I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 335 The old god is about to wake up!

Chapter 335 The old god is about to wake up!

"They call it Gao Tianyuan."

"What do the patterns mean?" Caesar emphasized again, his voice trembling slightly, and he couldn't believe his ears.

"You heard me right. The meaning of those patterns is Gaotianyuan, the place where the gods live together in Japanese mythology. The island floating in the sea and in the clouds." Fu Nian emphasized.

"Gao Tianyuan!! Fu Jun, are you sure?" Yuan Zhisheng listened to their conversation above the eight kilometers deep sea, and he was not much calmer than Caesar.

Gao Tianyuan!Gao Tianyuan, the land of the gods!That is where Japanese mythology originated.It has a great relationship with the current Sheqi Bajia.

"Fortunately, although I can't be 100% sure, but according to the similarity between them and Longwen, I'm at least 90.00% sure. I have sent the photos back to Norma, and I believe Norma will find out soon. "

Fu Nian looked at the words on the torii gate. To be honest, he was a little weird. Not only the pattern-like dragon inscriptions in front of him, but even this ruined city that fell into the deep sea was imitated and born out of the dragon clan. civilization.

It took a long time to completely wipe out the former dragon civilization, when it was about to become the most incredible miracle in the world.It happened to be a dragon king who came here.

Fu Nian's heart is very strange now.


Yuan Zhisheng: "Sorry, Mr. Fu, there is a problem with our communication with the headquarters, it may be because the sudden and violent activity of sunspots has affected the communication equipment.

Rock Flow Research Institute is now undergoing emergency repairs.However, Huiyueji can also do the work of verifying texts. Her working mode is very similar to Norma's, and she can also use library materials from all over the world. "

"Is something wrong with Norma?" Fu Nian was taken aback.The brows frown inadvertently.

"We are rushing to repair it, and I believe it will be completed soon. If Fu Jun insists, he can wait for our side to repair Norma and confirm again." Yuan Zhisheng explained again.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is the same." Fu Nian shook his head and sent the photo to Kaguya Ji.

After finishing speaking, Fu Nian turned his eyes to Kaiser and Chu Zihang, whose eyes were still immersed in the torii characters.

"We should leave after the photo is taken. We are here to find embryos, and we don't have much time left."

"?" Caesar looked up at Fu Nian in surprise. He didn't understand what this sentence meant. Their current amount of oxygen and even the energy stored in the lithium battery were always sufficient. Why did they say...

Suddenly, the wise Caesar's eyes suddenly realized something.Could it be...

He suddenly looked at the torii in front of him, but his intention was to look behind the torii, to see if the embryo was behind it,

But the torii gate was too big, and the slope of the steps was too high, and it was difficult for the Trieste to see inside.It was as if a tight iron prison was placed in front of them, and inside the cage was a young woman with high mountains and wide waters, dressed in white gauze,
You stand at the mouth of the iron cage with complicated emotions, and she is lying in the iron cage, anxious and unbearable, but the bad thing is that the key fell into the sewer of Lese.

Caesar probably felt like this now, but as a man, Caesar couldn't allow himself to say no, without the slightest hesitation, Caesar immediately steered the Trieste forward.

The Diriast passed under the huge torii gate, trying to slide into the shadows where the lava couldn't shine.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the moment the deep submersible passed the torii gate, Fu Nian inexplicably heard countless hoarse moans, as if bloody ghosts in hell were lying on the window trying to stick their tongues out at him, rubbing their saliva, roll your eyes...


Fu Nian turned his head slowly, and in the dark where the lava couldn't even shine, a pair of red golden pupils slowly opened.

The world fell silent instantly.

Even the previously wanton running water has become obedient.

The Trieste slowly passed through the torii gate, stepping into a wider field of vision.

But the sound in the cockpit became unusually quiet, and everyone's eyes passed through the observation window on the top, and stuck to the Optimus Pillar at the end.

Behind the torii gate, there is a strangely shaped building ruin, which looks like a mountain rising from the ground, and the angle of inclination seems to collapse at any time.

