I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 338 Fu Nian: Xia Mi, wait for my chapter to come.

Chapter 338 Fu Nian: Xia Mi, wait for me to come back.


"There is no need to send death."

Chu Zihang suddenly turned his head to look at the figure behind him.

Fu Nian didn't know when he had appeared from in front of him to behind him.

But this was not the reason for his surprise at all. He was surprised to find that his burst of blood... unexpectedly, was forcibly terminated.

! !
Chu Zihang looked at the familiar face in shock, on the tense cheeks was a pair of eyes as deep as the abyss.

"If you're only worried about whether the Trieste can start to disengage normally, your sacrifice is too great."

Fu Nian didn't look at Chu Zihang's eyes at this moment, he was staring intently at the group of corpse guards who were getting closer and closer.

Now they are only a few miles away from the Trieste.

two meters.


Chu Zihang's body, who was staring at Fu Nian, suddenly trembled. In his dragon blood that had not completely calmed down, an invisible thing passed through his body in an instant, like ripples trembling in water waves.

Soft, tender.

next second.

A bright blue light curtain that he was familiar with appeared on the surface of the Diliaster.The light curtain quickly spread among the corpse guards, and for a while, the indestructible and indestructible dragon scales on the corpse guard were smashed like pieces of paper by the blue light curtain like a shredder.

That's right.

Just shattered, the blue light curtain spread towards the surroundings at a steady and firm speed,

Five meters, ten meters, 15 meters

Countless black fragments swayed in the sea water.

Clean land! !
Chu Zihang looked up at Fu Nian in disbelief. At this moment, he seemed to see the traces of going all out in the other party.

According to Chu Zihang's knowledge of speech spirits from Kassel College, the dust-free land is an absolutely defensive speech spirit. All matter is excluded from the domain.

But on him, in front of the current Chu Zihang,
The Clean Land has become an absolute offensive word spirit.He gave an order to the wind in the field, so that the wind that rotates at a super high speed can resist the attack and at the same time become the most extreme attack method.

Chu Zihang stared at the dust-free land where the speed was getting slower and slower,

30 meters! !

Are you reaching your limit?

Chu Zihang looked at the small wind blades rotating at high speed on the surface mask, their speed had already reached a certain limit.

It can still reach such a terrifying range under the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters.The amazed Chu Zihang also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a little glad that Fu Nian didn't continue, and that Fu Nian's words had reached the limit, otherwise... otherwise.

Chu Zihang didn't dare to imagine what kind of existence could reach a level that is impossible for human beings without turning on the blood explosion.

Chu Zihang heard another violent explosion.Below the Diliast, an oval golden object suddenly exploded its body.

The surrounding several kilometers of seawater instantly evaporated under the high temperature, and together with the densely packed corpse guards, the fiery water vapor instantly covered the front of the screen of the Trieste with a layer of water vapor.

Immediately afterwards, white liquid spewed out from the exploded object, like a dam that opened a gate in a rainstorm, carrying billowing waves and sand rushing down.Spread out in the sea like the Milky Way.

Infect the seawater that has gathered again from below into a dead zone of mercury vapor.

The corpse guard who tried to enter it was corroded into a skeleton, and the skeleton completely dissipated into nothing as it advanced.

Under the powerful upward thrust of the alchemy bomb, the Trieste finally broke free from the undercurrent, and entered the upwelling current, swinging upward like a revived bird.


Chu Zihang breathed a sigh of relief, listening to Caesar's voice.

"If this letter is really sent out, I don't think I have any regrets. We met in a chaotic youth, and I drove you in a sports car in the rainstorm, just like a prince riding a horse. The princess roams the world,

We met well once, and today we will bid farewell well.Some things are used to forget, some people are used to nostalgia.

You may cry for me on your 20th birthday, but I hope you can still pick up this photo of me that remains in time and smile on your 50th birthday.

If you really accept this letter, then... goodbye, Nuonuo.

Always love you Cesar Gattuso,

deep in the Japan Trench. "

"Hey! Let me tell you." Caesar turned his head and stared at Fu Nian and Chu Zihang who were staring at him. "Can you stop being so bored that you eavesdrop on other people's suicide notes?"

"You put the suicide note on the public channel, why don't you let us eavesdrop?" Fu Nian's eyes widened.

Caesar rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to Fu Nian.

"Chu Zihang, did you record it?"

"When I just got out of the current, I had already finished recording." Chu Zihang said. "I put on a private channel, you can't hear it."

But Chu Zihang found that Kaiser and Fu Nian were staring at him intently, without blinking their eyes.

Chu Zihang sighed helplessly.

Click on your own recording.

"Dad, when you hear this recording, it means that I am no longer in this world, and there is no need to investigate the cause of my death, because there will be no results.

The choice has always been borne by myself. No one forced me to do anything. The college is very good, the classmates are all excellent, and my father is very gentle, but I still ask my father to take good care of my mother. Before going to work, I asked my aunt to prepare a glass of milk for my mother.
Don't tell mom about me, I don't want her to be too upset.I know that my mother has an agreement with you not to have a child for me, but it should not be a problem at your age, and having a child will make both her and you happier.Thank you for taking care of me all these years, I know you are proud of me. "

"Your suicide note was actually left to your stepfather instead of your mother?" Caesar said.

"Actually, there is nothing I want to tell my mother. She has no blood, so she won't understand what we have done. Saying something provocative will only make her feel sad repeatedly." Chu Zihang shook his head.

"My stepfather is a very rational person. He will try to persuade my mother to have another child. Then they will not be lonely."

Caesar glanced at Chu Zihang.Then silently turned his head to look at Fu Nian on the other side.

Chu Zihang also looked up at Fu Nian.

At the same time, Chu Zihang also silently handed the things in his hands to Fu Nian.

Fu Nian didn't reach out to take it.

Shake his head.

"I do not need."

"I know you Chinese think it's unlucky to leave a suicide note,
But you can also see the current situation, we have just been lucky enough to break free from the group of corpse guards, but that is only a small aftermath, the real crisis is behind,
The scope of the explosion of the nuclear power cabin, and whether the speed at which Xumizuo pulls us up can get rid of the aftermath of the explosion, and even whether our cockpit can withstand the huge ocean water pressure at this speed is unknown..." Caesar Talk about the difficulties in front of them little by little.

Any of these points is a major crisis that can directly cause them to die without a place to bury them.

Looking at Caesar with sincere eyes at this moment, and looking at Chu Zihang beside him who also nodded silently.

Fu Nian slowly reached out and took the long black object in Chu Zihang's hand, and put it near his mouth.


Fu Nian's voice was low and firm.

"Wait for my return."

 Thank you [Suit or White Shirt] for your 5000 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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