I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 359 Enemy attack? !

Chapter 359 Enemy attack? !

"According to the records in "Huang Ji Wen", God has experienced a cruel war, God is actually incomplete, and the incomplete God needs the genes of other high-level dragons to complete.

And someone took advantage of this, and the Lenin set off from a port we don't know with a fresh embryo, and it sank along the ocean currents in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The dragon embryo that is in the embryonic stage contains huge life energy, which can allow a huge dragon to be born from it, which must also mean that it has huge power to support a mutilated god.

Dragon's fetal blood is known as the 'Holy Grail', and in ancient alchemy texts, it is called liquid gold and a panacea, and it even has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. "

Shio Miyamoto showed everyone an ancient painting. On the ancient painting was a man with a burly and muscular body carrying a dragon corpse. He bathed himself in the blood of the dragon.
"The book is titled The Nibelungen Songs, a heroic epic written in Middle High German.

And this picture depicts the scene where the hero Siegfried killed the dragon and bathed in dragon blood to make himself invulnerable.

Although this seems unbelievable on our side, it is not an incomprehensible thing in the history of European mixed races. Although dragon blood is highly poisonous, not all mixed races can bear it. After the baptism of dragon's blood, he will gain unimaginable power, which is a real event recorded by European hybrids.

Perhaps Siegfried in history didn't kill a real adult dragon, but he realized the fact that he evolved into a high-level hybrid.According to my guess, the blood that allowed him to evolve may come from the embryo of a dragon. Fetal blood is the most active and least toxic dragon blood.It has infinite possibilities. "

Based on this information, my assistants and I made a bold guess,

More than 20 years ago, someone got a precious embryo from the unnamed port in northern Siberia, and used some kind of technology that we don't know for the time being to hinder the normal development of the embryo, making the embryo develop into a monster, but it still flows Holding the precious embryonic blood, the man plunged it into the abyss together with the Lenin, held a bloody sacrifice, and tried to awaken the gods.

Everyone looked at Patriarch Miyamoto in surprise, Yuan Zhisheng sat in the front row without saying a word, this was the answer he had heard before, but after hearing it again, he still found it unbelievable.

It's a horrific and colossal plan to use one dragon to resurrect another, and whether or not the crazy idea is right, the technology to make it possible is prohibitive.

It's the equivalent of an ant trying to dig a plentiful river to irrigate another dry reservoir.It needs to connect the channels between each other.

And this channel is the unimaginable obstacle, and the subsequent technological realization, human resources, etc. are all like a natural moat, which makes people look backward.

The person who can carry out this plan is definitely a genius, but also a lunatic!
"It has been more than 20 years since the sinking of the Lenin. If the sacrifice of time begins, does that mean that the embryo has been supported by the gods for more than 20 years?"

Patriarch Sakurai stood up and watched Patriarch Miyamoto speak.


"The god?"

Patriarch Sakurai shrank his pupils.Not only him, but all the Patriarchs present are like human beings.All they need is a brief message to guess where things might go.

But this direction made them unbelievable.

"You guessed it right. This is a carefully controlled plan. God has awakened and left Gao Tianyuan before our Longyuan plan started. What we destroyed was his empty graveyard."

Shio Miyamoto opened an email.

"This is an email sent by the Chief Cabinet Secretary early this morning to the Iwami Research Institute, asking the Iwami Research Institute to cooperate with the Japan Earthquake Administration for verification.

According to the report of the Seismological Bureau, Japan's geological structure has gradually changed since 20 years ago. The dormant volcanoes have become active and earthquakes have occurred frequently. The Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, with a magnitude of 7.2, killed approximately 6500 people. Mount Aso erupted in 2004, after not erupting for hundreds of years.Just a few days ago, even Mount Fuji, the main conduit of magma that plunges five kilometers below the ground, came to life. "

Even though they were mentally prepared, their faces were still very ugly at the moment.

"Our purpose of Operation Ryongyeon is to destroy the gods. Although we gained a lot in the process, we successfully destroyed Gao Tianyuan and the large number of corpse guards sleeping in it, and solved the trouble for future generations, but our mission still failed.

God has escaped! "

Shio Miyamoto looked at the crowd with complicated expressions.

"I know this is terrible, but if we release this news, the world will panic. More than 20 years ago, the Lenin sank into Gaotianyuan, God began to wake up, and the wheel of catastrophe that was interrupted turned again.

Now that the awakened God has left Gao Tianyuan, what we need is to find the other party's whereabouts in a short time, instead of panicking here. This is what a homeless person should do, and all we should do is take action! ,

But before I act, I need everyone to guess, where will the awakened God go? "

"I will go back to... my hometown!" Fumo Kotaro was the first to wake up.

"Japan is its hometown." Sakurai Nanami paled.

"Yes, it has come back. Maybe it's in this city, maybe it's beside you and me." Shio Miyamoto said slowly.

Everyone shivered slowly.

"Who will it be? Who will wake up God!"

"It's the demons!" Masamune Tachibana said, who hadn't spoken the whole time, "It's only them, and even the Secret Party doesn't know the news that God is buried in the depths of the abyss, and only the demons and us know the secret.

They have always longed for the path of evolution, and the only way to step into the path of evolution is to rely on divine blood.They've gone crazy! "Tachibana Masamune's gaze was burning like a raging fire.

"But haven't the ghosts been wiped out by us?" Patriarch Fumo looked at Masamune Tachibana and asked.

"Their remnants still exist. We have no trace of the generals, dragon kings or even Ryoma, who is dead or alive. They are as cunning as a fox. We can no longer allow them to ignore Japan's life and death!"

The Patriarchs looked at each other, their eyes gradually firmed up!
"Patriarch Miyamoto is right. Blaming others is something that homeless people do. We are the Sheqi Bajia. We are the only existence that can kill God. We must find and kill God before he wakes up!"

Tachibana Masamune's voice was like the roar of a bronze bell,

"The age of gods has long ended, and evil spirits should sleep in the depths of hell forever! Death is their destination!"

Everyone looked at Yuan Zhisheng. At this moment, he is the head of the Sheqi Ba Family, and his decision has real effect.Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head and gently stroked the spider cut at his waist,

suddenly looked up,


The moment Yuan Zhisheng's voice hit the ground, a thunderous explosion resounded through the sky above the clouds.

The solemn black sky outside was suddenly shrouded in a fiery light.

This is the conference hall of Genji Heavy Industries, facing the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The strong wind rolled up the half-covered curtains, and the smell of gunpowder smoke hit the face.

The faces of the Patriarchs present changed drastically in an instant.

Enemy attack? !
Yuan Zhisheng suddenly stood up from the spot, and the spider was lying beside him.An aura of anger radiated from him.

The Patriarchs in front of the conference table hurriedly got up, and they were all ready to fight. Who could attack them?
In the huge Japan, there are only and only fierce ghosts!
Half a month ago, they launched an attack on Genji Heavy Industries. At that time, the Patriarchs were not there, giving them a chance to escape.

But today, all the Patriarchs are present, and if they dare to come, they will not let any of them go!


Yuanzhi left two words loudly, and strode towards the door with great strides.The windbreaker is hunting in the hurried steps,

Sakura and Crow at the door, followed by Yasha.

(End of this chapter)

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