The Trieste was right at the angle between the opponent and the ruins.

The color of its surface is the same as that of other buildings in the ruins. It is covered by unknown blue-black shellfish. The rows are like scales growing on pangolins, but the texture of the scales is like rust, dryness, and the smell of blood and iron. full-bodied.

But when Chu Zihang pointed the long-distance camera at the building, it was clearly visible on the screen that the tiny rusts were wriggling, and thousands of small things like snails were closely gathered together, making the scalps of those who saw it numb. , This feeling is like seeing dense maggots crawling in and out of the elephant's bones.

"We seem to have found the Lenin." Caesar looked up at the big guy and opened his mouth.

"But why are there such dense shellfish here?" Chu Zihang looked ahead suspiciously.

"It's disgusting." Fu Nian also frowned. He didn't have trypophobia, but looking at the scene in front of him, he felt that if he didn't, he would have to be exposed.

"They seem to be still mating. Looks like lung snails, they are hermaphroditic, but they mate with each other to exchange genes, and then store fertilized eggs in the gill cavity to hatch." Caesar carefully looked at the camera opening, he was in the card Searle College studied the natural science courses offered by Manstein.

"They are not actually wriggling, but they are constantly opening their shells and ejecting tiny snails that have successfully hatched. This is incredible. These snails are constantly mating and giving birth to thousands of small snails every second. , their reproductive activities are astonishingly frequent!"

"Those sea creatures." Chu Zihang suddenly thought of something,
"The ecology here is the accumulation of these snails! There is such a nest of snails in the depths of the extreme abyss, and it is giving birth to small snails all the time.

Small lung snails, like small krill, rely on phosphorus ejected from volcanoes to produce protein through chemical reactions without oxygen.

And protein is the most important source of nutrition for those marine organisms. Fish schools live by eating these proteins, and large predators live by eating fish schools. This kind of weird ecological environment can only be formed in the deep sea. "

"Those sea creatures are dragon subspecies, then they are!!" Caesar's pupils dilated.

"They are too." Fu Nian nodded affirmatively.

"The snails evolved because of the embryos, and those marine organisms spread because of the snails. The ecosystem here has already been finalized, but..." Fu Nian looked at the darkness in the distance. Creepy weird.

"but what?!!"

Caesar stared at Fu Nian. From the beginning of the dive, he felt that the other party was very calm. Although the other party was usually in this mood, this calmness would be especially prominent when the two of them had frequent emotional ups and downs.

"Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat snails, and snails depend on embryos to live." Fu Nian stared at the darkness in the distance, as if he could see things they couldn't see.

"But we haven't seen the big fish yet."

"The big fish are not..." Caesar recalled the huge gray whale he had seen.

"No, the big fish that Fu Nian said is the top predator of the food chain here, and can become the top predator in the ecological chain of the dragon subspecies. Their appearance will inevitably trigger violent reactions from the surrounding creatures, and the whale swam by safely. , the group of fish is not in a hurry, it is obviously not." Chu Zihang shook his head hastily and said.

"That's it?" Caesar's eyes flickered.

Chu Zihang also looked at Fu Nian.

Fu Nian looked at the black Lenin that was obliquely inserted on the ground ahead.It was the first time he looked directly at the ruined Lenin.Like a gun suddenly placed in someone's forehead.

The Trieste trembled violently.

But the root of it is not in the Trieste, but,

The huge sloping ruins became violently shaken, and the sea water was like a sudden rainstorm on a sunny day.

The broken stones and the shells of the dead snails trembled violently with the force of the water, sank, and knocked on the shell of the Dirieste, making a dull roar like rain.

Caesar's face changed: "Undersea earthquake? Call Sumeru! Call Sumeru! Have you detected an underwater earthquake?"

"Call the Ditrieste, call the Ditrieste, no vibrations were detected on the seabed, and the Seismological Bureau did not release any news about the submarine earthquake." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"But the ruins began to shake. If it wasn't an undersea earthquake, what else could it be?"

"It's not an undersea earthquake." Fu Nian interrupted Caesar's voice with certainty.

