I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 367 What happened to Huiliyi

Chapter 367 What happened to Huiliyi

Xia Mi stood slowly in front of a huge picture, raising his head and not taking his eyes off it.

This mural is actually a map, outlining the territory covered by the dragon civilization at that time, even the traffic arteries, and the territories ruled by the rulers of that era are clearly marked with unfamiliar handwriting.Europe's secret recipe research summed up thousands of years before it could have a rough outline, but it had already been placed in the attic of Genji Heavy Industries.

If you just look at the pictures on the screen wall before, Wanko Sakurai may guess that these paintings may be high-quality works of art produced by the Japanese ancestors relying on their imagination.

People in that era often imagined that in the ancient world, gods and devils waged wars, and an ancient human kingdom was born on the ruins after the war.This is the beginning of the myth of many civilizations.

But seeing this painting, Sakurai Wanko has completely believed what Xia Mi told her in her heart.

This is not some imaginary story, it is the history recorded by the ancestors who lived on this land thousands of years ago, even tens of thousands of years ago,
A history of dragons that has been lost in historical civilization.

In the library at the bottom of the Kassel College, there is a history of the Dragon Clan deduced through rigorous and careful logic, based on archaeological discoveries and historical records.

This history is summed up from the mythical chronicles, removing the human imagination as much as possible to restore the "real" dragon civilization.

The secret party believes that there was a peaceful and glorious era in the history of the dragon clan, when the black king became the leader of the dragons as the ancestor,
The White King assists it as a priest.In this era of double kings, even the violent dragons dare not easily provoke wars

Majesty radiates from the black and white throne located in the north of the earth, and the dragon nobles prostrate under the high pressure of power.

Looking at these murals, Xia Mi felt like going back in time, she naturally grabbed the arm of the man next to her,

Wipe away the drool.

Fu Nian ignored the other party, looking at the map in front of him, a little bit of dusty memory emerged from his mind.

A towering bronze column was erected on the continents of the states.

Magnificent and huge buildings were built on top of the city, and temples were built on top of the Tongtian Tower in the city, and the wide imperial road connected these distant cities together.

It was a prosperous dragon civilization blooming on the earth like flowers.But these murals put those prosperous civilizations here.

Although only the tip of the iceberg is shown, it is only the tip of the iceberg and people have to feel the prosperity of that civilization, that is the feast of the dragons, and that is the era of the throne.

After the map, the picture gradually becomes absurd and limited.
There is a ferocious monster with eight long necks and eight heads surrounding its body. The long neck is knotted like a rope. It lies on the ground. Its head is drinking water from the upper reaches of the eight rivers. The long sharp tail cuts through the mountains at the tail of the river. , the bright red water flowing out of its belly mixed into the river. From this painting, it can be seen that this is a huge monster with an individual length of hundreds of kilometers.

At the northernmost end of the map, there is also a naked woman frozen in a huge ice block. A snake drilled out of the gap in the ice block and talked to the person above the ice block, as if it was listening to the destiny.

All kinds of unimaginable pictures, all kinds of strange giant snakes, they are very symbolic, but obscure.

"True or false. What are they doing?" Fu Nian looked up at the scroll and asked Xia Mi in his voice.He can see that there are many shadows that contain reality, but shadows are shadows after all, not real history.

"When eagles soar in the sky, there will also be mayflies dancing on the water. The sky is the sky of dragons, but it is also the world of birds. All creatures have the freedom to yearn for beauty. Although they can't have a magnificent palace, they can't experience the beauty. rights, but it does not prevent them from putting the sacred yearning in their hearts on the tip of their pens."

Xia Mi lightly touched the scarlet on the wall, and after the precipitation of time, the color on it was still as new as ever.This is a paint made of mermaid oil mixed with blood, and they will not dry for thousands of years.

"The ancestors of the Sheqi Eight Clans can be regarded as an unbroken line of survivors." Xia Mi shook his head. "The past is too long, no one can really remember it."

Fu Nian didn't say anything, and he didn't want to say anything.Gently stroking Xia Mi's neck, there was misty in his eyes.

Looking at the picture scroll in front of him, he and Xia Mi walked towards the darkness at the end.


