I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 369 If there is someone in this world who cherishes her more than you, it must be Yuan Zhish

Chapter 369 If there is anyone in this world who cherishes her more than you, it must be Yuan Zhisheng


The wind from the tail of the helicopter blows the surrounding dense tree canopy outwards.

The roaring sound brought up countless dust in front of the shrine.

The elements that were gathering towards Erika at extreme speed suddenly stopped.

Erika suddenly raised her head, her eyes seemed to be able to see the sky outside through the roof in front of her.

In the sky, an extremely fast Black Hawk helicopter is rapidly landing.

But no matter how hard the pilot works, it takes a few seconds to prepare for an altitude of nearly [-] meters, but this time is slow in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, when the helicopter was still 30 meters away from the ground, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned over, the black leather windbreaker whistling in the wind from the tail, behind Yasha and Crow fell to the ground with a stunned expression.

In the thick dust that was jumped up by the huge shock, a huge spider web-like crack spread crazily towards the distance.

The sound of falling meteorites also deeply shocked the Kanto Branch, who were turning their heads back at the moment.

Asuya stared at the man in the black windbreaker who came out of the smoke and dust, his long black hair was rolled back by the strong wind, and there was a pair of piercing golden pupils in his softly contoured face.The lining under the windbreaker is tightly attached to the contours of his skin,
The whole person is as deep as a thick mountain pressing on the chest.The irritating family affairs weighed on his shoulders, as well as in the fields he could see.

The 12 people flinched instinctively, this is not the first time they met Yuan Zhisheng,

But it was the first time I met Yuan Zhisheng in such a state. Although his steps were steady, his movements were in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Zhisheng appeared in front of the kicked open door of the side hall of the shrine.

The Kanto detachment where Asuya was located subconsciously opened a passage.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't even pay attention to them.His eyes fell directly on the dark red long-haired girl standing in front of the table in the room.


The girl's crimson eyes quietly watched Yuan Zhisheng as if she could speak.

The fluttering crimson long hair swayed in the air.In front of Eriyi, she was suddenly hit by a huge force. Although this force was huge, it was extremely gentle.Like the broad shoulders of a father, like the loving love of an older brother.

Dangling red hair fell on Yuan Zhisheng's arm, Erika looked down at the force that buried herself in her chest, at close range, the faint smell of blood on the man's body penetrated directly to the tip of her nose.She was extremely keenly aware of what was wrong with the other party.

Erika quietly wrapped her arms around the opponent's waist.This was her first time hugging someone, but it was so natural.It was so natural that she could clearly feel the other party's warm and pure emotions towards her.Like rainbow bubbles that spread around your neck in the shower.

"elder brother."

Erika's voice was very small, she was suppressing her own voice, trying not to let her voice affect him.But no matter how small it is, it still vibrates the elements of the surrounding air, and the bitter wind blade pervades the small room.

But Yuan Zhisheng seemed to be completely unaffected by the surroundings, and instead hugged Erika's body a little tighter.

"Is Erika homesick?" A deep and trembling voice sounded from Erika's ear.

Yuan Zhisheng looked up at the darkness in the distance, and hugged the girl's body in front of him with all his strength. He was holding on to something, trying to hold on to something, as if he would lose her if he let go.This is already his only nostalgia in the world.

Younger brother Minagi, father Tachibana Masamune, younger sister Erii

He never had many things in the world, but the reality of impermanence pulled them away from him bit by bit like a devil.

He has already embarked on a road of no return, he will not allow the other party to take Erika away from him again!
Little by little movements came from his chest, Erika was nodding slightly, her pointed chin poked on his body and also on his heart.

"Eriyi's body hurts a lot, she hasn't taken medicine for such a long time."

Yuan Zhisheng's palm landed on the spine of Erika's back.I want to see how far the other party's condition has deteriorated.

But the strange thing is that he fell from the upper spine to Erika's back, and from the back to the spine of the waistline, and he didn't find any signs of deterioration in the other party's body.

He didn't look any further, it belonged to the girl's private parts, he was just a brother.

But Yuan Zhisheng looked curiously into Erika's eyes.

In the blushing aura, he didn't see the slightest grievance of enduring the pain.

