I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 373 Xia Mi: But you have to agree to my request.

Chapter 373 Xia Mi: But you have to agree to my request.


"As for who released the god and where the god went, we don't know anything at the moment, but according to the information currently obtained by the Saki Hachijia, the god should be in Japan."


The photo slipped from Uesugi Koshi's palm.

Xia Mi is very satisfied with the state of the other party at the moment. Only a person with fear is a real person, which means that he has the motivation to yearn for life.

She was afraid that decades of retirement would make Uesugi see the essence of life more and more, and become a monk who had no desires or desires.

If this is the case, Xia Mi may have to ask Fu Nian to talk to him.

"When will God be born?" Uesugi Koshi stared at Xia Mi, with a hint of eagerness in his expression.

"Ah? A month at most, or a few days at least. I don't know the details. After all, I'm not a god." Xia Mi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Uesugi started to tidy up his small table, halfway through tidying up, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out his mobile phone to swipe the screen.

"You don't want to take advantage of this time to buy a plane ticket for escape, do you?" Xia Mi tilted his head and looked at the other party, his eyes became brighter with narrowed eyes.

"The gods are here, if you don't run away, don't you still want to be eaten by the gods!"

Xia Mi said, "That can still kill gods."

Uesugi Yue gave Xia Mi a weird look, but didn't speak.

"Besides, you are the former head of the Snake Eight Clan. You used to be the frontline leader in charge of defending it. Anyone can say escape, but you don't seem to have the qualifications." Xia Mi's eyes on Sugigoshi gradually changed. .

"Do you really know what a god is?" Uesugi Yue suddenly raised his head and looked at Xia Mi with red eyes,

"You don't know! You don't know! It's true that I used to be the supreme leader of the God of Defense, and I'm the one who really knows the real fear of that thing!" Uesugi Yue seemed to be stabbed suddenly by Xia Mi.The whole person instantly became irritable.

"This city is going to end, this island is going to end, and if it can't even be stopped, this world is going to end.

No, it can't be stopped.As long as God escapes from that place, no one can kill God.nobody!

Thank you so much for telling me the news, thank you so much for telling me the news.

But please run away quickly, or hurry up and tell your principal, are you from Kassel College, you are so young, and you are not from the Sheqi Bajia, it must be Kassel College Is it right?

Tell your principal, no, I don't know if your current principal is that bastard Angers, you have to tell that old bastard named Angers, his name is Hilbert Jean Angers, you must let him come .He is a desperate lunatic, and he will be willing to do such a thing of death. "

Xia Mi squinted her eyes and looked at Uesugi Koshi who was facing him. After nearly a minute of careful observation, she could not see any power to resist fear in this man. When the crisis came, when the city needed him most, the first thought that came to his mind was to escape.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Xia Mi looked at him coldly.

Uesugi Yue was taken aback for a moment, but the air ticket on the screen showed that he had already paid for it. He really wanted to escape from here.

"I know." Uesugi nodded blankly.

"Although I don't like your country, it is undeniable that in your thousands of years of development, there are still some undeniable essences supporting it. I remember that your Japan is a country with a thousand years of Bushido inheritance.

What is the spirit of bushido.It is a death without remembrance, a death without scruples, and a death without hesitation! !
It is based on the consciousness of not sacrificing life, in order to realize the value of the individual in the whole, and to exert one's ability as much as possible. "

Xia Mi became completely expressionless at this moment,

"Although the Snake Eight Clans are Japan's underworld forces, they will stand on the front line of the storm before the crisis. They will break through the land defenses in order to prevent Deadpool and Corpse Guards from breaking through. Charge forward.

But in Sheqi Bajia, you are the one who stands tallest!You have imperial blood flowing in your body, that is both a right and a curse.

He needs you to be the first to stand in the storm before the storm comes. When the sky falls, someone always needs to hold it up.You are the one to hold on!Not someone who hides in a corner and avoids responsibility! "

"Family and country righteousness is the morality that Japan has passed down for thousands of years. There is nothing wrong with that, but I am not Japanese. I grew up in a French church. I have no home. The place where my mother used to be is my home, but my mother is no longer there. I’m gone! I’m homeless!!” Uesugi shouted almost tremblingly,
His life has long lost hope. It is not wrong for him to have great power, and it is not wrong for him to have high rights, but as Xia Mi said, it is a curse!

It kept him from being born without seeing his father, from being born without a complete childhood, and finally it took him away from his only mother.If the imperial blood was his arm, he would cut it off without hesitation.

