I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 364 The Birthplace of Deadpool

Chapter 364 The Birthplace of Deadpool

"Did you plan the nuclear bomb in Operation Longyuan?" Fu Nian's eyes were cold.

"It's me, it's me." Tachibana Masamune nodded frantically.

"You also prepared the encirclement and suppression campaign against Xia Mi in Kobe?" Fu Nian's voice was a little cold.

"It was me, it was me, I made them drive the demons to the coast of Kobe, and I gave the king general information..."

Before Masamune Tachibana could finish his words, Fu Nian's palms were suddenly clenched,

Tachibana Masamune's left hand exploded suddenly in the clenched movement, and the splashed liquid splashed on the curtain in front of the landing.

Tachibana Masamune's painful wailing roared in every corner of the room.

"You ask him, I'm worried that I can't help but punch him to death." Fu Nian stared at Masamune Tachibana in front of him and gritted his teeth.

If Xia Mi hadn't said that he should try to be as tactful as possible to get those things from the other party, otherwise he wouldn't even be interested in talking to the other party.

Kazama Liuli stepped forward to take Fu Nian's place.Looking at Tachibana Masamune who was recovering rapidly at the moment, he didn't know what was in that bottle of liquid.

But Kazama Liuli suspects that it may not be some kind of evolutionary medicine, because evolutionary medicine does not have such a powerful medicinal effect at all.

In front of him, Tachibana Masamune's severed arm was condensing rapidly, and pieces of mud seemed to be consciously wriggling on the crimson floor. They were slowly sticking together, like a spliced ​​doll.In the process of splicing and splicing, it gradually returns to its original state.

"What's your name?"

Kazama Liuli's cold voice came, he was no stranger to this man.

When he and his elder brother were still at his adoptive father's house in the mountains, the other party found him and them, but at that time, the other party was not as old as he is now, and he was not as colorful as he is now. The juvenile girl is still an obedient child who always follows her brother.

The mountain village path paved with bluestone slabs, and the carp streamers hanging in front of the school.And two little boys standing side by side wielding wooden knives in front of the sand-filled playground, always on time no matter the wind or the sun.

This is Yuanzhinv's clearest memory of her childhood, but this memory has completely changed with the appearance of this man.The memory became blurred and the memory became a nightmare for the rest of his life.

"Tachibana Masamune."

Tachibana Masamune wriggled his throat with difficulty, and opened his eyes hard to look at the man in front of him who was very similar to Minamoto.

"Tell me about your experiences!"

Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhinv's stern eyes at this moment, accompanied by a wry smile, and the dim halo in the pupils bloomed in his mind.

The light of memories brought him back to the glorious youthful years, it was a country full of torrents of steel,

"It's a long story, and if you want to hear it, it starts after my meeting with Herzog."

The dragon's blood is slowly repairing his body, making his badly injured throat sound like a mechanical clockwork.

"Then let's start with the meeting!"


"Young Master! Be careful!!" Yasha's body suddenly jumped forward, hugged Yuan Zhisheng's body and rushed towards the other side,
The rocket launcher fired from nowhere in the sky turned the place where Yuan Zhisheng was just now into a sea of ​​flames and ruins in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, countless bullets slanted down from the upper end of the elevator shaft like a torrential rain.Countless deadpools were beaten into sieves.

Yasha fell on a slope with Yuan Zhisheng in his arms. The Deadpool's sharp blade stuck upside down on the ground left bright red bloody wounds on his back. soaked through the holes in the leather jacket.

Yasha gasped in pain, but the hands surrounding Yuan Zhisheng were as firm as iron clamps, and there was no sign of letting go no matter what.

"let go!!",
Yuan Zhisheng spoke angrily, staring at the two people who were collapsing rapidly towards the bottom, the road along the way was full of broken corpses of Deadpool, weapons were everywhere on Deadpool's body, even their scales were hard It can penetrate the steel plate, and at this speed they roll all the way, Yasha will die on his back!
"Young master! You can't let go!" Yasha's eyes were so painful that he couldn't open his eyes, but the corners of his mouth stubbornly refused to admit defeat.He gritted his steel teeth tightly, and a mouthful of blood froth wriggled from his lips.

The bodies of the two of them tilted downward like a roller, and the deadpools that were densely packed front and back rushed towards them like hungry wolves.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the Deadpool who was chasing after them, his veins bulged out of anger, the boiling dragon blood in his body began to rush and roll, unimaginable force spread along his muscles towards the surface of his body, and the sloping cement road crashed There was a brief stagnation.Cracked lines spread outward along the blue concrete floor,

Yasha only felt that he was suddenly hit by a speeding Mercedes-Benz sports car in his heart, and his tight lips could no longer be taut.

Big mouthfuls of blood splashed out along the stretched tongue.

Immediately afterwards, an unimaginable force appeared on Yaksha's wrist, and without the slightest resistance, he tore away his tightly clasped hands, and then fell over his shoulders on a broad back.

Yuan Zhisheng stood up and stopped his falling body on the half-slope with his hind legs.

