I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 365 "My stupid brother, we will meet again."

Chapter 365 "My stupid brother, we will meet again."


The elevator goes up quickly, but Deadpool's claws and tails come out of it from time to time on both sides.

Sakura holds two Uzi submachine guns in both hands, and Yasha and Crow use the only remaining shotguns to attack Deadpool crazily on the alloy frame of the elevator.

The alloy steel plate on the top of the elevator is almost completely exposed to the air.

The wind poured down from the top of the elevator, and there were pairs of ferocious beast-like pupils mixed in the cold wind. They climbed densely on both sides of the elevator shaft.Like locusts passing through.

If there weren't fighters from the Snaki Bajia on every floor attracting their attention, such a huge elevator sound would definitely attract their attention.

At that time, the pressure Yuan Zhisheng and the others faced would directly reach the level of hell. At that time, they would have to fight their way out of the pool of evil spirits in hell.

But even so, Deadpool still fluttered towards them like moths chasing the light.

A mass of scarlet and scorching brass bullets cascaded from above,
Among the three of them, the one in the craziest fighting state is Yuan Zhisheng. He holds the spider cut in his right hand and the boy cut in his left hand. His upper body is naked, and the pair of dark golden pupils are ignited in the long hair hanging in front of him. His eyes exuded cold killing and suppressed anger.

A large number of Deadpool's bodies and missing Deadpool's scales fell into the elevator, and then were torn into pieces by his sharp cold light like a meat grinder.

A large number of broken limbs and broken armor are scattered everywhere like confetti flying all over the sky.

At this time, Yuan Zhisheng didn't seem to know how tired he was at all.The three Sakura who were close to his body inexplicably felt a chill that stings their skin.

Sakura knew that Yuan Zhisheng was venting some emotion now, she didn't know what they saw in it, but now he should be very angry.

Yuan Zhisheng was indeed venting some kind of emotion. In a more sense, he couldn't believe what he saw.He tried to immerse himself frantically in the battle and forget the associations of those things.

But these things are attached to his consciousness like a gangrene.Seeing these Deadpools, his mind would be inexplicably connected to those images automatically.

When he became the patriarch not long ago, many resources within the family had been gradually opened to him.

One of them is the design of Genji Heavy Industries.

Maruyama Construction was responsible for the construction of this building.The Maruyama construction site is the family's own construction site, so there is no such project supervision from the outside. The Maruyama construction site has full authority to design and complete the construction work of Genji Heavy Industries.

But I clearly remember that when I looked at the design drawings, this breeding pond did not exist, but it must have been built by Maruyama Construction, there is no doubt about it.

Because its water source is filtered by the groundwater in the Iron Dome Temple, and the masterpiece of the Iron Dome Temple is also a work that Maruyama Construction is proud of, and only they can do it in this world.

But what didn't appear now appeared, and so many Deadpool crawled out of it.This is a very telling thing.

Maruyama Construction can indeed build this breeding pond, but they do not have the management right of this building. They build it according to the orders of their superiors. If they build something that is not in the plan without permission, it will be discovered soon after delivery .

However, this breeding pond has not been discovered. Not only is it not there, but it has been running quietly for so many years, which is extremely telling.Those who can do it must have the management power of this building.

Being able to give orders to the Maruyama Construction Works, also has the right to manage this building.

Yuan Zhisheng dare not think about that person

Yasha is also frantically pressing the trigger with a complex expression at this moment. Although he is stupid, he is not stupid.

Yasha, the guy in the Maruyama Construction Institute, is in constant contact with them, and he also understands the nature of these guys very well. He can't be said to be conscientious, but he can be regarded as loyal.

As for them sneakily building a Deadpool farm in Genji Heavy Industries, even Yasha would not believe that they dared to do such a thing.

Guess who is behind this breeding pond,

The two most powerful people in the family are Tachibana Masamune and Minamoto,
Naturally, they completely believed in Minamoto, but they did not dare to doubt Tachibana Masamune.

Even though he is no longer the head of the family, he is a hero of the Sheqi Bajia. It can be said that without Tachibana Masamune, the situation of the Sheqi Bajia would not be what it is today. He is also the most resolute warrior in the battle against the fierce ghosts. Why did he secretly feed these deadpools who were degenerated from ghosts?

The elevator went up very fast, because under Yuan Zhisheng's almost manic attack now, it was really difficult for these things to resist their attack.

On the floor next to the elevator shaft on the top floor, a handful of Gatlings have already been armed by the law enforcement officers. The reason why they haven't attacked yet is because once this kind of thing goes crazy, it will be destroyed together with the elders below.

The elevator passes by Gatling.

The rotating muzzle begins to warm up.

Finally, the moment Yuan Zhisheng stepped on the floor, violent bullets spewed out from the muzzles of each erected gun.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't stand still at all, he stepped on the floor and walked quickly towards the conference hall on the next floor.

