Chapter 374 Son!son!

"But you have to agree to my request."

The sound awakened Uesugi Yue at this moment, and his pupils shrank inward.

Looking across at the girl with a bright smile like a flower.The dawning sunlight slanted on her hair from behind the other party.The golden light of dawn embraced her figure like an ocean.

He thought that the other party was just so angry that he really gave up on him, but Uesugi Yue was caught by the hook in one fell swoop.

"But my time is really running out."

Uesugi Koshi's voice was light and unsupported, he didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either.

Xia Mi stared at Uesugi Koshi for two or three seconds, then spoke slowly,
"I will solve the diseases that cannot be solved by the imperial blood. I will support the body that cannot be supported by the imperial blood. In a word, as long as you nod your head, disease, stallion, France, all your problems will be no problem. We will help you solve."

Uesugi raised his head more, his eyes were blank and out of focus.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Return to the pinnacle of the throne, and become the shadow emperor of the Eight Families of Sheqi!"

"But I no longer have the appeal of the Sheqi Bajia."

"We help you."

"I don't have the ability to manage the family either."

"We have."

"I don't want to be the stallion of the family to reproduce for the family."


"I don't want to be imprisoned in that vain palace for the rest of my life."

"No one is forcing you."

Uesugi became even more at a loss.He raised his head and stared at Xia Mi intently.

"Then what do you want me to do!"

"When the time comes, it will be clear." Xia Mi stopped looking at Uesugi Koshi who was stunned.

Instead, he went straight around the opponent and walked towards the sports car behind him.


The door opened, and Fu Nian stretched out his arms to embrace Xia Mi who had returned happily.

Xia Mi was not polite, lay down on his back, and hugged Fu Nian's waist.

The next moment, a rising heat wave dispelled the chilly cold air.

Kazama Ruri walked into the passenger seat.

The sports car engine starts to warm up.

A sudden moment.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Sakurai Wanko, and Uesugi Yue lay on top of the sports car engine, leaning on the window to look inside.

"Hey! You haven't told me who my son is!"


Wanko Sakurai didn't intend to stop driving just because someone appeared, the tail flames of the sports car suddenly exploded, and Uesugi Koshi, who was leading the car, was already accelerating towards the darkness of dawn and dawn.

"Sheqi Bajia, the current head of the family, Yuanzhisheng." Fu Nian's faint voice appeared in the air.

But the moment Fu Nian's voice fell to the ground, Kazama Liuli, who was sitting on the co-pilot's seat, suddenly turned around!The dazzling golden pupils shrank inward tightly.

He stared at Fu Nian and Xia Mi behind him in horror.

Fu Nian helplessly spread his hands at him.Regarding this sudden appearance of the old man, he expressed that he was powerless.

"And what else! What else?!"

Uesugi stood in front of the car and didn't let go, but he knew that what the other party had just revealed to him was not just a simple one.

"Uesugi Yue." Xia Mi lay on Fu Nian's arm and said lightly.

"I am, I am."

"Do you know that there is an old saying in China, which is called being old and disrespectful?"

Xia Mi looked sideways at the other party.

"I know, I know. I apologize for lying to you before."

"Then do you know what the next sentence is?"

Uesugi was taken aback.

"It's called, it's disrespectful for children." Xia Mi didn't wait for Uesugi to think.Suddenly waved his hand.

"Wanzi drives!"

The black streamlined body suddenly pushes to the extreme like a vigorous horse, and the air of the Mercedes-Benz crazily deviates to the sides.

Uesugi Yue was suddenly blasted from the roof by a huge force.

"As a junior, you must know how to respect your seniors in the future."

A more ambiguous voice reached Uesugi Koshi's ears.


Uesugi fell steadily on the asphalt road.

Looking blankly at the black sports car driving away, Uesugi got up and patted the dirt.

Inexplicably recalling the words that echoed in his ears.Shake your head.

Turning around, he started running towards his tricycle in the distance. In the next second, he was like a tiger or leopard haunting the mountains and forests, with a vigorous figure and an illusory shadow.plunged into the darkness.

2 minute later.

An old man staring at the tricycle sprinted out of the darkness against the cold wind.

crunch, crunch...

The sound of the tricycle cursing and swearing sounded in the cold wind.

"Master! Parent! Son! Son!!" Uesugi became more impassioned.A red cloth was tied on his forehead.



After two hours,

When the morning light completely shrouded the land, a Maserati quietly appeared at the end of the street.

It glides slowly in the light curtain, like an elegant leopard stretching its waist in the early morning of dawn.

Maserati was parked on the side of the road, the turbid air at the rear of the car exhaled the light particles in the air, when the whole car completely calmed down.

An elegant old man stepped out of the car.He was wearing a black suit, an elegant bow tie, neatly combed white hair, and high-end custom leather shoes with one foot on the road and the other on the edge of the car.

stand up.


A black umbrella was held open by the old man, and golden sunlight poured down from all directions on the umbrella.

"Oh! What a handsome old man." The young couple walking in Dongda stopped on the side of the road, looking in surprise at the old man with gray hair but still shining.

Angers looked up at the young couple when he heard the voice, nodded and smiled.His movements and demeanor are as graceful as those of an English gentleman in the nineteenth century.

"Wow! He smiled at me. He smiled at me! Oppa!" The girl covered her mouth in surprise and was extremely excited.

The boy next to him had a dark face.

Angers shook his head slightly, and while he couldn't help admiring his charm, he also didn't forget the purpose of his trip.

He walked gracefully, holding an umbrella and walking towards the couple gently, like clouds moving slowly in the sky.

The girl's surprised voice was more clear and high-pitched, and she looked at Angers who was walking towards her with a flushed face.

His hands clasped his chest nervously and excitedly.

"Excuse me, do you know that there is a master who sells ramen here?" Anger said in Japanese.

"What a magnetic voice. What a deep taste." The girl's cheeks turned redder.

"Ramen master?" The boyfriend grabbed his girlfriend with black lines all over his head, and suddenly realized.

"You said Master Yue. Yes, yes. He..." The boy pointed in one direction.But soon the corner of his mouth stopped.

Looking at the empty, even a bit embarrassing empty space.

Mouth stopped.

"Not here, it's a bit strange, Master Yue is very punctual every day."

"Maybe something is missing today." Anger followed the other party's gaze.

"Impossible." The boy shook his head, "Master Yue is always rainy and rainy every day, even on rainy days. But if he didn't come today, maybe there is something wrong."

"Thank you, classmate." Angers said, his voice still gentle.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The boy walked away.

But Ange's brows were slowly wrinkled together.

He stared at the slightly embarrassed empty space, where pieces of broken wood chips were scattered there. Angers had never seen the original packaging of this thing, so he didn't dare to guess boldly.

But his eyes fell on a spot among the sawdust.He stepped forward and pushed back the covering.

A spider web-like crack appeared in front of him.

In the middle of the spider web, a footprint stood out.

Angers frowned.

look around,

I saw that the sun was bright and not sad, and the melodious campus exuded a faint fragrance of flowers.

"Shouldn't be."

(End of this chapter)

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