I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 348 Lu Mingfei: I exchange!I swap! !

Chapter 348 Lu Mingfei: I exchange!I swap! !


Xia Mi who had lost the siege became even more fierce in her attacks, every breath and every movement of her contained the law of force.

She is the king of the earth and the mountain, and she is the master in the field of strength. She is on the top of the mountain. Except for another king of the earth and the mountain, no one can surpass her in skill in face-to-face close combat.

What's more, she was facing two fakes who relied on foreign objects to gain strength.


Xia Mi's narrow vertical pupils reflected the blade of a girl in the distance, and Xia Mi and a silver-white figure who was attacking forward were reflected on the blade.

The air was silent, but the waving Murasame appeared on the back of her neck like a sharp guillotine like lightning.

Xia Mi leaned his body, easily dodging the harassment of Murrayu who appeared from behind, and the light and shadow shrouded in his pupils were gradually eroded by the golden tide.

The eyes of the masked man tightened, and he felt an indescribable coercion hitting him at an extremely fast speed, like two huge meteorites were about to collide, and he couldn't breathe due to the terrifying oppression.

be cheated!
The masked man's thinking is like lightning, but his movements are sluggish like a withered old man.

"Remember to keep your eyes open next time. Not all mountains can be climbed. Wrong choices will eventually pay a price!"

The broad sword landed on the man's chest without fail, and the meteorites collided with each other without fail.The violent sound roared to everyone's eardrums, tearing the surrounding air.

Half of the top of the mountain fell to the ground and collapsed, Wanko Sakurai and Mai Shutoku, who were fighting in the distance, lost their center of gravity in an instant due to the downward force.

The other half, the girl who was trying to move forward, hurriedly withdrew her steps, and immediately began to retreat at an even more terrifying speed.

Just for a moment, she felt a strong murderous aura from the woman opposite.

She knew that she couldn't stop this knife. This is the power of the earth and the mountain throne. This is the rule, which belongs to the rule of the throne, and no one can stop it.

Even if he survived this blow, he completely lost his ability to fight.

There is no need for her to go to the rescue, she wants to...


The pupils of the girl who was retreating shrank, and a slender figure that should not have appeared appeared in front of her.

Immediately, a thick black iron magnified extremely rapidly in her pupils, and the downward pressure shook her hair on the temples, and the solidified force compressed the shortened air between the two.Like a fast-burning fuse.

The girl's body flew out like a kite whose thread was broken by a strong wind.

The huge impact force plowed a long gully with the black stone of the cliff, the gully reached the edge of the cliff, and the broken boulder crashed to the ground along with the sea breeze.

The girl was half kneeling on the spot, and the dress she was wearing had completely collapsed at this moment, especially on the back that had suffered from a power explosion. The black dragon scales were more like processed fish scales, which were inserted horizontally on the girl's back one by one, full of corrosiveness. The liquid flowed down the densely packed wounds,
The girl held the broken blade tightly with one hand, and the broken blade was inserted between the gaps in the black cliff,

The long knife in her hand couldn't withstand the sudden burst of force, and it shattered into two halves.

"Really think that the king's authority is allowed to be provoked?" Xia Mi didn't immediately start a series of crazy attacks with the advantage.

Instead, he stood where he was, staring intently at the cracked mask on the girl's face. Under the care of the broad sword, the mask directly collapsed into countless pieces.

"Zero!" Suddenly a surprised voice resounded in a corner.

But no one noticed that corner. Xia Mi carefully sized up the cold, expressionless girl in front of her. The girl's face was white and flawless, but it looked like an iceberg standing on the snow field. The face exposed outside was as cold as ice. Frost, but the eyes hidden under the face are colder than Frost.

"Why is she here?" The voice was a male voice, full of disbelief, even more unbelievable.

In his memory, when he left Kassel College, this girl should be in the classroom of Kassel College.

But, but!
Lu Mingfei stared at Ling's cold expression, and the expressionless and tense corners of his mouth. It was obvious that the other party's body was covered with wounds, and his right calf was even penetrated by gravel. flow outside.

But she didn't seem to feel it at all, and stared intently at the girl opposite who stopped attacking.

"Is it strange, brother?"

Another voice sounded in the air, the voice was very gentle, like a whisper in a lover's ear, but if someone noticed the boy's eyes at this moment, they would find that those eyes looking into the distance were the same type of cold eyes as the girl's. .It was as cold as if someone had touched his shackles.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, he was very surprised why the other party was here, but when he heard this guy's voice, he was not surprised at all.

He is a devil!
He could be caught here by the devil inexplicably, how could he be surprised that Ling would not work for the devil.

In Lu Mingfei's eyes, this is working for the devil. The good-looking dragon girl opposite is obviously so powerful, but she still doesn't flinch, like a she-wolf protecting her cubs. It seems to be guarding something.

But she's so young, she's hurt so badly, she's the one who should be protected, right?Lu Mingfei was very puzzled, and what he didn't know was that at this moment, the brows of his brows were slowly knit together.

"It's heartbreaking, isn't it, brother." The devil's voice rang in Lu Mingfei's ear again.

But the very inexplicable Lu Mingfei felt that what he said was in line with his current mood. He put one hand on his chest, feeling the beating of his heart, and felt a very inexplicable feeling. The injury didn't fall on her body at all, but on his own heart.

Again and again, the heart was beating, but it seemed that something was leaving. Lu Mingfei felt that he was losing something, as if something was being stripped from his soul.

