I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 340 Caesar: Farewell.

Chapter 340 Caesar: Farewell.


"The Dilyast has reached the sky above the wreckage of the Lenin and is about to drop the nuclear power module. The neutron density exceeds 120% of the safety threshold. It is expected that the nuclear power module will explode in 20 minutes, and the explosion equivalent is initially estimated at 100 million tons. "Caesar's voice filled the channel.

"Agreed to throw the nuclear power cabin. Xumizuo is ready to recover the Ditrieste." Yuan Zhisheng responded immediately.

The crow and Yasha behind Yuan Zhisheng looked at each other.

They all know how high the chances of survival of the Trieste are, although they don't know what consensus the young master and Fu Nian reached before,
But they knew that Hui Yueji had conducted many simulation tests for this operation, and without exception, among the displayed results, their highest chance of surviving was less than 1%.This is almost a dead end.

After the nuclear power cabin has been modified, the explosion power is far greater than the megaton level that Yuan Zhisheng said. With its current nuclear explosion power, it can indeed set off a tsunami, because only things with this power can completely destroy the ruins of the buried god.

Even if Caesar and the others were lucky enough to escape the shock wave of the nuclear explosion, they could hardly escape the surviving corpse guards. The power of the nuclear explosion in the sea may not be able to solve all the corpse guards.

"Liberate the nuclear power cabin! Return immediately!"

Caesar immediately opened the hook that hung the nuclear power cabin.

"Wait!" Chu Zihang suddenly shouted.

But it was too late, the yellow nuclear power cabin sank slowly.

Once the hook is opened, it will be separated from the Ditrieste. With the weight of the nuclear power cabin, it is almost impossible for the Ditrieste to rehook it.

The detached nuclear power cabin began to flicker, and the countdown to the nuclear explosion officially began.

The bright red light is as hazy as a night pearl in the dark sea water. It attracts everyone's attention, making people want to watch from a distance but not reach out to touch it.

"What happened?" Caesar stared at Chu Zihang.There are endless doubts hidden in the eyes.

Even Fu Nian looked at the nuclear power cabin that was falling tightly.

It took Xumizuo to pull them up for half an hour, and the estimated explosion time of the nuclear power cabin was 10 minutes, that is, when the nuclear powerhouse exploded, they would be pulled by Xumizuo for two-thirds of the distance.

During this process, they will face various dangers, the most important of which is the pressure on their cockpit when they ascend at an extreme speed.

As we all know, every time a submarine dives 10 meters, the pressure of one atmosphere will increase accordingly, and when the submarine is 500 meters underwater, its shell will bear about 50 atmospheres of pressure per square meter, which is equivalent to 500 atmospheres per square meter. The area has to bear the weight of [-] tons.

Maybe the weight of 500 tons is not very specific, so if we convert the image again,
500 atmospheres is about the weight of Mount Tai. (The main peak of Mount Tai is 1450 meters high. If the density of rock is three times that of water, it needs to bear the pressure of more than 400 atmospheres from the mountain when it is pressed under the mountain.)
And now they are at a depth of 8500 meters underwater, that is, their Trieste is bearing the weight of many Mount Tai.This is almost already the limit of the Diriast.

But it took them half an hour to get here, and if they ascended at three times the speed, they would experience three times the water pressure.

That means the number of Mount Tai tripled.That would damage the hull of the Trieste.Then they will not die under the erosion of the nuclear explosion, but will also die under the rough ravages of water pressure. It will repeatedly ravage them like paper scraps into paper balls, paper balls into paper pieces, paper pieces ravaged Into... paper scraps.

However, this problem has been solved when Fu Nian appeared on the Diliaster, and it is no longer a problem.

He understands.

So this question was the first to be eliminated among Fu Nian's questions.

Another point of life-and-death threat is the scope of the nuclear explosion. Although Fu Nian can smell the α in it exceeding the standard, he is not a chemical test paper, and a lick can reveal the content of the ingredients.He wasn't sure what level the other party's content was at.

But now they have allowed the Diliaster to ascend for 10 to [-] minutes, even if the nuclear power cabin of the Diliasta is really a super-sized nuclear bomb.

He was also sure that Kaiser and Chu Zihang would be safe within the ascent distance of 10 minutes.Although nuclear explosions may trigger a series of secondary disasters such as tsunamis,
But under the position he was in at the time, they were all minor problems.Not considered a threat.


