I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 356 Senior Brother?Chu Zihang? ?

Chapter 356 Senior Brother?Chu Zihang? ?

Fu Nian gently licked the wound on his wrist, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, the wound quickly recovered.

Nodding his head, he slowly lifted Xia Mi's body up, then bent down, letting the other party climb up his back in a convenient position.

Xia Mi was seriously injured. Even though the dragon blood vitality he had given helped her quickly recover from the superficial injuries, the impact she received during the fight with Lu Mingze was still in the internal organs.

This requires Xia Mi to recover for a long period of time. Fu Nian is not sure how long the whole process will be, because the physical conditions of the two people cannot be considered the same.

"Is the position okay?" Fu Nian turned his head to look at Xia Mi who was sticking to his cheeks. Between the friction of the skin on both sides, Fu Nian felt a slippery and cool touch.

"I want to be hugged by a princess?" Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian expectantly. Although her lips were pale and her body was weak at the moment, her eyes were still full of spirit, like shining stars.

Fu Nian looked down at the traces of dragon blood remaining on his chest. At this moment, he had completely withdrawn from the half-dragon state, but not completely.
Seeing the black scales shining on his chest under the firelight, he shook his head,

"The front is a bit dirty, I don't want to dirty Xia Mi's clothes."


Without giving Fu Nian a chance to speak, he stretched out the hand on his arm towards his chest.

Fu Nian grabbed Xia Mi's little hand that was about to go deep into his chest, and stopped the other party's next move.

Xia Mi's eyes became strange, and finally sighed slowly
"Unless there are special circumstances, I know that my brother will never reject me in these trivial matters of life, but can you please think of a better reason next time when you are covering up?"

Fu Nian kept Xia Mi behind his back and said nothing, his eyes stared at the boundless darkness in the distance, and the ups and downs of the waves were reflected in his pupils.

Xia Mi stretched out his palm hard, but Fu Nian still didn't move.

did not speak.

"Let go." Xia Mi's eyes turned fierce.

"Xia Mi." Fu Nian said, but there was a hint of pleading in his voice.

"let go!"

The power blocking his hand receded like a sea tide, and Xia Mi's palm easily penetrated into Fu Nian's chest.

It was cold to the touch, and the dragon scales were round and smooth, like pebbles finely polished by nature.But the finger that landed on it bounced up like an electric shock, and Xia Mi's face turned paler in an instant.

Instead, looking at Fu Nian's eyes was full of heartache.He hugged Fu Nian's neck tightly with his arms, and put his chin on his shoulder.

"Dragon Wing not only has the ability to fight in the air, but also has strong defensive capabilities. It can protect my brother's back in battle, but the unpredictable battles prevent it from protecting my brother's chest in time. My brother just came up. From time to time, he appeared from behind me, probably trying to avoid my seeing my brother's injuries. I didn't expect him to be so cruel."

"It wasn't caused by Lu Mingfei. It was the explosion of the nuclear bomb."

Xia Mi's eyes narrowed. She had investigated the Longyuan Project of Kassel College, and it carried an alchemy bomb made by a master alchemist. Drink it down, otherwise that thing is useless to Fu Nian.That's why she allowed the other party to go into the sea.

In terms of intelligence, did I miss it after all!
Xia Mi tightened his arms again, and put his cheek next to Fu Nian, feeling the other's breath, "Brother shouldn't use his own strength to recover for me."

"Xia Mi's injury is a bit more serious, I can still resist." Fu Nian shook his head.

Holding Xia Mi tightly with his backhand, he walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped.

No roaring shatter.

Fu Nian gently fell on the gravel beach like fallen leaves, and his eyes fell on Sakurai Wanko who was already waiting in the distance.

The moment he saw Fu Nian coming down, Sakurai Wanko appeared in front of Fu Nian grabbing a embarrassed figure.

The figure in front of him looked like a man, but he was wearing a silver mask.

Fu Nian was no stranger to the other party.

When he first stepped into the mixed-race world, the first enemy he encountered was this guy.

During the battle, Xia Mi should have focused on taking care of the opponent. His clothes had been completely torn apart, and the opponent's strong body could be vaguely seen in the remaining debris.

Now the other party is completely in a coma, and Fu Nianlai did the coma.

He didn't know if it was because of the mask. Although Xia Mi could suppress the opponent, it couldn't completely crush the opponent.

When Fu Nian just appeared here, the other party had already been noticed, but Fu Nian had no time to pay attention to the other party at that time, and Yao Kong just punched him.

When Lu Mingze took Jiude Mai away from the battlefield, the other party was not taken away, so Wanzi found him when cleaning the battlefield and brought him here.

Fu Nian looked at the mask carefully. The inner surface of the mask was covered with protruding veins like blood vessels, and there were also strange structures similar to biological tissues. The material was difficult to determine, but it seemed to be carved from the fossils of some ancient organisms. .

It is also like the mask worn on the face of the ancient Egyptian king to accompany him to burial.

Fu Nian had also seen such a mask on Odin.

While carefully looking at the other party's mask, Fu Nian's face suddenly shone brightly, like a spotlight that appeared suddenly and hit his face.

Most people will choose to close their eyes subconsciously.

But Fu Nian didn't, and neither did Sakurai Wanzi.

And at the same time, Sakurai Wanko instantly grabbed the shoulder of the masked man who opened his eyes, boiling temperature began to appear from all over his body, and the surrounding air suddenly rose by a degree or two.

Fu Nian shook his head, the temperature on Sakurai Wanko's body began to drop, but it still stayed above a level that was about to go berserk.The slender palm rested on the shoulder of the masked man.

She didn't expect the other party to open his eyes suddenly.

As for her unexpectedness, Fu Nian and Xia Mi also did not expect it. The reason can only be attributed to the stress response that the other party seemed to be stimulated by a higher creature.

"How to deal with it?" Sakurai Wanko stared at the two and asked.

"Kill it!" Fu Nian said firmly.

Just when Wanzi was about to nod.

Xia Mi's voice suddenly came from the air.

"Hold him tight." Xia Mi stared at the masked man.

Sakurai Wanzi was taken aback, and Fu Nian was also taken aback.

But neither of the two hesitated, Sakurai Wanzi exerted all her strength, and Fu Nian raised her hand and stepped forward.


"I didn't let my brother catch up." Xia Mi slapped Fu Nian's palm off.

"Oh." Fu Nian quickly took it back.

But at this time, the masked man's eyes became extremely vigilant.

The surrounding air became full of oppression, which was the element of force controlled by Fu Nian.

"Brother, take off his mask." Xia Mi said while lying behind Fu Nian.

The moment the voice landed, the masked man visibly struggled violently in his eyes, and even the surrounding elements began to become violent.

But this can't stop Fu Nian's actions in the slightest.
Fu Nian's raised palm covered the opponent's mask with a steady trend.

The power began to flow along the mask, but Fu Nian felt that there seemed to be a pair of hands under the mask preventing him from taking it off.

The other party also seemed to feel the difference in Fu Nian's power, and tried to start a tug-of-war,


Next second

The power coming from the opposite side is like a flood pouring down.The other party was like a woman of mortals who was pressed to the ground, unable to tolerate any resistance.

The mask was easily taken off by Fu Nian.

The moment the mask was pulled off, the man in the mask also stopped moving, like a small toy that has run out of wind.

Fu Nian also stopped moving, but looking at the face that appeared in front of him, the coldness on his face was slowly replaced by surprise.

"Brother? Chu Zihang??"

(End of this chapter)

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