I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 337 Caesar's suicide note, Chu Zihang's will

Chapter 337 Caesar's suicide note, Chu Zihang's will

"Brother, you are in charge of activating the nuclear power cabin,
Caesar drove the deep submersible, we dropped the nuclear power cabin above the Lenin, and then floated up immediately! "

Fu Nian's voice was fast,
Caesar looked back at Fu Nian who had appeared in the cockpit in a daze.

According to Yuan Zhisheng's plan, the deep submersible was forcibly hoisted out of the water with a safety cable, and it only took half an hour to float up to eight kilometers, but it took them at least one and a half hours to float up according to the normal process.

When the ascent speed increases three times, the pressure change will also be three times faster. This is a huge test for the shell and pipeline valves of the deep submersible, but now they can no longer take care of this ascent speed.

Even according to Chu Zihang's calculations, even if the ascent speed is tripled now, they are still full of danger.They need a faster ascent rate.

Caesars is tuning the legendary machine to make sure all its systems are running at their best.

And Fu Nian has only one task now.

He stood in front of the screen and looked out. The locusts crossing the border were usually swarms of black corpses. From a long distance, they were ants floating in the water one by one, and the dense sound was covered by the engine of the Diliaster.

In the middle distance, they are like bees swaying in the air, and the faint roar of beasts makes their eardrums irritated.

At close range, they were as burly and ferocious as tigers and leopards, and the sound of their sharp fangs rubbing up and down filled the surrounding sounds with a bloody smell.

Fu Nian stood in front of the screen, staring at the corpse guards who were trying to be curious and gathered around the Diliaster,

Under the light golden vertical pupils, there was a suffocating pressure.

Corpse guards are different from dead waiters, they have lost their minds, and after being treated by alchemy, what remains in their bodies is only a mechanical killing instinct, just like puppets held by puppeteers on strings. desire is to manipulate their threads,
The thread is not in Fu Nian's hands.

Now he can only rely on threats from hunters to make them avoid this area intentionally.

Like hyenas dare not step into the domain of lions, but this method is limited after all, he can't release Longwei with all his strength, it will affect the two people around him.

And once the hyenas achieve scale, they will attack even if the opposite is a giant elephant.Once the Corpse Guard is formed into a legion, the instinct of the beast will make them fearless.

Chu Zihang had connected to the electronic control system of the nuclear power cabin, and he ordered the nuclear power cabin to withdraw all the cadmium rods from the reactor. Without the neutron-absorbing cadmium rods, the neutron density in the reactor rose sharply.

The circuit system immediately alarmed. This is not the normal operation mode of the nuclear power cabin, but what Chu Zihang wanted was for it to overheat.

"Caesar, password! Give me the password!" Chu Zihang said loudly.

"There is no need for a password! The password is used to enable a strong power source. Now you are brute-forcing the security protection of the nuclear power cabin. What password do you need for brute-force cracking?" Caesar yelled while controlling the Diliaster.

"Successful, I succeeded. The nuclear power cabin is heating up and can be thrown at any time." After checking carefully again, Chu Zihang set the state of the cadmium rod to locked.


Caesar pushed the output valve of the weak power source to the maximum, the lithium battery pack provided energy to the propeller with maximum power, and all the airtight compartments were discharging seawater.

The abyssal submersible was about to start to ascend, and the undercurrent on the seabed was already very chaotic. Caesar tried his best to stabilize the machine. It sprayed air in all directions to stabilize itself, and the high-speed flow of gas in the pipeline made a bagpipe-like sound.

"Nonuo, this is the first suicide note in my life, it may be deleted in half an hour," Caesar looked outside and noticed the corpse guard who was starting to float up the Diliasite group.

They are trying to swim towards them crazily one by one.

And between Caesar and the group of corpse guards, a man stood firmly there.That man stood on the top of the mountains like a great wall made of steel, making the corpse guards afraid to go forward.

"But it is likely to appear in front of you. If you unfortunately hear this recording, it is a pity that its role as a suicide note will officially come into effect. Although I really don't want to say goodbye to you in this way, it is counterproductive. I really have no way to let these beasts in front of me let go of my fat and fresh meat..."

Caesar tried to make his voice sound cheerful, he knew that Nuonuo would most likely finish listening to his suicide note with a deadpan face,
But she knew that the girl must be sad. If possible, he didn't want to write a suicide note to the girl, but he knew that without this final farewell, the girl would feel even more uncomfortable.

So, he tried to make himself look a little more relaxed and unrestrained in these last moments.

Standing in front of him, Fu Nian listened to Caesar's voice.He didn't expect that the always optimistic and confident partner would record a suicide note in the form of a communication channel at this time.Now that it has appeared, it already means that Caesar is no longer sure about his own life and death.

Did not expect, does not mean can not understand.


The corpse guards have broken through their beast instincts, and the identities of hunter and prey have changed on the verge of silence.They are swimming towards the Diriaster in groups.The lava sheen of the abyss reflected golden light on the surface of their tailed snakes.Pairs of golden pupils exude bloodthirsty beasts, ferocious.

Their dense numbers and extreme speed make the normal flow of water whirlpool.

Together with the rising undercurrent, the speed of the Diliast was imprisoned.Like an elk in a deep mire.

The speed of the Corpse Guardians was already greater than that of the upper reaches of the Diliest, and when they were just starting out, their speed was even more crushing.

"If there is no accident, I originally planned to propose to you at the end of this year. I have already formed a wedding consulting team. They said they would plan for us the most grand Western-style wedding in this century, but I think they are stupid. It’s dregs, how can one be, I want to take you around the world, and I want you to wear 99 wedding dresses that I personally selected for you. Every time we go to a new continent, we will hold the most grand and crazy wedding,
I even thought about acting like a Chinese son-in-law, if you want, I can also wear ham, eggs and various ingredients as gifts in Tang suits, although to be honest, that would be more in my opinion How stupid.But I still very much want to see the blush on your face when you are in the phoenix crown and Xia Pei. "

50 meters!
30 meters!
In the blink of an eye, the corpse guards rushed towards them like a black tide.

Chu Zihang fixed his eyes on the screen, holding the launch button of the alchemy bomb in his hand.

The corpse guards came from all directions, because before that, a large number of corpse guards had leaped over their heads.When they realized that there was food underneath, they turned around desperately.

But Chu Zihang knew that they had no way to eliminate all these guys.They only have one copy of the alchemy bomb, and it can only be aimed in one direction.

This also means that when they extinguish the fire once, the flame on the other side will still ignite their skin.

Unless they detonate the nuclear power cabin now, but that would be the end of both.

Various thoughts kept popping up in Chu Zihang's mind, he knew what he should do now,
They only have one alchemy bomb, but the Diliast is not the only one that can release the bomb.Jun Yan's words... should be able to open a gap for them.

Chu Zihang glanced regretfully at Caesar behind him, he hadn't had time to write his suicide note yet.

But regrets are regrets, but he doesn't care. Unlike Caesar, he has too many fetters in this world. He is alone, and his only mother is also taken care of.

Even if he had time to write a suicide note, he would not write it to his mother.

Thinking of the scarlet golden light emitted from Chu Zihang's eyes, it became brighter and brighter,
The sun is generally dazzling.

At the same time, amidst the sound of galloping like a dragon, pieces of black and hard scales slowly emerged from the surface of the opponent's fair skin.


Three degrees!


A pair of steady hands suddenly patted Chu Zihang's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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