Chapter 336

"They have come."

Fu Nian stretched out his hands,

At this moment, as if following the king's will, countless black shadows emerged from the screen in front of the Diliaster like fish.

It was densely packed, like locusts crossing the border, and the horrified Chu Zihang and Kaiser didn't want to talk for a whole year.

They were giant humanoid beasts approaching five meters in height. They had snake tails, and their upper bodies had steel armor-like chests. The fine scales opened and closed with each other in the flowing water, making the crisp sound of metal clashing.Sharp claws, ferocious fangs, and bony masks were clasped on their faces, with beast-like golden vertical pupils shining between their pupils.

These are hybrids that have died long ago, some are intact and healthy, some are damaged, similar to mummification but more powerful than the alchemy technique, the mysterious power seals their power in the immortal body,

Some of them have half of their heads missing, and some have pierced abdomens. They seem to be the remains left after a cruel battlefield. The ancient alchemists used these remains as raw materials.

Any one of them can give them a headache when facing Kaiser and Chu Zihang one-on-one without using heavy weapons.

But now, all around densely packed are the figures of these things.

The pair of lit golden vertical pupils are like the eyes of bats lit up in a dark cave.

The dim city ruins were instantly lit up by the stars.

But the ones that will emerge from the stars are not beauties with thin waists and long legs, but beasts with wide waists and broad bodies.

"Can our alchemy bomb really deal with so many targets???" Caesar looked at the black figures crazily approaching them.

He wondered if these guys could see the Diriaster.But he didn't dare to gamble.

"Obviously. No." Fu Nian said affirmatively.

Caesar didn't hesitate at all, and the moment Fu Nian's voice landed, he rushed towards the control panel of the Diliaster.Chu Zihang had already controlled the button of the alchemy bomb, and was aiming at the direction quickly, trying to buy a little time for their escape.

No, hurry up and run! !
Only fools will stay as a box lunch.

"Gentlemen!" Yuan Zhisheng's voice suddenly pierced through the tense air.

"Gentlemen! You cannot evacuate yet!"

"Don't evacuate and stay for these beasts to be the first to kill, I don't think the alchemy bomb you put on us is effective for them!!" Caesar roared loudly towards the communication port.But the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

"No, you have the ability to deal with them. The family has studied the solution to the corpse guard through overseas calls with Professor Schneider. At present, only nuclear explosions can completely eliminate all their targets!
You can't let them land, there are too many of them, and the whole of Tokyo will be threatened by them at that time. " Yuan Zhisheng's voice was fast.

"Nuclear explosion?" Fu Nian was taken aback suddenly.The sound first penetrated the cable and reached Yuan Zhisheng's personal channel.

Caesar's voice followed closely, "It's so easy to say! Nuclear explosion? Is this plan really formulated by the executive department instead of the equipment department? What should we do if there is a nuclear explosion?"

"You have time to evacuate. The time is limited. Listen to me, the nuclear power cabin will not explode under normal conditions. To detonate it, the neutron density must exceed the threshold value. In other words, the nuclear power cabin must be overheated. "

Yuan Zhisheng said quickly, "You activate the nuclear power cabin and make it float immediately after overheating. I will use the safety line to fish you out of the water. We can shorten the process of surfacing to half an hour. When the nuclear power cabin explodes, You are already six kilometers away from the center of the explosion, and you have a good chance of surviving in this situation..."

But at this time, no one was listening to Yuan Zhisheng's speech.

Because at the moment when he heard the nuclear explosion, Fu Nian was like a kettle that was boiled in an instant. With an aura that made Caesar and Chu Zihang unspeakable, he suddenly stepped forward. step.

The cab of the submersible is small because its large area is occupied by various machinery and equipment.

The position next to the cockpit is the fuel power compartment of the Diriast, but before coming here, no one told them that this thing is a nuclear fuel-powered submersible! !

Amidst the inexplicable expressions of the two, Fu Nian kicked open the heavy alloy door next to the cockpit, but it was not an airtight door that could be opened with brute force.

In the power cabin covered with pipes, in one corner, the black metal shell is painted with a yellow and black symbol, which is the symbol of nuclear radiation.

Although it was in the corner, the eyes of the three of them found each other's position very accurately and immediately.

