I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 358 They awakened the gods.

Chapter 358 They awakened the gods.


Genji Heavy Industries
The elevator took Minamoto and Tachibana Masamune through rows of lights and directly into the conference hall.

On the long cherry wood table are treasured swords, armor and Buddha statues. Green smoke is curling from the incense burner in front of the Buddha statues. The five patriarchs, Fuma Kotaro, Ryoma Genichiro, Miyamoto Shio, Sakurai Nanami, and Inuyamaga, sit on their knees beside the table. ,

The incense behind him swayed the pale curtain in the candlelight, shrouded in the light smoke room, revealing elegance in the ancient rhyme.

Seeing Yuan Zhisheng walk in, they both bowed and saluted at the same time.

Yuan Zhisheng sat down at the first place.

Masamune Tachibana sat on the side,
Late last night, the Longyuan project ended.

But in the early morning of the day when the executive board rushed back.A family meeting was held, which was originally a discussion meeting on the Longyuan operation and its follow-up actions.
But at the meeting, Tachibana Masamune suddenly announced his resignation as the head of the family, and recommended Yuan Zhisheng to take over his job.

Everyone at the meeting was dumbfounded.Everyone was surprised to wonder if there was something wrong with their ears.

Because there are few precedents in history where the patriarch "resigned", the patriarch of the Snake Hachi Family is equivalent to the emperor of the Japanese underworld, whether it is the emperor on the bright side or the shadow emperor who controls the forces of the Japanese underworld.Those who sit in this position are unwilling to give up the power in their hands, so this position is generally for life, or even hereditary.

Rarely, no, never abdicated at the height of his power,

Knowing that when he was recommended to be the head of the family, Yuan Zhisheng was hiding in a dark corner of a cramped wine cellar, staring at a photo and drinking alone,
Crow and Yasha rolled and screamed, scrambling to be the first to tell Yuan Zhisheng the exciting news,

They rushed into the wine cellar and shouted, Boss, more than 70% of the people have voted for you!

You are about to become a parent! !
Sakura followed them and looked at Yuan Zhisheng's expressionless expression. He was drunk and said nothing. In those blurred eyes, instead of seeing a little bit of excitement about hearing the news, she saw a trace of it. impatient.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the photo in front of Yuan Zhisheng. The photo was a sunny beach scene, with countless handsome men and women in bikinis walking around.

Across the time and space that was frozen in the photo, Sakura seemed to be able to hear their laughter.

She always knew that Yuan Zhisheng had a dream of selling sunscreen on French beaches, but it was the first time she knew that Yuan Zhisheng was serious.

Yuan Zhisheng sobered up that afternoon, and the family had confirmed that he was already the temporary patriarch, and it would be official after the inauguration ceremony.

From the news to the end, Yuan Zhisheng didn't say anything.Sitting quietly by the bed, the gentle and bright light in her eyes gradually became blurred.It's like adding a gray filter to the blue sky.

Sakura didn't know what he was thinking at that time, but at that moment she gave herself a goal to work harder.

If he doesn't like it, leave it to me.


"What happened in Kobe last night?"

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Patriarch Ryoma at the side.The other party was kneeling there, his middle-aged bloated figure and bald head looked like a walk-on among many powerful patriarchs.No expression, no words, just like an uncle facing a mid-life crisis.

But this ordinary uncle is the head of the Japanese branch, the head of the Ryoma family, and has a high status in the Japanese underworld.

It is no exaggeration to speak, as long as the other party thinks, the underworld gang under the family, and the [-] underworld youths registered under the family will scramble for the bee chrysalis behind him to do anything for him.

Outside, the entire Sopranos family will stand behind him to solve his problems.

But here, they all have to stand behind the young man in front of them.

Patriarch Ryoma bowed to Yuan Zhisheng, "I'm sorry, my parents, yesterday, under the leadership of Mr. Masamune, we have been carrying out the siege work against the ghosts, but the siege operation has had serious consequences on the coast of Kobe."

