I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 351 We will never die!

Chapter 351 We will never die!


In Kobe, some fishermen who could not fall asleep because the night was too long ran to the yard and looked up at the sky,

They noticed an abnormality in the sky in the distance. The vortex of black dark clouds was crazily spinning above the sky, as if a giant was about to emerge from it.

The blazing light under the clouds almost penetrated the dark clouds, and there seemed to be a fire burning at the bottom of the clouds.The light that overflowed towards the surroundings illuminated the pier in the distance as hot and dazzling as day.

Wanting to find out what happened, they took out their cell phones to watch the real-time news.

But they were surprised to find that their mobile phones had no signal,

The distribution of elements is completely disordered, and they affect the entire Osaka area. The violent electromagnetic interference caused by elemental disorder makes all monitoring lose its due effect.
The current scene is like a large-scale solar wind sweeping across the earth. A large number of charged particle streams released are gathered to form a high-speed particle stream. They are intertwined with the clouds. At this time, no one can monitor what is happening under the clouds.
The only difference is that this solar wind does not come from the cosmic sun, but from the earth, and the things under the clouds radiate amazing unknown energy to the sky and the ground.

"It seems like the end of the world." Sakurai Kogure stood on a rock in the distance and stared at the beach that suddenly changed in the distance.
The deep sea water is like irritated king cobras. They stand up and rush towards the coast from the deep sea. The dark clouds in the sky are close at hand. They are rolling and flowing, trying to escape the two Dao figure.There were constant red lightnings falling on the sea surface, and the black reef was smashed into pieces in the sea water.

Wanzi, who was standing next to Sakurai Kogure, did not speak. She held a long knife tightly in one hand, and her pale golden vertical pupils stared intently at the figure that was moving at high speed in the distance, that figure that was red and hot.

Fu Nian held a long sword wrapped in bandages in one hand, and his hair was blown by the wind on the tip of his eyebrows, revealing the bright red and golden vertical pupils inside.

In the vortex of the lava below, he is like an angel from heaven, but he uses the means of the devil to execute justice!

Because during this process, his body was also undergoing drastic changes, and his figure began to become hideous and terrifying. His whole body was covered in hard scales, and those scales reflected the golden light of the lava below, like The armor worn on the body, the sharp bones swell outward, they pierce the skin, pierce the clothes to reveal the body surface, each one is like a curved hunting knife,

Relying on the raised skeleton, the steel-like muscles began to expand rapidly, like a raised mountain rock, and the texture of the outline was completed in an instant.The bones of his whole body exploded under the movement of extreme speed, and the surrounding air roared like thunder.

The whole action was completed in a split second, from his start to his finish, from an elegant gentleman to a crazy beast.

The only thing that was surprising was that calm face, without the violent anger that one expected, and without gnashing of teeth in pain.

He got out of the car with a blank face, and moved forward with a blank face. All his emotions were channeled into the terrifying coercion around him, the unprecedented terrifying coercion.

The whole beach seemed to be flattened under his will, like the sky collapsed under a huge force.

The wings pierced the only complete remnant of the suit on his back. They stretched from the spine, and they spread ferociously towards the surroundings. They were as beautiful as a god's handicraft, and every inch of detail was ingeniously painted and engraved.

The strong wind lifted his black wings above the sea of ​​clouds.

He appeared in mid-air with a soaring posture, overlooking the tall and thin figure below in the form of a holy cross.

"It turned out to be like this, occupying the Bronze and Fire Throne and the Earth and Mountain Throne at the same time, so that you have the means to resist and escape from the nuclear bomb calmly," the figure looked at Fu Nian, "Success allows you to have different powers of authority, It should make you feel deeply, about the essence of this world, about the preciousness of power, and about the stupidity of human beings." Lu Mingze chattered on and on,
There was an expression in Fu Nian's eyes that he had never seen from Lu Mingfei before.At this moment, he didn't look like a waste wood huddled at the end of the crane in the dormitory at all, but like a far-sighted nobleman, a king holding power in his hands.

Fu Nian didn't answer, but cast his beast-like vertical pupils on the opponent.

