I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 368 Hui Liyi: Intruder, Will Die

Chapter 368 Hui Liyi: Intruder, Will Die


"Little Lord!"

Crow looked down at the information he had just delivered in his hand. He was the retainer of the head of the family, and all aspects would be handled by the three of them.

Although the current Yuan Zhisheng's mood and state are not right, in normal times, things will be delayed as long as they can, and the crow will definitely not disturb the current Yuan Zhisheng,
But now, Crow absolutely believed that if he wasted half a second on this matter, Yuan Zhisheng would definitely chase after him with a knife.

Because of this matter! !
Yuan Zhisheng, with his shoulders down and his head down, looked up at the other party,

Crow's lips trembled excitedly, and his gold-rimmed glasses trembled on the bridge of his nose.

"Go... go to Uesugi!!"

Yuan Zhisheng's colorless gray eyes suddenly shone brightly, and the decadent tone was torn apart by a pair of powerful palms in an instant.

"Patriarch Uesugi!!" Crow finally straightened his mouth.

In the next moment, Yuan Zhisheng snatched the mobile phone from his hand.

The other party stared at the text message from above.

"I found the location of Patriarch Uesugi, and my subordinates are doing their best to rescue them. I implore everyone to send troops to support!!"

A specific location was located at the bottom of the text message in real time, and the source of the team was signed at a lower position.

Kanto detachment.

The Kanto Detachment and the Kansai Detachment are two very elite units belonging to the Sheqi Bajia. The number of these two units is not large.
Among them, the Kanto detachment has only 12 members, but all 12 of them are excellent A-level hybrids in the family. They are not only colleagues for many years, but even classmates of Kassel College.
There are snipers and assaulters in the squad, and their elite level can be equivalent to the special forces in the modern army, and they are also special squads in the elite special forces.It's like SEAL Team Six on top of SEALs, Delta Force on top of Rangers.

When the news of Erika's disappearance was disseminated among the masses by the family, the Kanto Detachment and the Kansai Detachment also took on an extremely important task while handling their own work.

That is to complete the task of finding Erika.

They were very lucky. After half a month of hard work, they finally found the exact coordinates of Miss Erikai five or ten minutes ago.

And half an hour ago, a clean-up operation was launched against the ghosts around Miss Erika.

"Longboat! Clean up this group of enemies on the right!"

Minister Akechi Asuya, dressed in a street gangster outfit, crouched behind a ledge of a rocky obstacle, holding a slender sword in one hand. He was once nicknamed the Demon Sword at Kassel Academy.

However, Yaodao encountered the fierce ghost commando with extremely fast firepower today. Each of them put a heavy machine gun on the bunker area of ​​the high door. Broken leaves snap off in the air.

They are now in a remote temple in the mountains. The temple is very old, but the equipment is very sound.This was regarded as a temporary foothold by the ghosts.

The muffled hum of the sniper rifle with the silencer continued to explode in the air. After every sound, there was a series of bursts of blood,

Fumoki Katsuki, code-named "Long Ship", is an outstanding sniper in the team.His speech ability allows him to use a pistol as a sniper rifle from kilometers away.

As the longboat pulled the trigger more and more intensively, the sound of machine guns on the opposite side became smaller and smaller.

at last,

The moment the sound of gunshots stopped in Asuya's ear, his whole body coiled up like a long snake coming out of the mountain, and his speed was very fast.

Just when the machine gunners of the fierce ghosts reacted and were about to draw their knives for close combat, they had already appeared in front of the opponent.

followed by
What flashed in front of his eyes was a bright and sharp sword light.

Pooh!Blood red swayed the starry sky.

The last machine guns finally died down.

Standing under the torii gate in front of the temple, Ashiya looked at the fierce ghosts kneeling in a pool of blood, and slowly wiped the non-existent blood on the knife with a rag, because the knife was too fast, and the blood was not there at all. Chance left some blood on it.

In the dense jungle behind him, a man with a sniper rifle stood out from the inside, and slowly walked behind Minister Asuya.

He walked beside each dead body, using the dagger at his waist to dig out the eyes one by one from their bodies, and carefully preserved them in test tubes. After everything was done, he slowly raised his head and stared at the dead bodies. Looking at the other side of the shrine, the sound of explosions in the air kept ringing in the distance.

He knew that it was another member of the team, code-named Yingxiu, Yanling "Yin Lei", he could make bombs with extremely compressed air.And what Yingxiu likes most is watching the scene where the flesh explodes in front of him, that feeling can make him reach an emotional climax in an instant.

Asuya stared at the opposite side, the sniper Nasafune who began to carefully arrange the order of the test tubes, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

There is nothing wrong with their team being elite and strong, but they are also a group of lunatics, everyone is without exception.They are always on the verge of killing, partly because of the needs of their missions, but more because of their own hobbies.In addition to racing, some of them are addicted to drugs, some like gambling,

But compared to such small things, they prefer to hear the sound of sharp weapons entering their bodies, and the sound of enemies wailing. Compared with the fierce ghosts, they are more like evil spirits in hell.

Tachibana Masamune used to have a headache for them, but he couldn't bear to give up. After all, a person without eccentricities is not qualified to be called a genius, and a genius is a freak in a sense.If it weren't for Tachibana Masamune's strong support, these freaks would have been kicked out of the family long ago, and reduced to the same level as the ghosts.

Asuya turned his gaze to the other side,

In less than a minute, mixed races wearing all kinds of strange costumes gradually appeared in front of the shrine from all directions.

The attack on the shrine was all-round, because they couldn't bear to let anyone in it go.

"How is it?" Asuya looked up at the leisurely team members and asked.

"Easy and easy." On the right, a burly man with a serrated hook knife said,
His name is Hu Che, and he is a violent maniac. He likes the feeling of cutting off the opponent's muscles and bones with a single swing. Now there are still pieces of flesh and blood remaining on his jagged teeth.That was his share of the spoils of the day.

"Then let's go!" Asuya looked around at his team members, and after making sure that they were all present, he walked into the shrine from the main entrance.

Their direction was very clear. They passed through the main hall of the shrine and walked directly towards the side hall behind.Most of the colors here are reddish and orange, and there are animal-like angels on both sides of the road passing the side hall.


Asuya walked in the front and kicked open the door in front of him,
The room inside is very clean and simple, but Asuya is not interested in the decorations inside.
His eyes fell directly on the red-haired girl who was sitting at the table meticulously listening to music and drawing.

The moment the door was kicked open.

The girl was visibly taken aback.Staring blankly at the large group of people who appeared on the opposite side, an expression of grievance clearly appeared on the whole face.

But before the expression was fully formed, a bloody smell surged down the tip of Erika's nose.Her eyes instantly became strange.

She has just been immersed in the inner world of beautiful music and painting, completely oblivious to the outside world.

But now...Eri Yi is staring at the 12 people who are full of murderous looks

They seem to be hacked?

"I'm going to die."

The cold chill spread down Asuya's spine, not only him, but all the companions behind him took a step back.

(End of this chapter)

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