I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 370 Does Master Yue still have a face?

Chapter 370 Does Master Yue still have a face?

Genji Heavy Industries
conference hall

While the gunfire outside was chaotic, the room was pitch black.The flickering candlelight has been completely extinguished at this moment.

On the pitch-black floor, a corpse with its head separated fell silently to the ground.

The voice in the ear was silent, but strangely, the sight in front of him was moving. It was a headless corpse, which was actually wriggling.

He stretched out his hand aimlessly to explore the air, as if he was looking for something.The voice was so subtle that there was no trace.

The arms and the whole body began to move on the floor, in the dark room, if anyone witnessed this scene,
It is bound to be frightened and panicked.

The corpse finally found something, and his movements slowly stopped, holding a familiar face at the end with his hands.

Slowly pulled into his arms.

That is Tachibana Masamune's face, and the body is also Tachibana Masamune's body.

The corpse slowly put the head on its own neck,

The strength of growth in the body quickly repairs along the broken neck, and the granulation growing upwards connects up and down along the skin.

In the blink of an eye, the rushing dragon blood in the body filled the pale and bloodless head,

A pair of bright eyes slowly scorched in the dark room.

Tachibana Masamune slowly stood up from the ground, staring blankly at the dilapidated scene around him, and at his body that he could control but was not smooth, he walked slowly to the broken floor-to-ceiling windows.

Looking at the ground hundreds of feet below, which is almost like an abyss.

The whole person leaned down without hesitation.

The howling wind blew away the white hair in front of his temples, his old body was like a soaring eagle, he breathed the breath freely in the air.

Like a traveler with Yin and Yang in his body.

There was a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, and the joy of surviving after the catastrophe made him unbearably excited.

He focused his attention on the glass of the huge building next to him. On the building, his falling body was so clear and bright.

But Tachibana Masamune, whose eyes fell on the top, suddenly tightened his eyes.

Looking at the silhouette reflected on the glass, he lowered his head to look at his body in a daze, astonishment and horror.

What appeared before him was not his broad chest, but his back full of spine? !

Your own head is growing upside down?


His body fell heavily on the floor, like a tomato falling from a height.



Master Yue reached out and patted the garlic in front of him vigorously, preparing for today's business.He looked at the light of dawn that was about to rise in the distant sky.

He felt that today must be a sunny day with spring flowers blooming.

As usual, he walked out of the warm blanket into the cold and windy winter morning early.

Go to the morning market to prepare today's ingredients.

Then he boarded his three-wheeled hut platform and sprinted vigorously in the oncoming sea breeze.

The orange light bulb hanging on the roof behind him swayed back and forth. In the large area of ​​darkness, he was like a little sun that warmed the whole morning.

Master Yue stared very quickly. In the middle of this area, there are some old houses that have been preserved since World War II until today, extending from the back street of Tokyo University to the dilapidated chapel at the far end.

Most of the rooms are vacant, and they are rented out to the poorer university students of the University of Tokyo at a super low price.In this college district where every inch of land is precious and land is hard to come by, the landlord is somewhat confused in making this decision.

He appeared in the back street of Dongda University, at the table he had fixed in the past.Seeing that the surroundings gradually began to become angry, they came to the street.

Master Yue breathed out a long breath, wiped the sweat off his brow, and began preparations with a smile on his face.He has lived here all his life, and every day's good mood starts from this time of a good day.

The cold wind howled against the curtain above the car, rattling.

A black sports car slowly appeared at the end of the long street. It was silent, like a hunting panther blending into the darkness, waiting for an opportunity in the jungle.

Master Yue looked curiously at the sports car that suddenly appeared. The cold air outside the air and the warm temperature inside the car condensed a layer of water mist in front of the glass.

There are many rich people haunting this street, and there are also a lot of luxury cars.So he didn't think there was anything strange, just curious, why it appeared so early, it was just a little past five o'clock in the morning.Shouldn't they be huddled in the woman's soft and gentle place to sleep, or lying in a certain club breathing the beautiful air?

The sports car parked quietly on the side of the road, and the wipers gently wiped the mist outside. When the fan-shaped area gradually became clear,
Master Yue saw the people in the car clearly. There was an elegant and beautiful driver in the car. She was wearing a black suit and a rose red bow tie. She didn't look like she was going to get up early to eat ramen at the roadside ramen cart. people.

Master Yue's gaze quickly passed over the woman, and looked at the figure on the back seat of the car.

Behind the woman, in the middle of the two rows of seats, an upright figure in a black suit sat there quietly, with a clear outline and a tight mouth.There is an unattainable sharpness in those stunning eyes.

The moment he saw the man's face, Master Yue's expression changed. Although he was still wearing the clothes of the ramen master, his temperament instinctively became vigilant, as if instinctively resisting the opponent's strong aura. If someone can If you see it, you will find that the biting cold wind gathers higher and higher behind Master Yue, like a rising mountain.

But the next second, the moment he met the other person's eyes, Master Yue became depressed,

Looking at the eyes of the motionless man opposite.He felt that compared with the other party, it was like the difference between a small mound and Mount Tai.

"Why is it him again!!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Master Yue hurried back to the car and turned off the colored lights surrounding the signboard, leaving only a solitary light on the soup pot, and prepared to close the stall quickly.

He can't afford to offend, can't he still hide!
The car door opened, and high-end custom leather boots stepped on the road.The girl driving the car was wrapped in plush, and the raging cold wind was blowing down from all directions. The girl was shivering from the cold, and quickly lowered the little hat on her head.

Fu Nian, who was inside, was about to tell him something, when the door slammed shut to isolate him.The voice in the mouth is blocked in the mouth of the throat.

The girl stepped forward with her calves, followed by Kazama Ruri behind her with an umbrella like a gentleman.

Master Yue looked at the two people who appeared in the car, and when he didn't see the face he was expecting, instead of stopping, he quickly started to speed up.

When Xia Mi walked to the front of the car, Master Yue had already boarded and got off the car and was about to start racing.

Kazama Liuli held the umbrella with one hand, and grabbed the back edge of the roof with the other, and the stalemate began to compete.The torn iron plates seemed about to crumble like paper.

Master Yue stabbed forward without any mercy.

He really didn't want to see the man inside.

Kazama Liuli frowned, he really didn't expect the opponent's power to be so huge, and for a moment he had the illusion that it was hard to resist.

A crisp siren rang through the sports car in the distance.

Kazama Ruri only felt that the stalemate opposite her was fading away like a tide.

Master Yue glanced at the slightly lowered eyebrows of the man in the sports car.

The feet on the pedals hang down like noodles.

An inexplicable kind of grievance welled up in my heart.

"Master Yue, do you still have face?" Xia Mi asked in his voice.

"Yes." Master Yue burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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