I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 366 The Past of Tachibana Masamune

Chapter 366 The Past of Tachibana Masamune


"The real story starts with me wanting to devour Herzog's research,
At that time, I was shocked by the other party's horrifying genetic experiment. His technology can not only strengthen the blood of the mixed race, but also has the possibility of making people evolve into dragons. At the same time, it also arouses the greed of own possession.But I didn't have enough strength at that time.

At this time, I thought that I might be able to use the strength of the Sheqi Hachijia. Many years ago, the Sheqi Hachijia and the Germans conducted a secret cooperation. The research results of this cooperation were partially obtained by Herzog in the Black Swan Harbor. result,
At that time, I thought, if I give all the research materials and the super hybrids bred in two test tubes, π and ω, to the Sheqi Hachijia as a gift.Use their power for my own use. "

Yuan Zhisheng outside the recording frowned tightly. At this moment, Crow and Yasha didn't even dare to take a big breath.

the sound goes on,

"So I suggested to Herzog to move the research center, and Herzog agreed, so in order to keep the plan careful, we planned to destroy the entire Black Swan Harbor.

People controlled by greed can do anything, not to mention killing hundreds of people, even tens of thousands.But at that time, I was more decisive than Herzog. I not only blew up the entire Black Swan field, but I also shot Herzog and broke his heart.

I got my wish and took your brother and the embryo of the ancient dragon, boarded the Lenin icebreaker and sailed to Japan.But during the voyage, something happened that I didn't expect.

The ancient dragon embryo has self-awareness on the Lenin for some unknown reason.The fetal blood of the ancient dragon turned the entire ship into a part of its body, and the crew members on the ship turned into deadpools one after another.

I once again moved the heart to kill, killed the entire crew of the ship, then bombed and sank the entire Lenin, and escaped from the Lenin with your two brothers and Erika. "

Yuan Zhisheng frowned when he heard this, because Tachibana Masamune almost used killing to protect his own interests along the way.This is completely different from the kind old man in his impression.

"But I still underestimated the impact of the embryo on us. I discovered an extremely serious matter. Some of the three of you were actually affected."

Yuan Zhisheng focused, and the face of Yuan Zhinv appeared in his mind instinctively.

"It's my daughter Eriyi,"

The recording was quiet, but Yuan Zhisheng outside the recording suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"But she is different from the crew, her constitution can accept dragon blood, so instead of turning them into deadpools like them, she has the ultimate word spirit like 'judgment'.

But when she gains great power, it also comes with risks. Dragon blood is an extremely domineering and powerful thing. It erodes her body all the time. Even today, dragon blood is still eroding her body. When the blood has completely transformed her body, no matter how powerful her physique is, she will turn into a dead waiter.

She has little time left.This was the worst mistake I ever made.But I didn't want to lose her either, and for that I made an even worse mistake.

I don't want Erika to die, but I know that she will go berserk at any time and become a dead waiter. I must find a way to delay the erosion of dragon's blood on her.

So I started to do research based on the information left by Herzog. I changed my face and changed my name, and joined the Snaki Hachika as a member of the executive bureau. I hunted ghosts, especially ghosts injected with evolutionary drugs. Trying to prolong their lifespan with various chemicals, I finally found some way to curb the erosion of dragon's blood.

From the body of Deadpool's fetus, I was able to extract the serum that curbs evolution, and only this serum can prolong the life of Eri Yi.Then I set up a genetic laboratory at Genji Heavy Industries.It is specially used to extract gene medicine. "

Yuan Zhisheng frowned and listened to the constant gunfire outside, could this be the reason why the group of Deadpools appeared outside!

"If things ended here, it would be a perfect ending, but what happened later far exceeded my expectations.

Black Swan Harbor is a place where monsters gather, and I am not the only one who came out of it.

There is another person, he is the king of the ghosts,

He frantically made evolutionary medicine to make the ghosts feel the power. After I found out about this, I planned to eradicate him, but it failed, and it caused serious consequences.

I was recognized by General Wang. He must be a researcher in Black Swan Harbor. He had seen me before. I had plastic surgery but still couldn't hide it from him.The sins I committed back then were discovered by someone, and that person was a devil!

I must kill him, even if it costs my own life!This is the devil I set free from hell with my own hands!
I must use all the power I can use to wipe out the ghosts and kill that general!
For this reason, I cheered up and raised my status in the family step by step.
So I made a plan for my own ascension, and announced my identity as the heir of the Ju family. I passed the blood test, became the owner of the Ju family, and then became the head of the family.

At that time, I, who mastered the Bajia of Sheqi, finally had the strength to fight against the king.

And I have you two brothers, the child is π, you are ω, you are Herzog's most successful work, after the bombing of the Port of No Name, the gene pool was lost, even if Herzog was revived, he would not be able to create Your such a perfect product.The fierce ghosts owned by General Wang are not enough to compete with the combat effectiveness of the two of you brothers.

I patiently waited for you to grow up, taught you swordsmanship with the best masters in Japan,...

But I was wrong again, Herzog lied to me about you and the young girl.Your brothers are used for comparison in the experiment. They are a pair of 'mirror bodies', and the dragon genes you carry are just opposite. "

"Mirror body?" Finally, a voice as curious as Yuan Zhisheng came out from the recording.

"The dragon gene isolated by Herzog, like the human gene, is a double helix.

He guessed that one of the double helices would produce stable hybrids, while the other carried the strongest bloodthirsty gene, but he didn't know which helix carried the bloodthirsty gene, so he used two helices to create hybrids.

The bloodthirsty gene is either in your genetic sequence or it's in the child's genetic sequence.You are pitted against each other, one is a successful product and the other is doomed to failure.

Outside the mirror is the noble emperor, but what is reflected in the mirror is a ferocious ghost.This is the so-called 'mirror body'. "

The sound of the recording is still going on...but Yuan Zhisheng outside can't hear the sound anymore.

He closed his eyes slightly, and after so many years he still refused to recall the night when even the moon was the color of blood...

The closest people in his life that night turned into ghosts.

He stabbed the knife in the opponent's heart, and cut off the rest of his innocent life.

The light outside the window shone on his side face, under the dark and clear light, his face was as hard as a gargoyle in a rainstorm.

The Yuan Zhisheng after that night is no longer the innocent boy who was before,

Instead, he became the ghost slayer who became the embodiment of justice.

All the devils!

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly squeezed the spider cut and the boy cut on his hands, his pupils suddenly lit up scorching red.

Go back to the cage of hell! !

(End of this chapter)

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