I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 341 Today, Gao Tianyuan is about to explode, and we must leave safely!

Chapter 341 Today, Gao Tianyuan is about to explode, and we must leave safely!


At the end of the light, the Trieste was surrounded by a city wall surrounded by countless corpse guards.

They scrambled to get closer to the top of the Diliaster.

For this reason, they do not hesitate to use their sharp minions to grab the mutilated body of their companions, and they do not hesitate to use their teeth to bite the neck of the companion in front of them.

For a moment, the water around the Diliast, which was hovering in the water, became extremely chaotic.

Countless pieces of broken dragon scales were swallowed by the corpse guard who came up from behind like food residues, and before they were completely swallowed, it also became food for the corpse guard behind him.They desperately wanted to bite forward, as if there was a fatal attraction ahead.

Caesar stared at the drop of blood floating above the cockpit of the Dilieste, even though it was as small as the difference between an ant and an elephant in front of the corpse guard with an average height of five meters.But Caesar's eyes can always unconsciously fall on the drop of blood.

"That's..." Caesar stared blankly at the blood drop, but what he didn't know was that the corner of his mouth was already drool.

Suddenly, a clear tearing sound suddenly penetrated Caesar's eardrums, and he instantly woke up.His eyes fell on the figure in front of the blood drop above the Diliaster.

On that familiar figure.

The figure was frantically waving the long knife in his hand, the dense light of the knife flashed in the sea water non-stop, the two long knives were waving crazily like a meat grinder, surrounded by desperate and almost crazy corpse guards crowded forward, one Then one came forward.

One after the other crumbled to pieces.

The waving of the man's hands seems to have begun to affect the direction of the current, and the force generated by the current encourages Fu Nian's hair to fall back.The dazzling pupil light rendered the sea water into a piece of gold.

Caesar stared blankly at Fu Nian, who was standing above the Diriaster, and stared at the powerful figure of the other party who was killing all directions.

Sweat dripped from between his brows in fright.

Chu Zihang also stared at Fu Nian's figure in horror.The pupils constricted.

Unlike Caesar, who was wearing a Zeppelin suit, Fu Nian was only wearing a diving suit, and his upper body was half exposed for diving. Under the pressure of the horror of the deep sea, this was a near-suicidal act.

But fortunately, so far, Fu Nian in the eyes of the two of them is not dead, not only not dead, but also extremely fierce and sturdy.

Chu Zihang stared at the clearly visible black dragon scales on Fu Nian's body, and stared at the golden pupils of Fu Nian, who were almost blindingly blinding.

Gritting his teeth, he suddenly pulled away another Zeppelin suit in the cockpit.


"I know I'm handsome now, but that's not why you keep staring at me now!"

Fu Nian glanced at Caesar who was staring at him blankly under the water from the corner of his eye.

"You don't want to die!!" Caesar roared wildly towards the glass cover in front of him. He didn't know if the other party could hear it, but he couldn't care less now. "Even if you are in the state of bursting blood, the dust-free land can't support it!! You will die!!"

"If I were you, I would immediately turn around and climb to the nuclear power cabin to enter the password to buy time for my teammates, instead of roaring at the sea incompetently."

Fu Nian's voice came to Caesar's ears clearly, and there was at least a hundred meters between them, which was almost impossible in an environment full of seawater.

If Caesar was in a normal state, he would definitely question this matter, but now he is not in a normal state at all.Anger filled his brain, and his red pupils were bloodshot.

"The deal is between me and Yuan Zhisheng. I have no reason for you to make sacrifices for this matter," Fu Nian slammed the handle of the knife on the head of the corpse guard who was trying to pounce on him.With a flash of another knife, the corpse was split into two halves and was swallowed by the companion behind him.

“There has never been such a thing before, and it is impossible to have such a thing in the future.

I'm not leaving, and neither is the Trieste.I am waiting for you here, waiting for you to enter the correct password for us, and we will leave together.As for the issue of corpse guarding... leave it to me.

Today, Gao Tianyuan is going to be bombed, and we have to leave safely! "

Fu Nian stared at Caesar intently.

