I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 362 Tachibana Masamune and Fu Nian

Chapter 362 Tachibana Masamune and Fu Nian ([-])


Genji Heavy Industries,

In the empty conference hall, there was only an old figure sitting in place.

The incandescent light at the top of the hall has been extinguished at some point, leaving only the candle lights on both sides of the room, they are twisted at the junction of light and shadow alternately,
An old man with pale hair and a kind face was kneeling there, his eyes closed as if he was meditating, and he seemed to be resting his mind.
The flickering candlelight hit his face, but it was a bit inappropriate to add a strange mystery to the gentle temperament of the man.

At a certain moment, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

He stared at a dark corner in front of him, and there was a figure in a black windbreaker inexplicably in the corner, and the long shadow was stretched so long by the light of the candlelight.

"They're here?" The old man's lips twitched slightly.The voice is calm and soft.

"You guessed right, they are here." The figure of the black shadow came out from the corner, but the voice was unusually hoarse.It sounded like a beast suppressing something.

"I laid a large number of Mercury Alchemy Broadsword mines specially configured by the Rock Flow Research Institute for hybrid species, and each of them can reach the power of three or four tank high-explosive bombs.

Laid in the floor of the reservoir, the c4 time bomb will cover all the people who enter there in the attack range after it is detonated. In the case of my special target, they are exploding no matter where they are Heartland.

Even a real dragon will be destroyed in an instant, and no one can escape from it. It was a very conscious choice for you to disclose this information to the dragon king of the ghosts. "

The black shadow's voice revealed undisguised admiration for the man.

But the man did not reveal the excitement of the black shadow, he looked at the darkness behind the black shadow, his face revealing contemplation.

"It's just that I don't quite understand why sir release those things? Once those things are released, the Sheqi Bajia will face serious casualties, and the consequences will directly affect sir. If you don't handle it well If so, you might also..."

"You talk too much."

The man's kind and gentle face was suddenly torn to pieces by a pair of cruel pupils. The shadow hit his face like a demon with a sickle hanging down. He stared at the black shadow in the corner like a lion Look at the rats underfoot.

The voice of the black shadow froze instantly.He forgot!He was dazzled by the man's kind face, only then did he clearly remember how fierce this man used to be, he was definitely not as kind as he appeared on the surface.He is the real and out-and-out executioner.

The air was absolutely icy cold.

The old man knelt on his seat, his deep eyes seemed to be condensed in a whirlpool again.He was thinking about something, and seemed to be hesitating about something.Time passed by his old and aged fingertips.

After a long time, his voice slowly came out from the air.

"Your means of attack may not be useful to them. An unwelcome existence came among the fierce ghosts. General Wang used intercontinental missiles without authorization. He did not stay with them when the two were seriously injured. Instead, he killed himself This is a difficult opponent and a very powerful opponent. I must pay attention to it. I cannot let unknown factors affect the progress of my plan."

Tachibana Masamune's eyes were filled with deepness. What he didn't tell Soi Ying was that he didn't know if the other party would come, and he even wondered whether this matter was a test by some unseen force. In this way, there is an existence that he can't control within the fierce ghosts. He no longer trusts them, and the only way he has now is to rely on the Bajia of Sheqi.For this he made two-handed preparations,
This move was entirely due to his prudence, the defensive retreat he had already set up for himself since the letter appeared in his room inexplicably,
And since there was no information about the Kobe battle last night, he had already started preparations when it came.This may be a killing game for him, but he has the confidence to turn the killing game into a victory.

Now the defense sirens sounded.

Then he should finally enter.

"It's almost time. Where are they?" Masamune Tachibana slowly straightened up, like a sword spinning in a scabbard.His sword has been sealed in dust for decades, but it is still as sharp as ever.

"Minata and the others were besieged by the dead waiters who came out of the bee pupae. According to the number of dead waiters in the elevator shaft, it was difficult for them to get out of it in a short time, but the staff of the Saki Hachi family commanded by Kaguya Ji On the way here, including the meeting time between the two sides, it will take about fifteen to twenty-ten minutes."

"Enough, let's get started!"

The moment Tachibana Masamune's voice fell to the ground, a huge aura was released from his body.

The body sitting cross-legged underneath was already standing on the wooden plank in a half-squatting and forward-bending posture. The knife hadn't been sheathed yet, but the air shrouded in the blade rolled wantonly over the curtain of the conference hall.This is the starting posture of Iaido, also known as the way of drawing swords. It pays attention to instantaneous absolute speed and instantaneous explosive power.Tachibana Masamune has been in Japan for many years, and he is well versed in this aspect.

The billowing air waves pushed down the candles in the room collectively, and darkness enveloped the room for a while, and the curtain was blown by the swaying wind, completely exposing the figure hidden in the darkness in the conference room.

Tachibana Masamune's body disappeared from the spot in an instant.

A burst of dazzling sparks shone in the air like fiery trees and silver flowers.

next second.

A figure disappeared from the spot like a cannonball, smashing the shrine at the end of the conference hall to pieces.

Time stood still, and the suppressed candle began to gradually regain its light.

The dark room gradually became clear and bright.

Tachibana Masamune suddenly broke out from the ruins of the shrine, he couldn't imagine that the other party used such manic power against him,

In the messy broken hair, his angry eyes fixedly stared at the opposite figure, and the unspeakable words in his heart surged from his neck like a tide, and they were about to turn into scolding in the end.

Tachibana Masamune suddenly stared at the opposite figure and was stunned.

Looking at the standing figure among the gradually normal candles, his brows were tightly knit together.

"It's you!" Tachibana Masamune's eyes revealed disbelief.

There was a sound of footsteps.

In the other corner, two figures one behind the other slowly came out from the other corner,
It's just very strange that these two people look exactly the same, like twins, and what's even more strange is that the latter uses a long knife across the neck of the former.

Seeing this scene, Tachibana Masamune suddenly realized what was going on.

"It was you from the beginning?!" Masamune Tachibana roared.He is very angry now.There is a kind of madness that one's private things are exposed in public.

"You are too cautious." Kazama Liuli's voice sounded from the side.

"You even found someone exactly like me. If I'm not mistaken, are you going to put on a life-and-death stage play in front of my brother?!" Kazama Liuli's voice suddenly became fierce.

The long knife in his hand slashed across the neck of the man in front of him without hesitation.

Blood splattered all over the wall.


The figure exactly like Kazama Ruri slowly fell to the ground.

"What I hate the most is people who imitate me!"

He slowly pulled out a stack of square scarves from his waist, and carefully wiped the blood on the long knife.

Tachibana Masamune looked at this scene, did not speak, but stared at the man in front of him, the whole person became normal after being surprised at the beginning.He pressed his anger to his chest.

Looking actively at the man standing in front of him, he said, "You're not dead?"

"You look forward to my death?" Fu Nian tilted his head.

Tachibana Masamune suddenly laughed ferociously, "No, no, compared to you who died directly, the current you can make me arouse greater desire."

He seemed to understand something, and his laughter carried the resoluteness after awakening.

"I will let you have better expectations."

The cherry wood floor crashed and shattered.

Fu Nian's figure disappeared from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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