Chapter 344


The duckling was wiped by the long sleeves of the shrine maiden's clothes with the long sleeves of Erika.

After carefully observing it under the pitch-black storm, and making sure that the duckling was clean, he carefully stuffed it back to his waist.

Then I was ready to look down at the things blocking my boat,

She came on a mission.

The sea water was dark, like a pool of ink, but because of the rapidly gathering eddies in front of it, Erika could still see tiny water ripples on the sea water that were converging in one direction.It looks like fish fins emerging from the sea one by one, and occasionally there will be a fierce monster with a mouthful of fangs emerging from under the fins.

Every time she sees this kind of thing, Erika is always taken aback, and it is a blow to the head when she draws out the deep red long knife in her hand.

The corpse guard's defense against shells will be split in half with the girl's understatement.No surprises, no surprises.

And it can also split the vortex that is pulling the corpse guard in half by the way.But the vortex is capable of growth, and after the girl splits it, it will heal again in a short moment.

Now Erika pulled out the deep red long knife from her waist again.

She didn't know what was blocking the boat's progress, but all she could think of was the monster that had just appeared many times.

They look uglier than the deadpool at home.And he would show his teeth at her, which she didn't like.

Thinking of Erika, she slowly looked around, but it was strange that there was nothing around.The calm surface of the lake was also dark, and it was hard to see what was underneath.

But the boat was still hindered from moving forward.

Erika tilted her head, looking at the flowing sea water with some incomprehension. This was her first time in the sea, and the first time she sat on a small boat and roamed in this kind of weather.

To be honest, although the weather is cold now, Eriyi feels that she still likes the present very much. No one restrains herself, and she doesn't wear white clothes all day long, walk around in front of her through the glass wall, and use it from time to time. A doctor who measures his own body with various instruments he hates.

She didn't have to stay in a room that looked luxurious, but she was actually very bored. She slowly turned over and lay on the boat behind her.

The soft feeling made her feel that everything was extremely comfortable, and she embraced the sky, even though the sky may not like herself as much as those people now.

With her back against the sea, she felt the ups and downs, heard the whistling of the water that she had never heard before, and heard the crashing sound of the waves hitting the rocks on the shore.Listening to the shrill sound of the strong wind in the air...

Except that her body hurts a little for some reason now, she feels that everything is so beautiful now, so beautiful that she is lying under the tsunami of the storm and waves, and she doesn't want to go home.

Suddenly, looking at the dense dark clouds, Erika seemed to suddenly think of something, looked up at the sky, looked at a certain corner of the sky, pointed at the sky, and then clapped her hands lightly.

A corner of the dark cloud in the dark sky collapsed, and the quiet moonlight sprinkled on the sea surface, the waves were finely broken, and the sea surface was like a silver ingot with fine lines on the surface, with dancing silver waves floating in it.

Erika nodded in satisfaction.Looking at the moonlight falling on the boat, the corners of her mouth were raised stiffly, she was not very good at smiling.But she felt that her action now should be very appropriate.

"It would be great if it could be like this forever." A light and crisp voice came from the girl's ear.

The girl who was lying on the boat's ears instantly stood up. Looking at the dark sky, she suddenly rolled and straightened up, and covered her mouth with her hands in the next second.

Erika's eyes were wide open, and the crimson pupils were filled with lustrous colors.


She just spoke?

Erika covered her mouth and hurriedly looked at the surrounding sea.

The twelfth-level gust still hangs tornadoes in the distance, and the constantly roaring waves are also rolling the tops of the waves and slamming into the vortex.

Everything just now is still everything, that is still that.It's even getting worse.

They said that their blood concentration was too high and unstable, so that they were born with dragon text from their mouths. This is an ability that countless people envy, but Erika doesn't like it because what she said This language can only bring death to the surrounding, no one can bear that language, so Erika seldom speaks.

So little that this is the first time she has spoken on her own initiative.

Seriously looking at the changes around her, she felt that her voice didn't seem to have much impact on the surroundings.

He hesitated.

"Ah~" Erika let out another weak breath towards her surroundings.

The sea water within a radius of more than ten kilometers suddenly stopped, and together with the twelfth-level tornado roaring around, it seemed that God had pressed the pause button. At the moment when the girl opened her mouth to speak, the rules did not allow them to have any action.

God said not to move, and everyone stopped moving.

Finally, two seconds later, God released the pause button, and everything returned to normal again. The tornado continued to roar towards the sea, and the vortex was still rolling inward...

Erika sat quietly on the boat and looked at the noisy environment around her, and laughed out of the corner of her mouth.

She had a sense of fullness from the inside out, something she had never felt before, with the corners of her grinning mouth and her tear-filled eyes.

"Speaking for the first time? So happy."

A sudden moment.

Erika who was immersed in her great joy suddenly heard a weak voice.

The voice is very weak, like an old man who is staring at death,

Erika hurriedly picked up the sabers and swords on both sides of her body, and the emotion in her pupils faded away like a tide.

Immediately filled with vigilance, she looked around.

But there was nothing around, not even the vicious corpse guard.

The flowing sea water was still flowing, but Erika quietly clenched her palms tightly.

Her ears are so good that she can hear any sound within a two-kilometer radius, but now, she can't hear anything.

After that voice died, she couldn't even hear your heartbeat.

She wanted to stand up quietly, because she remembered that Xia Mi once told her that when encountering an enemy, the first thing to do is to keep still.

The enemy does not move, I do not move.

If the enemy moves, I will move.

Although Xia Mi also told her that this strategic policy is suitable for many people, she is not included in this many people.

She doesn't need to listen.

But Erika listened carefully, because no one had ever told her what to do first and then what to do in battle.

This was the first combat tactical action she heard told herself, and she had to remember it seriously.

"Cough!" A weak voice suddenly came out of the air again.

This time Erika heard it clearly,
Underneath! !

In Erika's pupils, the golden pupils were like the rising tide of a golden sea, drowning the crimson of her eyes in an instant.

Erika stood up, and the sea level rose accordingly.A huge water polo gathered behind her, the water polo became bigger and sharper,

In the next second, blue ice crystals quickly condensed in it, and the top was as smooth as a mirror.

There was a bright blue shimmer flowing on the surface of the iceberg, and groups of corpse debris were frozen inside, and the sharp icicles below were growing rapidly.Erika stood on top of the iceberg, standing high in the sky, surrounded by ice cliffs, and under the cliffs were ice swords.

She was silently reciting something, and every word that came out of her mouth was incomprehensible.

Suddenly the iceberg sank with Eri Yi, and the monstrous waves were thrown into the air tens of meters high.This iceberg is like a huge ice cross gun, cutting straight through the sea water and falling to the bottom of the sea, with the most sharp will to "cut"!
"Damn!" The weak voice suddenly had a hint of energy.


The dragon text rolled mightily, from top to bottom towards the iceberg that was falling crazily under the boat, it began to dissipate from the tip, and the edge of the iceberg spread in the middle.

There was a slight ripple in Eriyi's expressionless golden eyes.

Looking at the huge iceberg slowly disappearing under his feet.

Quietly drew out the deep red long knife from his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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