"You're a fucking lunatic too!! You guys will end up with me sooner or later." Caesar took a hard look at Fu Nian at this moment, and turned around without hesitation.

Fu Nian looked at Caesar's back below.The corners of the mouth slowly rise.

"Don't worry! Anyone can die today, but you can't.

As I said, even when the gods come, it doesn’t work. "


Caesar is now trying his best to crawl towards the nuclear power cabin.

In the light of Gasley and magma, the nuclear power module and the Lenin are very clear. The long and narrow nuclear power module landed in the snail pile not far from the Lenin, and millions of snails wriggled nearby. .

Caesar was swaying in the conch pile, these tiny creatures were constantly falling off the Lenin, hitting the Zeppelin suit with a dull sound.Caesar tried his best to manipulate his clumsy prosthetic limbs to regain his standing posture, trudging through the conch heaps, and approaching the nuclear power cabin step by step.

The sea current here is too chaotic, there is a stream of knives waving above it, and a stream of corpse guards rampant beside it.There are also wriggling lung snails below.

"You fucking bastards!!" Caesar roared angrily in the hood.Roaring and struggling to crawl forward.

He didn't dare to let go of the lead pendant on the Zeppelin suit, so he could only stick to the seabed like this, somewhere between walking and crawling.

Above the head, there are corpse guards' stumps constantly falling, but underneath are more corpse guards rushing upwards, all of them are attracted by a drop of blood flowing above, frantically like a herd of hungry beasts. (Sorry, they're the pack of beasts.)
Too many corpse guards have been revived, thousands or tens of thousands?Caesar couldn't count it. Countless walking corpses were buried underground in this plateau in its heyday. These hybrid races with human bodies and snake tails seem to have directly inherited the civilization of the Dragon Clan, and they are completely unlike humans.

The Zeppelin suit was already overloaded, the pressure exceeded the standard, the output exceeded the standard, and the lights in the helmet kept flickering.They did not expect that the seabed environment at such a depth would be so harsh, and the equipment that was so bad that it could last for 5 minutes did not last half of the time.

If it weren't for the ultra-high pressure salt water protection in the suit, Caesar would have suffered internal bleeding, but the ultra-high pressure salt water also made his eyes congested and it was difficult to breathe.All he could see was the nuclear power cabin less than ten meters away, but he gradually wondered whether he could do it if he wanted to climb ten meters through the waist-deep snail pile.

The vision is becoming more and more blurred, and the impact of high pressure on vision is the most obvious. The target in the vision begins to appear double, and the brain suffers from severe pain. There is a possibility of being swallowed.

Caesar slowly closed his eyes, and he released the "Weasel". Few people knew that his hearing was not an aid, and it was even more effective than vision.In this environment, he needs such ability.

The weasels circled and danced in the sea water, and Caesar was pleasantly surprised to find that the domain had expanded to an unprecedented level. Sea water is an excellent sound conductor, and the loss of sound wave transmission is smaller than that in the air. The sound of heartbeats, the sound of ruins cracking, the sound of wriggling lung snails...,
There seemed to be an ancient silent bell.

The picture he saw before appeared in Caesar's mind. Thousands of black bells were hung on the collapsed ancient buildings.In the era when Gao Tianyuan stood on the ground, when the wind blows, the whole city will be drowned by the sound of bells

But in seawater, the sound of the bell is ultra-low frequency beyond the hearing range of normal people. If the weasel is not released, Caesar will not be able to hear this magical music.

The heavy and ancient ultra-low frequency sound shuttled through the ruins with the current, and Caesar gradually immersed himself in the ancient music.
Gradually, he imagined Gao Tianyuan standing on the ground in his mind.Thousands of bells turned one after another in the wind, and the sound waves rose and fell in the city, reciprocating like tides.

He had never "heard" such a vast city.

"Caesar! Call Caesar! Caesar answer!!"

Chu Zihang stared at Caesar who was curled up in the screen, and roared madly at the walkie-talkie.

