I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 342 The king of the earth and the mountain, Yemengade is angry!

Chapter 342 The king of the earth and the mountain, Yemengade is angry!


Xia Mi stared at the girl opposite, his red-gold vertical pupils narrowed into a slit.

The air is full of ferocity before the storm, dark clouds roll back and forth over the raised cliffs, the tumbling sea water undulates back and forth on the beach, and the rolled up water splashes collide with the black reef stones to form crystal clear water. beads.

The crystal drops of water fell on the soft sandy beach, and were immediately caught by a puddle of viscous liquid. The water halo bloomed in the blood sandalwood, like thick ink dripping into clear water.

The tide was receding, but black figures were left on the beach, extending from the end a hundred meters away to the reef under the cliff.

Numerous limp figures fell into a pool of blood and dizziness, some of them were wearing black leather trench coats, and some of them had ferocious ghosts entrenched behind them.But without exception, their bodies were blurred by the rolled up flesh and blood, and the ashes glowed on their pale faces.They stared blankly at the sky, like moths yearning for candlelight, falling into a dark corner where no light can be seen...

On a certain black reef rock at the end of the beach, Sakurai Kogure, wearing a combat uniform, weakly supported a long knife, half kneeling on the spot, covering the wound on his abdomen with one hand, and the unstoppable liquid flowed down his thigh. The tip of the toes and the lips are weak without a little blood.

Behind her, the only five fierce ghosts also have no extra fighting ability.They supported each other, their golden vertical pupils flickered in the darkness.

The war between the fierce ghosts and the law enforcement officers of the eight Sheqi families is coming to an end.

Looking at the corpses strewn about on the beach, there is no doubt that the battle for landing ended with the victory of the ghosts.

But Sakurai Kogure's eyes did not relax because of this, but he looked towards the direction above the cliff,

She knew that the real outcome of this war was there.

On those two charming women.

Wanko Sakurai arched her legs on the cliff, her two slender hands firmly held the long dark red knife in her hand,

The long knife and the two dazzling golden long swords scorched together, and under the confrontation of power, dazzling sparks like fiery trees and silver flowers illuminated the bright and dark side faces of the two of them.

These are two beautiful women with voluptuous bulges and smooth lines.At this moment, none of them is covering up, and there is no need to cover up. On the two fair faces, the vertical golden pupils are full of murderous intent.

It's a never-ending battle for thrones!
No one can stop them until the battle next to them is over.

Xia Mi looked at the girl opposite, she was indeed a girl.

It was a girl with light golden hair, she was wearing a silver dress inlaid with crystals that was not suitable for fighting at all, her skin was almost transparent, her figure was petite, between a child and a girl,
Although she was wearing a mask, Xia Mi felt that it was superfluous, and her figure was the same as the enchanting woman next to her.

They are all recognizable at first glance, but the woman with double swords and ponytail is so enchanting and enviable that it is unforgettable.

But the girl in front of her is just the opposite. She is worth a lot of money at a young age and owns a large airport.No wonder the guy who hides behind calls him his girl.

According to Xia Mi's visual inspection, the other party's age was only less than 14 years old, and she looked like an underage girl.

But Xia Mi knew it was not at all.

From the time the other party came out of the darkness, you knew that the other party was not.This time she had no basis for judgment, only feelings.

"A person whose bloodline can be completely rewritten has always been a person worthy of being cherished. If I accidentally break her bloodline, will you be angry?"

Xia Mi tilted his head and looked up and down at the girl in front of him, the vertical golden dragon eyes moved with her movements.

The girl stood still and did not speak, but slowly squatted down on her back feet, showing a posture of attacking with a sword drawn.

Xia Mi didn't care about the girl's behavior, because it was never the girl in front of her who talked to her, but the figure standing in the shadow behind her.

She had been staring at the man from the moment he stepped off the cliff into the shadows.Staring at him curiously, she knew that her opponent was a difficult guy, but she didn't expect it to be such a difficult guy who was a bit scary.

"I'm not the only one who modified the bloodline. If I guess correctly, she should be here too." The voice fell lightly on Wanko Sakurai behind her, as if the light of the world had gathered there.

The corner of Xia Mi's mouth twitched, and he secretly scolded Fu Nian for being a prodigal, but his voice was completely opposite, and he said,

"My brother has my brother's considerations. If you break his things, he will be angry."

She was more aware of what a terrifying existence that man was than anyone else here,

In other words, he shouldn't exist at all!
Since he appeared here, he brought the artifacts "Budu Yuhun" and "Tian Yu Yu Zhan"!
From appearing here, let that enchanting woman's bloodline ignore her dragon king's coercion.