On the contrary, the other party looked at his neck very seriously.

On Yuan Zhisheng's neck, there was a claw mark that was not deep and not shallow, which was the mark after fighting Deadpool not long ago.

Erika broke free from Yuan Zhisheng's body, trotted all the way to another room and took out a stack of bandages.

Yuan Zhisheng found that the other party was barefoot, and he didn't wear the usual maiden costume, but a very casual and loose yellow Kodak duck outfit.

Yuan Zhisheng thought of something, and turned his eyes to the surrounding environment, which is very simple decoration, there is a comic book on the table, and a vase with early cherry blossoms in front of the book.There is also a headset, a dragon-shaped villain painted black...

Yuan Zhisheng tilted his head, just as he was about to take a closer look at the contents of the painting.

Erika trotted all the way again and appeared in his field of vision.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the other party looking at him seriously.

"Brother, sit down." The other party's voice appeared on the small notebook.

Yuan Zhisheng turned his head and glanced at the curious heads at the door, and frowned.

"Let's go! Let's go!!" Yasha yelled and pushed the guys from the Kanto Branch,
Sakura behind him closed the door.

Only then did Yuan Zhisheng turn his head to look at Erika who was kneeling and staring at the disinfectant and iodophor in a daze.

Erika looked at this, looked at that, and finally started to treat Yuan Zhisheng's wound by taking a cotton swab and dipping it in disinfectant.

Yuan Zhisheng sat motionless on the spot, looking at the serious Erika at the moment,
The heavy eyebrows finally eased a little. Although he is in a hurry now, Deadpool is still raging at Genji Heavy Industries, and the news of Tachibana Masamune's death has not yet been processed, but he is even less willing to disturb the current Erika.

Because the previous Erika never knew how to treat wounds.

He looked at the stiff and unfamiliar little hands step by step, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to flow down like water.

He suddenly felt that the girl he hadn't seen for half a month seemed to have grown up a lot, as if she was no longer the girl who was locked in a room and was full of curiosity about the world.

At least she knows how to deal with her wounds now, doesn't she!

Yuan Zhisheng felt the cool and soft little hand swaying on his neck, Eri Yi was stretching his body forward, helping him clean up the wound carefully, that serious expression, the tight corners of his mouth, He only saw her when she was concentrating on the game.

At this moment, she is as beautiful as a god walking out of a painting, and she is the only pure land supporting him in guarding the world.



Fu Nian looked to the side with his hands on his chin and his knees on his knees, and his feet stepped on the comfortable interior floor of the sports car.

He looked at Xia Mi who was seriously thinking about something next to him,
Xia Mi, who is thinking seriously!

Xia Mi in this state is indeed a bit difficult to meet.Because most of the time, she doesn't have to spend so long analyzing one thing at all.

But now... Fu Nian glanced at the time on his hand,

The other party has maintained this posture for almost 3 minutes since she got in the car.In normal times, Chafu would have been impatiently reading his neck.

Fu Nian looked around boredly, looking at Wanko Sakurai who was driving in front, and at the gloomy Kazama Ruri sitting on the co-pilot.

Kazama Liuli was not in a good state tonight. When a lie is torn apart, the ones who suffer the most must be those who are covered by the lie.

But unlike the decadence of losing direction, Kazama Ruri is more of a kind of anger.

A kind of anger at Tachibana Masamune's gnashing of teeth.What emotions is he brewing.

"Go to Tokyo National University!"

A crisp sound broke the silence in the car.

Xia Mi who was thinking about something slowly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

At this moment, Fu Nian actually found that there was light flowing in Xia Mi's eyes.

Is this the power of thinking?She seems to be more temperamental...

"Didn't you go to find Erika?" Fu Nian looked at Ruri Kazama who turned her head in surprise.asked for him.Saving Erika in the opponent's consciousness is something that cannot be delayed.

"Calculating the time, Yuan Zhisheng has already arrived. The one who attacked the shrine was the Kanto branch of the Saki Hachi Family. Erika will have no problem." Natsumi looked at Kazama Ruri,

"Don't worry, if there is anyone in this world who cherishes her more than you, it must be Yuan Zhisheng."

 Thank you very much [Process] for the 3000 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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