I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 376 He said his name was Uesugi Yue.to see my son.

Chapter 376 He said his name was Uesugi Yue.to see my son.


"Everyone. Someone from Kassel College is here."

Yuan Zhisheng frowned. The moment he heard this sentence, three figures suddenly appeared in his mind. They were buried under the abyss of the Japan Trench.

Because after the Longyuan Project, a series of incidents in the Eight Snake Qi Family delayed Yuan Zhisheng's attention.Let him put this matter behind him for a while.

But just because he forgot about it doesn't mean that Kassel College will forget about it.After the betrayal of the head office commissioner in the Japanese branch, the moment Norma and Kaguya Hime disconnected, Cassel College attached great importance to it.

The incident dragged on for so long, and Kassel College, as the overlord of the mixed race, could no longer hold back its temper.

"How many people are here?" Yuan Zhisheng pinched his brows, his expression slightly tired.

"Alone." Inuyama He hesitated for a moment and his voice was firm.

A trace of doubt flashed in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes.

"Come here, Hilbert Jean Angers. Rector of the College of Cassel."

Inuyamaga's voice was like a meteorite passing through the sky, but the piercing whistling sound made the air in the room extremely quiet.

Perhaps Yuan Zhisheng, who had just ascended to the position of patriarch, didn't know who Angers really was.But among the five patriarchs sitting in the room, Inuyamaga is the patriarch who has come all the way from the most difficult time of the Japanese branch in the last century.

He rose from the weakest time of the Sheqi Bajia, witnessed the current glory of the Sheqi Bajia, and also witnessed the blooming and withering of countless talents in history.

Among them, Angers is the most dazzling existence that cannot be ignored.

In the history of European mixed races, he was one of the founders of the Lionheart Society. His companions were Menek Cassel who fought against the Dragon King on his own, Lu Shanyan, an S-level mixed race, and 'Chief' Bu Lundan, is the 'Tiger' Jamal.

His teachers are Grave Digger Gambet, the top dragon slayer of the European Secret Party, Silver Wing Charlotte, and Iron Cross Mayek.

He has been the principal since the establishment of Kassel College. Even if the family of the school board is changing, his position is still as strong as iron.Until now, the school board has still not been able to find someone who can replace him.

He is the last person to live from the secret party era to the academy era, and he lives with such great glory to this day.He alone is equivalent to the entire Kassel Academy.

And, from the day it landed on the Japanese mainland in 1945.

"Master, what we are facing is not an American who knows nothing about Japan, but a senior mafia senior. He used to be so arrogant that everyone wanted to resist him, but we didn't have the strength to resist him. Now half a world has passed, and the other party still came here alone, he must have absolute confidence, because he believes that the scene is under his control!" Inuyama Kawas the patriarch of the old era, and he knew Angers deeply. The energy that the name represents.

"Where is he?" Yuan Zhisheng said expressionlessly.

"I arrived in Japan in the early hours of last night. But because our Deadpool incident delayed this matter, I didn't have time to pick up the plane."

Yuan Zhisheng pondered for a long time, and finally just opened his mouth lightly,
"I see."

Inuyamaga didn't continue to speak, he watched Yuan Zhisheng sitting at the end of the long table, the black clouds behind him spread across the sky of Tokyo like a tidal wave.Yuan Zhisheng sat in the impending storm, like a male peak standing above the black clouds.

Overnight, this undisciplined young man suddenly became stern and mature, and some kind of huge determination has taken shape, and that determination is as sharp and sharp as a long knife.

He clearly knew that the man in front of him was no longer the young man who went with him to pick up the commissioner of Kassel Academy.He is now the head of the Sheqi Ba Family and the new generation of Shadow King.

His decisions need not be questioned by others.

Everyone stood up and prepared to leave, but the moment they were about to step out of the room, Yuan Zhisheng's voice sounded again,
"Patriarch Inuyama stay here."

Inuyamaga's footsteps stopped motionless in the ruins in front of the threshold.

He waited until everyone had completely left the embarrassing conference hall before he slowly turned around and looked at Yuan Zhisheng behind him.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng was no longer sitting in the same place, but quietly turned his back to the room, staring at the dark clouds entrenched below.The sunny sky just before was quickly covered by dark clouds, and the sky in Tokyo became unsettled, as if a thunderous storm was brewing.

"Master." Inuyama He said respectfully.

"I remember that Patriarch Inuyama was born during the war."

"Showa 28."

"Principal, please ask Master Inuyama."

"Dare to ask everyone's attitude."

"We are ashamed of the headquarters, but the Saki Hachijia is no longer the Japanese branch. The head of the Miyamoto family needs time to prepare, and please ask the head of the Inuyama family to do your best." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was a bit blunt, but his tone contained the slightest refusal .

"He Bidang has done his duty."


Inuyama Ka's figure quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

But Yuan Zhisheng still stood quietly watching the more and more dark clouds jumping below, they were black and dense like pieces of lead rolling like waves, and the thick water vapor could be clearly heard on the tip of his nose.

Sakura stood behind Yuan Zhisheng, and quietly put a black coat on him.

"Is Eriyi okay?" Yuan Zhisheng spoke softly, his words became gentle.

"Patriarch Uesugi is resting at Xingshen Temple." Sakura said softly.

"Take me to have a look."

Yuan Zhisheng turned around, at this moment he really wanted to see that girl, even if it was just to take a look at her from a distance.

Sakura leads the way
Xingshen Temple is actually a terrace hidden on the top of the Genji Heavy Industries Building, with a cloudy sky above, a rough bluestone floor under the feet, surrounded by gurgling water, and a black stone table under the vermilion torii.

Behind the stone table was a girl in a cute dress. The girl's cheeks were not covered with makeup, and she stood quietly inside the railing with her bare feet, watching the passing vehicles below.

From this angle, she can completely see the city into her eyes.This is a beautiful scenery that she has never seen before.

She leaned on the edge of the railing, her little head stood quietly on the railing, the cool touch carried a slightly icy chill in the air.


A ripple suddenly flashed across the eyes of the girl who was in a daze.

Ripples followed her thoughts, causing the girl's expression to change slightly.

The girl looked down, and the distance of nearly [-] meters did not affect the girl's sight at all.

I saw the door of Genji Heavy Industries.

A flashing colored tricycle was stuck in the middle, and the underground was in a mess. It seemed that someone was trying to forcefully break into Genji Heavy Industries through the main entrance.

The girl tilted her head curiously.



"Young master! Young master!" Yasha's hurried voice resounded before the elevator in the wooden corridor.

I saw him holding the iron rod in one hand and covering his chest with the other. His body, which hadn't recovered much, was completely torn apart at this moment, and it seemed that he could fall to the ground at the next step at any time.

The crow looked at Yasha who appeared from the elevator in horror, and hurried forward to help him.

Five minutes ago, Crow and Yasha received a report from the gate guard that someone wanted to see the head of the family, Yuan Zhisheng.If I don't see you, I won't leave.

At that time, a meeting was in progress, so it was inconvenient for Yuan Zhisheng himself.

Moreover, the Snake Ba family is a gangster family through and through. Did the parents say that they can meet each other when they meet each other?
For this guy who obviously came to find fault, Yasha prepared to greet him cordially without saying a word, holding a knife.

Then come back in dismay.

"What's going on?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at Yasha and asked.

"Boss, there is an old man at the door attacking us."

"Who?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"He said his name was Uesugi Koshi. He came to see his son."

(End of this chapter)

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