Chapter 375 Plan

Shio Miyamoto pushed open the heavy brown-red cherry wood hardcover door and stepped into the threshold.

Then the whole person froze.

The current time is 08:30 in the morning, nearly four hours have passed since the last time he stepped out of this room to direct the Deadpool invasion last night,
But in four hours, the safest place at the top of Genji Heavy Industries seemed to have experienced a large-scale Deadpool invasion.Distressed wreckage is everywhere, and there are traces of fierce battles everywhere.

Yuan Zhisheng sat quietly in the middle of the main seat. He obviously didn't move, but every detail of his body exuded a majesty without anger.

As the most powerful hybrid, the dragon's tyranny was fully displayed at this moment.All previous doubts about his young abilities dissipated, and even the heads of various families would tremble in front of him.

His cronies Yasha, Crow and Sakura, wearing the long black trench coat of the executive bureau, stood at the end, with their hands crossed behind their backs, forming an impenetrable human wall.

The rest of the Patriarchs sat quietly in their respective positions, lowering their brows, and a depressive atmosphere enveloped them.

He was the last one to come, 15 minutes ago he was working in the underground dock, studying the corpses of those dead servants,

Then the secretary called suddenly,

Inform him to hold a meeting in the conference hall immediately.

Shio Miyamoto had already foreseen the arrival of this meeting. Such a big event happened in the family, and there must be a result of dealing with it.But he didn't expect this meeting to come so quickly.

The expressions on the faces of the Patriarchs at this moment were almost unprecedentedly dignified. They exchanged glances silently, guessing something.

But they don't need to use many brain cells, because the scene environment has given them a great visual shock.

Shio Miyamoto set his sights on the only two vacant positions.

Not only the previous head of the Uesugi family, but now even the position of the former patriarch Masamune Tachibana is also vacant.

"Everyone," Yuan Zhisheng smoked a cigarette, the smoke enveloped his brows, but it couldn't cover his deep eyes.

"Mr. Masamune is missing."

The voice was like a bomb thrown into the crowd, and the violent power instantly blew away the hair from the brows of the masters.

All the Patriarchs gasped in unison.

Staring at Yuan Zhisheng in disbelief.

They can see each other's fingers with tense veins, and they can see each other's suppressed emotions.

They knew that Yuan Zhisheng wasn't joking with them.

But this!
"When we were fighting Deadpool, an unknown battle took place here, as you can see." Yuan Zhisheng raised his arm and pointed to the surrounding environment.

"Have you found out who did it?" Patriarch Feng Mo asked.

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head. "This place is not within the scope of Kaguya Ji's surveillance. We couldn't find the video surveillance that happened here, and in the rest of the surveillance, we didn't find any clues about who came. The only possibility is for them to enter here."

Yuan Zhisheng pointed to the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him, "It's here."

"Are there a lot of fierce ghosts?" Inuyama Patriarch, Inuyama He hugged his chest, frowning tightly.

"Very likely." Yuan Zhisheng didn't deny it, but he didn't tell them about meeting Yuan Zhinv either.

"But we also got two pieces of good news."

People look up.

"The head of the Uesugi family, Urii, returned to the family safe and sound an hour ago."

"The second news," Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while, he didn't know whether this news was good news or not.

"We may have found God."

Miyamoto Shio was shocked.As the highest technical person in charge, he knows that the family has been conducting exploration all over Japan,

Trying to unearth the remains of the age of gods buried deep underground, but this work has not progressed for decades. Could it be that they suddenly discovered something?
Yasha, who was behind Yuan Zhisheng, put a dark box in front of each head of the house, and each box contained three things, two quartz bottles and an envelope.A quartz bottle filled with dark red water, Shio Miyamoto shook the bottle and found that the liquid in the bottle was quite viscous.

In the other quartz bottle is a small silver-blue fish. It is dehydrated, but it is still alive. Occasionally, it struggles violently a few times, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth like ice crystals.

"Last night, news came from the drilling team working near the Tama River that they found an astonishing number of ghost-toothed dragon vipers in the Chigui River. There were also a large number of ghosts in the photos taken by the Diaryast in Takamahara. Diriaster. Diriaster. The ghost-toothed dragon is the executioner of dragons. Their appearance must have something to do with the gods." Open your mouth slowly.

But the moment Yuan Zhisheng's voice fell to the ground, Shio Miyamoto suddenly thought of something,
"The family has been subsidizing geological institutions since nearly a hundred years ago, hoping to find clues to the remains of the Dragon Race through geological exploration, but they have never found anything. But why did they suddenly obtain such a huge breakthrough when the god left suddenly, directly locating the embryo of the god?"