But now she finally spoke, because he brought something even more surprising to her.Different from Fu Nian's evolution of Sakurai Wanzi's blood and spirit, his method is more mysterious.

"You are still as beautiful as before." The man smiled softly.Seeing Xia Mi smiled lightly.Then he gently placed his hand on the back of the girl in front of him.

The short exchange between them ended here.

The darkness above the black cliff was instantly torn apart by the light, and the light shrouded it like the sun.

He disappeared, like a trace of ink washed away by water.

"Cut." Xia Mi rolled his eyes.

at the same time.

The girl changed, her body was split open, blue-gray scales covered her beautiful body, her body swelled suddenly, and the scales stood up like a piece of steel thorns!The bone spur protruded through the skin, it was her black bones growing towards the surface of the body, turning into a sharp blade of bone.

She had the same dragon transformation phenomenon as Xia Mi! !
Her changes are still continuing, and huge power gathers in front of the girl like a vortex.

Xia Mi's eyes gradually became serious,

Spread your arms out.

The invisible air sound waves spread towards the surroundings, like a series of TNT explosions.

The surrounding air roared with excitement.

At this moment, everyone on the cliff felt the impact from the air.

Not wind pressure or high heat, but majesty!

It's like a mountain is slowly falling in front of you, and it's about to crush you!

A transparent field visible to the naked eye spreads in all directions centered on Xia Mi,

The air curtain gently covered Sakurai Wanko's body and bones, but the black cliff floor under Sakurai Wanko's feet began to crack, crushed by heavy force, remelted by absolute power, crushed again, crushed Remelted again... crushed, remelted...

Countless steel-like metal shavings slowly rose in the field,
Accompanied by the phenomenon of intense magnetization, the metal shavings are attracted to each other, spinning rapidly around Xia Mi, as if the god of death with a sickle is floating around hell.

The cliff was swept by the strong wind, and the tornado centered on Xia Mi rushed upwards.

A long sword made of blue-black steel took shape in Xia Mi's hands.The blade is wide and thick, like a descending mountain.

Xia Mi held the handle of the knife like a giant dragon holding a mountain peak, his body squatted down slowly, the sonic boom in the air spread towards the distance,

She slowly opened her mouth towards the girl opposite, her sharp fangs roaring silently at her!

at this moment,
The King of the Earth and the Mountain, Yemengarde, has come!



The police lights on the floating platform rotated, and the searchlights also rotated. The violent storm raged on the sea, and the lights illuminated the boiling sea.

The ammunition belt slipped into the barrel, the torpedo warmed up, the honeycomb rockets began to idle, the sirens became more and more intense, and everyone's eyes were on the sea.They were waiting, waiting for the monster under the water.Also waiting for an order from the command room.

The black sea swayed, and the floating platform swayed accordingly, as if there was a power below that would tear the sea apart at any time.

"The sonar shows that there are a large group of corpse guards approaching the sea surface. They should be the first batch of corpse guards to come out of Gao Tianyuan. They are rising faster than we thought, and they will surface in 2 minutes." Sakura said. The voice sounded behind Yuan Zhisheng.

"Don't be stingy with the ammunition, our task is to completely intercept them!" Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath, and within a minute of the voice from the deep sea just now, the corpse guard had already arrived around them.He knew that now he could not be affected by emotion in the slightest.

"They are already inhuman monsters that only have the will to kill. They would rather dye the sea red with blood than allow any corpse to flow outside! Do you understand!" gold.

"Understood." Sakura said immediately.

But Sakura didn't start to act immediately, but was silent for a while and said again, "Young master, the nuclear power cabin has exploded, although we don't know what happened underneath, but the dead are gone, what we can do Only by perfecting their unfulfilled last wishes, can't let their efforts come to naught."

"Let's begin." Yuan Zhisheng said in a low voice.



Yasha filled the double-barreled shotgun in his hand with red shotguns, Crow held a submachine gun, and the two stood behind Yuan Zhisheng.

At this moment, in the center of the monitoring room in the center of Sumizuo, the big screen has switched to the scanning results of Sumizuo sonar, and hundreds of thousands of light spots are floating towards the Sumizuo where they are located at a fast speed.Each of them represents a large number of corpse guards.

And above them, rows of dense depth charges are forming a dense network structure, presenting a 3D structure layer upon layer in the seawater below a hundred meters.

"It's about to start." Shio Miyamoto stood in front of the screen, staring at the white flames that had begun to appear sporadically in the screen,

It knew that it was the vanguard of the corpse guard and the depth charge contacting the picture,

The real battle has not yet fully begun.