The body suddenly raised his right foot, turned around, and the whole body collided with the air like a meteorite, creating fierce fireworks.

The Deadpool who appeared in large numbers behind him flew out like cannonballs, and the body of the deadpool who directly touched Yuan Zhisheng's kick at the front rolled to the ground like a twist, wrinkled. The body squeezed out all the blood in the body.

Yuan Zhisheng's body didn't even pause at all, the Thomson typewriter in his hand was suddenly slapped in Yasha's hand, and he was placed on the slope, before he had time to say a word to Yasha, Spider and Doji cut out of their sheaths together, the whole body Like a tiger, he rushed towards the Deadpool below,
Meat grinders generally have their sharp edges constantly splashing in the air.The sound of cutting steel and steel recklessly shook every corner of the air.

Yasha stared blankly at Yuan Zhisheng's god-like back at the moment, his pupils dilated unbelievably,
Above Yasha, Sakura and Crow, who were standing in the elevator, were crazily using machine guns to help them shoot the deadpools that appeared in large numbers around them.

Their luck was extreme. The elevator that had stopped on the tenth floor fell directly to the basement for some unknown reason. Although they heard the sound of countless blood spurting and being crushed to death under the huge impact, it was Deadpool. .

But it's not waiting for them to recover.A larger group of dead servants appeared in front of them.

They seem to have entered the lair of Deadpool, Deadpool is everywhere in all directions, and there are two meters tall, snake-tailed, hideous monsters everywhere.

Yuan Zhisheng took the lead in direct confrontation with Deadpool with the spider cut, Sakura and Yasha relied on the crazy firepower output of the machine gun behind them, and the crow shot crazily towards the upper end of the elevator shaft.

That's right, Deadpool is everywhere too.

When the fire illuminated the entire elevator shaft, the crow, who never blinked when killing people, felt his heart slow down for half a beat.

I also understand why their elevator has suddenly fallen here, because the nearly [-]-meter-long elevator shaft is full of dead servants everywhere. They use their sharp claws to climb the steel bit by bit, and use their sharp teeth to eat the steel rope. They stared at pairs of orange beast-like vertical pupils as if they were intelligent.

The four of them fell to the center of Deadpool, just like the lion king fell to the lair of snakes.

Da da da! !

The Chicago typewriter tilted outward with nearly a thousand rounds of bullets per minute, and brass bullets exploded on the surface of Deadpool, eroding their defenses with variable power.

But the crow knew that the rate of fire was not enough, even if there was a Gatling in front of him, he still felt that the bullets were short.

Because the number of deadpools is too terrifying, they come here as bee chrysalis, and the only elevator alloy at present has become their only baffle.

But this bezel is too fragile.But the only good news is that, relying on Kaguya Hime's command, a large number of Saki Eight Families are now appearing here from different directions, and they are shooting wildly at the elevator shaft with heavy weapons.Help them relieve the stress a little.

The officers of Snake Bajia stood between the stairs on each floor and fought the crazy Deadpool. The flames attracted Deadpool, and soon the bloody smell permeated the edge of the elevator shaft. They tempted Deadpool like drugs. waiter's desire.They frantically rushed towards the smell of blood,

This is good news for the crows, but their good news was obtained by using the deaths of family members bit by bit.

For this reason, Yuan Zhisheng tried his best to stab forward, trying to use his hands to kill a bloody path that would lead them away.

But also because the distance and the elevator were too far away, he was almost hit by the rocket launcher hitting Deadpool from above.

At the most critical moment, Yasha brought Yuan Zhisheng into the slope that had just been cleared by Deadpool.

They are more dangerous.

Sakura and Crow are also more anxious! !
But now Yasha is half-kneeling in a daze and staring at a certain direction. He didn't fight for the time now, trying to clean up the deadpool in front, and he didn't help Yuan Zhisheng clean up the deadpool behind him.

He stared blankly at the direction on the right side of his body, where a broken iron door was opened, and the fishy wind that emerged from it blew the long hair scattered in front of him,

Inside, the black smoke left by the explosion was still lingering in the sky, and it even blackened the destroyed door.Numerous small holes could be vaguely seen densely appearing on the wall next to the iron gate.

Yasha looked down at his feet, the steel ball in Deadpool's corpse,

Has it ever been vandalized?
Yasha couldn't remember whether he had thrown a grenade here, but he knew that even if he threw a grenade, there would not be such a grenade containing steel balls.

Because this is a very lethal weapon. Although the manual says that the effective killing range of this grenade is within 50 meters, Yasha has proved with his own practice that those guys are talking nonsense!
He would not use this kind of grenade in such a narrow environment, because it would be equivalent to suicide.The family members above threw this kind of grenade down when they knew that the elders were below.

would that be?
Yasha seemed to wake up suddenly, and he found that his brain, which was usually not practical, was infinitely useful at this moment.

Here is the origin of Deadpool!

They crawled out of it! !
Staring at the twisted viscous liquid in front of the iron gate, and the scattered Deadpool crawling out of it, Yasha suddenly became excited.

