I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 349 On the day I return to the world, all disobedient ministers should die!

Chapter 349 On the day I return to the world, all disobedient ministers should die!


Lu Mingze gently hugged Lu Mingfei from behind, buried his cheek on the other's back,

"Brother, sleep in peace, and leave the rest to me. I will rescue Zero for you, and I will win the war for you. How happy I am to see the burning desire in your heart!"

Lu Mingze's voice suddenly became gritted, "As long as my brother speaks against us, let them die. This is our law!"

Lu Mingfei's eyelids drooped heavily, covering his pupils, as if he was asleep.

next second.

Lu Mingfei slowly opened his eyes, like waking up after a full sleep, and like rebirth after dying once.The pupils of the eyes are filled with a touch of gold, like a thin layer of eye mask.

At this moment, the world became extremely clear in his eyes. The broken black cliff rocks in the distance, the blood sprayed on the ground, every rock, stone, scale and feather were all reflected in his pupils, every detail was clearly visible, He also quietly caught the scattered sound waves along the air.

Lu Mingfei raised his head and looked up, just like the ancestors looked at the starry sky.The flow of time seemed to slow down.

He laughed, silently laughing loudly.

The dense darkness became extremely active as if welcoming a king, they spread in all directions, shooting towards the sky and the earth.

Xia Mi was also attracted by the sudden explosion behind her, and she slowly withdrew the power attached to the blade.

Turn around and look sideways.

Looking at the extremely eye-catching darkness on the cliff.

There, the wriggling darkness is like rapidly growing seaweed in the water, and the dense black silk thread spreads outward along the cracked air gap, like a thunderstorm rolling in the sky, and also like the loneliness flowing in the abyss.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, just like egg waffles coming out of the shell, and the thick black smoke released from the inside becomes denser and denser.

Xia Mi's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold gaze in the vertical golden pupils, she quietly stared at the figure slowly coming out from inside.

Countless iron filings floated from the cliff, and behind Xia Mi, they converged into a steel tornado. They were covered with dazzling electric arcs, and the high temperature melted the burning rock into iron slag, and the iron slag slowly fell behind Xia Mi. Converged into a river of molten iron.

Lu Mingfei, or... the real Lu Mingze, walked out of the black mist and walked towards the iron stream like a walk.There seemed to be invisible sharp knives in front of him splitting the iron flow in two, and they brushed his body and flowed left and right.

At a certain moment, he lightly touched a piece of floating iron filings, his thumb lightly brushed across its sharpest part, and a drop of blood oozed from his fingertips.

Lu Mingze smiled and looked at Xia Mi on the opposite side, as if he was provoking, and also seemed to be telling the other party,

You see, they don't work for me.

He continued to step forward, casually smearing the drop of blood on the golden box "Seven Deadly Sins" in the darkness behind him.

The sword vibrated, and the seven directions of the box sounded like a waking dragon. The knife case popped open, and the mechanism slid out, slowly opening like a brilliant peacock tail feather.

But there is only one "furious" in it.

Lu Mingfei slowly held the handle of Fury's knife with his palm, "Furious" let out a deep roar, like a flying dragon about to break through the air and fly out.Tremors ripped through the air.

There was no verbal confrontation between the two, at exactly the same time, with exactly the same starting posture, Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei confronted each other.The sword of rage behind Lu Mingze rose rapidly, as if an angry roaring dragon was rapidly waking up.

Relying on his human body, Lu Mingze completely reached the speed after zero dragon transformation. There seemed to be sharp knives everywhere around him, tearing off the death field in front of Xia Mi with brutal force. The two collided together. The body emitted violent sparks, the air exploded, and countless broken stones splashed around, burning the entire cliff with scorching and dazzling light.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiude Mai escaped from Wanko Sakurai's attack in an instant, stepped on the flying gravel and came to Ling, who had no fighting ability at all, looked down at the opponent's still expressionless cheek, and hugged him , turned around and retreated in a certain direction.

The boss has already entered the stage, so this is not something that their subordinates should worry about.