When the two were holding the driver's seat, only Fu Nian stood firmly on the spot and watched the huge changes in front of him.

Certainly not an earthquake.

It was the dragon's embryo that felt Fu Nian's eyes tremble violently, and the lung snails with dragon blood were also deeply influenced by Fu Nian's Longwei, and they all wanted to escape in fear.

Fu Nian naturally knew what was going on, but it was impossible for him to tell Caesar and the others directly.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a few seconds: "Perhaps the embryo is aware of the approaching danger and is trying to wake up. Have you been disturbed by nerves?"

Caesar pinched his lips, "I think I'm okay, it hurts, and there should be no nerve interference. It looks normal."

"I don't know what's going on, but this is a rare opportunity. The embryo should be struggling to wake up, it cannot be allowed to wake up, seize this opportunity to kill it." Yuan Zhisheng spoke quickly,
"I just made an overseas phone call with Professor Schneider, and he also meant to do everything possible to obliterate the embryo. If it struggles to wake up this time, it will be free, and we can no longer easily hunt it down. "

"Since Professor Schneider ordered, there is no problem." Caesar also knew that this weird place should not stay for a long time.

"Chu Zihang, is the alchemy bomb ready?" Caesar roared.Lifting his spirits, the whole person's eyes were red, staring at the huge black figure in front of him, quickly manipulating the scope.

Such a big guy, it must be very painful to hit.Caesar thought secretly.

"The bomb has been activated, the safety latch is being disengaged, and it can be launched in 15 seconds."

"Fu Nian is ready to float, the air tank is ready to drain, the stabilizer is ready, the propeller system is ready, and the bomb will float up immediately after the bomb pops up!"

The shaking of the ruins became more and more severe, and the lung snails attached to the surface of the ruins were peeling off, layer by layer, as if they were shedding their skin.The city is crumbling or waking up, its raw colors and textures about to unfold.


"Caesar...take a look at the sonar screen!" Chu Zihang's voice was very strange.

Caesar turned his head, his pupils suddenly constricted.

Dense red dots appeared one after another on the sonar screen, and each red dot was pulsating.

Each red dot here represents a heartbeat, and there seem to be hundreds or even thousands of things waking up in the dark,

"Damn! What is this place? Dragon's Nest?" Caesar was stunned.




The eyes of Schneider and Manstein in the central command room of Kassel College suddenly widened.

The progress bar flashed a dazzling red light, and shot from one side of the screen to the middle in an instant.
It took nearly a month, but the progress bar that slowly rose to 30.00% doubled in an instant.

This horrible incident made the two leaders of Kassel College a little uneasy for a moment.

"What happened? What the hell happened? Norma hasn't faced Kaguya Hime yet?!!" Manstein's voice was a little hurried.

But before his voice fell to the ground, the eye-catching red on the screen refreshed again.

The eye-catching color is tightly pressed against the screen like blood, between the eyes of the two of them.

The heart rate in the room instantly accelerated to 400 beats per second, and adrenaline flowed through the blood like a gushing faucet.

The central control room was filled with manic heartbeats.

The hatching rate exceeded 90%! !
What does this mean! !

This means that the ancient dragon embryo can break through the shackles at any time.Born in the deep sea, this is a disaster for the Diliast under the deep sea! !
"It's too late...it's too late...it's about to finish hatching! No one can stop it anymore!!" Schneider shook his head, and the horrible memory of 11 years ago enveloped him again.Like fate, no matter how well prepared he was, the dragon's shadow still haunted him.

It was too late for them to escape.They want it again!
Schneider watched the hatching rate jump and rise, and the veins on the hand holding the chair were as rough as if they were going to penetrate the skin.

98%... 99%... 100%.

The world stood still at this moment.

Schneider's eyes were gray, and Manstein roared unwillingly.

The dust in the air was shaken by the sound of the dragon's blood boiling heartbeat.

at last.

next second.

The red numbers on the screen changed again.


"What's going on? How could the embryo hatching rate exceed 100%?" Manstein suddenly turned his head and stared at Schneider next to him.