Patriarch Longma paused. "There, all members of our operation against the Ghosts were wiped out."

"I'm not asking you that question. I'm asking you what's going on?"

Yuan Zhisheng put a group of satellite photos on the conference table. This is the picture Kaguya Ji took after half a day today after the airflow was normal. The pictures show broken cliffs and gully beaches.The dilapidated ones seem to have undergone a twilight geological transformation.

"Are you sure it's our encirclement and suppression of the ghosts, not the Self-Defense Forces' encirclement and suppression of us and the ghosts?"

Patriarch Longma looked at the photo hesitantly, but his heart was overwhelmed.

He didn't know exactly what happened. None of the family members sent by the Snake Ba Family returned, not even a signal was sent back. The two landing craft dispatched from the Self-Defense Force were inexplicably sunk.What's more, what made them puzzled was that they didn't find any trace of the landing craft after salvaging for a long time.

If it weren't for the satellite showing the landing craft, it would have lost contact at that coordinate.He almost suspected that they were on vacation in a landing craft.

Last night, the eight families of Snake Qi all focused on the Longyuan plan.The law enforcement actions of the Japanese branch are carried out by the leader of the team and directed by Kaguya Hime.This has been an all-encompassing law enforcement operation in the Japanese division.

But now the captain is gone.Kaguya Hime also lost her signal at that time.

He was running out of hair to worry about.

As for the missile bombing, he is even less clear. Although he also holds an important position in the Self-Defense Force, he was also responsible for preparing the missile last night.

But this matter has nothing to do with him at all. None of the missiles held in his palm have been launched.
Even the Self-Defense Forces are still struggling with the issue of the origin of the missile launch vehicle.

But these thoughts cannot be said by the owner of Longma.

"Master, the follow-up impact of the Yongyeon operation last night may have affected the coast of Kobe due to some factors that we currently don't know. The scene at the scene was caused by the precise bombing of the Self-Defense Force's Type 81 missile. We still don't know the specifics. , The Self-Defense Forces have no clue, but the family is doing their best to investigate. I believe there will be an answer soon."

Minamoto glanced at Tachibana Masamune next to him.

Tachibana Masamune shook his head lightly.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

Then he turned his gaze to the head of the Miyamoto family on the other side, Miyamoto Shio.Although he is young, he is recognized as an academic elite in his family. He once studied at Kassel College, and later declined the appointment letters of several departments and returned to the Japanese branch to host the Iwaliu Research Institute.

"Patriarch Miyamoto, please announce your research report on the burial place to everyone."

Yuan Zhisheng rubbed his brows, his feminine brows became even more gloomy.

Shio Miyamoto stood up and bowed, and turned on the projector on the table,

"Originally, this research report will not be announced to you until further confirmation, but the crisis is imminent, and there is not much time for me to work out the results with peace of mind."

Projected on the giant screen was a blurry black and white photo, which was taken by the camera of the Trieste in the deep trench of the Lenin,

In the photo, it has turned into a huge cocoon, with bloody mucus flowing down in filaments, and millions of lung snails wriggling in the folds of the cocoon.

"This is the picture taken by the Trieste deep in the trench,

This thing is the dragon embryo transported by the Lenin, and now it has sunk into the magma along with Gao Tianyuan. "

Shio Miyamoto continued to speak.

"But that's not the focus of my topic today. Even this thing is not the focus of our mission. Our goal is God, the thing that was buried in the plateau 1 years ago."

As he spoke, Shio Miyamoto flipped through the photos, all of which were taken underwater by the Diriaster.

There are huge torii gates on it, there are huge ruined cities...

"Although it's called a god, maybe it's more appropriate to call it a devil.

I think you can easily guess that this is a bloody sacrifice. They tried to use the blood of dragon embryos to flow into the ruins of Gaotianyuan to wake up the city and at the same time awaken the gods in the city. "

Now according to my analysis, they succeeded,

They awakened God. "

 Thank you very much [Negative Road Lichen] for giving Xia Mi a reward of 1000 points!
(End of this chapter)

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