I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 352 Dragon King Fenrir

Chapter 352 Dragon King Fenrir


"We will never die!"

The voice echoed softly in Xia Mi's ears, but violently shook the world.

It seems that there are countless angers rushing through the blood vessels at an extremely fast speed,
Like a meteorite that tore through the oxygen layer and is about to fall on the sea, the golden color of the lava illuminated the entire sky red, and the air waves roared through the air. Before the meteorite fell completely to the ground, the beach began to sink downwards.
The sound of the sonic boom in the air was like a missile exploding in the ear, and the monstrous sea rolled up the waves and spread in all directions.

In the very center of the meteorite, the tall and thin figure looked at the scene in front of him with an ugly expression, and a thick golden light bloomed from the opponent's pupils.

The low, mountain-like pressure completely submerged the soil around him, they imprisoned the air, imprisoned the elements, and only allowed the hard rock layer to be exposed.

Fu Nian slowly placed Xia Mi in a place that might not be affected by the battle, and gently helped him smooth the hair sticking to the ends of his hair.

There was a stiff smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Fu Nian at this moment, Xia Mi burst out laughing.

"Be a bit happier."

Xia Mi's weak voice filled Fu Nian's ears, which somewhat reassured him, at least it showed that Xia Mi's current situation was not particularly bad.

"Where are you still in the mood to laugh?" Fu Nian shook his head slowly, gently stroking Xia Mi's forehead, his eyes were condensed with intractable gloom and coldness.

"We have already won. I lasted until my brother arrived, my plan has been realized, and the layout of Japan has been stabilized." Xia Mi opened his mouth a little bit, but all he said was something Fu Nian said for the first time. what you hear.

"The price is a bit high." Fu Nian's voice was cold, but he tried to keep his voice as soft as possible.At this moment, he seemed to have found his responsibility as Fenrir.

"I believe in brother." The corner of Xia Mi's mouth was always gentle and brighter.

"Be good." Rubbing Xia Mi's cheek.



The air in the distance fell heavily.

It was a falling saber.It crashed down from the center of the vortex in the sky, and the majestic power spread from the blade to the surroundings, and the sharp blade slashed everything around it to pieces.At the point where the sea water meets the land, a several-meter-long gully stretches wildly in the distance.

The tall and thin figure in the center slowly came out from the cracks in the ground. At this moment, his body was already covered with blue-black scales, and there was an icy aura in his red-gold vertical pupils.

He stared at the figure of Fu Nian at the end of the cliff, and walked towards the handle of the saber knife step by step.

With every step, the torn dragon scales on his body will recover a little bit, and the surrounding power will become stronger.

When he stood completely in front of Zhan Sabao, the ferocious dragon horns and pitch-black dragon wings completely unfolded a fierce look!

He held the saber handle with one hand.

Roar! !

The two people who looked at each other roared at the same time, and the piercing roar was the coercion of collapsing rocks.

The tens of meters high cliff under Fu Nian's feet instantly cracked from the middle, and the cliff that had been eroded by the sea for thousands of years collapsed instantly.

the next moment.

The figures of Fu Nian and Lu Mingze suddenly disappeared from where they were.

Lightning flashed across the sky, and the red gold illuminated the gap between the black clouds, like a dragon shuttled between the clouds, spouting thunder and lightning, rolling the sea of ​​clouds.

The clashing sound of knives disturbed everything around, the sword of arrogance and the sword of rage collided fiercely, there was no collision between words and spirits, no waving between skills.

There is only pure power to fight, pure bloody madness.

The splashing scarlet mixed with the broken scales poured down like a torrential rain.

The Zhanma Dao was aroused to the extreme by Lu Mingze, and the angry giant dragon phantom extended the blade to a height of ten meters.Han Bafang is also under the control of Fu Nian, which is more than five times that of before. The originally majestic and generous eight-sided side-blade blade has become more majestic and deep, and it is more like a majestic sword in the hand. mountain peak.

Every moment it swings, it carries a force that makes the air unbearable. The earth is collapsing, and the sea water is exploding.

Every collision between them is a turbulent flow of a large number of elements, and the ultra-high temperature and ultra-low temperature high-speed air flow alternately splits the sea water, and also cuts the two sides in the decisive battle.

They hit the sky from the ground, they drilled a huge hole in the cloud, and it was quickly filled by the surrounding clouds. Every collision produced a flow of high-energy particles, and this kind of fine particle was not for them. It's easy to bear, the neural circuit is disturbed, and all kinds of terrible illusions appear in the mind, and they are immediately shattered.