In the next second, the faint blue screen was suddenly covered by dense white light, like flash bombs rising into the air, which were extremely intensive explosion reactions of depth charges. After the group, there is a dense and huge corpse guard.They were the first to float towards the sea from the ruins, and also avoided the horror scene of the submarine nuclear explosion.

But what they don't know is that the last 100 meters they are about to step out of the deep sea is the test they should really face.

The depth charge bombs exploded in chains, each of them released dazzling flames and tens of thousands of tiny steel balls, which could easily penetrate a five-centimeter alloy steel plate under the impact of the bomb's explosion, although each of them Very small, so small that it can only penetrate the corpse guard's body, leaving a hole the size of a steel ball on their body.

But when the viewing angle is zoomed in, under the water surface 100 meters above the sea surface, all the densely packed depth charges are layered upon layer.Each of their bombs is filled with a large number of steel balls,

These steel balls are restrained on a plane, and the trajectory of their explosion is a perfect circle like the firelight. Under the dense number, creatures passing through these large circles will be cut into pieces.Even the Corpse Guard Corps with outstanding defense must be cut apart.

The ready fighters standing on the Xumizuo stared at the radiant sea at this moment. In their eyes, the dark sea water suddenly ignited, as if there was fire, and lava was burning from bottom to top.

Half a second later, the shock waves from the depth charges reached the surface of the sea, and white waves surged into the sky.The splashing tide was approaching the desk of Xumizuo.

"The combat troops are ready. There are a large number of corpse guards surviving, and the combat troops are ready." Miyamoto Shio's voice was transmitted from the radio to all the Sumizuo troops on the sea.

The moment Shio Miyamoto's voice fell, the surrounding sea suddenly burst into violent waves.

Among the waves that have not yet subsided, black and blue bodies jumped out of the sea. Counting the snake-like long tails, those burly corpses were more than five meters long. When they wagged their tails, they looked like dragons.Rolling in the water like a shark.

The huge impact force from the sea behind them threw their bodies out of the water, leaping in mid-air, like prehistoric sharks.Beside them, being shaken in the air together, there are countless black scales, broken arms and broken bones that were blown into pieces by depth charges.

"The wind group is ready!!" Yuan Zhisheng stood under the huge crane of Xu Mizuo, staring at the enemy that appeared and shouted suddenly.

call out!

The MH-6 Little Bird helicopter hovered in the sky, and the wind group, which had already prepared to continue, launched an attack the moment the order was issued.

Large-caliber machine guns began to shoot down from all directions in the sky, and the rain of bullets poured from the sky to the sea like a torrential rain,

The surface of the water boiled in an instant, and the bullets hit the hard bodies of the corpse guards, splashing dense flames. Under the huge and intensive impact, a large number of corpse guards were almost pushed back into the sea by the bullet rain.

The torpedoes of the marine police ship in the distance have already been fired, and the flames of the triple-mounted naval guns are deafening. The RPG rockets and large-caliber heavy machine guns lit up the six Sumeru seats in red.

Yuan Zhisheng stepped on the railing of Xumizuo condescendingly and shot at the corpse guard who was exposed above the water. Although his heavy sniper rifle was not as large-caliber as a naval gun, a direct hit would instantly smash the corpse guard's chest into pieces.

Behind him, the law enforcement officers of the Bajia of Sheqi held large-caliber heavy machine guns and fired wildly at the sea where the corpse guard was exposed.

"The second wave is here!" Shio Miyamoto shouted.

After losing the defensive layer of the depth charges, the second wave of corpse guards rising from the bottom of the sea has already come to the surface of the sea.

Hundreds of steel-blue bodies jumped out of the water again, their dense numbers were like migratory salmon, they writhed their vigorous waists and tossed under the water surface,

They fell on the coast guard ship, and their huge bodies of five meters were like giant sea monsters, threatening family members who had never seen such a monster.

They desperately hit their bodies with the heavy machine guns in their hands, and the dense bullets hit the corpse guards with thousands of holes, but their tenacious skeletons still supported their unextinguished red golden vertical pupils, and they fell on the ground of law enforcement. Among the crowd, their bodies were rolled up with their incomplete tail wings.

The terrifying force crushed them instantly, like tomatoes falling on the wall. Their tumbling bodies rushed a large number of law enforcement officers to the surface of the sea, and they were immediately smashed to pieces by a large number of corpse guards.

They wrapped their long tails around the flame-breathing naval guns, twisting the barrels.

There are hunters between humans and snakes under the sea. In this contest between humans and demons, they don't care who is the hunter and who is the prey.

