I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 372 Uesugi Yue and Xia Mi

Chapter 372 Uesugi Yue and Xia Mi

"We need you to become the head of the Sheqi Bajia again."


Natsumi's voice was like a hundred thousand volts of lightning, and Uesugi Koeshi, who was holding the spoon, suddenly shook his wrist.It fell to the ground with a bang.

Looking at the opposite side with wide eyes, there seemed to be an unbelievable, unbelievable Uesugi Koshi in his expression.

Xia Mi continued to speak.

"Uesugi Koshi, the previous head of the Uesugi family, but you are not purely Japanese, but a mixed race of Chinese, Japanese and French, and you were educated overseas.

You got your doctorate at the University of Lyon.Before he was young, he didn't understand Japanese culture at all, and he could even be regarded as a French youth through and through.You are not suitable to be the emperor of the Japanese underworld at all.

But according to the unshakable family rules of the Bajia of Sheqi for thousands of years, if you inherit the emperor's blood from the gods and awaken the power of the gods, then you must be the supreme leader of the Bajia of Sheqi.

You ascended the throne in 1934 in Showa [-], and your legendary and shameful life began. "

Xia Mi didn't take the other party's face into consideration at all, and spoke directly.

The strange thing is that Uesugi Yue didn't show any expression, nor did he refute anything, he just stood quietly opposite as if he was listening to someone else's story.

"You abdicated in 20 in Showa 1945. It took 11 years, but during these 11 years, you were revered by everyone, and the shadow emperor who was aloof and became the first person in the history of the Snake Hachi Clan to be disgraced. fugitive.

In the past 11 years, you have made the Sheqi Bajia full of holes.

According to the original biography of the Sheqi Bajia family, your abdication was basically an escape. Before you escaped, you burned the shrine where the family carried the mission of inheriting history.Such an amazing emperor became the No. 1 in the history of Sheqi Bajia. "

Looking at Uesugi Koshi who still had no expression, Natsumi smiled,
"But it's impossible for nothing to happen for no reason. After seeing you living an emperor in such a wronged way, I went to find out about your past and present lives."

This time, Uesugi Yue had a little reaction. He faced the girl opposite him curiously, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

He really wanted to know what stories this girl could hold back.

Because of the past and present of this matter, the only person in the existing world who knows may be only him, the person involved.Time flies and 60 years have passed, and he has changed from a prime of life to an old man now.

"What happened is worthy of sympathy. You are not purely Japanese. The reason why you became the Uesugi Patriarch of the Japanese Saki Hachi Family is entirely because your father was the shadow emperor of the previous Saki Hachi Family.

Your father gave birth to you with a French woman who was not recognized by the family. The family reached an agreement with your father. He became emperor, and you were sent to France safely.You and your mother spent a satisfying childhood in a French church,
But this is just the beginning of the story. What you didn't expect, what your parents didn't expect, what the entire Sheqi Bajia didn't expect,
You awakened the royal blood in your body, and at that time, the terrifying power wiped everything within a few kilometers away.This was published in the French newspapers at that time, and the Snake Bajia appeared in front of you again for this reason.

The strength of the Bajia of Snake Qi cannot be competed by your weak mother and son. In order to protect you again, your mother chose to send you to board a steamship on another continent. For this reason, your mother and son did not meet again until death. "

Xia Mi stopped her voice and looked at the other party quietly, what she said was very concise, but Uesugi Yue frowned tightly, and the depth in her eyes seemed to be an endless abyss.

"You didn't say the most important thing." Uesugi Yue's voice was terribly hoarse.

"Yes, shortly after you left France, World War II broke out. Your mother fled to China to escape the war."

Xia Mi's voice paused again.

But on the opposite side, the veins on Shanyue's forehead popped.Even if a Jiazi's time passes, he can't forget the mood at that time.He was as angry as a lion when he heard the news, and now he is also gnashing his teeth.

"In December 1937, Nanjing was captured in the Emperor's all-out war of aggression against China, and in the following six weeks, the Japanese army committed heinous crimes and 12 civilians in the city were massacred.

In the midst of countless paper tragedies, fate puts you in a sea of ​​flames.

The key evidence of the Western Bridge people in Nanjing, a French Catholic nun said that the Japanese army broke into the nursery hall opened by the Western Church and raped the Chinese women hiding inside.

One of the old nuns dressed the Chinese women as nuns and secretly led them out of town.

But they were intercepted by the Japanese army on the riverside. At that time, Major Katsushi Fujiwara of the Japanese army discovered that they were all fake nuns, so all the women were raped, and the rebels were cut open with bayonets.