He stood in front of the screen in the cockpit wearing a Zeppelin suit, looking at Caesar who was lying motionless in front of the nuclear power cabin on the sea, and Fu Nian who was like a perpetual motion machine above him who didn't know how tired he was.

He wanted to go out to wake up Caesar, and wanted to go out to help Fu Nian kill the corpse guard together, but he couldn't get out of the cockpit door. The data on the Diliaster showed that everything was normal, but he just couldn't open the cockpit door.

Although Chu Zihang didn't know what the reason was, he knew what was going on. The pressure inside and outside the cabin was no longer equal.

There is an inexplicably powerful force outside the cabin, which destroys the direction of the surrounding water flow, breaks the rules of the water flow, and even breaks the water pressure of 8000 meters in the deep sea.

Right now, the Diliaster is like a hut sealed up in heavy snow, and the door is filled with thick snowflakes. If you want to open the door, there are only two ways, one is to wait for the snow to disappear naturally, and the other is to let the snow disappear. The people outside dug a passage through the snowdrifts and removed the snow that blocked the door.

When the snow is gone, the door will open naturally, and the power will disappear, so the door of the cockpit will also open naturally.

Chu Zihang didn't want to cause trouble for Fu Nian outside, so he stayed in front of the screen watching them work hard while wearing the Zeppelin costume.

But now he has to make trouble for Fu Nian!
Caesar failed? ! !
In the picture, Caesar is lying in the pile of conch. His last move is to hold the pile of conch tightly. From the camera in the helmet, he can see the pleasant smile on his face.I don't know if I dreamed of the scene when Nuonuo and him got married.

He still has a heartbeat on the vital monitoring equipment, but he has completely lost consciousness.

Now someone has to dive down to wake Caesar up, or enter the password and reconnect the line in his place, or they'll all die here together.

If he had guessed Caesar, then Fu Nian would have hope to survive.Chu Zihang has this confidence, he and Caesar have been rivals for such a long time.

He is sure enough, and must be sure enough.

The Zeppelin suit he's wearing now saves him enough time.

"Fu Nian, let me out!"



"Will the gourd baby save grandpa?"

Fu Nian stared helplessly at the lung snails that were gradually submerging Caesar and Chu Zihang like a mudslide. The blade of the long knife waving in his hand was as hot as a freshly baked torch, evaporating the surrounding sea water.

They frantically rubbed against the corpse guard's body, and the usually two alchemy tools that cut iron like mud gradually became exhausted.

Because their opponents are a group of corpse guards that are as strong as them, and the body of the corpse guards is also a powerful armor that has been treated with alchemy.

Fu Nian stared at Chu Zihang who was trying to crawl towards Caesar,
He was careless.Or rather he overlooked the details.

He had known for a long time that the city had been exuding a clear, ultra-low-frequency sound like wind chimes.These wind chimes will change with the flow of water, that is, the builder built a kind of speech defense, the purpose is to resist the invasion of outsiders.

But Fu Nian doesn't care about these things, but it doesn't mean that Caesar, who is an ordinary mixed race, doesn't care about these things.

When seeing Caesar in a coma, Fu Nian couldn't help but completely release his strength.

But Chu Zihang woke him up.They still have a chance, as long as Chu Zihang wakes up Caesar, they still have a chance to survive.More importantly, Caesar's high efficiency saved them a lot of time.

Chu Zihang now has enough time to start trying.

The snails attached to the outer wall of the Lenin weighed about several hundred tons, and they could kill people if they fell on them.

Chu Zihang was trying to climb towards Caesar, but when he fell into the conch pile, he was deflected by the current, and the landing point was not as good as Caesar.Landing is farther from the nuclear power cabin than Caesar is from the nuclear power cabin.

During this process, because of the acceleration of the water flow, the voice of Yan Ling had already begun to affect Chu Zihang, and Caesar fell into a coma completely at this moment.

Chu Zihang's vital signs were getting worse and worse. He was relying on violent blood to support himself, but the effect of violent blood was not obvious in this extreme environment.