He was excited to get up and move forward.But the touching wound made his expression burst into laughter.The body that had just started staggered, almost fell down and slid down the slope again.

"Why are you in a daze!!" Yuan Zhisheng's loud shout brought Yasha back to his senses.

At some point, Yuan Zhisheng stepped back in front of him.

At this moment, he was covered in blood all over his body, all of which were the blood of Deadpool.

The whole person is like a lion fighting to the point of madness, his eyes are red, and the hyena dare not step forward due to his brutal aura.

Deadpool really didn't dare to go forward, beside the basement passage in front of the slope, countless corpses were piled together, each of them was more than two meters in size, far larger than Yuan Zhisheng,
But even when the number of people is suppressed, they are crushed to death by the opponent's brutal combat power.

In the keel state, Yuan Zhisheng's body surged with inexhaustible power, and the boiling dragon blood amplified his body to the limit of the mixed race. At this time, he was at the level of the highest ceiling of the mixed race's combat power.At this time, he is an insurmountable wall.

The emperor of the eight families of Sheqi.

It's never called for nothing.

Yuan Zhisheng retreated from the front to Yasha's side.Because he knew the road ahead would not work.He could no longer waste time with the sacrifice of his companions.

"Young master, you'd better take a look inside." Yasha stood up with difficulty, staring at Deadpool opposite him with his gun.

There are too many dead waiters here. They seem to have climbed up from Tokyo Bay along the sea. They are endless. The basement on this floor has sunk to the bottom and was opened by them. They climbed up from places where there is water.Climb up the elevator shaft.

The ground here is covered in slime, and there is no doubt that hordes of Deadpool have walked this road on their bellies.


Yuan Zhisheng didn't hesitate at all.The light in the eyes was dazzling, and the cruelty that shrouded the whole body seemed to materialize.The Deadpool on the opposite side retreated under the suddenly increased coercion.

Yasha narrowed his eyes.Fingers hooked tightly to the shotgun trigger in his hand.

Yuan Zhisheng stepped on the ground, and the cracked cement board instantly blurred the picture in front of him.

Deafening explosions roared in the passage, and the broken cement debris roared wildly towards Deadpool on the opposite side.

Yuan Zhisheng's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared from the spot.Even with the Yaksha in place.

It is impossible for Yuan Zhisheng to put down Yasha, his legs have already been pierced by sharp blades, he left him here to send him to death.

The Deadpool of the bee pupa pierced through the barrage and catapulted towards their position frantically.

But what remained in place were only fist-sized fragmentation grenades.

boom! !

The blazing flames drowned Deadpool.

Yuan Zhisheng and Yasha felt the violent vibration behind them with their backs to the wall.

But their hands still don't stop,

Because there are more Deadpool here!
But most of the Deadpools here are guys with little mobility. To put it simply, they are like old, weak, sick and disabled.

After cleaning up the Deadpool who was trying to climb up the steps, Yuan Zhisheng unconsciously focused his gaze on the shocking scene in front of him.

This is a huge breeding ground, and the spacious space is full of raging tides.

They were filtered by the Iron Dome Temple and put here.

But that's beside the point.

What is truly astounding are the walls between them that are made entirely of glass bricks

But now the glass brick wall has collapsed, tens of thousands of tons of water have spewed out from the water storage tank behind, and there is still water half a foot deep on the ground.

Creatures in the shape of young snakes were still twitching in the stagnant water. They had just grown white scales, but they already had sharp bone claws and hideous muscles.The Deadpool here has a stronger body than the Deadpool outside, but these young Deadpool haven't had time to grow up yet.

Without the slightest doubt, they found Deadpool's lair.

"Boss...boss." Yasha stammered as he stared at the scene in front of him, feeling even worse.

There are a large number of fish, cattle and sheep and other large livestock bones floating on the water here. They look like they were thrown in whole as food for the dead waiters here before.Now only the dry bones remain on the surface.

The appearance of this thing gave him a feeling that Deadpool was being raised.

He also noticed next to them, a round metal tank that looked like an oil barrel.

The metal can has been cut open, and the contents inside can be seen at a glance. It is a half-distorted human body, pale in color, and still has two legs.It still appears to be alive, but seems to have been injected with some kind of anesthesia drug, and is in a deep sleep in dry ice.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression was terrible, and he shot several shots at the back of its head. The black blood flowed into the dry ice. This is a deadpool who is still in pregnancy. Yes, some of them float on the water, and some pile up in the corners.

Yuan Zhisheng naturally also saw this, and his face was extremely gloomy at this moment.He thought a lot.So much so that he is a little unbelievable now.

But time does not allow him to think too much, because the follow-up Deadpool is rapidly replenishing their troops, and they know that there is delicious food in it.

Every minute they have now is extremely urgent.

"Go!" Yuan Zhisheng rushed outside with Yasha on his back.

At some point, Sakura and Crow, armed with heavy machine guns, had arrived not far from them, cleaning up the Deadpool who came forward for them.

"Young master! The elevator has been repaired!!" Crow shouted towards the inside.



(End of this chapter)

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