I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 353 Death will finally come!

Chapter 353 Death will finally come!


But at the same time, when Fu Nian was attacking, Lu Mingze was not idle.

He pierced through Fu Nian's chest with his sharp claws, scarlet and dragon scales shot out, and the forward impact caused Lu Mingze to flap his wings and take Fu Nian straight up into the sky.He repeatedly stabbed the opponent's abdomen with the sharp claw of the other left hand, trying to tear the opposite guy in two like tearing Deadpool.

But the current Lu Mingze can't do it. Fu Nian's body is far from what Deadpool can match. His body is as rigid as a piece of iron stone.

Every thrust he made was like kicking a nail through the board with his toe.In the fuzzy flesh and blood is the coldness that tingles the nerves.Lu Mingze never seemed to feel it.

Under the high-frequency attack of sharp blades, pairs of blood holes still appeared densely on Fu Nian's body. They penetrated the hard dragon scales, penetrated from the chest to the back of the chest, and were repaired by the powerful recovery ability of the dragon blood. ,Continue fighting.

None of them said a word to each other too much, in the battle of dragons, there was always an endless ending!The new king will never allow the old king to live in this world, the kingship has always been exclusive, this is the iron rule!

Lu Mingze bit Fu Nian's neck with one bite, piercing through the weak blood vessels with his sharp teeth, and the splashing heat was like a gushing fountain.

But now Fu Nian doesn't seem to know what the pain is, his pupils are filled with endless red mist, and the right-handed Han Bafang waved down at the opponent without hesitation, the pure force flattened the air, and finally ruthlessly landed on the wings behind Lu Mingze,

Splashes of blood splattered in the air.Like the feathers in a soft goose down pillow, the figures of the two permeate a bloody and lonely picture.

Lu Mingfei swung his sharp claws without the slightest skill, and Fu Nian even swung his sharp blade without any skill. After each attack, the liquid in their bodies would be shot out, and then the powerful recovery ability would heal the wound again.

There is no essential difference in the battle between them, the only non-stop is each other's unskilled punching, Lu Mingze finds it more and more difficult for him to withstand the opponent's roaring attack.Every physical recovery brings absolute physical consumption.

His golden pupils are gradually dimming, which is a sign that the effect of the dragon's blood has faded.The strength in his body was no longer enough to support him to continue fighting.

But at this moment, Fu Nian seems to be full of spare energy. Although the wings behind him are already tattered and the dragon scales all over his body have no extra energy to recover, the waving fists seem to be flowing continuously. Emerging from within, along the veins of the muscles, trembling Lu Mingze's distressed body.

They both staggered back, gulping in large amounts of air at each other, forcing the wound to heal.

Fu Nian was in a mess, with dragon scales all over his body, like a hedgehog full of steel needles.The broken dragon wing waved lightly in mid-air. In one hand he held a red-gold epee Han Bafang, and in the other hand was a bloody withered dragon wing.

Opposite him, Lu Mingze couldn't stand up completely. The golden light in his eyes was very dim. Bloody black, it was the blood of himself and the opponent. The dragon scale defenses all over his body had already been completely broken, and they were stuck in the blurred muscles like a little bit of broken leaves, and the whole person was exhausted to the extreme.

There is no doubt that Fu Nian has the upper hand in this battle.But both sides were equally exhausted to the extreme.Lu Mingze exhausted his body, so Fu Nian tried his best.

He stepped forward slowly, holding the majestic Han Bafang long sword in his hand step by step, the fire element and force element were so strong around him that it seemed to be able to roll up a vortex.In his heart, this battle had already written its ending from the very beginning.

Now he will step on the bloody red carpet, step by step to chop down the crown of victory under the sky.

"You are a very special existence." Lu Mingze looked at Fu Nian who was walking towards him step by step. The other person's footsteps were very weak, but his body was even weaker.

Fu Nian stared at Lu Mingze with beast-like vertical pupils and said nothing, he had nothing to say to him.

As I once said, there is a price to pay for everything. While you have some kind of achievement, you must also have the ability to bear the price of the risk behind the achievement. Once the risk exceeds your own strength, you will be destroyed. Will not be absent.

"I also have limits." Lu Mingze looked down at the reflection on the water, as if he was talking to Fu Nian, "Dragging such a half-dragon, half-human body, running back and forth for my brother, my brother doesn't appreciate it. I always think that the benefits I gave him are for nothing." Lu Mingze smiled wryly,

"If I die one day, he will be in a bad situation, right?"

Fu Nian remained silent, and his steps felt a little faster.

He didn't want to hear any excuses. Facts speak louder than words.

Death will come!

Judgment is never absent!

"However, it's not just because of what my brother asked me to do. I'm also very happy to help my brother."

Lu Mingze could still smile at this time, he looked up at the dark sky, smiling so coldly,

"Originally in my script, you were all going to die. After Norton's script, it should be Jormungandr, but your appearance added a change to my script. For this reason, I revised my script to allow you more Live for a while, leaving enough time for you to meet,
But you guys started another script of mine ahead of time. "Lu Mingze's face suddenly became ferocious.

"What's even worse is that you are still trying to end this script in vain! How dare you vainly try to destroy my brother's way! How dare you disobey my will! You lowly rebels!" Lu Mingze's voice suddenly became gritted.

"All rebels will be pierced through the deepest part of hell by scorching spears!" He roared with the last of his strength, and rushed towards Fu Nian with both fists.

The half dragon wing behind him waved vigorously, and the blood in the main artery became more intense.

Fu Nian held the Han Bafang in his hand across his body, barely blocking the counterattack.But it was still sent flying by the force from the blade.

Fu Nian in the air quickly waved his wings to adjust his body, stepped on the ground with his feet and pulled out a long ravine,
In the moment of preparing to fight back,

Suddenly aware of something, Fu Nian hurriedly turned to look at the sky.

Even Lu Mingze, who fell on the sea and looked up at the sky blankly.

The dazzling light shrouded the dark night like a dense swarm of fireflies. They gathered into a pair of giant hands and tore open the dark curtain. Fu Nian narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

In just an instant, they were even closer.

I saw the first dozen or so parallel bolides pierced the night sky and fell straight towards the top of their heads.

"Full shot!"

After the bolides walking side by side, there are a larger number of missile groups. They are the Type 81 air defense missile system equipped by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and use infrared-guided short-range missiles. At this moment, they cover a large area of ​​the airspace where Fu Nian is fighting.

Falling towards the embarrassed Fu Nian and the injured Lu Mingze at an extremely fast speed.

The scorching high-density missile group made a bursting sound in the air,

The splashing sea surface and the semi-melted metal fragments that exploded formed a dense strike net.

More missiles followed, and they landed precisely on the coordinates of the two of them.

Like the coming of God, there is no way to avoid it.

 Thanks to [GrandeReader] for the 700 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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