The chances are getting smaller and smaller, Chu Zihang, who is like a ball, is still waving his arms among the snails. Although he knows that he has tried his best, Fu Nian still can't see hope in him.

Chu Zihang is the kind of person who doesn't care much about anything, but as long as he has a little strength left, he will go all out, even if there is a glimmer of hope.

Chu Zihang finally broke through the conch in front of him, came to Caesar, and grabbed the armrest behind Caesar's suit. He tried to tie the spherical Caesar to his suit with a strap, but how could the two circles join hands? big problem.

More and more corpse guards crawled out of the ruins, crawling and swimming, reminiscent of thousands of earthworms coming out of the soil when spring comes.But at the speed of their swimming, Fu Nian noticed a little detail.

The corpse guards who came out of the ruins were very fast and in a hurry, like defeated dogs fleeing.It seemed that some great fear was driving them.

The corpse guards fled wildly, and then were attracted by the drop of dragon blood in front of Fu Nian, and killed each other crazily again.

The ruins on the ground became more turbulent.The water flowed faster, and the wind chimes could already be seen clearly by the naked ear.

Suddenly, while Fu Nian was hesitating, a huge crack appeared from the middle of the ruins, cutting longitudinally into the long river of magma, and hundreds of tons of magma poured into the crack.

Undersea volcanoes are about to start erupting.

But in the lava something gigantic seemed to struggle,
Its scales were black, and barbed bone spurs grew out of its back. Black metal hooks pierced through its flesh, locking it firmly under the ruins.

But the metal hook was about to be unable to restrain it, and it frantically whipped the ground with its thick tail, and the buildings that were still standing collapsed in pieces, and the metal fragments and gravel floated together, forming a large fog barrier in the sea water.

Fu Nian was taken aback suddenly.Staring at the writhing and dancing ruins, his eyes gradually froze.

What he was looking at was not the big guy who was tumbling up, although it was a pure-blooded dragon with a title, and his bloodline was extremely good.Its bones were made into a corpse using alchemy, and the foundation of the city was laid on its bones.This was enough to surprise Fu Nian, but

I rely on! !
Fu Nian couldn't help cursing, and even stopped the movement of his hands.

By the way, he slapped over the corpse guard who planned to take this opportunity to go forward and fell on the dragon's blood, and lifted another corpse guard who was desperately about to pick up the leak.

After being caught, the other party was still roaring at Fu Nian angrily, and then met a pair of strict eyes, and the corpse guard instantly became honest.The body about five meters shrank into a small ball.

Fu Nian put away the dragon's blood with his other hand.

Without the corpse guards that were fatally attracted by the dragon's blood, one by one began to return to normal, and then quickly fled towards the top of their heads like crazy.

Fu Nian ignored them.Instead, stare at the mass in the distance.

He saw swarms of bright blue fireflies flying out of the cracks in the crumbling ruins!

Those things are called 'Ghosttoothed Dragon Vipers', unlike the corpse guards who still have a little instinct, they are really not afraid of dragon blood.In the past, dragons used them as instruments of torture. Nobles who committed serious crimes would be tied to bronze pillars and sunk into the deep sea for punishment, and the nobles and the bronze pillars would be eaten by a large group of dragon vipers.

Fu Nian finally knew who the real hunter in this area was.

Although the small ones are only the size of a small krill, a large group can be accommodated on a larger fingernail, but these ghosttooth vipers can use the bronze pillars as snacks and the body of the ancient dragon as the main meal when they gather in groups. It secretes a strong acidic mucus, and cooperates with terrible teeth to chew metal.

With a quantity of tens of thousands, let alone whether the titanium-magnesium alloy used to make the Zeppelin armor can withstand the teeth of the dragon viper, even the dragon scales can be easily bitten through by them.

No one thought that the ruins were their lairs.The dragon vipers pulled out silvery bands of light in the sea water. They were not interested in small things like lung snails and corpse guards, but gradually approached the struggling Caesar and Chu Zihang.

"Chu Zihang, leave quickly!" Fu Nian opened his mouth and roared.