He understands.

As for the last question, it is actually the smallest question compared with the first two, but it is also the most troublesome question.

That's this damn group of corpse guards.

The nuclear power cabin gave them enough time to ascend for 10 minutes, and at the same time gave these floating corpses enough time to stay for 10 minutes.

Although there is a high probability that they will be smashed to pieces in a large area in the next nuclear explosion, within 10 minutes, they will become the most fatal element in their cockpit that cannot be ignored.And most importantly, their speed is far greater than the speed of the Diliasite's ascent
These mechanical puppets that Fu Nian might not have looked at in normal times have now become the root of his hesitation.

If he does, they will die.

However, Kaiser and Chu Zihang would naturally notice that he was different.

If he doesn't do it, they will bite.

So he's kind of annoying.

Is it really necessary to spend some money on them?
But that's money!

Fu Nian: (.︿.)

"What happened?!" Caesar stared at Chu Zihang.

The voice interrupted Fu Nian's thoughts.

Fu Nian quietly looked at the nuclear power cabin that was rushing towards the ruins against the light.

The nuclear explosion is about to start, isn't it?

"Before you liberated the nuclear power cabin, the neutron density suddenly soared, and the nuclear power cabin entered an extremely crazy state! At this speed, the time is not even 10 minutes!!" Chu Zihang's eyes were fixed on the still The fallen nuclear power cabin.

The moment the sound fell.

Fu Nian and Kaiser looked at the timer in the nuclear power cabin that was dripping with blood.

Suddenly, the numbers that were slowly falling suddenly plummeted.The pupils of the three constricted and trembled like pinholes.

The three of them gasped.

Caesar suddenly grabbed the phone line and roared:

"Yuan Zhisheng, are you fucking trying to kill us!!"

"What happened? What the hell happened?!" Yuan Zhisheng also yelled.


The timer was still counting down, but luckily, it seemed to hold steady.

Yuan Zhisheng stared blankly at the numbers on the screen, and the determination in his eyes was instantly disintegrated by panic, which is an extremely rare emotion in Congtou.

Why does the timing time of the nuclear power cabin decrease so rapidly?
He has no idea why this is happening!He really has no idea why this is happening! !
The nuclear power cabin was arranged by the Yanliu Institute at the request of the parents, and he just accepted the notice from the parents before leaving.

commanded him to cast them down the abyss,

He pushed down.

But he's also trying to pull them up hard.


but!Why is this so! !

5 minute countdown, it will kill them, they don't have time to get out of the range of the nuclear explosion! !
"Shio Miyamoto! Shio Miyamoto!!"

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Shio Miyamoto who was also staring blankly at the screen with red eyes.

He also had no idea why this was happening! !
The nuclear power cabin was modified by their rock flow research institute, but they only increased the fuel volume of the nuclear power cabin.

They have no reason to fiddle with the timer!

"The person in charge! The person in charge!! Analyze immediately! What's wrong with the nuclear power cabin." Shio Miyamoto also roared.

The elaborate design of Sheqi Bajia has been carried out so far that everything is perfect,

In 20 minutes, the burial place will be destroyed in the high temperature and shock wave of the nuclear explosion,

At this moment, the carefully modified nuclear power cabin of the Yanliu Research Institute unexpectedly broke down.

Although this glitch would have made their plans more flawless.

Two 10 minutes only takes 5 minutes.

5 minutes yeah! !

"The analysis results have come out, the detonation circuit is malfunctioning!" Miyamoto Shio quickly said in the secret channel of Snake Bajia.

"Originally, we modified the control circuit designed by the Equipment Department and added a detonation circuit. But we just analyzed the current records of the detonation circuit and found that there are actually two detonation circuits. One of them is the detonation route that needs to be activated at the most urgent moment. It put the nuclear power pod into a state of extreme detonation. They activated the detonation circuit.

After the sinking we had Caesar activate the self-test system on the Trieste, but we couldn't tell him about the detonation circuit, so the detonation circuit did not self-test.So they now mistakenly open the emergency detonation circuit. "

"Then they have no hope?" Yuan Zhisheng's face turned pale.He didn't dare to imagine how far they could rise in 5 minutes. Even the unenhanced nuclear power cabin at that distance would not allow them to escape the explosion range.