Schneider's pupils were also staring at the screen in shock, and cold sweat fell down his cheeks crazily.

"If there is more than one living thing, the heartbeat signals are superimposed, and the upper limit of the hatching rate will increase. This is a flaw in the calculation method. If 100 dragons wake up at the same time, the upper limit is 10000%!

This is impossible!This is impossible!
How could there be such a terrifying number of dragons! "Schneider stared at the screen and gradually became speechless.

Embryo hatch readings have broken through 8400%.

Moreover, it is still showing an exponential upward trend.



Layers upon layers of waves rolled up on the lava river, and these viscous rock solutions flowed extremely slowly,

A wave of more than ten meters high can be shaped in the water for more than ten seconds, and then the shape of the wave collapses, and hundreds of tons of magma hit the magma river again.

As a result, the light of the lava flourished, illuminating every corner of the ruins.

As the Lenin shook violently, millions of lung snails fell off the wreckage of the Lenin, accompanied by a mucus-like black liquid.

A nearly half-century-old shipwreck was fully displayed in front of the three of them.

It was an unimaginably strange object. The Lenin was directly inserted into the city with its hull. Half of its body was inserted into the seabed and ruins, and half of its body was exposed outside.

The outside was covered by the lung snail shell before, and only a layer of black scales can be seen, but after the lung snail fell off.

The half exposed on the ground is the color of carrion, and the half is the gray-black color of steel.The gray surface is densely covered with structures similar to tendons and fascia, and they wriggled slightly. The snails used their mouthparts to bite into the body of this giant,

They are constantly wriggling in the body, constantly mating and multiplying.Shocking wounds were cracked on the surface of the carrion of the Lenin, and the remaining snails could still be seen sucking tightly deep into the wound.

"The boat is the embryo?" Caesar stared at Chu Zihang and Fu Nian with wide eyes.He always thought the embryo was in the boat, but now...

"What did it put in that year!!"

The conch shells falling like a torrential rain blocked their sight, but even if they blocked their sight, Caesar could still clearly see the Lenin slowly wriggling his own body!

"It seems that the wreck is occupied by embryos, and the embryos have transformed the steel into a part of it! Look carefully! The part that is not covered by flesh, you can see traces of blood vessels in the steel!" Chu Zihang stared at the picture on the macro camera Open your mouth.

"It's really sad."

Fu Nian suddenly laughed, staring at the shells falling from the sky, with an inexplicable sadness in his eyes.

"Using an ancient dragon as a sacrifice is really a big deal."

Kaiser and Chu Zihang suddenly looked at Fu Nian behind them.

There was doubt in the eyes of the two of them.

"What sacrifice?"

"It's dead." Fu Nian said lightly.

"When it was still an embryo, its brain was dug out. Now it will continue to grow far away, but it is just a steady stream of growth. It has been integrated with this city and has become the resurrection of this city. nourishment.

You see. "

Fu Nian pointed in a certain direction.

Kaiser and Chu Zihang watched from the observation port below, where the snails piled up, the Lenin gave birth to thick blood vessels that penetrated the seabed, and the blood flowed from the Lenin to the entire city, which seemed to be the spring that nourished this dead city.

As the vibration intensified, the seabed was cracking, and the black gaps were filled with sticky black plasma.

In terms of alchemy, both of them are only entry-level, but everyone can see that this is bloody alchemy similar to black magic sacrifices,

At this moment, this flesh-wrapped giant ship is withering, and an unknown force is sucking its blood dry.
The city is waking up,

It sucks the embryo's juice frantically.The blood vessels of the Lenin shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, the fleshy surface cracked, blood as thick as syrup fell in the sea water, and the scarlet blood streaked up and down in the water flow.

The dragon's blood flowing out of the Lenin is irrigating this ancient city, and this shaking ancient city seems to be waking up!

Their enemy is not the embryo, but this Gao Tianyuan, which has been dead for many years. The myth once told them that the gods lived here,

And now the gods of old,
About to wake up!

"What kind of things need to be sacrificed with the blood of the ancient dragon."

"They have come."

(End of this chapter)

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