The pure gold light of the lava illuminated the figure below.

"My brother is very sad, and it makes me a little sad." Lu Mingfei touched his chest, "Although I think he is so stupid, his emotions always affect me more or less, and after all, he is My brother. He thinks she deserves to die, so I'll have to kill her for him."

Lu Mingze pointed at the figure on the cliff behind him and giggled.


Fu Nian knew that the confidence in that right came from the power behind him.Fu Nian didn't know why Lu Mingfei had such a big change.

But he doesn't need to know either.

He doesn't need to listen to a dead man's nonsense!

When the little devil in Lu Mingfei's body wanted to say something.

A huge air vortex appeared above his head.

Before he was asked to take any action,
A hideous figure with a long knife flashed out of it.Gravity sank, like a majestic mountain toppled over.

The ground cracked, and huge gullies stirred the ground and sea water in all directions.

Lu Mingze squatted in the middle of the ruins with his hands crossed, and two molten golden weapons appeared in front of him, they were Tian Yuyu Zhan and Budu Yuhun.

Falling between them is the sword of pride, Han Bafang.

At this moment, the bandage on Han Bafang had already been burned by the scorching heat, revealing the outline of the gleaming golden sword inside, and the outline seemed to be flowing with red liquid.

The violent collision between the weapons of both sides did not cause fierce sparks, because all the fire light was attracted by the red liquid flowing from the blade.

A large amount of fire element flow in the space was guided and gathered by the red liquid, they concentrated like a vortex, and exploded suddenly after concentration, it looked like a napalm bomb exploding in front of Lu Mingze.

Blazing light illuminated the entire sky.

The aftermath of the explosion cleaned the ruins on the ground once again, and the huge force brought the whole beach to collapse backwards, and Lu Mingze's figure fell on it.

He half-kneeled on the spot, staring at the hot flames on Budu Yuhun that were rapidly eroding towards his body. While they were burning the body, they were also burning the soul!It seems that there are countless ants eating your muscles and sucking your bone marrow.


Lu Mingze snapped his fingers, and the turbulent flow of fire attribute elements scattered in front of him, and the original mighty flame suddenly disappeared, as if being sucked away by another space.

Fu Nian didn't care about this matter, the battle between kings and kings was never decided by words.

It will only be a bloody life and death fight!

Fu Nian's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot, but this time the target was not Lu Mingfei who was thrown away by his manic power, although he knew that now was an excellent opportunity to attack.

But chance is just chance, he can create the first time, he can create the second time,

He has more important things to do now.

Fu Nian's figure instantly appeared on the cliff at the top of the mountain, in front of Xia Mi.

The sharp claws on his feet scratched two hideous marks on the black stone of the cliff, and the wings behind him fluctuated up and down in the air without the slightest hesitation. Then he pulled the broad saber from her chest.

Lines of blood gushed towards the air, and they fell on Fu Nian, like a cold blade piercing his chest.

Xia Mi stared at Fu Nian's extremely tense brows, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became gentle. She reached out and gently stroked the side of Fu Nian's face.

But her weak strength made it difficult for her to use a little bit of strength.

Fu Nian put his palms on Xia Mi's chest, and the power of the earth and mountains crazily trembled the surrounding air.

Tears trickled down Xia Mi's cheeks.The mist filled her entire eye sockets.She stared intently at Fu Nian who was so serious and cold at this moment.The smile on the corner of the mouth is as soft as the spring breeze blowing through the sea of ​​flowers...

"Xia Mi won't die."

For a long time, Fu Nian gently comforted Xia Mi with his palm, the smile on the corner of his mouth melted away his expressionless expression,
But the burning fire in the pupils became more and more intense.

Xia Mi nodded, weakly slumped on Fu Nian's chest, feeling the boiling blood in his body, like a volcano about to erupt.

"If you come, our plan will succeed."

The voice is feeble like a candle in a gale,

Fu Nian felt Xia Mi's weak heartbeat and the other's warm body temperature.

The sharp blade at the fingertips cut his palm, and the voice became gnashing,
"We will never die!"

(End of this chapter)

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