They fought back frantically, they realized that they had been slaughtered, and the killing heart inherited from dragons revived in their hearts, and in turn attacked the most vulnerable marine police boat.

There are too many corpse guards. Even if they are the first sporadic troops, their number is almost terrifying. No one knows how many people the original builders buried in the ruins of Gao Tianyuan the corpse guard,
Coupled with the special treatment they received from the hybrid alchemy technique, even if their backs were broken by bullets and their bodies were cut in half, they could still struggle to fight back.

A raging fire began to burn above the surface of the sea, and Snake Bajia released a large amount of fuel oil from a Xumizuo, forming a thick layer of burning oil on the sea.

The corpse guards jumped in the sea of ​​fire, and the flames illuminated their bodies. Although the fire was not instantly fatal to them, it was enough to affect them.

The corpse guard wailed in the sea of ​​flames, and the ear-piercing sound was like the ear-piercing friction between stones and wind. It was definitely a scalp-numbing sound when it was quiet, but on the current chaotic sea, there was no sound. People care if the sound makes them feel uncomfortable.

Because the fire group had been completely wiped out, the corpse guards first attacked the water police boat of the fire group.They take them as the target of venting, attacking them in a large area
In less than 5 minutes, the marine police boat stranded on the sea suffered a fatal blow.

For this reason, the wind group, which was frantically outputting in the air, threw down ropes one by one to try to let the companions on the water police boat escape. They could not watch their living companions being bitten to death by the corpse guards one by one.

But they made a big mistake for this, and the corpse guards also climbed up the ropes, their speed was faster than that of the law enforcers,

At present, six Little Bird special helicopters have crashed on the surface of the sea, together with four Black Hawk helicopters.

This poses a huge challenge to the wind group, which has limited output capacity, and the wind group has reached the verge of collapse.

The forest group still held the line of defense because the corpse guard group was eager to attack Xu Mizuo of the mountain group.Three of the six floating platforms have sunk, and the other two have been besieged and occupied by the corpse guards. Only the one where Yuan Zhisheng and Yanliu Research Institute are located is still standing.

But fortunately,

Shio Miyamoto looked at the sea layer where light and shadow no longer existed on the sonar screen in the room.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Young master, this is the last batch."

Yuan Zhisheng stomped over the nearly six-meter-long corpse in front of him, raised the spider in his hand, cut off the opponent's head in an instant, and then turned around to face the crow behind him back to back turn around.

The shotgun roared in the crow's hand.

The headless corpse guard who was still running was suddenly blasted into the sea.

Yuan Zhisheng stood on the spot and looked at the scene of fire and steel interlaced, his face was extremely ugly.After all, they still underestimated the destructive power of the corpse guard.They are evil spirits crawling out from the depths of hell! !
"Notify the family and let the self-defense force missile group prepare!" Yuan Zhisheng yelled at Shio Miyamoto.He can no longer allow the members of the family to face this life and death battle.Under the large-scale invasion of corpse guards, they are equivalent to dying.

"The Self-Defense Force is no longer needed," Shio Miyamoto looked at the screen and said quickly, "The secondary disaster caused by the nuclear explosion has come, we need to evacuate immediately! They will solve these guys for us!!"

"Then retreat quickly! Retreat! All retreat!" Yuan Zhisheng yelled frantically at the law enforcement officers on the Xumizuo.

Ropes were hanging from the helicopter by the remaining wind group.

But the space above Xiaoniao and Blackhawk is really limited, and at this critical moment, the family simply doesn't have extra time to send out more special fighters to pick them up.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the family members climbing up one by one holding tight to the rope,

Standing in front of the railing of Xumizuo, looking at the waves rising more than ten meters high in the distance, it looks like a dragon rising from the bottom of the sea, and a huge vortex appears from above the sea surface.

The huge attraction involved those corpse guards who hadn't had time to be completely killed. In just a moment, their scales, which were impenetrable to rockets, spun and ravaged into pieces like plastic.

"Young master!" Sakura's voice came from behind Yuan Zhisheng.

"Ah." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.Taking a deep look at the rapidly expanding vortex below, they are like a little bit of inflated balloon. If there is no accident, it will form a large-scale tsunami and land on the coast of Tokyo.

But this is already the best ending, at least tomorrow's news is the tsunami landing, not the Hyakki Yakura that shocked the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's jaws.

Now they will immediately return to the family and let the citizens of Tokyo quickly evacuate in the name of the family.They have completed the task of slaughtering the gods, but the follow-up troubles still make them burnt out.

Yuan Zhisheng turned around, stood in front of the railing of Xumizuo, jumped, and grabbed the rope of the helicopter that was taking off.

Sakura's figure followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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