I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 361 History of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 361 History of the Dragon Clan


"What's the situation?" Yuan Zhisheng stood in front of the monitoring center, turned his head to look at Sakura who quietly appeared next to him.

Behind him, the other Patriarchs lowered their brows, waiting for the order to be issued.

"The operator at the entrance is dead, and Kaguya Hime's camera was destroyed, but according to the video before the explosion, two figures in black clothes entered the building. The direction of the target cannot be determined." Sakura said quickly.

"It's the ghosts?" Patriarch Feng Mo asked.

"I can't be sure, we should have subdued all the gangs loyal to the ghosts, and the only people on the list are Wang Jiang and Dragon King who slipped through the net. But this is not important anymore,

Since the other side came to invade us, they must have made enough preparations.No matter who it is, we must not be negligent. "

Yuan Zhisheng exudes a cold murderous aura, the once immature figure can no longer be seen from him at this moment,

He is no longer the country boy who came to Kyoto for the first time and stared at the neon building in a daze. He is now the emperor of the Snaki Eight Clans, the emperor who is in charge of killing in this dark plane of Japan.

Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng at this moment, a satisfied smile appeared on those kind faces,

"Zhensheng, let Kaguya Ji enter the state of combat readiness and formulate tactical tasks. Once the building enters a state of complete blockade, when the owner is present, no matter where the mice come from, they will not be able to escape." Tachibana Masamune said coldly.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded, "Kaguya Hime, the building has entered a fully enclosed mode, no one is allowed to enter or leave the building, the ventilation pipes and sewer pipes are closed, the snipers are dispatched, and the commandos are dispatched!"

"The order was given by Minamoto Minamoto, and the executor was Kaguya Hime. The order is valid, and the order is passed. The building will enter the fully closed mode within 30 seconds. The combat team is already on its way." Kaguya Hime replied in a respectful voice.

A second ago, Genji Heavy Industries was still brightly lit. Following Yuan Zhisheng's order, it turned off the lights from bottom to top, and only the emergency lights remained.

The fire exits and emergency exits were locked, and the building was divided into different restricted areas. Anyone who wanted to enter another area from one area had to destroy the door or wall, and Kaguya would be noticed.

A large number of heavily armed snipers poured out on the roof of the building. They held light and heavy sniper rifles and tightly sealed off each checkpoint. If someone wanted to break the glass curtain wall and land with rigging, he would be hit by snipers during the descent.Teams of commandos with assault submachine guns and shotguns on their backs spread rapidly from the top floor to the next floor, quietly appearing in every dark corner, occupying every corner of every floor. The entrance, no one will be allowed to pass without an order.

Each of them is a special mixed-race force built by the family with a lot of energy and money. In the past, they were specially used to execute beheading operations against fierce ghosts.

Since Genji Heavy Industries was invaded last time, the internal defenses of the Snaki Eight Clans have been completely alerted, and countless outstanding combat members have been called back to the building to act as defenses.And now such an efficient command has long been a security measure that has been drilled many times.

"The next thing to do is to work hard for the heads of the family. The scope of the building is very large, and everyone needs to take it seriously." Yuan Zhisheng turned around and looked at the sharp-eyed heads of the family behind him. They are all family elites. It holds absolute real power.

But they are also extremely loyal, "Serving the family and sharing worries for the elders!"

Everyone stepped back in unison, bent down and bowed to Yuan Zhisheng.The sound is uniform.The momentum is raging like a tide.

After finishing speaking, they turned around collectively, and the sound of heavy footsteps stepping on the wooden floor made a crunching sound.

Looking at their figures in the distance, Yuan Zhisheng looked at Tachibana Masamune in front of him, "Father, you are not in good health, you should go back to the conference hall to rest, as soon as there is news, I will send someone to notify you immediately .”

"Okay." Tachibana Masamune also knew his shortcomings in combat, without the slightest hesitation, he got up and went to Yuan Zhisheng Shenshen and patted the opponent's shoulder, showing a gentle smile, and said,

"be careful."

"En." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

Yuan Zhisheng walked to the VIP elevator, Sakura quickly pressed the door open button, the owners all left from here, the meeting room is on a high floor, the only elevator that can lead to here is the VIP elevator in front of it,
You can feel the scale of this building just by looking at the elevator shaft. There are only three or four elevators in the elevator shaft of an ordinary building. The area of ​​the elevator shaft does not exceed [-] square meters, but the elevator shaft of Genji Heavy Industries can accommodate more than a dozen elevators going up and down at the same time. , the area of ​​the elevator shaft is more than one hundred square meters.

Hundreds of high-strength angle steel columns are erected in this 5 square meters, and there are steel beams in the middle of the steel columns.This kind of high-rise building uses ultra-high-speed elevators, and metal cars travel up and down at a high speed of [-] meters per second. They provide the most powerful support for this efficient organization.

The flowing cold wind moved towards the passageway of the corridor at the moment of opening the door, and outside was the deep elevator shaft.

