I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 371 "We need you to become the head of the 8 Sheqi family again."

Chapter 371 "We need you to become the head of the Sheqi Ba Family again."


Master Yue stared at Xia Mi who was seriously drinking noodles in front of the small chair on the roof,
Behind Xia Mi, Kazama Liuli sat bored on a small chair and trimmed her nails with nail clippers. There was a pair of bewitching red eyes in the collar of the windbreaker.

In the back, a sports car with a streamlined body shining black in the dim light stood quietly.

Master Yue looked at the familiar scene in a daze,
Nearly a month ago, Xia Mi was sitting in this position at the same time, behind him was also a large group of guys that he didn't want to provoke but couldn't get rid of.

Xia Mi drank the ramen in the bowl seriously. To be honest, the ramen was really not very delicious. Although the other party had already made it with skill, the other party's heart was not on the ramen at all.

Xia Mi was stirring the noodle soup carelessly, feeling the other party's glances at the black sports car from time to time, and knew in his heart that Fu Nian might have been shocked by the other party when he made a move without hesitation last time.

Then he sent Fu Nian to the blacklist in his heart.

"Don't worry, uncle. Brother is very gentle." Xia Mi smiled gently.

This cute and pure smile made Master Yue a little relaxed, he shook his head towards Xia Mi,

"Little girl, this one of yours doesn't look like a good person at first glance."

"Pfft," Xia Mi almost didn't hold back, the already curved lower eyelids became even more curved at this moment, like the crescent moon above the sky now.

"What I said is true." Xia Mi's tone was serious.

"Uncle is also telling the truth."

Master Yue glanced at the black sports car in the distance, as if he could see the opposite face through the thick black fog.

"I am a conscientious, hard-working, hard-working ramen chef who goes out early and returns late every day. The customers I meet every day are not poor college students from Dongda University, or stray cats nearby. In the past, let alone a whole year, it was a lifetime. I have never received a customer who likes to eat my ramen like you and comes twice a month."

"But Xia Mi likes the noodles you made very much."

"Thank you for the compliment. If you like it, I will remember someone next time. I have a heart attack and may be affected by..."

"I'm also going to invite you to be my full-time chef."

Before Master Yue finished speaking, Xia Mi's voice overshadowed his, and then Master Yue froze in place like a dull hen.

But instead, Master Yue laughed, "It's said that uncle's heart is bad, little girl can't make fun of uncle."

"Xia Mi has never liked joking." Xia Mi shook his head.

The smile on Master Yue's face gradually froze.

Seeing Xia Mi's serious expression, his voice was a little flustered, "Miss, I'm just an ordinary ramen maker. I've lived here all my life, and I'll be here forever. I haven't seen anything in the world, nor Knowing the taste of rich people like you, you must never take your temporary interests seriously, and I still hope to earn some money to retire in France."

"Uncle isn't sincere." Xia Mi pursed his lips and looked very aggrieved.

"The conscience of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon can learn from each other!" Master Yue straightened his body, with a serious expression like a scumbag.

"Oh." Xia Mi sighed slowly.

"But why do I feel that Master Yue doesn't seem like someone short of money?" Xia Mi put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at the uncle wearing a ramen hat on the opposite side.

Master Yue's eyes should be very old, the deep black pupils are full of vicissitudes that cannot be concealed, like an old man who thinks he is old, but the appearance of the other party is not so old, on the contrary, he looks like someone who has just entered Four uncles in their 50s.Under Xia Mi's gaze,

He also looked at Xia Mi with a smile, trying to show a kind image of an elder, but this image was somewhat irritating in Xia Mi's eyes, because the old guy didn't tell her the truth.

"I'm short, I'm short of a lot of money. It's too short." Master Yue waved his hands vigorously.Pointing at his little broken car. "It's been 20 years and it hasn't been changed."

"That's uncle lazy."

"How can it be lazy? The uncle also wants to lie on the bed hugging left and right, pinching his waist and pointing at the servants to be arrogant, and they have to smile haha..."

Xia Mi looked at the man opposite seriously, and Master Yue also smiled kindly at Xia Mi.The eyes seem to be teasing a child in the family.

Xia Mi shook his head, stood up and slowly stretched out his hand to draw a big circle towards the sky.

After gesturing for a while, I felt that this circle might not be enough.

So he stood on the chair in front of the roof again, pointed to the tall commercial buildings in the distance to the east, and turned his head to look at the huge Ferris wheel at the end of the west.Then draw a circle greatly toward the middle.

"This is one of the most prosperous commercial streets in Tokyo with the most expensive land, but there is a section of the important land in the middle of which houses were built decades ago.