"Last night, an email from Kassel College was intercepted by Kaguya Ji, in which they mentioned a depth of several hundred meters above the ground, so I asked the exploration team to modify the drilling depth," Yuan Zhisheng spread his hands, He did not tell them the fact that the survey team had been wiped out.

"But that's not the point, God, we released it, and we must kill it. I need you to lead the Yanliu Research Institute to formulate a feasible plan." Yuan Zhisheng stared at Miyamoto Shio.

Shio Miyamoto pondered for a few minutes and said, "Akaki River is located at a depth of 300 meters underground in Thunder Valley. I can't fully explore that river for a year.

What's worse is that there are countless dangers hidden in the Akaghost River. According to the test report of the water samples, there are blood components in the water and a large amount of nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing compounds, which should be the excrement of a large group of organisms.

This shows that the density of organisms in Chiguichuan is extremely high, and an ecosystem that we cannot imagine has been established in the underground river.God has influenced the surrounding environment from a long time ago. "

"But as long as we know the exit location of Chigui River, we can dig a tunnel and start the plan of slaughtering gods at the entrance of the tunnel." Miyamoto Shio said slowly, "But this requires the most advanced excavation equipment and huge funds support."

"What kind of equipment?"

"I need the super boring machine used to dig the Channel Tunnel."

"Tell me about your plan." Yuan Zhisheng remained calm.

Shio Miyamoto opened the notebook he was carrying, and turned the screen to Minamoto, “The outlet of the Akaki River is located in the west of Tokyo, where it oozes out of the ground and mixes with the Tama River. About 20 years ago, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government commissioned Maruyama Construction to build it. The new Tokyo underground drainage facility, Rock Flow Research Institute also participated in the design, the project is called G-Cans, code-named Iron Dome Temple.

The Iron Dome system extends all the way to the water outlet of Chigui River. In order to accommodate the excess water flow of Chigui River and Tama River, we built the No. 13 water storage well near the water outlet. It is a huge water storage well, and the water quality is often deep red. , also known as Hongjing. "

The blueprint of the Iron Dome Temple was displayed on the screen. One of the giant drainage pipes with a diameter of 12 meters led to the red well. The deep well was in the mountains, less than [-] kilometers away from the center of Tokyo.

"I will sink the super tunnel boring machine into the red well, and then dig a tunnel directly to the Akakigawa River, which will have a diameter of six meters and a length of about 1.5 kilometers.

After the tunnel is opened, the water flow of Chigui River will be discharged into the red well within a few hours, and the dragon subpopulation will also be discharged into the red well, and the work of slaughtering the gods will be carried out in the tunnel and the red well. "

Yuan Zhisheng nodded, and slowly looked at the Patriarchs, who also nodded slowly.

"The super boring machine is available in Tokyo, but the rent of the super boring machine is extremely expensive. I also need a deposit of 50 billion yen to rent it, plus a daily usage fee of 18 billion yen."

Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

"After introducing the god into the red well, how are you going to kill the god? You must know that ordinary weapons have limited power against the Dragon King level, and we must be fully prepared." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"I'll use mercury," Miyamoto said. "From ancient times to the present, mercury compounds have always been a deadly poison to dragons. It's just that for an existence of the level of Dragon King, we need an extremely large amount of mercury. According to preliminary estimates, I need at least [-] tons of mercury.
Pour them all into the red well, and then throw in a large amount of thermite incendiary bombs, which can generate a high temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius. Not only can it instantly evaporate liquid mercury into mercury vapor that is more dangerous to dragons, the high temperature It can also cause damage to Dragon King-level targets.

It’s just that mercury and thermite incendiary bombs are not cheap goods, and our demand is extremely huge, which also requires huge financial support. "

The Patriarchs nodded, obviously appreciating this opportunity of Miyamoto Shio.

"What if you didn't kill God?" Yuan Zhisheng raised his head.

"Then I will draw my sword and fight against the gods, and apologize for my family with death." Miyamoto Shio said lightly.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at each other, the air was silent without a single sound.

After a long time, Yuan Zhisheng nodded slowly,

"Sakura, prepare a 200 billion cash check and hand it over to Patriarch Miyamoto."

"Yes." Sakura said respectfully.

"Please." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Shio Miyamoto and said.

"My subordinates will do their best!" Shio Miyamoto's voice was like thunder.

"If you have nothing else to do, go down." Yuan Zhisheng waved his hand, he didn't want to discuss any other things in this embarrassing environment.

But the crowd did not stop, and Inuyama Ka, who was sitting in the front, took a step forward hesitantly.


Yuan Zhisheng looked up suspiciously.

"Cassel College is here."

(End of this chapter)

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