Sakura and Yasha Crow followed closely behind. They were Yuan Zhisheng's retainers and his personal bodyguards. Wherever the boss went, they would naturally follow him.

Yuan Zhisheng's footsteps were fast, and the scarlet stained on his body flowed down along the contours of his muscles. His whole body was like a fighting mad lion, but his hands holding the knife were trembling.

Part of it was because of the physical exhaustion after high-intensity and long-term fighting, and another important reason was the thing he was about to face.This kind of bloody thing is like an incident in an organization that has always been responsible for killing ghosts. They followed the clues all the way and found the case on the head of their former leader.

These ghosts are actually pets raised by the previous head of the family.

If this is the case, the new patriarch Yuan Zhisheng doesn't know how to face this kind of thing.

But he had to face it again, because when the matter developed to this point, he had to give the family an explanation.


Yuan Zhisheng put his hand on the doorknob. Behind the brown cherry wood hardcover door is a thick anti-theft alloy airtight door.The door is not often opened because it is too heavy.But now it is open.

But the moment he saw the alloy door, the gloom on Yuan Zhisheng's face was instantly replaced by horror, and turned into eager eyes.

The movements of his hands suddenly accelerated, but the alloy door was indeed locked tightly from the inside.This kind of door is safe, but sometimes it makes people very helpless.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly became manic,
Sakura, who was just about to take action, suddenly froze in place.

Looking at the arm that crashed through the alloy door,
The blue veins on the arms burst out, and every inch of the jumping muscles was filled with unimaginable strength.

For the privacy and defensiveness of the conference room, Snake Bajia put a lot of thought into it.Although the outer hardcover door is only made of the simplest cherry wood material, the alloy door inside is gun bronze, a copper-tin alloy. Before the appearance of iron heavy guns, this metal was used to cast the barrels of heavy guns. Hard but lacking in toughness, it will crack like a stone if the impact exceeds the limit.Not to mention opening it by hand, even with a forklift it may not be able to break it open.

but now.

Under the heavy swing, that arm pierced through the bronze door again and again. No matter how good a mixed race is, the toughness of muscles and bones cannot compare with alloy steel, but this person is actually using his body to break through the bronze door. Bombard hard bronze!

The expressions of Yasha and Crow could no longer be described as shocked.

But Sakura at the side threw away the Uzi submachine gun in her hand, and without the slightest hesitation, waved her immature fists and slammed it towards the bronze door fiercely.
Every time, there is a splash of blood.

If she wants to be a primitive shield, she must first be his spear.

Crow and Yasha didn't hesitate at all, they threw away the shotgun in their hands, waved their fists at the bronze, and kicked violently!

Finally, under the impact of Yuan Zhisheng's high-intensity and uninterrupted fury, the alloy door burst open.

Yuan Zhisheng stepped into the room of the conference hall,
Half an hour ago, he left here aggressively, but half an hour later, he came back here again.

But here is no longer the quaint and fragrant charm of the past.

What appeared in front of Yuan Zhisheng was a dilapidated ruin. The huge French windows at the end led directly to the sky outside. The moment the door opened, the strong wind whipped Yuan Zhisheng's hair wantonly.

Broken cherry wood brown floor, dim sporadic candlelight, burnt black curtains.

There was blood all over the floor, the walls were covered with smudged black mural fragments, gods and demons were dancing in the flickering candle flames, and the atmosphere was solemn and strange.

Yuan Zhisheng set his gaze on the kneeling figure sitting in place in front of the shattered French window at the end.

It's still the same place, it's still the familiar face, but Yuan Zhisheng knows that everything has changed. In less than an hour, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He looked at Tachibana Masamune's still kind face, and the uncontrollable anger that had piled up in his chest before he came seemed to calm down suddenly, and Yuan Zhisheng found that he was sober as never before at this moment.

He stared blankly at Tachibana Masamune opposite, and Tachibana Masamune also looked blankly at Minamoto.

The two are like two strangers.

Yuan Zhisheng wanted to ask each other countless things, but the moment they looked into each other's eyes, he felt as if everything was meaningless.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't see any emotional fluctuations in the other party's eyes, he was stiff like a piece of ice sinking in the bottom of the water.

"Father." Yuan Zhisheng stood there silently.

The gloomy eyes gradually became firm as a mountain.

Just when he was about to cut straight to the point and continue talking, a black figure suddenly appeared behind Tachibana Masamune, and in the man's flowing and smooth long hair was a monstrous long knife.

The moment he saw the afterimage of the other party, Yuan Zhisheng's face changed instantly, and various complex emotions gushed out of his eyes like a gushing mountain spring, shock, surprise, panic, haste...they were full of Yuan Zhisheng's mind,

Let him stare at the figure that appeared behind Tachibana Masamune, the figure is familiar yet unfamiliar.Dusty memories are like old photo albums that have been rummaged through. The wind blows up the dust in the photo album, and scenes that cannot be forgotten by him flash quickly in his mind.

