it, we saw it." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was also trembling.

Fu Nian curled his mouth.

"The Norma system and Huiyueji system are saving the videos and pictures you sent back. They are working hard to analyze the origin of this city.

All you have to do now is to control the camera to point in different directions. Every second of the video you take is invaluable. This is the first time we have directly observed the ancient city of Dragon Clan.

This is the first-hand information for us to study the history and culture of dragon people. Professor Schneider is writing an email to report this discovery to the principal and the school board.Take your time and take pictures.

I also ask you to look for embryos as soon as possible during this period. "

Caesar nodded, but looked around suspiciously, "It's true that the embryo should be in this ruin, but where should we find it in such a big city?"

"There is a sonar system on the Diriaster, you can use it..."

"No need." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was interrupted by Fu Nian.

Then, Fu Nian pointed with one hand,
"It goes there."

Chu Zihang and Kaiser looked in a certain direction at the same time.

Where Fu Nian pointed at was a leaning building,
It is very similar to the torii gates in front of Japanese shrines, but the torii gates are usually built with vermilion wooden pillars, with two pillars supporting beams and squares, and people who visit the shrine have to walk under the torii gates.In the eyes of the priests, the torii is actually a symbol of enchantment. Once you pass through the torii, you will enter the world of gods.

But the surface of the building is glowing with iron-black blue light, it looks like a high tower, and it is made of metal, and the torii is generally a relatively small thing, even the largest torii in Japan in Wakayama, "Kumano Hongu Taisha" The torii is only 33.9 meters.

But now the torii gate that appeared in front of Fu Nian and the others was 50 meters high.
Underneath it, probably when the submarine volcano erupted, high-temperature magma once invaded here. The road under the building was filled with black volcanic rock, and the building itself was half melted. The molten iron flowed down and condensed into jagged iron teeth.

Chu Zihang adjusted the focal length of the telescope, and the ancient pattern on the surface of the building appeared. It was a realistic carving. This kind of detailed information is undoubtedly extremely precious research information. Caesar quickly turned the camera to take a picture.

A few seconds later, the photo was transmitted to the central control room of the headquarters and displayed on the big screen.

Schneider and Manstein, as professors at the Kassel College, are people who have come into contact with many dragon antiquities, but they still feel their lack of understanding of dragons in front of such fine and ancient carvings and paintings.

Paintings, sculptures and characters are the most valuable antiquities, and they are often the most characteristic bearers of a civilization.

Two people in the central command room are quickly recording this precious information.

But in the next second, Manstein, who was sitting next to Schneider, changed drastically. "A door... a torii is a kind of door! Heck they actually saw the door underwater!"

Schneider, who was carefully watching the sculptures and paintings, suddenly shrank his pupils, and a huge fear exploded in Schneider's heart like an atomic bomb.

Yes, the torii is actually a gate, but it is a symbolic gate like the triumphal arch, not connected to the wall, but it is indeed a gate because it distinguishes the inside and the outside.

"Don't get close, don't get close! Go back! Go back!" Schneider yelled out of control. The mental imprint of 11 years ago was too deep, and he couldn't control himself at this moment.

But no one answered,

The communication channel was frighteningly quiet, Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak, Di Trieste didn't move, and even the Kaguzuki Hime system of the Japanese branch didn't respond.

"Professor, the Huiyueji system disconnected me from all connections five seconds ago. Our communication with the Japanese branch and the Ditriest was interrupted. I am trying to repair it, but the Huiyueji system did not respond." Nuo Ma's voice echoed in the central control room,
Schneider stared in amazement at the Trieste, which was slowly extinguishing in the Sea of ​​Japan on the screen.



"Have you seen the paintings on it? Why do they look like a kind of text?" Caesar looked curiously at the enlarged picture in front of him, with curiosity in his eyes.

Chu Zihang nodded, "It looks like a picture of Japanese ghosts and gods. It's unbelievable and strange. We have clearly arrived at an ancient dragon city, but these sculptures do have a strong Japanese style, and the architectural features also have a Japanese feel."

As he said that, Chu Zihang turned his gaze to Fu Nian who had been hiding behind him, "What do you think, Fu Nian?"

Fu Nian's eyes froze, he turned his attention away from a certain direction in the distance, and looked at the torii gate they were observing.

"It is indeed a kind of writing, but it is not Longwen."

Caesar looked up and looked up, "Ask Norma, Norma can analyze it and compare it with the library. Norma can use all the library data in the world to see which text it is close to, and we can know the history of this ancient city. Do the ruins have anything to do with Japan?"

"No need." Fu Nian shook his head.

"Ang?" Caesar looked up in surprise, and Chu Zihang also looked at Fu Nian in surprise.

In the next second, the surprised pupils in the pupils of the two began to shrink violently, and the lips trembling violently as they stared at Fu Nian like a syringe.

"There are only three characters written on those patterns." Fu Nian casually glanced at the writing on it,

"They call it Gao Tianyuan."

(End of this chapter)

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