Uncommonly, Lu Mingfei did not refute the devil, and nodded seriously, "It's empty."

"She is dying," continued the devil's voice.

Lu Mingfei's pupils widened,
His already empty heart seemed to be completely emptied because of this sentence. He sat alone on the edge of the world, and underneath was the abyss of loneliness.

"But brother can save him." The devil's voice continued.But it doesn't have the bewitching taste of the past, but is full of a touch of sadness.

Lu Mingfei woke up with a start, turned around and stared at the little boy beside him who looked like an upper-class aristocrat in a suit and tie.

The depression between the eyebrows gradually dissipated.He understood, he finally understood why he appeared here out of nowhere, this is a trap set by the devil for himself!

"I was just wondering how the devil changed his nature today, and he can empathize with me. It turns out that he has investigated me thoroughly! I have always regarded you as a brother, and you have always wanted to be mine. Life!"

Lu Mingfei clutched his chest aggressively, pouted his mouth, stared at the little boy next to him, and looked at the cliff in front of him, "I, Lu Mingfei, jumped from here today, and died here today, and I wouldn't Sell ​​your soul to the devil, you! Big devil, don't even think about getting me!!"

Lu Mingfei's voice filled the air.

The little devil who had been staring at the battle in the distance was also slowly amused by Lu Mingfei's appearance, with a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, I'm really your cousin."

But the eyes under the voice are not so happy,
Instead, it is full of unshakable sadness.

His ears were gradually covered by the whistling wind and snow. It was a snow-white world. Large flakes of snow poured down the collar towards the inside of his neck. A boy was pulling a girl along the endless railroad tracks step by step. Fallen leaves are flying in the air, and the railroad tracks twist and twist like black snakes.

The footprints left deep footprints on the snowdrifts, and the sound of crunching snow was spreading farther and farther.

They moved forward step by step, along the railway tracks, from Siberia in the cold winter all the way to China.

He still remembers what he once said to the girl,
"If you want to survive, be brave and always be someone useful to me. This is our new agreement."

The girl after that has always been brave, and she is now resisting the crazy broadsword attack in order to be useful to him.

At this moment, Xia Mi has completely revealed the fury of the Dragon King. Every time he swung the epee, he carried the power of landslides and sea cracks.

Zero used the broken sword to block the blade of the opponent's broad sword again and again, but the blade that could block the epee could not block the power of the epee.

Gravity hits the girl's limbs pounding the girl's entrails,

Even a body that has been transformed into a dragon can hardly stop this terrifying force. The dragon scales on the arms have completely collapsed, and blood is stained under every scale, and blood drops are dripping on every strand of broken dress. .

Every time the epee fell, it hit Zero heavily.

But it also hit Lu Mingfei's heart heavily, he didn't know why, he was obviously not familiar with the other party.

They are obviously just classmates, but why do I have to feel so uncomfortable,

Silent tears dripped down Lu Mingfei's cheeks inexplicably, like a dam letting go of a gate, and he tried hard to hold his chest.

The pain tugged at his soul, just like the god of death hooking the soul of the dead, as if to pull something away from his body, as if to deprive something from his world.

"Brother, she is going to die." The little devil's voice whispered in his ear.

He stood quietly watching the one-sided battle that had already begun. Zero's slender body worked hard to get up from the ground, and then tried again to get up, get up...

"Only you, brother, can save her."

Lu Mingfei's pupils were covered with blood in an instant.

The voice of the little devil whispered in the air, and the devil had already poked out its evil claws from the abyss of hell.

elder brother,

The figure of Zero flying out slowly overlapped with a girl performing standard ballet moves.

The same silver crystal-inlaid dress she was wearing today, she lifted one leg and danced in the posture of a dead swan, moving forward in a standard tango, with vigorous and powerful movements.

She spun and cut into the dance circle along a straight line, put her hands on her shoulders in the posture of Queen's Landing, and wrapped her wrists around his waist. The silver dance skirt flew up, and the refracted light and shadow were dazzling. Blooms like bright flowers.

It was on the dance floor of the student union where Caesar held a birthday party for Nuonuo, and Zero saved him from the embarrassing sea of ​​flames with the attitude of an absolute queen...

elder brother,

The girl stomped over the ongoing chemical experiment, and her slender hands exchanged her own chemical experiment with hers in a flash.

That time she helped herself avoid the danger of failing the first semester...

One picture after another emerged in Lu Mingfei's mind, all of which were zero figures, all of which were the intersections of himself and zero again and again,
He didn't expect that he had so many interactions with this girl, let alone that he was helped so many times by this girl.

did not expect……

But why do I feel so heartbroken!
It's obviously a trivial matter, but why do I have to exchange my life for it!

Lu Mingfei's pupils were wrapped in struggling pain.

He stared outside the darkness, and slowly walked to the dragon girl in front of Zero.

The dragon girl slowly raised the broad sword in her hand, and there was endless murderous aura in the vertical golden pupils.

Dragon Girl's arm suddenly exerted force, and the broad sword moved towards Zero's heart at extreme speed.

"No!" The icy chill ran down Lu Mingfei's spine and went straight to his brain.

"I exchange! I exchange!!"

He didn't know why he was so scared, but he was very scared, very afraid that he would lose the girl who had been standing in front of him.

Fingertips snap.

"The instruction is correct."

(End of this chapter)

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