After the other party's interest finally moved away from those scrolls, he slowly pulled the topic away from it,

"Xia Miming knew that Masamune Tachibana had fabricated a big lie for us, why did he put the false recording in Yuan Zhisheng's hands?"

Fu Nian was very puzzled by this question, he didn't believe what this guy said to Kazama Ruri at first.

He planned to directly use some means to make the other party give in completely, but this plan was rejected by Xia Mi, so there was a recording of Kazama Ruri and Tachibana Masamune.

But this is a fake recording. On the way to find Xia Mi, Fu Niancong didn't understand why he did this.

"Brother, do you know what's going on at Genji Heavy Industries?" Xia Mi looked up at Fu Nian.

"Deadpool is haunted."

Fu Nian opened his mouth, he met many along the way, but none of them dared to attack it, and they were far away from each other.

Xia Mi nodded, "According to what I have learned, Tachibana Masamune is the one who raised Yuanzhisheng. From childhood to adulthood, he established a standard of justice for Yuanzhisheng in his heart.

But suddenly one day, when he discovered that the pillar of justice that had always supported him was actually the greatest evil, and when he found that everything in the past was in an almost extreme contrast with the present, it would be a day of catastrophe.

Although Yuan Zhisheng has the top hybrid strength, but inside his strong body is often a weak heart, what he has is just a human heart,
Moreover, this kind of person who is obsessed with a belief is even more fragile in his heart. He has abandoned everything, and he only has the order in his heart.The moment the faith collapses is the end of that person. "

Xia Mi glanced at Kazama Ruri behind Sakurai Wanko. Although Kazama Ruri's expression was very calm now, his eyes were not so calm.

Yuan Zhinv is completely different from Yuan Zhisheng. He doesn't have so many rules and regulations in his heart, but even so, after he really understands the real truth of that period, he suffers deeply from it.No one knows his heart at this moment.

Fu Nian nodded clearly, "But the truth is cruel after all, maybe there is a buffer, which is life-saving for him.

But the reasons don't stop there.I haven't seen that Xia Mi will be kind to a human being who doesn't have much intersection. "

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi strangely. The dragon is a species completely different from human beings. It has a way of thinking that is difficult for human beings to understand. This is something Fu Nian deeply understands.

Moreover, the arrogance of the dragon made them not like to hide their emotions in front of the enemy, so he didn't think Xia Mi would design such a step to save Yuan Zhisheng.

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi, waiting for the other party to give him an answer.

"What. Do I look like an old hag with a dark face and a dark heart!" Xia Mi puffed out her mouth in dissatisfaction.

Fu Nian seriously shook his head,

Xia Mi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart that it really is my own brother.

"Xia Mi not only has a dark heart, but also has black pupils."



Xia Mi wrapped his arms around Fu Nian's neck.She gritted her teeth and looked at him viciously.

Fu Nian pursed her lips and shrank her head.

"Is Xia Mi treating brother badly?"

Fu Nian nodded vigorously. If there is only one piece of beauty left in Xia Mi's heart, it must have something to do with Fenrir.

"But Xia Mi, let's just say, these are two different things."

Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian up and down with white-eyed wolf eyes, and nodded.

"We need Yuan Zhisheng. To be precise, the Bajia of Snake Qi needs a strong leader. He cannot collapse yet."

"Is that so?"

He didn't think too much, and he didn't have to think too much.Maybe he had to think too much, but since Xia Mi came, Fu Nian felt that his brain was no longer important.

Putting the problem aside, when he continued to prepare for a walk in this wide and silent hall with Xia Mi,
Suddenly, a crisp vibration resounded behind them.

Fu Nian subconsciously looked at Liuli Kazama behind him.

Kazama Ruri looked down at her communication device that suddenly rang. This is an anti-detection device that can only be used for the simplest information transmission function.

This was specially prepared by them before entering Genji Heavy Industries. After all, this is where Kaguya's system is located, and they still have to be extra careful in terms of signals.

The second her eyes fell on the communication screen, Kazama Ruri's eyes became extremely dangerous.Like a poisonous tongue that suddenly stood up, there was a cold glint in his eyes.

He looked up at Fu Nian,
"An accident happened to Erika."

(End of this chapter)

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