Natsumi looked at Uesugi Koshi opposite, his narrowed eyes gradually turned disappointed.

"You really screwed everything up like you said, you belong to neither Japan nor France, both countries will be ashamed of you!"

"That's right! I messed up everything. They wanted to kill me back then! I also wanted to kill myself. But I can't commit suicide, and my mother won't forgive me at that time. I should have died a long time ago, but the emperor The blood still supports me to linger on.

Since 60 years ago, there is only one dream left in my life, which is to go back to France and see the monastery where my mother stayed, die there, hold a funeral, and listen to them singing requiem to me in the coffin mass.

It's not that I don't want to leave Tokyo, it's that I don't dare, I've been away from France for too long, I don't understand it anymore, all my friends there are dead, I'm afraid I will be disappointed if I really go back to France.But I've been saving money, and I've saved enough to buy a small residence in Lyon.I have to go, I don't go back to see France, I'm afraid I don't even have a chance of being disappointed. "

Uesugi looked at Natsumi who was opposite, his voice was almost pleading.

"I am very grateful that you can tell me this news, but please let me go, I can't promise to be the shadow emperor of the Saki Hachijia, my time is really running out."

Uesugi Yue seemed to be hesitating, but he didn't speak for a long time.

Xia Mi knew what he was talking about, "All your organs are exhausted, the nerves and blood vessels of your brain are closing, and your heart and vessels are covered with inexplicable growths. Your time is indeed running out, and the imperial blood will prolong your life, but It won't be too long."

Uesugi looked at the other party in amazement, and he found that the other party had mastered everything about him extremely well.Normally, he would stay far away from this kind of person.The kind that the other party can't find.

But it doesn't matter now, "Yes, I am dying, but my wish has not been fulfilled."

"I said, we are mutual, I can help you." Xia Mi pressed his brows, his tone was very cold, as if he had lost his last patience.

Greed for fame and fortune, responsibility for the family, and mission for the country.She could no longer see any hope in Uesugi Koshi, he was like a soft trampling waste, paralyzed by fear, and shattered when stepped on.

Xia Mi's patience was on the verge of breaking.

"It's useless, something that the emperor's blood can't stop, there is nothing in this world that can save me."

"I said yes."


Xia Mi's palm suddenly slapped on the fragile table of the roof, and the force of the crash was like a giant hammer falling from the sky, and the scattered dust flew in all directions.

The four legs of the small table in front of the roof broke instantly, and the heavy cart fell to the ground.

Her last patience finally broke.

Natsumi stood opposite Uesugi Koshi, the darkness in the distance gathered towards the two of them like flowing ink.The gloomy cold current made the surrounding temperature extremely bitter.

Uesugi suddenly froze, looking at the increasingly dark space around him, the lava-like golden pupils instinctively flickered out, and then shrank inward extremely.

The fine hair behind him exploded like spikes.In an instant, he changed from a decadent rascal to a furry tiger.

But in front of the girl opposite, he was immature like a silly cat.

The imperial blood flowed in his body, and the power flowed along the blood to all the limbs, but the power that once brought him an infinite sense of security, at this moment, only brought him coldness.

He looked at the opposite girl who had no emotion in her eyes. The other party didn't even open the golden pupils, but the wrath-like darkness was frantically gathering around her like a water-absorbing vortex.

The sound of blood rushing like thunder echoed in Uesugi Yue's ears, tearing the eardrums, it was not his.

But the opposite girl.

He was careless, he was confused by the girl's delicate appearance, he thought that the man in the car was the guy he could beat so violently that he was helpless today, but he didn't expect that the girl who had been talking to him was actually It is also very possible to beat him so that his own mother does not know him.

He didn't have the slightest chance of winning in front of her.


Uesugi swallowed silently.

"You...you just swore. You won't do anything to me...!"

He stared at the expressionless Xia Mi on the opposite side, his voice trembling as if trembling.

"Brother really can't make a move. But I didn't say, I won't make a move."

A pair of piercing vertical pupils tore through the darkness in front of Uesugi Yue, and Natsumi's body appeared in front of him in an instant as if shifting shape.

The small body carried Uesugi Koshi's burly body with unimaginable strength.

Uesugi didn't struggle at all, and didn't dare to struggle at all.He suspected that if he moved a little, he might die.

Because now this deadpan girl is just too scary.Like a dragon that is not angry and majestic.

He closed his eyes tightly.