The only one who was not harmed was the old nun who led the team, but after witnessing the bloody and cruel scene, she couldn't bear it, so she shot herself.Before she died, she cursed that God would punish sinners with lightning and flames..." Xia Mi paused, looked up at Sugigoshi and continued,

"After the death of the old lady, Major Fujiwara Katsuki used the dead body to test the knife. His saber was a sharp 'Nachitoki'. He piled up the corpses of the old lady and the Chinese woman, and jumped down to cut off seven corpses... ..."

"Shut up! Shut up!!" Uesugi roared crazily.In the suddenly raised eyes, the bloodshot eyes were ferocious, as if the fire was burning.This was the first time he looked directly into Xia Mi's eyes.

"That's my mother! Those lowly ants! They can't atone for what they have done even if they die a thousand times or ten thousand times!" Uesugi Yue's voice was deafening.

"After learning the identity of Katsura Fujiwara, you rushed into the family shrine with a knife in your rage. No one dared to stop you, and no one could stop you. The impulsive you not only smashed Katsura Fujiwara's The ashes were burned, and the shrines of the entire Sheqi Hachi family for thousands of years were burned down.

This is certainly not your fault, but your behavior and your fire have brought unimaginable losses to the Snake Hachi Family, countless ancient books have been wiped out, and the history of Japanese mixed races has almost been broken.

For this reason, the Sheqi Bajia specifically deleted your ruling history from the biography of the family figures.I regard you as the biggest disgrace to the Bajia of Sheqi for thousands of years.

Even because of your behavior, the Sheqi Bajia is unwilling to disclose your name to the descendants of the family.As a result, no one in the younger generation of the Sheqi Bajia now knows your name. "

"Hmph! I've never regretted that incident."

"Then don't you want to redeem yourself for your shame? This is the first time in the history of the Sheqi Eight Family that a patriarch has been deleted by the family. You may even have to bear this charge for a long time."

"It's been more than 60 years, and it's done. If I were someone who cared about what others think of me and how I'm recorded, I wouldn't and wouldn't be able to sell ramen here.

And this kind of thing is not something that I think can be realized. The history of the Bajia of Sheqi for thousands of years was not achieved by one person. Now there are the current patriarchs.I have long since retired from the historical era.I don't want to and I can't, because of trying to wash away the shame for myself and become the patriarch again.Otherwise, I wouldn't have left. "

Xia Mi nodded in disbelief.

"As expected of the previous patriarch of the Sheqi Ba Family, he is indifferent to fame and fortune, doesn't care about the eyes of the world, and can even see shame, and such things as personal fame are even more floating. It seems that Tachibana Masamune's position as patriarch is for the time being. That's it. The super hybrid of the Yuan family can also take the position smoothly."

Uesugi Yue suddenly paused, then raised his head to look at Xia Mi.

It's not because the other party doesn't know whether it's a compliment or a joke, but it's because
"Tachibana Masamune?"

"Is there any problem?" Xia Mi looked at him curiously.

"Tachibana Masamune, the Patriarch of the Tachibana Family?"

"The Patriarch of the Tachibana Family, Tachibana Masamune." Xia Mi nodded.

"Impossible." Uesugi shook his head with certainty. "The inner three families are already dead.

"What do you mean?" Xia Mi looked at Uesugi Koshi with a look of curiosity.

Waiting for the other party to give her an explanation.

"The inner three families are already dead, and I am the last emperor. Don't think that there will be new super hybrids in Sakiba's family. There is no chance. If you come to me, the super hybrids will be over." Uesugi pressed tip of brow.

"Speak carefully and listen." Xia Mi slowly raised Erlang's legs from the chair, as if preparing to listen to the story.

Uesugi took a strange look at the girl across from him, he always felt that something was wrong, this woman can even find out her own experience, so why can't she find out about the rotten sesame and rotten grain of Sheqi Bajia?But at this time, Uesugi Yue didn't think too much, rolled his eyes and summed up the language.

"Let's start with the difference between the three inner schools and the five outer schools.

The number of people in the inner three families is far less than that of the outer five families. When the outer five families have 100 people, there is only one person in the inner three families.

But the reason why the inner three families are called the upper three families is because they are families that can really give birth to emperors, hybrids that can give birth to awakened emperor blood.

The inner three families are the descendants of the three priest families of Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanoo.They are the purest white king blood descendants among the eight families of Sheqi.

Among the children of the inner three families, it is not bad to have one emperor out of a hundred, so the emperor is actually one in a million. "

Uesugi looked down at the boiling soup in the pot,
"My father, named Uesugi Hideo, is from the Uesugi family of the Uesugi family. But he is also the only member of the Uesugi family
In his generation, he was the only one left among the members of the inner three families.That's why the Sheqi Bajia will train him as a stallion and let him work day after day.

But he has absolutely no interest in revitalizing the family.After his death I was bred as the family stallion.This is why I would rather be a ramen chef on the street for more than 60 years than go back and be a shitty shadow emperor.

