I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 343 The Painted Pear Clothes on the Boat

Chapter 343 The Painted Pear Clothes on the Boat


Kassel College.

Principal's office.Three squirrels jumped around in the room full of bookshelves. They rolled on the handmade carpet at the bottom of the bookshelf, grabbed the golden spine of the books and circled along the bookshelves until they reached the top of the small building.

The warm sunlight shines on the boiling teapot in front of the table from the greenery of the patio, making people who see it for the first time feel as if they boiled a pot of fragrant tea with sunlight.

Angers was sitting on a mahogany chair in front of the table, with tea in his left hand and a book in his right, and a pair of vintage monocles on the bridge of his nose beside his eyes.

The whole person is like a retired nobleman, with every move elegantly and relaxed.

But opposite.

Schneider and Manstein sat there with ugly faces. They had a lot to say now, but they didn't know how to say it for a while.

So much has happened in the past few hours.The bald hair of two people is no longer enough to provide raw materials for mental consumption.

"Be happy, gentlemen. I already know what you want to say." Anger looked at the two opposite people with a smile.

"Don't frown, we always have to face it, don't we?"

Manstein and Schneider looked at each other.

"Within an hour after we lost contact with Japan, we received a collective resignation letter from the Japanese branch by fax." Manstein finally spoke.

"It's more accurate to call it a collective mutiny book. Those Japanese guys finally did what they dreamed of for many years." Ange sighed and shrugged. He didn't care about these things.

"Caesar's team and Fu Nian, can they get in touch now?"

"No news." Manstein shook his head. "Currently the one with the highest chance of survival is Lu Mingfei. Although we don't have any news about him now, they lost sight of Lu Mingfei before the Diliasite dived, so he didn't follow Dilia. Dive with the Stester,"

"What about them?" Angers looked up.

Manstein hesitated, "Not long ago, the Norma satellite detected a huge explosion on the sea floor of Japan, which triggered a volcanic eruption, coupled with various factors such as nuclear explosions and corpse guards...they The odds of survival are not high."

"How much is not high?" Angers looked up.

Manstein hesitated for a few seconds, "Norma said no more than 1%. We still don't know what happened to them on the bottom of the sea, and we don't know if the Japanese branch has given up on them,"

Angers: "What's the worst outcome?"

"They have a 0.001 percent chance of surviving."

Anger narrowed his eyes slightly, "This makes me very embarrassed. If this kind of thing is spread, the parents of the students will be furious and ask me to settle the score."

"What's worse is that Norma can't play a role now. The Huiyueji system of Saki Hachijia has built a strict firewall, and Norma can't access the network in Japan." Schneider continued to make up the knife,

"Losing Norma is like losing our eyes. Even if the Caesar team survives, they will not be able to contact us, and they will eventually fall into the hands of Saki Hachika. It is hard to say that the Japanese branch of the rebellion will not do anything .”

"Let Eva do what Norma can't do. Find them as soon as possible. I believe in my students."

"If EVA is awakened, her authority will exceed yours." Schneider reminded.

"It doesn't matter, EVA is our good girl, and I gave her an attack order. Sheqi Hachika doesn't want our power to infiltrate into Japan, so we must infiltrate." Anger took out a black card and slid it along the table. To Schneider, "Let Manstein ask the vice principal to get another one. Two black cards and a power of attorney can wake up EVA."

"What else can the principal ask us to do?" Schneider accepted the card.


"Wait?" Schneider was taken aback.

"Wait for our students' parents." Angers smiled helplessly.



The wreckage of steel and corpses is everywhere on the tumbling sea. In the eyes of human beings, the huge Xumizuo is so majestic and shocking.

But under the mighty power of nature, it was as small as a flat boat, which was completely crushed into pieces of black flakes in the swirling water vortex.

Half an hour ago, there was a burst of artillery fire, and the surface of the sea sloped by the rain of bullets, now there is only silence.There is only the silence of the strong wind and the roar of the water.

The sound of roaring waves filled the world.

Looking around, there is only darkness in the vast sea water, and the deep sea vortex that swallows light one by one, and swallows everything.

The dark clouds hang low above the sea, like iron lumps attracted by a magnet.There are no humans here, nor will humans be allowed...


Among the shadowy corners of receding helicopters and spotlights,

A small inflatable boat is slowly heading towards the whirlpool from another direction.

The twelfth-level sea wind stirred the strong wind and rolled the waves, but what is strange is that the sea where the boat is located is calm. If you look deeper, you will find that the sea below the boat is also absolutely calm.

The wall-like frenzy raised the waves to a height of ten meters, but this could not invade the small boats in this sea area.

Erika hummed softly, and with her and the boat at the center, the sea with a diameter of about one kilometer was completely calm.

The tsunami roared and rushed, and the tides piled up one after another, but they were all collapsed at the edge of the field.Crouching quietly under the sea,
It was pitch black in all directions, only a wisp of crimson floating on the black iron-like sea.Like a blooming rose in the steel jungle.

On the boat, an obedient girl was sitting on it.

She was wearing a red and white maiden costume, with a long dark red sword on her left waist and a dark white long sword on her right waist.

Her obedient face is like a porcelain doll that has just been fired, and there is a little bit of rosyness blown by the sea breeze on her fair face.The long swords on both sides added a heroic air to her.If she can sit here for a long time, then she may be awarded the Good Girl Award of the Three Good Students by God.

But she didn't sit there properly. On the surface of the sea without people, she was like a bird with her feet free. She lay on the edge of the boat, raised her two little feet in white stockings, and looked at the In front of the black sea water flowing in the vortex at a high speed, he hesitated to put the tip of his index finger in the water.

The cold touch made her retract her fingers instantly, and after warming up, she went deep again.Take it back, stretch it out... take it back,...

The boat moved forward happily under the dark storm and tsunami, and she was also playing happily.

Finally, she seemed to have had enough of this ordinary-looking but weird-tasting water.

Slightly leaning up, he pulled out a yellow duckling from the red belt around his waist.

On the little duck's body, the words Erika の duck were written crookedly with a black marker.

She gently placed the duckling next to the boat. In sharp contrast to the boat, the duckling looked like a family... small boat.

The girl pulled the water splash with her hands, the boat was sailing forward, and the duckling was also trying to swim forward.

Everything looks so cheerful and relaxed, as if they can forget the tsunami that is rapidly fissioning around them.




The advancing boat suddenly stopped moving.

It seemed that something suddenly blocked the boat's footsteps from below.

Erika seemed to suddenly remember something.He slapped his head and quickly looked around.

After making sure no one is staring at you,

Quietly Mimi put away the duckling.

(End of this chapter)

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