Chapter 346 The Talking Erika


"Stay far away, Riei Rika, you stink."

Erika covered her mouth with the shrine maiden costume, and there was a hint of repulsion in the ripples in her eyes.

Then turned around and retched.

It was not the first time she had smelled the smell of blood, but she had never smelled the stench and iron smell of being pickled in seawater.

It's like putting marinated stinky sea fish into stinky tofu soup, and then drying it on the tip of your nose. A little more image is a dark man with a thick waist, wide legs, and long hairy legs, wearing pink and soft texture Qingsha rubs against her legs and appears beside your bedside.

Then he dug it open, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Da Lang, I'm eating stinky tofu~"

Eliyi didn't raise the long sword immediately, which is the best embodiment of the good qualities of the noble princesses of the eight noble families of Sheqi.

"It does seem to have a little smell." Fu Nian sniffed the position of his armpits. He thought it must be the reason why the sweat glands of these two guys secreted too much under the huge crisis, which caused their body odor to be too heavy, especially Caesar, who is an authentic Europa. People, he is the chief culprit of this mistake, and should bear the biggest blame for this mistake.

Thinking about it, Fu Nian slowly leaned back and fell into the sea water. When he just came up, in order to avoid secondary damage to Erika, he deliberately released the words, King Kong Realm.

Under the authority of power controlled by the earth and the mountains, although it is relatively reluctant to defend against nuclear bombs, it can still defend against other missiles.This is a valuable experience that Fu Nian summed up from his personal experience. Compared with Yan Ling, Fu Nian now believes more in the dragon scales that came out after his dragon transformation.

Fu Nian fell heavily into the sea water, and the splashing water fell on the face of Due Liyi who was writing everything in the notebook quickly.

Erika's handwriting movement suddenly stopped, and her crimson eyes stared blankly at Fu Nian who fell into the sea.The tip of the pen rises and falls hesitantly.

Finally, she quickly crossed out the words "Give Erika some time, Erika will get used to it" that she had just written.

It was written in the notebook, "Erika didn't dislike you, but just disliked your taste."

Fu Nian emerged from the water,
Looking at the girl lying in front of the boat and looking at her, the girl straightened her arms, and put the words in a slightly hasty color in front of her,
Fu Nian inexplicably felt that there were black lines gathering above his head, thick like a flock of crows.

He turned over with a wry smile, but his smile looked a little pale now. He naturally knew that the sea water could not wash away his smell, but he wanted to feel the temperature of the sea water.

Use the cold touch to sober up his current mood.

Fu Nian is not as calm as it seems on the surface, so indifferent.

Trying to be attacked with a nuclear bomb, it would be embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing, and what's even more embarrassing is that it made people succeed, and people's calculations were extremely subtle step by step.

He is angry now, and he is really shameless if he has no face.

"Did Xia Mi ask Erika to pick me up here?"

Fu Nian floated on the surface of the sea and felt the huge eddy swell around him. The cold touch under the winter made him feel very comfortable.

Erika crawled in front of the boat, looked at Fu Nian below, nodded, then shook her head slowly.

Fu Nian looked at him strangely.

Erika picked up her little notebook and began to explain to Fu Nian.

But before the tip of the pen falls,

Fu Nian's voice made her fingers freeze in place.

"You don't need to write, just talk directly next to me in the future."

Erika knelt on the boat, tilting her head.There was an illusion in his eyes that there might be something wrong with his ears.

"I heard you right, just say whatever you want, it doesn't matter, the reason why you can't speak should be because the concentration of dragon blood in your body is too high, what you say is all dragon text, others can't understand, but others can't, it doesn't mean I can't either."

Fu Nian casually looked at the hole in the dark cloud.

The crystal moonlight slanted down from it, and in contrast to the darkness, Fu Nian felt for the first time that the moonlight was so wonderful.It's like a teenager who trains himself to use surface-to-air missiles and fly planes every day. For the first time, he realizes the beauty of field troops entering the battlefield with guns.Although sometimes tired and sweaty, but the corners of his mouth are always full of achievements.

After all, the last man is the real man.

Thinking of Fu Nian's depressed mood eased a little bit.

With his hands wrapped around the back of his neck, a familiar little book appeared in front of him again.

"It's not that others don't understand, it's that the concentration of Eliyi is too high, and the words written by Long Wen will kill people." The handwriting of the dead people is small and eye-catching on the book.

"It's okay, it's just the effect of a little dragon's blood. I also have it. Why don't I talk as usual?" Fu Nian looked at Erika seriously.

Erika stared at Fu Nian suspiciously.

In the end, I don't know whether it was Fu Nian's eyes that made Erika trust, or the impulse to speak that made Erika desire.

She slowly opened her lower lip, with a stiff expression like a child who has just learned to walk and is about to learn to speak. (Although the toddler just yelled when no one was around.)
"I..." Eliyi stared intently at Fu Nian and slowly grinned,

For a moment, Fu Nian felt that the other party might be thinking that he would explode in place in the next second?

Erika looked at Fu Nian who was still the same seriously, and frowned. She just knew that her voice would not affect the surrounding environment.

But now it doesn't affect people, that's why.

But this is not a problem that Erika can figure out at present.

Under Fu Nian's encouraging eyes, she finally said her completed sentence.

"I came here because I was sent here." It was a beautiful voice, like a lark on the treetops in the morning. The only thing that made Fu Nian feel a little regretful was that the voice was too small, so weak that it almost There is no sound.

Fu Nian knew that Erika was afraid that she would explode in the middle of her speech.

Although Erika's voice was very pleasant to hear, Fu Nian's attention was not on it, but,

"Sent here?"

Fu Nian set his gaze on the white long sword tightly clenched on the other side of Erik's waist.

It was a long sword wrapped in a white bandage, and the way it was wrapped was still the knot of a suit and tie that I was most familiar with.
That is his own Han Bafang, the sword of arrogance of the seven deadly sins.

This sword was given to Xia Mi before he set off, and Xia Mi would never give this sword to others for safekeeping unless it was necessary and special.And not everyone can have this opportunity.At least among the current choices, Fu Nian would only choose Sakurai Wanko.

But here it is now.Why?
Xia Mi wants me to use Han Bafang to kill people?
"Where's Xia Mi?" Fu Nian didn't worry about this question, nor did he worry about who sent the other party here.

"Sister Xiao Mi, don't tell me." Erika spoke a lot more smoothly, but it was also a lot more inexplicable.

Fu Nian looked up at Eri Yi's serious answer.

Miss Mi?He held his forehead helplessly.

This tone might really be what Xia Mi said, and he could even imagine the scene where Xia Mi fooled the other party into calling him his sister.

Although Xia Mi is indeed much older than Erika.But why does it feel weird?
Fu Nian, who was deep in thought, suddenly noticed something, popped his head out of the sea, and suddenly looked at a certain direction.

at the end of the shore,

A figure in a kimono stood at the end of the strong wind, with a pair of golden eyes eye-catching and dazzling among the fluttering hair.

(End of this chapter)

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