The VIP elevator began to descend, and the screen above the door gradually began to flash the descending number.

The floor where the conference room is located is more than forty floors, each floor here is close to 5 meters high, and it only takes about 30 to 40 seconds from the ground floor here.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in front of him with his eyes slightly closed, and Sakura stood beside him quietly.

On the other hand, Yasha and Crow on the other two sides looked very happy. They carried shotguns that they did not know where to get. They were very happy to do this kind of thing, just like game fanatics, the fanaticism before the game opened.They are militants by nature, from street bullies to now the bodyguards of the parents.

Time passed by, and the elevator was moving down quickly.


The body of Yuan Zhisheng who was in front of him tensed up. If it was cotton standing upright before, then in just a short moment, the cotton had undergone a qualitative change. Now it is completely an alloy steel plate, and a fierce aura flowed from the source. The juvenile body spread outward.

Crow and Yasha, who were laughing, only felt the air turn cold.

Yuan Zhisheng has already assumed the posture before the battle, pulling his lower body and leaning forward. The whole person looks like a beast ready to hunt. He puts his right hand on the handle of the spider cut knife, and holds the VIP elevator in front of him with his left hand. Engraved etched bronze doors.

His hands were cold, but Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were even colder.An inexplicable cold wind was blowing up and down in the narrow elevator. Although the knife was not out of its sheath, the sword in Yuan Zhisheng's heart had been drawn out.

"Young master." Yasha trembled his lips, instinctively not bringing his brain into his mouth.

"The smell of blood is strong. Something is wrong with the voice down there."

The floor numbers on the elevator flickered on and off, and the weight in the elevator was layered on top of each other.

The further down, the more complicated the information captured by Yuan Zhisheng's ears, the stronger the fishy smell submerged in the tip of his nose, and the uglier Yuan Zhisheng's face became.

ten floors.

Nine floors.

Eight floors!


An inexplicable chill rushed upwards from Yuan Zhisheng's tailbone, and an instinctive fighting instinct made him stand up instantly.

With quick hands, Yingyan pulled the hand brake of the elevator next to it. This is a practical elevator emergency braking device in Genji Heavy Industries. It was originally intended to be an elevator emergency hand brake that can perform manual braking in extreme cases.

The driving wheel at the top of the elevator shaft was instantly seized by a huge force, and the driving motor stopped running.A huge force pulled the upward counterweight, and fierce sparks broke out between the steel pull rope and the pulley

The elevator stops in the middle of the elevator shaft.

"What's outside?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at Sakura.

"It's the family's operator's office." Crow looked at the numbered opening on the elevator, which was a place he and Yasha were more familiar with because there were many younger sisters inside.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"However, Patriarch Sakurai gave the staff a day off for the evening shift in order to celebrate the successful completion of Operation Longyuan. So there should be no one outside now." Looking at Yuan Zhisheng's frown, Wu Ya hurriedly said.

But Yuan Zhisheng frowned even more, there couldn't be anyone outside, because the heartbeat couldn't fool anyone.

The bronze door in front of him slowly opened towards the sides.

A gust of cold water vapor poured into the elevator from the open doorway, mixed with a suffocating stench,
Caught off guard, Yasha and Crow opened their mouths to retch at the same time, and Sakura frowned.

Only Yuan Zhi stared at the slowly moving bronze door, as if there would be some deep-sea giant shark trying to swallow them in one bite.


A viscous liquid dripped from above the elevator doors between the stalled floors.

Immediately after, a black thing hung down from above with a rub.

It was a monster with a human head. The black thing was the long black hair on the top of her head, which fell freely like a waterfall, and the hair was stuck together by a viscous white transparent liquid.
A pale face loomed in it, it was a human face, but it was a soaked and gray human face, even her pupils were white.It seems to cry again, and it seems to laugh again, with shark-like sharp teeth exposed in the huge slit of the mouth, and the forked tongue quivering like a little red snake.

She Xinzi felt the human breath in the air, which made the other party seem excited. The split lips became exaggerated, and the jaw opened unbelievably, revealing the scarlet and foul crimson in it.The sharp claws wrapped in scales appear from both sides of the body like beasts.

The waist and hips are strong, and the body is ejected forward.

The roar of the shotgun exploded in the elevator.

Yasha stood behind Yuan Zhisheng and held a shotgun. The huge power generated by the 12-gauge shotgun directly blasted the opponent's ejected body.

Together with the other party's lower limbs hanging above the elevator, the rolled up flesh and blood splashed everywhere, and large pieces of mucus and scales flew out.

At this moment, everyone could see the real face of this thing clearly. It was a monster with the head of a man and the body of a snake. Its lower limbs were a long tail wrapped in black scales. It was coiled on the hanging beam above the room.

Now lying on the floor after being bombarded by Yasha's gun, the viscous liquid scorched the exploding flesh on his chest.Like a puddle of liquid spit on a rag.