Over the past few decades, countless businessmen have been eager to move here, but no one has the qualifications to transform this place into a big deal.No matter who they are, no matter how powerful they are.

The reason is very simple, because this place has an owner.His master doesn't want to change it, so he can't change it. "

Xia Mi pouted his chin and looked at Master Yue with interest.

Master Yue casually agreed with Xia Mi and nodded.

"Master Yue has lived here for so many years, do you know who owns this piece of land worth nearly [-] billion?"

Master Yue quickly shook his head.

"But Xia Mi knows." Xia Mi smiled.

Master Yue's expression froze.

"His name is Uesugi Yue. Does Master Yue know him?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Master Yue lowered his head and stirred the boiling noodle soup in the pot.

The sound of slapping the table furiously came to mind instantly.The bowls and chopsticks of the table were shaken.Uesugi Koshi's body was also trembling.

"Uesugi Koshi! If you lie to me again, I'll beat you to death!"

Xia Mi stared viciously at Master Yue who suddenly raised his head.

Master Yue on the opposite side suddenly took two steps back, staring at Xia Mi on the opposite side with wide eyes, staring at the opposite side as if seeing great fear,

The girl who turned her head back to smile again.

Uesugi Koshi.


No one has called him by that name for many years.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Master Yue looked at the girl opposite, the luster in the depths of his eyes became deeper and deeper,
He always felt that the guy in the opposite car was the biggest boss today.Unexpectedly, this girl who has always been smiling sweetly is actually the guy who gave him the most headache today.

Just for a moment, his soul felt a creepy feeling.

Uesugi Yue instinctively wanted to turn around and leave, because this woman made him feel as if he couldn't afford it.

But his eyes subconsciously looked at Fu Nian in the black sports car in the distance.

The moment the two looked at each other, Uesugi felt that his dragon blood, which had been inactive for decades, was instantly ignited.

Under the gaze of those dull eyes, the hairs all over his body burst out one by one.Totally like a wild cat on the verge of frying.

He can be sure of this, and he can't beat this.

"If the uncle wants to turn around and leave, Xia Mi thinks it's unlikely.

We didn't want to do anything to Uncle Uesugi, we just needed Uncle Uesugi to do us a favor.Then we will help Uncle Uesugi.

Then we call it quits. "

Uesugi's brighter golden pupils stared at Natsumi (who was just scared out),
Natsumi looked at Uesugi Koshi with a smile.

"Don't be so hostile. I have said that my brother is very gentle, and Xia Mi is also very reasonable. We are not a family of snakes. We just want to sit down and talk."

"Will he hit me?"

Uesugi Yue's body was still trembling inexplicably, a trembling from the soul.Looking in the direction of the sports car, he knew that this was his biggest fear today.

Xia Mi turned his head and glanced at the sports car.

Fu Nian in the car slowly closed his eyes.

"As long as Uncle Uesugi promises not to lie to Xia Mi again, brother will not,"

Xia Mi looked at Uesugi Koshi who still didn't believe it, slowly put away the smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at the other party seriously,

"I swear here in my name, Yemengard, that my brother will not shoot you today."

Uesugi looked at Xia Mi who was serious about the opposite. Although he didn't know what Yemengade was, he could see the sincerity and seriousness in the girl's eyes.

"I don't need help with anything."

Uesugi Yue looked non-hostile, and even had a hint of cute Natsumi.Slowly put away the golden pupil.

After finishing speaking, I suddenly thought of something, and continued to speak, "The truth!"

"No, you have." Xia Mi looked at the other party seriously.

"I'm just a ramen seller. I don't need any help from others. Do I need you guys in suits and leather shoes to do odd jobs for me and make noodles!"

Uesugi tried to be tougher, because he wanted to observe whether the man in the car really couldn't beat himself.

"I said yes, and you have." Xia Mi pinched his waist.

"If I say no, I don't have it. I'm not even afraid of death, so why bother?"

Saying that, Uesugi pulled down the curtain with a snap,

"It's off work. Let's go after eating." I don't know if he really got into the drama, or if the other party persuaded himself with those words, his eyes were obviously a little stiff.

Xia Mi looked at Uesugi Koshi without even looking at her,
Blinked blankly.

But Xia Mi found that the other party didn't really catch up with him.

Xia Mi waved his hand, "If you say there is no, then there is no. We don't need to help you with your affairs, but you have to listen to our affairs first."

"Tell me." Master Yue raised his head.

"We need you to become the head of the Sheqi Bajia again."

(End of this chapter)

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