"You let me down so much. It's unexpected that the emperor 60 years ago has become such a waste!"

Xia Mi stared at Uesugi Koshi who was lifted up, her voice was indifferent and cold.

Uesugi Yue didn't feel that it was a little girl in front of him at all, he didn't dare to speak, so he could only swallow his saliva silently.I'm afraid that the other party will swallow me into the stomach in one gulp.

"But God will come in the end, there will always be someone who wants to hold up the sky of Sheqi Bajia,
Since you don't want to come out, let your son come. "

Uesugi Koshi's body flew out like a cannonball.

But in the next second, a horrified face emerged from the ruins of the falling wall.

"What did you say!!"



"What did you say!"

Uesugi stared at Natsumi who was already walking towards the sports car in a panic.

"You said just now that I have a son, I have a son?!"

Uesugi staggered forward as he got up, but soon stopped in place.Quickly shook his head, "Impossible, it's impossible, Chiyoko, I always use three condoms every time, Tazuru and Tomie each have at least four or more condoms, I have prepared very well every time I have taken anti-pregnancy measures in the past 60 years Sufficient, they can't get pregnant, can't get pregnant..."

"Old rascal."

Xia Mi glanced at Uesugi Koshi who was talking to himself behind him, his eyes were angry.

Fu Nian poked his head out of the car, nodded in agreement,

"I could tell at a glance that this old guy smelled like a vice-principal. I didn't expect him to find more than one woman over the years. Tsk..."

Before Fu Nian could utter the next tsk, he was stared back by Xia Mi's eyes.

He retracted his head in a self-defeating manner.

Xia Mi didn't even have time to return to the car, because a lightning-like figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

The speed was so fast that Liuli Kazama behind Xia Mi didn't respond at all.

"Is it true, is it true..." Uesugi Yue's eyes were red as if crazy, and he was more excited than he just heard that God was going to be resurrected.

"Have you ever donated genes to the Germans?" Xia Mi asked very reservedly.

"German, gene?" Uesugi Yue instinctively wanted to shake his head, but at the moment of the action, a picture flashed in his mind instantly, it was a picture too long ago, and the picture at that time Sheqi Bajia took away the bullet he had just vented.

"Yes! Yes! I have!"

Uesugi felt that he was inexplicably excited now, it was a kind of excitement that the emperor was about to come to his head.A father's excitement outside the delivery room when he heard the sound of a child landing.

"If there is, that's it." Xia Mi looked at Uesugi Koshi with a bit of distaste, wishing he could hug something and kiss him hard.

Xia Mi was really a little afraid that the other party was so excited that he hugged him and kissed him.

Because once the opponent did this, Xia Mi was a little worried that Fu Nian might directly kill him with a punch.

Fortunately, Uesugi Yue didn't lose his mind. He stepped back happily, bowed his body and laughed, laughing wantonly and crazily.The trembling sound made the glass on both sides of the back street vibrate violently.

For the first time, a majestic aura of being an emperor was vividly reflected in the other party,

The whole person was in stark contrast to the previous ramen master who had dim eyes and half stepped into the coffin.

"They...their names...tell me their names! Do they look like me? Are they doing well?" Uesugi Koshi's hands were shaking, his body was shaking, even the strands of hair floating before his eyebrows Also trembling.

The lesson of his father and himself is the first. Over the years, Uesugi Koshi has been telling himself that imperial blood is something that brings a curse, and leaving it to future generations is just leaving the curse to them, so he has never dreamed of such a thing as a "son", nor Thinking of the day when this thing will really come, he will be so nervous, just like a father outside the delivery room, he desperately wants to know what is born, wants to see them, but is afraid.

How did they get here all these years?Who is looking after them?Have they ever suffered from poverty?Have you ever been bullied?Did you take a detour?Have you fallen in love with any girl?Will he go to the underworld without knowing what is good or bad, and waste his life like those ignorant gangsters on the street?
Thoughts grew like weeds in his mind, but he could only stare at the girl opposite, his eyes bloodshot.

"Of course I can tell you the name." Xia Mi stretched out her slender index finger to support her chin.

"Not only the name, whether it looks like you, but also how life is, I can tell you everything you want to know.

Not only that, but I can also tell you how many children you have, let you father and son meet, and buy you tickets to travel to France, and let you take them to the church where your mother used to be, and..."

The more Xia Mi talked, the brighter the smile on the corner of his mouth became, the lighter his voice became, and the more curved his eyelids became.

"But you have to agree to my request."

(End of this chapter)

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