I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 347 The old antique should stay in the museum and wait to die!

Chapter 347 The old antique should stay in the museum and wait to die!

The moment Fu Nian looked over, he slowly bowed and squatted down.

The wind blew past his ears, and the fluttering broken hair was like unkempt dandelions, with a trace of indulgence in the softness.

"Kazama Ruri? Why is he here?" Fu Nian turned his eyes away from the man in the kimono in the distance, and looked at Erika next to him.

Eriyi looked blankly, I don't know, I'm just a postman delivering couriers.

After Fu Nian and the other party looked at each other, they didn't say anything, but slowly climbed up Xiaoting from the sea water, and the scorching air waves rolled over the water vapor on her body.

In just a split second, Fu Nian's embarrassed figure had returned to its original shape. Except for his disheveled clothes, his whole face was radiant.

Eliyi huddled in a corner of the boat, holding her long knife in one hand and Fu Nian's Han Bafang in the other, looking at Kaiser and Chu Zihang who were collapsed on top, and at the distant Kazama Ruri who was slowly getting up.Finally, he reluctantly glanced at the moonlight pouring down from above his head.The little mouth pouted slowly.

"Let's go." Fu Nian stood at the bow of the boat facing the wind, ragged cloth strips fluttering in the wind.With a serious look, he looked like an emperor who was going to war.The messy clothes look like a beggar begging.



Kazama Liuli stood quietly in front of the black Hummer, staring intently at the small boat slowly approaching the shore, a man and a woman on the small boat.

The men's clothes are disheveled, and the women's are pitiful.

Watching Fu Nian who was slowly coming down from the boat, Kazama Liuli bowed to him again.

Then silently opened the door of the Hummer behind him.He took out a brand new black suit from inside.

"Xia Mi asked you to come." Fu Nian said while looking at the other party

Kazama Liuli nodded, "Miss Xia Mi asked us to wait for you again, and repeatedly asked us to safely deliver this knife to your hands."

"She didn't know that I was going to be bombed by a nuclear bomb?" Fu Nian frowned. "Or are you so confident in me?"

Kazama Ruri obviously froze when she heard the nuclear bomb, but she quickly recovered and shook her head, "I don't know. But Miss Xia Mi should believe in your strength."

Kazama Ruri looked at the sea that was still colliding rapidly in the distance, and he knew what happened in it just now. The Snaki Bajia and Kassel College jointly destroyed the god burial place Gao Tianyuan. I have heard about it.

The power of the nuclear bomb explosion was shocking. Although she knew Fu Nian's strength and identity, she was still sweating for him.

"The reason Miss Xia Mi didn't appear here is because she is leading the demons to face a mysterious force." Kazama Liuli recalled what Xia Mi told him, and continued to speak.

"Mysterious power??" Fu Nian frowned suddenly.

"Some of them are Snaki Bajia, but not all of them. Ms. Xia Mi said that our task is more important, but she didn't explain it to us in detail."

Fu Nian looked at the girl next to him who was hugging Han Bafang, and suddenly realized something.

He found that he couldn't feel Xia Mi's position now. At first he thought that the nuclear explosion had a little impact on his brain, but after recovering a little, he thought it was because the distance between the two was too far.

But it doesn't seem like it now.

Their task is to receive themselves, is it more important to receive themselves?

Of course, self is indeed important, but it is not necessary.If Xia Mi knew what was going on here, he would ask someone to come here for him, but he would definitely not send Han Bafang here.

But when people came, so did Han Bafang.

There are only two possibilities. My side is very dangerous, and Han Bafang is needed as a powerful combat output.

It's very dangerous on my side. The nuclear bomb explosion almost buried me in the abyss of the sea, but it doesn't use Han Bafang at all.

Another possibility is that Xia Mi's side is very dangerous, and she doesn't have the confidence to protect her Achilles' heel, the Arrogant Sword.

Fu Nian's eyes gradually became serious, and the flowing luster became deeper and deeper in his eyes.No matter what the situation is now, it is not a good thing after all.


Fu Nian stepped on the back seat of the Hummer, and his whole body was like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.I have just been bombed by a nuclear explosion, and I am more depressed.

But now he was more annoyed, a kind of irritability emanating from the inside out.Like someone moved his most precious thing.

It was more unbearable than putting him in danger.

Kazama Liuli was aware of the change in Fu Nian's temperament,
He has been here since before the Corpse Watcher came ashore.At that time, Erika was holding two long knives and was sitting in the back seat. He was smoking in the driver's seat, and he had plenty of time to think about the problem.He is a man who is good at strategy. Although he doesn't often manage the ghosts, he is behind many of the ghosts' excellent plans.

He didn't know what Xia Mi was going to face with the demons,
Sheqi Bajia?
Of course not, because the main force of the Bajia of Snake Qi is dealing with their ancestors' corpse guard army.

what is that?
Kazama Ruri didn't know, but she knew that it must not be simple, otherwise Xia Mi would just need to hand it over to him and Sakurai Wanko.There was no need to do it herself, but now that she did it herself, it meant that it was no longer something he could handle.

Erika followed closely behind Fu Nian, obediently sitting next to the back seat.

"What should they do?" Kazama Liuli looked at the two people on the boat,

"They will wake up soon, and someone will send them to a safer place. Just don't let the sharks eat them. According to the college quality of Kassel College, survival on the battlefield will be a breeze for them."

"But they may be eaten by the tsunami in this weather." Kazama Ruri looked at the tsunami in the distance.

Fu Nian sighed helplessly, got out of the car slowly, and stood on the beach.

Looking at the black vortex in the distance.The deep dark pupils were slowly replaced by gold.

An indescribable force emanated from the other party, and they spread towards the surroundings, crazily spreading around, covering the entire tumbling sea level...



The dilapidated cliff looks like it has just been intensively bombed by hundreds of missiles.

The flat ground became jagged and raised, and countless black debris spread towards the surroundings as the three fought.

In the middle of the battle, a slender figure covered in steel-like scales was holding a black epee that was in extreme contrast to his figure. What was even more contrasting was that the epee was wielded wantonly by the figure like a toy. The air in the air will be tensed like a string, pulling the whistling wind blade, cutting the bodies of the two people opposite.

Opposite Xia Mi, the figures of two people, one big and one small, were in a state of embarrassment.

The burly man with the silver mask seems to be completely out of the same level of combat power.

Even with the instantaneous twisting speed, during the process of besieging Xia Mi by the same dragon-formed girl next to him, he has already become scarred and seriously injured.At this moment, his body could not find any complete body at all, and he was only relying on the mask to hold his last breath.

The girl next to him, although her body is similar to a girl, but after going through special means, her combat power is far superior to his.

The girl was holding a long knife, and her vigorous figure was like a cheetah, interspersed between battles relying on extreme speed and razor-sharp attacks.

But even so, she was pushed into a disadvantage under Xia Min's airtight and landslide-heavy attack.The silver-white dress has been dyed blood red,

But she seemed to have never felt pain, her eyes were as cold as frost, and the movements of her hands were as fast as lightning.Relying on Ling Lie's attack, he blocked the opponent's heavy mountain-like attack.The force is tilted in the air, and the coercion is eroded in the gap.


A vague black shadow gradually appeared behind her in the distance.

"Is this the case?" The voice was flat and flat, "The power blessing between the thrones is really unexpected. It has been left to you for too long, and because of this, you have even grown into an obstacle that hinders the development of my script.

Now that it has become an obstacle, rest in peace.Old antiques should stay in museums to die! ! "

The voice became ferocious, as if he was gnashing his teeth, and he seemed to be looking fiercely at his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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