They don't treat me like a human being! "

Uesugi spread his hands helplessly.At this moment, he has opened his heart here and here by the past.

"It's dead." Xia Mi nodded and looked at the other side with a sudden realization.

"Then your disciples and grandchildren are in danger now,
Not only the head of the Tachibana family, but also the head of the Yuan family, and the head of your Uesugi family have appeared in the Uesugi family.

Now, a group of outsiders hold the decision-making power of the entire decision-making level of the Sheqi Bajia.The Patriarch of the Xiawu Family is very obedient. "

Xia Mi stared at each other with strange eyes, "Although the former Sheqi Bajia was not kind to you, you are still the former shadow king of the Sheqi Bajia. After more than ten years in power, it is impossible to have no feelings at all. Let’s just watch the Eight Snake Qi Clans collapse for thousands of years. And this matter has nothing to do with your decisive departure.”

Uesugi Koshi's originally serious eyebrows were gradually replaced by a look of enlightenment, and then the original expression of deep thought changed into an expression of not caring about me.

"But I have already abdicated, haven't I? The emperor abdicated and ignored the government! Do I need to worry about them as a patriarch who was kicked out? Impossible, impossible." Uesugi shook his head vigorously .

It is impossible for him to go back and be a stallion emperor. Now his little life is very good. He sets up a ramen stand in the morning and finds two or three little mistresses in the evening. In the past 60 years, he seems to be living in a paradise isolated from the world. .

"This is not a change of emperor, but a change of dynasty. If the current Sheqi Bajia does not have a strong leader, it may really not be able to survive to the end, because you still don't know what they did to control the Sheqi Bajia. They possible……"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Uesugi got a little impatient with Xia Mi's voice, and put on a rascal face.Shaking his head vigorously.

What does Sheqi Bajia have to do with him being a ramen master?

Xia Mi frowned.But there is no intention to continue the topic.

"Honor, family, you don't care anymore. What about righteousness?"

Uesugi was taken aback for a moment, he was keenly aware that the other party still did not give up.

"What righteousness?"

"I didn't tease you about the Sheqi Bajia. The Sheqi Bajia is really about to perish. Because they released the gods."

The moment Xia Mi's voice fell to the ground, Uesugi Koshi's rascal expression was instantly torn apart.

He knows what God is.

There are many historical scrolls in the old shrine. Many of their materials are texts and murals handed down 2000 years ago. The murals look very similar to Dunhuang murals. The text is in the form of poetry, and they all describe the annihilated history. Together, they are called "Huang Ji Wen", which means the ancient history recorded by the emperor and heard by him.

He is also very clear about the fact that King Bai gave blood and bones to Izanagi, the ancestor of the eight families of Sheqi, and then was sealed in the burial place of the gods.The Sheqi Bajia is actually guarding a mysterious city. It was sunk into the depths of the Japan Trench, where dragon technology, prophecy copper pillars, corpse guards... and the remains of gods are buried.

But because it was too old and unreal, the former him never thought it was a real thing.Just read it as a fairy tale.

Even now, he is wary of the power of Fu Nian on the other side, and he still doesn't think that the other party is anything related to God. As for standing shoulder to shoulder with God, even if Xia Mi told Uesugi Yue himself, Uesugi Yue would probably just laugh it off.

Because when he retired 60 years ago, he has been educated in Japanese mythology and has not experienced the real dragon king.In "Huang Ji Wen", the fighting power of the gods has always been powerful enough to destroy the continent.It is not comparable to these mixed races now. "

"About a month ago, the ghosts targeted an attack on the Bajia of Snake Qi, but this attack exposed their purpose. For this reason, the Bajia of Snake Qi planned an action to destroy the gods."

"God burial place?" Uesugi Yue asked.

"To be precise, it's called Gao Tianyuan. Where did they use a nuclear bomb?"

Uesugi Yue's mouth was so long that it seemed like he could stuff an egg.

"But unfortunately, they failed.

God is no longer there, someone has awakened it. "Xia Mi took out a photo from his waist and put it in front of Uesugi Koshi,

The photo shows the Lenin in a cocoon. "About 20 years ago, before humans had mastered the technology of diving into the abyss, an icebreaker carrying an embryo of an ancient dragon plunged into it."

"Ancient...ancient dragon embryo??" Uesugi was so horrified that he couldn't speak.

Xia Mi ignored him and continued to speak.

"The fetal blood of the embryo awakens your guardian gods,
The Trieste found a large group of corpse guards in the abyss, but did not find the god who was eligible to enjoy the blood sacrifice.

The only explanation is that God has broken free from his cage. "

Xia Mi put the photo on the table.

Uesugi reached out to take it tremblingly, his face pale as paper.

 Thank you [Suit or White Shirt] for your 5000 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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