Fu Nian stared at the nuclear radiation sign without saying a word, but the golden color in his pupils became deeper and deeper, as if the scorching sun had been filtered with a dark filter.

Everything is no longer desirable.

"Yuan Zhisheng."

Fu Nian's voice was very light, but the air in the cabin became very heavy, like a huge stone pressing on them.

It also fell on Yuan Zhisheng's body.

"Tell me, who put this nuclear bomb in here."

"Nuclear bomb!!" The pupils of Chu Zihang and Kaiser shrank violently.

"You don't need to deny that the α particles in this cabin seriously exceed the standard. This is not the standard that a nuclear fuel tank should have at all, it is the standard that a nuclear bomb has!!
Just because they can't smell it doesn't mean I can be fooled
You Sheqi Bajia have converted the nuclear power cabin into a nuclear bomb before departure, you know what is in the bottom of the sea, right?

You all know that the alchemy bombs from Kassel College are useless at all, right? ! "

Fu Nian's voice was so loud that he was yelling at Yuan Zhisheng at the end!He keenly smelled a hint of conspiracy from it.

A hint of conspiracy against him.

"Fu Jun, I'm sorry." The call was silent for a short time, but the silent voice was very short.He knew the time was rushing.

"Sorry for a fart!"

"I promise in the name of Yuan Zhisheng, the young master of the Bajia of Sheqi, that we will use our utmost efforts to pull you in as quickly as possible. Half an hour,"

"You Sheqi Bajia are not worthy of my trust!!"

Although Fu Nian said so.But the color in the eyes has quietly changed
He doesn't know who I am?
Action not against me?

"Fu Jun, I, Yuan Zhisheng, promise you in the name of justice that you can completely trust me now."

Xu Mizuo, eight kilometers away, has a firm gaze in Yuan Zhisheng's pupils.

"Tell me, the best commander for this operation."

Fu Nian's voice on the channel made him froze in place suddenly.

For a moment, Yuan Zhisheng only felt that the sea water in front of him was rapidly opening its mouth, trying to drag him into the dark abyss.

"Yuan Zhisheng, I choose to believe you, but you don't have much time, tell me the real planner behind it, we risk death to help you detonate the nuclear bomb. This is a deal, it's a deal between us and you Sheqi Bajia , because you have lost our trust by sending us to die!"

The air is silent.

"Yuan Zhisheng, you don't have much time,"

"It's everyone."

Yuan Zhisheng began to speak, time did not allow him to hesitate.Because every second of hesitation is accompanied by tens of thousands of corpse guards upstream.

Fu Nian understood the moment he heard it.Without the slightest hesitation, the whole person immediately ran over to the cockpit.

Yuan Zhisheng gave him what he wanted.

Of course he keeps his promises.

Nuclear bomb.

Whether it would pose a threat to him or not, he hadn't tried it, but it didn't matter now, the control of the nuclear bomb was in his hands now.

Yuan Zhisheng continued, "Do as I said, the control circuit of the nuclear power cabin can act as a detonation circuit, all you have to do is activate it, and then drop it from above! You have to take this risk and let the corpse guards It will be too late to rush out of the ground, and their speed will be much faster than deep submersibles!"

"Corpse guard!!" Caesar was startled. "Are they corpse guards?!"

Fu Nian looked at the inexplicably surprised Caesar and nodded.

"That's something in legends!" Caesar remembered the introduction to corpse guard in the textbook,
The corpses of dragons will not decompose for many years after death. The dragons use alchemy to concoct the corpses of the same kind and use them as guardians of the city.This is a taboo technique,
Until ancient Egypt, human beings tried to re-use this technology to concoct the corpses of pharaohs and nobles, trying to make them immortal, but they could only preserve the corpses, but failed to preserve the activity of nerves and muscles, so they could not create real behaviors. corpse.

"If this is a city of dragons, there must be corpse guards buried vertically in the middle of the foundation. The blood of the embryos has now revived them,

Someone must have done it on purpose!

The Lenin rushed into this ruin with the embryo to activate this ancient city! "

Caesar also understood, and looked at Chu Zihang and Fu Nian in horror.

But now Chu Zihang had disappeared from his sight.

at the same time.

Fu Nian also disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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