I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 339 "It's your turn, my girl."

Chapter 339 "It's your turn, my girl."


Xia Mi quietly looked at the two figures coming out of the darkness.

One of them stepped on the black stone protruding from the cliff with one foot, wearing a pure black tights, and a red sword in his left hand. It is called "Budu Yuhun", and it is a giant straight sword with a length of two meters. In the woman's right hand is a long sword of molten gold, with a blade as long as ten fists.

The woman's stilted ponytail was tightly stretched, and her slender thighs slowly took an extremely slim offensive posture.

There was no disguise on the whole body of the woman, and there was a pointed chin on her fair cheeks.On the pointed chin is a pair of vertical golden red pupils.

But when she saw Xia Mi's familiar face opposite her,

The woman was obviously taken aback for a moment, but only for a moment.His expression became glamorous again.

Next to the woman is a tall figure wrapped in a mask. The whole body of the woman is covered with dirty white silk like a shroud, from the waist to the chest, from the chest to the arms, from the arms to the fingers, except for the face. The silver-white mask on his body was tightly wrapped under his burly body.

His face was covered with a silver mask, with lava-colored golden light erupting from the eye and mouth openings of the mask.He held a long knife in his hand, and crooked ancient characters were engraved on the white sheath of the long knife.

The ancient word village rain.

Demon sword village rain.

Xia Mi looked at the man standing in front of her in surprise, she really did not expect to meet him here.

"Actually chased here."

The man was silent and did not speak, but the cold air in his eyes revealed an unconcealable murderous aura.

Looking at the other party's state, Xia Mi curled his lips, "It's fine if you're here, I'll accept the knife that brother gave back then."

Saying that, Xia Mi's body slowly took a step back, and his arms slowly stretched backwards,

The sea breeze blows from the facing cliff.

At the same time, iron-blue scales slowly began to grow from under her body, and the tips of the exposed scales shone bright obsidian black in the distant light,

They grow in the wind, so sharp that they seem to be able to cut the air, the sound of the wind flowing over the black cliffs on the top of the mountain suddenly becomes crisp and sharp.It's like a harmonica played by a blind girl sitting on the beach, or a wind chime swaying slowly through the treetops when the wind blows through it.

This short scene only happened in the blink of an eye, and when Xia Mi's rear feet just landed on the ground, the masked man and the enchanting woman in front of her suddenly noticed this change.

Without the slightest word, or even the slightest hint, the two immediately attacked forward.They won't allow this to happen.

The surrounding air flow suddenly became blurred, like a piece of stretched dough, and the time was extended in this instant.

The speed of the enchanting woman slowed down extremely at this time, like a sloth yawning, from the beginning to the end, from lifting her feet to landing, the God of Time forgot this forbidden land at this moment.

But the strange thing is that the forbidden land does not seem to restrain the man's movements, the speed of the masked man is still fast, like lightning flashing across the dark clouds, and the light of the knife hidden under the dawn wants to cut the darkness in half.

What's even more weird is that the forbidden land didn't restrain the woman's movements. The black scales on Xia Mi's body began to grow rapidly, and those scales pierced the skin and tore the military trousers on her body into pieces. Black sharp claws pierced through the military boots, replacing the slender white toes before.

The dense dragon scales grow densely like toppled dominoes, and the bone spurs at the joints begin to grow wildly,
The pale gold golden pupils suddenly narrowed, like two little snakes suddenly ejected, the dim facial features were illuminated at this moment with distinct light and darkness, and every changing line was permeated with the coldness and ferocity of the beast before hunting. .

The surrounding air instantly smashed down, like a giant cauldron smashed down hard.

The masked man who was advancing at a very high speed softened his knees and his forward speed stagnated, but relying on his strong blood to support him, he was not knocked to the ground by the crashing dragon power.

The masked man blocking Longwei only felt that a huge black wall suddenly appeared in front of him. Xia Mi, who was only about 1.7 meters tall after the dragon transformation state, was not enough to see at all before his height of 1.9 meters. , but the man still felt a wall appeared in front of him.

A square wall from top to bottom, front to back, this feeling is like all the surrounding air is against him, at this moment, he even has no room to resist,

The body was blasted away like a cannonball, what an extreme speed it was when it came, and how embarrassing it is now,

Xia Mi's figure appeared in front of the masked man, his body was in a collision posture, his left hand wrapped his right fist, and his right elbow was in a vigorous posture.

Under the bright and dark lights of the cannon fire, one could faintly see the opponent's scarlet viscous liquid slowly dripping from the tip of the bone from the protrusion of the elbow joint.

Xia Mi stood up straight and watched the time return to normal.Looking at the masked man half kneeling on the black cliff,
The huge force caused the opponent to leave a huge gully on the hard rock.

Drops of scarlet liquid flowed down the opponent's chest, and a fist-sized deep hole pierced from the chest to the back.

Although the injury was serious, the opponent's pupils became brighter and brighter.

"Why?!" The man's voice was low and mechanical.It's like two magnets rubbing up and down, but it's not magnetic at all.

"Did you think that brother really couldn't dodge your attack?" Xia Mi stared at the other party's mouth upwards.

The masked man recalled the man he met in BJ's rainy night. At the beginning, he not only crushed the opponent in terms of speed, but also easily smashed the opponent's defense, which once made him give up this suspicious target.

The result has created a series of consequences now.

But could the opponent really avoid his extremely fast attack back then? The masked man recalled the scene at that time, and after a long time, he raised his head and looked at Xia Mi.

"Can you avoid it?" The voice was full of doubts.

"Of course I can't escape."

Xia Mi giggled, covered his mouth and laughed, and with every move, the scales on his body and armor made the sound of gold and iron clashing in the surrounding air.

The masked man with double pupils has become more and more dangerous.

"But you can't break through brother's defense. So brother doesn't need to hide from your word breaking spirit at all."

Xia Mi looked at the elements flowing in the air with contempt.

Fingertips staggered slightly.

The elements gathered around were flying all over the sky like shredded paper, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I don't know who the enemy is, but he is not a competent opponent."

Xia Mi's body suddenly leaned back, and a huge weapon quietly appeared at the position where Xia Mi's neck was before.

It was followed by another long knife that was not at all slender than the previous one.Piercing Xia Mi's waist, Xia Mi supported the ground with one hand, and his body suddenly stood upside down from the original spot. Using force with his fingertips, his body rose up with the momentum, and his whole body was as light as a butterfly dancing on the tip of a knife.

In a sudden moment, the sharp blade of the butterfly fingertips suddenly ejected, a flying and rotating blade, spinning like a ballet,

The enchanting woman quickly waved the two weapons in her hands, and dense sparks were released towards the surroundings.

With just a moment of contact, the enchanting woman gradually couldn't resist Xia Mi's increasingly intense attack.

At this time, a long knife suddenly inserted into the battlefield.

Time slowed down in the long and narrow path of the knife, and the long knife appeared under Xia Mi's neck in an instant at an extreme speed that even lightning could not touch.

A fierce light flashed across Xia Mi's pupils.

The speed of the long knife began to slow down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A crisp voice suddenly pierced the air, and the voice was as crisp as that of a young boy.The voice is immature, but it does not mean that the strength is immature.

The surrounding air that had just appeared to dissipate suddenly condensed.

The long knife became extreme again at this moment.

Even with the two enchanting knives that the enchanting woman swung out at the same moment.

A hint of surprise flashed across Xia Mi's eyes.The body flexibly jumps backwards.

The childish voice stared at Xia Mi's voice and laughed.

"It's your turn, my girl."

The childish voice sounded again, with a smile that didn't match the voice.

(End of this chapter)

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