At this moment, it seemed to be completely enraged, struggling with its body, crawling on the floor in front of the elevator and opening its huge mouth, its shrill screams were like a broken bellows, and the sound of metal rods and metal plates rubbing against each other was palpitating.

Yasha couldn't bear it anymore, and shot wildly with the shotgun in his hand.Blooming blood flowers filled the air.

But the next moment,
Yasha's face turned pale.

Behind the shattered Deadpool, a pair of vertical golden pupils lifted up in the darkness, like lit candles. Originally, they were all hiding in the room to eat, but the hissing of their companions aroused excitement in their bodies.

Yasha stared blankly at the pairs of eyes in the dark room.

"Ten, twenty,...fifty, eighty!!"

"Hiss!! Have we entered Deadpool's Den!"

"Go!" Yuan Zhisheng roared angrily!



The elevator door opened, and the smell of burning spices rushed in.

In the pitch black there is only a slightly glowing channel, and on both sides of the channel are lit cups of red wax.

Xia Mi quietly stepped on the old wooden floor, and carefully looked at the space in front of him, which was similar to a Buddhist temple. The space here is very large.It is big enough to accommodate a torii gate of three or four meters.

The corridor passed under a torii gate with a height of three to four meters. The vermilion paint on the torii gate was mottled, revealing the original dark red color of the wood.

This thing is obviously an antiquity with a long history. It was originally built in a windy and rainy open-air environment. The interior designer dismantled it and moved it into Genji Heavy Industries and built it as it was.

Now here, there is silence, except for the sound of footsteps, the friction of toes against the floor,

Xia Mi wrapped her body in the beige goose down jacket and pressed down the small hat on her head. There was no human smoke here, which made her feel a little cold.

But this kind of cooling made her feel that it was worth it.

Xia Mi looked up,

In the darkness ahead stands a tall wooden sculpture,
There is a veil hanging in front of the wood carving, which vaguely looks like a standing statue of King Kong or an evil spirit, wrapped with a white rope made of paper.

Xia Mi had learned about these things before coming to Japan. She knew that these things were called "flags" in Shintoism, which in simple terms means flags.

They have both a sacred meaning and a seal meaning. Japanese shrines enshrine all kinds of strange things, between ghosts and gods. The priests wrapped those clay sculptures and wood carvings with banners to prevent them from doing evil.

The brightness of the wax cups placed on both sides is very limited, and the small candlelight can only illuminate the area below the waist, and the upper part will gradually decrease.

When reaching the head of the sculpture, it will be completely hidden in the darkness,

But Xia Mi can see them, can see them looking down at the people who step here,

The face is ferocious and mighty.

There are also various sacrificial utensils around, and a shrine is placed on the wooden shoulder chariot, and an unknown ancient god sits in the shrine.

Xia Mi strode through layer after layer of curtains until an ever-burning lamp illuminated her eyes.

In front of it is a tall screen wall. Chinese screen walls are generally placed at the entrance, and are usually used to block the sight of passers-by.But the screen wall here is placed in the middle of the huge space.

And there are vivid pictures engraved on it.

Xia Mi stood in front of the screen wall and carefully studied the picture above.

Above is a scene of half-human, half-snake giants embracing each other with their long tails intertwined.The male giants above are majestic and ferocious, while the female giants are dignified and gentle. Various monsters in Japanese mythology surround them, and countless arms grow out of the giants' backs.

"Where did brother go?" Suddenly, Xia Mi turned to look at Wanko Sakurai behind him.

"Master went to the underground cistern, the time should be over now." Sakurai Wanko sniffed the air flowing through her nose, and she smelled a strong smell of sea from it.

"That's right." Xia Mi nodded.He took another serious look at the mural.

Keep moving forward.

The location here was told to her by Kazama Ruri, and this was the first time she found such a fun place in Genji Heavy Industries.

The further they went in, the bigger the area was, and the more shadow walls appeared in front of them.The murals above are even more wonderful.

Behind him, Wanko Sakurai held up a flashlight to illuminate the hideous murals. They were painted in ocher red and indigo, and they could withstand the precipitation of time without fading.

It was as if a long scroll of history was unfolding in front of them.Follow the direction of entry and go deeper, the more magnificent the scene they encountered and the grander the scene they constructed.

Ancient creatures with a human body and a snake tail formed a sacrificial team that could not be seen at a glance. There were young bonfire snake people dancing excitedly with torches wrapped around their tails, and there were old snake priests holding a long stick and talking about gods and gods.

There are also some dragons with wings on their backs, and there are huge skeletons lying in the caves, painted as golden immortal bones...

Xia Mi was amazed as he walked.

On the wall in front of you are hundreds of ancient paintings connected together, depicting an unimaginable world.

Sakurai Wanko stood under the mural and looked up, speechless for a long time.

"This is……"

"Ah." Xia Mi waved his hand casually,
"The history of the Dragon Clan."



(one update today)
(End of this chapter)

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