He couldn't believe the result.A small omission, just a small omission, a huge crisis has been caused, and there is almost no chance of reversal.

"No, it is still possible to detonate. But you must...you must manually enter the password. After entering the password, you can fool the current control circuit, and they can force it to enter the normal time state again."

"But we are at a depth of 8600 meters under the sea! How is it possible to manually enter the password?"

Caesar roared at Yuan Zhisheng.What difference does it make for them to die for this reason.

"No, you have a chance, there is a Zeppelin suit for underwater walking on the Trieste,

Although it can't last for a long time, it is enough for them to dive to enter the password.

As long as you open the metal plate at the bottom of the nuclear power compartment, you will see the code pad. "Shio Miyamoto took Yuan Zhisheng's channel and spoke.

"TMD! Your Japanese branch is really fucking crazy! You are a bunch of fucking sons of a bitch!" Caesar yelled into the phone.

His face was gloomy and ugly.

Enter the password manually when you go out.They actually can speak out!
Caesar stared at the corpse guards gathered towards the Diliaster like hyenas outside. Their bodies were glowing like metal, and their pupils were ferocious golden.

Because of the long sleep, some of them couldn't get up, and they crawled densely on the seabed, twisting their slender lower bodies one by one.But after being nourished by the dragon blood, the body immediately recovered the strength of the ancient times. They sprang up suddenly while lying on their stomachs, swinging their long tails and floating upwards rapidly.
It's a shame that they used alchemy bombs to clean up the group of corpse guards at the bottom.The remaining mercury vapor has not completely disappeared, forming a defensive belt to block the corpse guards that have already swam.

Caesar stood up angrily, took off the earphones and threw them to Chu Zihang:
"I don't want to talk to that madman anymore, you keep in touch with him.

The password is set by me, and only I can manually open the password.After I go out, you immediately ask those bastards to take back the safety cables. "

"No! You don't want to live anymore!" Fu Nian immediately rejected Caesar.

Caesar glared at Fu Nian, "I don't believe in those damn Japanese at all now, in case I connect a new circuit, it only has ten minutes, our time now is especially precious, I will wait for the timer Enter the password again when there is 1 minute left on the device. In this way, even if there is another accident, you will have enough time to escape."

"Tell me the password, and I'll go down." Fu Nian's eyes could not refuse.

Caesar suddenly smiled.Laughing very happy and very cunning.

"I forgot to tell you guys. Do you still remember that I asked Chu Zihang to avoid entering the password and directly brute force the power cabin. That's because I forgot the password. Damn it!" Caesar punched the back seat of the cockpit, He shouldn't have been drinking on the night before departure. He silently remembered that he had entered Nuonuo's birthday, but it was wrong.

Fu Nian frowned, he was keenly aware that what Caesar said was true.

"Now I'm the only one who can guess."

Chu Zihang, "Caesar..."

Caesar waved his hand.

"Now I'm the team leader. You two are here to cooperate with me. Don't act on your own. Do as I say. If I don't remember, our ending will be the same. It seems that it is still useful to record the suicide note in advance." Caesar wry smile.

"Let me go, you are the team leader. I have studied nuclear engineering physics, and there is a chance to modify the circuit when they avoid password input." Chu Zihang was about to take off his seat belt.

Caesar pressed his shoulders hard, pushed him back into the seat, expressionless:
"Don't think I'm doing this because I'm willing to sacrifice myself for both of you, I'm a man with a fiancée, and my life is worth more than yours!!
I just don't want a situation where one of you two dies in this sea and I survive, then I don't know how to tell people about my life, it's too shameful, so shameful that I can Killed himself for this. "

Caesar turned his head and gave Chu Zihang a condescending look.At a depth of 8600 meters in the deep sea, in Caesar's sea-blue pupils, Chu Zihang seemed to see the dazzling sunlight.

Chu Zihang punched the dashboard, he knew that he couldn't persuade the man in front of him, he was as proud as a lion.No one is allowed to desecrate his pride!

"The equipment for deep-sea walking can only last for 5 minutes at most. At the beginning, I will lower the submersible a little." Chu Zihang lowered his head, his voice was low and hoarse.

"Enough time. It's only 5 minutes too, isn't it.".Caesar came to the Zeppelin suit.