The body moves instantly.

But Caesar and Chu Zihang couldn't run away, they were completely trapped in the pile of lung snails.Chu Zihang didn't answer, he relied on his firm will to resist Yan Ling's attack, but his body was too weak to withstand a single blow.

He was ready to let go of Caesar, pushed aside the conch in front of him and headed towards the nuclear power cabin.Obviously he has heard Fu Nian's call, and understands the current situation,
He was trying to see if he could enter the code for the nuclear power cabin before the Dragon Vipers rushed over to bite him. He was too tired, and the explosion of blood under the deep sea was just consuming his strength in vain.

As time passed, vision gradually blurred.

at last,


A pair of hands suddenly hugged Chu Zihang's waist, and lifted the unconscious opponent from the pile of lung snails.

Fu Nian stepped on the pile of lung snails as if he had sunk into a mud pool, and every foot was full of stickiness.

"Be tougher." Fu Nian frowned and looked at the pile of lung snails on the ground.

In the next second, the pile of lung snails slowly began to condense together at a speed visible to the naked eye, like thick and thick ropes carrying the soles of Fu Nian's feet.

Fu Nian walked up to the unconscious Caesar, and lifted his waist with the other pair.

Then, look into each other's eyes.

"look at me."

Caesar opened his closed eyes suddenly.

It was a pair of red-gold vertical pupils.

"What's the password?" Fu Nian asked.

"The day of the birthday party for Nuonuo. The British arrangement, with the day first, followed by the month and year." Caesar said mechanically.

"Have a party..." Chu Zihang's weak voice came from his mouth, intermittently, he was obviously not completely unconscious.There is a will supporting him.

Without hesitation, Fu Nian walked to the nuclear power cabin and began to manually enter the password. On the bright blue keyboard, there were up and down buttons.


The password was successful.

Fu Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up at the ghost-toothed dragon viper who was eager to try but didn't dare to go forward around him, he breathed out viciously at them.

Instead, he tore off the metal plate of the nuclear power cabin without hesitation, trying to connect another circuit board.

Fu Nian was very glad that he spent a minute or two reading the manual when he was on the shore, and he had the impression of the switching circuit in his mind.

Seeing that there was still a 1-minute countdown, Fu Nian ruthlessly completed the connection.



During the countdown, there was a crisp stop sound, like a clock that suddenly stopped.

Under Fu Nian's steadfast gaze,
The countdown red light flashed again.


Fu Nian breathed a sigh of relief.He was really afraid that the Bajia of Sheqi would do something about it.

Although the time of this timer is still beyond the time they can survive.

But Fu Nian is not afraid, with him, even if the time is 2 minutes less, he will...

click! !

Suddenly, Fu Nian's thoughts hadn't been fully stretched, and there were sudden and short-lived sounds in his ears.

The sound is like a clock turning time at triple speed.Countless colliding particles frantically collided in the ears.

The rattling sound made Fu Nian's narrowed pupils get smaller and smaller.

Fu Nian's mouth widened.

"I TM..."

The sound hasn't landed yet.


Fu Nian didn't even seem to make a sound at this moment, and he didn't hesitate at all. He grabbed Chu Zihang's prosthetic leg with one hand and Caesar's prosthetic leg with the other, and disappeared from the spot like lightning.

Even with the ghost-toothed dragon viper chasing after him.

"Yuan Zhisheng!!" Fu Nian's voice passed through the surface of the cockpit and reached Yuan Zhisheng's public channel.

Yuan Zhisheng was standing in front of Xumizuo looking at the darkness of the bottom of the sea.Suddenly, an ominous premonition rose in my heart.

But it's not waiting for this premonition to fully land.

The deafening explosion sound was uploaded from the screen in an instant, and the ultra-decibel sound instantly exploded the circuit of Xu Mizuo, and then, the dazzling white light instantly filled the entire screen.

Just for a moment.

The sound and picture disappeared instantly.

With the darkness of the entire screen.

Yuan Zhisheng stood there blankly.The spider in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

(End of this chapter)

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