"Children!" Yuan Zhisheng stared blankly at the other side,

But soon he came to his senses, staring at the opponent who raised the long knife little by little, and then dropped the blade fiercely.

"No!!" Yuan Zhisheng yelled frantically.


Hot blood splashed on Yuan Zhisheng's cheeks in an instant, and he stared blankly at the familiar face that was pushed up by the spurting blood.

Yuan Zhinv's figure was disheveled in the wind, and her flowing long hair was soft and natural.

He looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite, with a friendly and familiar smile on his lips.

"Brother, long time no see."

The figure stepped back slightly.Behind him is a tall building.

Yuan Zhisheng discovered the other party's intentions, he kicked away the debris of the alloy door blocking him and them, and leaped forward with his bare chest.

The gust of wind howled the kimono that Kazama Ruri unfolded.

The figure of Kazama Liuli is flying in the air like fallen leaves,
He looked at Yuan Zhisheng who appeared on the edge of the window in an instant, and a very happy smile appeared on the corner of his bewitching mouth.The richness is like a demon flower blooming in the world of Karma.

He opened his mouth slowly.

The voice whistled along the gust of wind in Yuan Zhisheng's ear.

"My stupid brother, we will see you soon."



"Little Lord!"

"Boss! Calm down!"

Crow hugged Yuan Zhisheng's left leg, Yasha hugged Yuan Zhisheng's right leg, and even at this moment, even Sakura was holding Yuan Zhisheng's waist tightly.

The three of them tried their best to hold Yuan Zhisheng, fearing that the other party would be overwhelmed and jump off with the other party.

They know the horror of Yuan Zhisheng, who is a super hybrid.But super hybrids can't fall from a height of several hundred meters without dying.

"I'm fine." A voice as indifferent as a blade came from Yuan Zhisheng's throat.

His brain is now sober as never before, even if he actually meets Yuan Zhinv at the moment, he is just horrified.

He knew what he was doing, what he was going to do, and he knew what he was taking on.

He is now the patriarch of the Snake Ba Family, and the responsibility of the patriarch does not allow him to make irrational decisions.

Not allowed! !

Minamoto stood up and stared at Masamune Tachibana who was separated from the body guard.The fist was tightly squeezed in his palm, and the terrifying force made the air vibrate.

"There is a recorder." Sakura found a black thing in front of Tachibana Masamune.

Yasha and Crow moved their heads curiously.

But Yuan Zhisheng doesn't seem to care about it at all.

He now feels more tired than ever.Physically, mentally.

But there's a whole lot of mess out there for him to deal with.

Tachibana Masamune is dead, so I can only let it go if I want to pursue the truth first.


The recorder suddenly sounded.

"The story has to start after my meeting with Herzog."

A familiar voice suddenly fell in Yuan Zhisheng's ear.That was Tachibana Masamune's voice.

"Then let's start with the meeting!"

Another familiar voice appeared, that was Liuli Kazama's voice.

Yuan Zhisheng's footsteps stopped suddenly.He turned and stared at the recorder.

Yasha and Crow looked at each other, and Sakura stared at Yuan Zhisheng.

She is asking each other.

"Continue." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"I have committed many crimes in the first half of my life. If there is really a way to escape in the world, I think the only thing is death." Tachibana Masamune said in a low voice.

"My real name is Bondarev, a KGB intelligence officer, and I sank the Lenin into the Japan Trench myself."

Yuan Zhisheng frowned.He did not expect that things actually started with the Lenin.

"It's a long, long story, starting when I was young.

I joined the KGB when I was 21, the youngest and best intelligence officer.By chance, I came into contact with a confidential file named δ, which was a KGB investigation report on a certain port in the Arctic Circle.

That port belonged to the Soviet Union, but not even the KGB knew what it was for.

There is a list in the file. There is only a series of numbers on the list. This series of numbers represents a group of children. In the 20s, the children were brought out of the Arctic Circle by the icebreaker Lenin.The children were sent to orphanages in Moscow and then to different state institutions as an experiment to observe the sociality of those children. "

"Are you one of them?"

"Yes, δ is not only the name of a file, but also a study. In this study, countless test-tube babies were bred, and all of them without exception were hybrids with dragon blood genes.

Dr. Herzog, the person in charge of the research project, extracted the 'perfect gene' from them, and then used the perfect gene to create a brand new human being.

That nameless port is a very magical place. Although it is remote and unknown, there are dragons and hybrids discovered from all over the world by the Soviet Union.

I tried my best to collect information there, and the identity of the KGB brought me great convenience. I found out that this plan was a scientific research project inherited from Germany.This is a great research project.

**The Third Reich was once the most scientifically advanced country,
They built the first missile in history, the first forward-swept wing bomber, the first jet fighter, and almost made the first nuclear bomb.

And ** to make the greatest achievement for this world is indeed the most easily overlooked.

That is genetic technology. "

(End of this chapter)

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