Sakurai Wanko also did not pursue Mai Jiutoku, but turned around and headed quickly towards the black reef under the cliff.

The wounded ghosts are all over there, and their battle has spread there.

The air between the two sides was compressed to the limit by the speed, and the 250-kilometer-per-hour wind swept across the entire coast. The dazzling swords collided on the cliff in one second, and appeared on the sea in the next second. In the thunderous sonic boom, , Countless debris and steam spread towards the surroundings, and the weapons of both sides collided fiercely.The speed is evenly matched.

But this close battle between the two sides did not last long.Lu Mingfei used to rely on the power lent to him by Lu Mingze, but he was able to kill the existence of Dragon King Norton with the Sword of Rage. Now the power is in the hands of Lu Mingze, under his absolute will of the king, the sword of Rage It will exert unimaginable power.

It looks like a giant dragon being held by someone. The blade of Zhanma Dao expands rapidly every time Lu Mingze swings it. The blade, which was originally only two meters long, has now grown to ten meters in length.

Every time he swung it, the cliffs collapsed in the middle, and the sea water swelled violently.

The broadsword condensed with the power of words and spirits in Xia Mi's hand could resist the power of the Sword of Rage at first, but as the battle between the two sides became more intense, the broadsword condensed with refined iron could not resist the peak alchemy weapon after all. The power of the Sword of Rage.

The broad sword collapsed little by little during the battle, and the evenly matched battle was tilted to one side a little bit.

Xia Mi is the controller of the throne of the earth and the mountain, but she has never been good at fighting.The enemy grasped this very well, the siblings on the throne were separated, Xia Mi was besieged on the shore of the sea, and Fu Nian was trapped in the burial place by the nuclear bomb.

This is a plan against the throne!

Mai Shutoku stood on the distant reef and stared at the battle over there.

She still clearly remembered what the boss told them before leaving,
"In Norse mythology, there are three sisters in the gods. Urd weaves the lifeline, Beludandi pulls the lifeline, and Shikodi cuts the lifeline. This is the fate of all things in the world. It is like a script that has been written long ago. Once it takes root , no one can change it.

But a butterfly from the wilderness touched the line of fate that had been written in the occasional flap of its wings. Their fate line was deviated from the predetermined track, and my script was revised.

What do you say, my girls. "

Mai Tokuro didn't answer at that time, because she knew that the boss didn't need their answer.

Sure enough, the voice of the boss who had been silent for a long time became violent and brutal.

"Everyone who touches the red line is a rebel, and all rebels will be pierced through the deepest part of hell by scorching spears!"

That voice still seemed to be roaring in Jiude Mai's mind, full of anger!
Xia Mi spread his wings and glided close to the sea surface, under the dragon wings, the strong wind and thunder flew sand and rocks.The sharp blade splits the air and shatters the sea, but the strength between them is like the gap between a hummingbird and an eagle.

The sword of rage left vague scars on Xia Mi's chest, and the pitch-black dragon scales rolled and fell from his body.

The rock wall behind him was cracked by the huge impact. Among the falling rocks, Lu Mingfei's ferocious eyes flickered like ghostly fire. On his chest, hot liquid mixed with cracked dragon scales fell down.

The two were very close.But the extremely contrasting injuries are showing the outcome of the war.Under the crushing advantages of all parties, Xia Mi was still unable to resist the opponent's attack after all.

Xia Mi held her head up, and there was an unquenchable coldness flowing in her vertical pupils.

Lu Mingfei lowered his brows, his golden pupils gleamed with fury, hatred, and ferociousness under burning blood.

"On the day I return to the world, all rebels will die!"

He put his head next to Xia Mi's ear, and his voice spread from the air lightly, but what he brought was an irresistible oppression.

Under the sound, the cliff behind him continued to crumble, and the roaring smoke and dust did not even dare to stir.

The corners of Xia Mi's mouth rose slowly, gently.

She raised her head and stared condescendingly at the pupils of the man opposite.

She smiled.

He smiled heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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