They flitted across the sea in front of the pier at supersonic speed. From the sea to the downtown area, all the glass along the way shattered, and the monstrous wild waves reached the highest point only a few seconds after they left.Originally, some blocks were still lit, but where they passed, high-energy particle streams swept past, and the overload caused the city to completely plunge into darkness.

Their battle completely alarmed the local government, and countless government officials asked down again and again.But no one knew what happened. The radio network covering the entire city completely lost its function over the city densely covered by high-energy particles.
The drones sent here by the fishermen out of curiosity also completely lost contact. They fell into the deep sea inexplicably. More and more people were awakened. The sky in the distance was shrouded in darkness. No one knew what happened. What happened, the sky was covered by dense dark clouds, and the dark clouds were struggling to roll over, everything was like a pot of boiled water.

At a certain time, the dense dark cloud suddenly shattered, and two jet-black figures collided together like meteors, and then bounced off each other. One fell into the dark deep sea, and the other chased after him at extreme speed after a short rest.

The fishermen who witnessed the strange shape were all stunned, looking at the black rain falling from the sky.

They all knelt down and called the gods to appear, praying for the blessing of the sea god Mitsumi.

Fu Nian chased after Lu Mingze, the golden color in his pupils was quickly spread by crimson, and the surrounding fire elements became extremely dense. In the next instant, a powerful fire-attribute word spirit had begun to be released, and the area of ​​the word spirit Rapidly expanding, Long Wen's chants enveloped the surrounding sea area within a few kilometers,
It was a scorching lava field, the sea water in the field, and even the fish swimming underwater evaporated in an instant explosion.

They landed on the surface of the sea, and the corroded dragon's blood also dripped on the surface of the water. Lu Mingze stumbled back and sucked in a large amount of air, trying to press the wound to heal.

The furious Saber was less than half of its previous length, and the inflated phantom completely collapsed into a ray phantom less than the size of a fingernail during the battle. Lu Mingze knelt down slowly. Among the broken scales, there were countless The hole is bleeding.

Although they all used the weapons of the Seven Deadly Sins, there was a certain gap in the strength of the two holders.

In Lu Mingze's script, Xia Mi is going to be terminated here, and he needs to be here in exchange for that quarter of his life. For this reason, he did not hesitate to let Ling risk his life being terminated.

His plan was successful.

But also failed.

After all, the power obtained in exchange for a quarter of life cannot be compared to a controller who has the power of two thrones at the same time.What's even crazier is that the dominant force is the king of the earth and mountains, Fenrir, who specializes in controlling power!

He is a loophole in his plan, but this loophole is frantically dismantling the framework of the entire plan.

In the countless collisions that the two sides have just experienced, it often ended with him being crushed by a huge force.He just relied on the strong advantage of his bloodline to heal his wounds continuously, and then relied on the restraint of the sword of rage to find the weak point, and rushed forward again.

But the Sword of Rage could not make up for the huge gap in strength between them after all. He once told Lu Mingfei that he would use this quarter of his life to exchange him for anything, but the current situation has exceeded four. One-fifth of the range of the fuel,

It is not impossible to defeat him, but he needs Lu Mingfei's consent.

But when Lu Mingfei saw Fu Nianzhi, how could he easily agree to give him a quarter of his life? All this has fallen into a vicious circle.Lu Mingze's expression turned extremely ugly.

Fu Nian didn't stay for too long, and their figures collided again.

Another fierce battle has begun.

Half of Lu Mingze's scales have been shattered by Han Bafang, his bloody body looks like a fish whose scales have been scraped,

Every attack of Fu Nian brings absolute pressure. Instead of holding back his power because the host is Lu Mingfei, he bursts out with [-]% of his power. Every attack of the opponent can always Attack to the place where Lu Mingze's strength is weakest.

But compared to the shattering of the dragon scales on the body surface brought about by the heavy and rigid force, the damage to the internal organs is the most serious.

After piercing through the scales, Han Bafang caused huge wounds on the organs.

For dragons, external wounds can be healed at any time, but it is not so easy to heal internal wounds.



 Thank you [Suit or White Shirt] for your 5000 point reward!
  Thank you very much [book friend 20200502201833382] for the 2100 point reward!
  Explain, I have a foreshadowing, if I beat the little devil directly, I will be invincible.The protagonist has just experienced a nuclear explosion before coming, the complete throne will have the effect of one plus one greater than two, the bronze throne allows him to ignore the high temperature of the flame,

  But Fu Nian, who is a single throne, is still a dragon king in a human body state. Against this terrifying power of a nuclear explosion, it will cause serious physical exertion and internal injuries.

  At this moment, Fu Nian is not in a normal state, both physically and mentally, and this is Lu Mingze's second life fusion.

(End of this chapter)

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