Under the ultra-high pressure of the deep sea, the Zeppelin suit that can be used in this environment is not human-shaped like ordinary diving suits.
It is a nearly spherical metal device, which is designed to withstand compression to the maximum extent possible.Although aviation-grade titanium-magnesium alloy has been used, the thickness of the outer wall is more than 5 cm.

But it still can't last for a long time. The spherical cabin is filled with high-pressure saline, and only the mask has gas. People who walk in the deep sea don't use their own limbs but the metal prosthetics on the equipment.

Caesar recalled in his mind the operation process that he had only seen once, damn it, who the hell would have thought that they would actually use this kind of thing.

Caesar burrowed into it from the ground.The high-pressure saline was injected, and the lights in the helmet turned on. Caesar firmly held the operating handle of the metal prosthesis, turned his head and looked at Chu Zihang who opened his mouth outside,
"Chu Zihang, try the communication equipment."

"Everything is normal, I can hear it clearly." Chu Zihang said in a low voice.

"Me too." Caesar suddenly laughed.

"Farewell, my friend."

Chu Zihang stared blankly at Caesar who was smiling inside, his lips twitched,

The moment the pressurized nozzle ejected the Zeppelin suit, Chu Zihang saw Caesar in the suit put his hand into the spherical helmet and gave him a thumbs up.

Caesar descended slowly in the sea water, and from time to time, a dead body guard passed him by.

Looking at the figure of Caesar going away.Chu Zihang suddenly felt that the cockpit was unusually quiet.

Quiet as if only by myself.

The moment Chu Zihang raised his head suddenly, he looked at the empty cockpit space.

What about Fu Nian! !

Chu Zihang stood up abruptly.



Caesar looked strangely at the corpse guards passing by him one by one,
He is very strange now, a very inexplicable strangeness, when he walked out of the hatch, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

The Corpse Guard, who was rushing towards the Trieste a second ago, turned his head in an instant, as if the river that was rushing down suddenly rose.Inexplicably, it suddenly rose.

It was as if a greed that made them go crazy suddenly appeared right behind him.

Caesar didn't know what was attracting them behind him, and it was impossible for him to know now.

But he knew that there were a large number of corpse guards floating up on the opposite side, and at that speed, it seemed that there was something terrifying in the ruins below.

Are they fleeing desperately?

Caesar looked bewildered.

The corpse guards have lost their minds, but they still retain a beast-like intuition. The corpse guards underground seem to have a premonition of the coming of destruction, and they are desperately escaping from this desperate situation.

Caesar also couldn't figure out how the corpse guards had a premonition that Gao Tianyuan would be destroyed by a nuclear explosion. Predicting a nuclear explosion obviously shouldn't be something the corpse guards could do.

But this is not what Caesar should consider at the moment, he swims fast, he wants them to buy enough time.

The Trieste hovered directly above him, and the rope at his waist connected Caesar to the Trieste,
The Trieste is connected to the Xumizuo by a safety cable, and the Xumima is fixed on the seabed by an anchor chain, which looks like a blood relationship layer by layer.This blood relationship is related to their life and death.

But he knew that this contact was only temporary, and now he was on the seabed where the nuclear power cabin was located, less than ten meters away from the distant nuclear power cabin.But there are piles of snails everywhere.They also fell in large areas from the vibrating Lenin, falling like rain.It made his head buzz.

But he doesn't care about these things now. Now is the time for his next big task. He has to climb to the front of the nuclear power cabin, enter the password, and modify the circuit connection.Help them escape.

But before that, there was one thing he needed to do in advance.

He pulled out the diving knife at his waist, turned around and was about to cut at the rope at his waist.

But at the moment when you are about to start.

The diving knife in his hand shattered silently.

Caesar stared in astonishment at only the handle of the knife, with a rich expression like an emoji.

Looking at the cracked dagger inexplicably, I didn't hear that the blade of the dagger could not withstand the water pressure, but the handle of the dagger could still withstand it.

Caesar raised his head stiffly, and a drop of black blood-like liquid appeared in his peripheral vision.

The liquid was only the size of a drop of red bean, and it quietly suspended above the Diliaster.Like a blue-black night pearl.

Caesar stared at the picture in the distance, his narrowed pupils became even narrower,
Pupil violent earthquake.

(End of this chapter)

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