I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 355 The King Who Died Again

Chapter 355 The King Who Died Again

The tail of the helicopter whipped up a gust of wind into a vortex, rolling and rolling the thick smoke below.Like a huge smoking machine.

Under the thick black smoke, a huge deep pit was slowly revealed in front of everyone, and black sea water poured in from it in all directions, but the deep pit below seemed to be endless, and no one could see it. There are signs of being filled.

Finally, when the last wisp of black smoke dissipated, a black figure slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

At this moment, everyone focused their attention on that, especially the king standing on the top of the mountain. The corners of his mouth under the mask were raised, and his pupils were full of expectations.

All of them reflected the scene he wanted to see.

It's like the mood of a confident student before the expected exam is about to be announced.

However, when the smoke completely cleared, when the figure completely appeared in front of everyone.

The luster from Wang Jiang's pupils was gradually replaced by his squinted eyes, and the corners of his mouth became stiff little by little.

He stared at the seawater that was flowing towards the deep pit. The seawater emitted white smoke amidst the high temperature of the scorched soil. Under the large-scale surge of seawater, the water surface was just below one-tenth of the height.

In the black water, a black figure is so conspicuous and dazzling,
Although his embarrassed body was standing hunched over, and even though the dragon scales all over his body were rolled and oozing blood, those scorching golden pupils still shone brightly.

Like two suns shining in the dark abyss, driving away all fears,

Fu Nian raised his chin, and fixed his eyes on the combat team members who were heading towards Xia Mi in the distance. They were falling rapidly on the downhill rope.

Black combat helicopters hovered in the air, besieging the city around the raised cliffs.

Ripples gradually appeared in the air around Fu Nian, which was caused by the extreme compression of terrifying power.

The surrounding forces became extremely heavy,
Fu Nian slowly raised the palm of his right hand, pieces of blue-black dragon scales quickly began to grow from the surface of the bloodshot skin, and sharp claws slowly replaced the previous nails.The dragon arm was glowing as before, and the air waves wrapped around it exuded the ferocity of power and the wantonness of beasts.

The raging wind stopped, and the rushing sea also stopped flowing.

Even Wanko Sakurai, who was driving at extreme speed in the distance, slowed down.

A huge domain descended from the sky like an iron cage, completely covering the surrounding coast. The elements of violent power in the air were frantically gathering towards the central vortex. They were compressed downward in the domain, and the air was so heavy that it was hard to breathe. breathe.

Fu Nian squeezed his palm.

More than a dozen helicopter fighters worth hundreds of millions exploded like deflated balloons, and beautiful flames appeared in the sky. In an instant, they were crushed into small sparks by an inexplicable force, and then extinguished.The roar of iron plates crashed on the sea.Splashing waves.

The operators who were descending rapidly along the downhill rope lost their upward bearing capacity in an instant.

The rope fell towards the ground like a broken kite, and Wang Jiang's elite also fell towards the ground along with the broken kite.

At an altitude of tens of meters, even if the hybrids have vitality that ordinary people cannot understand, it is not something they can bear now.What's more, the ground is full of jagged gravel and rocks.

The brilliance in Fu Nian's eyes gradually subsided, and the vertical golden pupils were clear in his eyes, and he no longer cared about the life and death of the mixed race that fell from the sky.

He also ignored the general standing on the cliff staring at this scene dumbfounded. In his plan, this scene was impossible. He had experience in catching dragons before. In order to maximize the opportunity, he The timing, attack, and entry time are all just right.

They even used the powerful modern weapons and missiles of the Self-Defense Force. Each of them has a power range of 20 meters and is equipped with nearly ten kilograms of high explosives. Not to mention that it can easily destroy a modern steel sky. Under the lethal means, a piece of debris can instantly cut Deadpool's powerful defense in half. He used 36 missiles of this kind. Under the precise strike, he firmly believes that nothing can survive in it!


Fu Nian turned around and walked towards another deep pit next to him.

Because of the range of the wind force, the smoke from the bombing in the deep pit next to him has not completely dissipated so far.

Even the perception in it was deliberately shielded by a mysterious force.He has a bad feeling.

Because when he looked around just now, he didn't find Mai Tokuro's figure.

Fu Nian walked on the surface of the sea step by step, with exquisite power attached to the surface of the sharp claws, they oppressed the sea water, preventing the sea water from showing any sign of collapse.

With every step, drops of blood will flow down the thighs, along the knees, between the gaps of the dragon scales. They drip onto the surface of the sea, but they don’t spread like ink dripping into the water. They fall vertically, like It is a little bit of obsidian solidified in water.

After all, the intensive bombardment of missiles had a great impact on Fu Nian. When he and Lu Mingze were weak and exhausted from fighting, suddenly such a large number of missile groups appeared, which was not easy for anyone. things.

The timing of the opponent's appearance was very ingenious, and the opportunity he grasped was also very insidious, but he ignored one point, and this point that he ignored also became an opportunity for him to die.

Humans have never imagined the power of dragons. They try to use the strength of Deadpool to guess the strength of real dragons. This is like targeting elephants with reference to the shape of pigs.The gap between information gaps will cost them dearly.

What's more, this time the king will attack the Dragon King, a monarch in his heyday.

Now Fu Nian doesn't even want to care about the life and death of the other party. In his eyes, the real opponent tonight is Lu Mingze in the thick fog!

The broken dragon wings danced behind Fu Nian, and the invisible aura would tear up the black mist in front of him every time Fu Nian moved forward,

The strong wind whizzed by, but still couldn't blow away the black mist in front of him. They were like stains stuck to the clothes, and it was difficult to make them succumb without any means.

Fu Nianyao stretched out his hand, and Han Bafang, who was obliquely inserted in the distant reef, came through the air.

The moment Fu Nian held it in the palm of his hand, the surrounding air was diffused outward by a powerful force.

The sword light roared towards the distance, but it was not a sharp sword light at all, but a majestic mountain wall like rushing waves.

It ruthlessly crushed everything in front of it, and the black mist shattered like glass.

A huge deep pit emerged from it, and sea water poured into it, but it was empty.

There are only fragments of broken dragon scales, and scarlet blood stains flowing on the ground.

Fu Nian quietly watched the scene in front of him, with a icy gleam on his expressionless face.

He stood there without moving.

At this moment, no one dared to move between heaven and earth.

Invisible power spreads in all directions like octopus tentacles.

The dark clouds rolling in the sky are silent, the waves rolling under the feet are silent, even the cold wind whistling in the air is silently shivering, the world has become silent.

Wanko Sakurai stood in front of Xia Mi and looked around, Ruri Kazama frowned and stared at the void, Erika hugged the duck and huddled behind Ruri Kazama.


A beam of bright light suddenly rose from the sea, and the howl of the sword that slashed horizontally carried the shriek of tearing apart the space.

They crossed the beach, skimmed over the cliffs, and finally smashed the dark clouds in the sky at a thirty-degree angle.

A smear of blood-red liquid spread out neatly towards the distance, and they formed a human figure and continued to move forward along the sword light.

Fu Nian closed it with one hand.

The sword light disappeared.

The blood that lay flat in the night fell from the sky like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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