I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 377 "Son, your name is Yuan Zhisheng."

Chapter 377 "Son, your name is Yuan Zhisheng."



Before Yuan Zhisheng could speak, he heard the crow beside him startled.

"U... Uesugi Koshi."

Yasha turned his head to look at the crow in surprise, and thought to himself that your kid's surname is not Uesugi, why are you so surprised!
Not only Yasha, but even Sakura and Yuan Zhisheng looked at the crow curiously,
"Uesugi! His last name is Uesugi, he dares to come here to find his son,"

The crow's violent temper rushed to his head in an instant, who is he?who are they?

He is a gangster, and they are Saki Hachika, the underworld forces in Japan. They have always been the ones who make trouble for others, and they have never seen anyone come up to make trouble for them.

There are quite a few people with the surname Uesugi in Japan, but of course he doesn't care where he looks for his son Wu Ya, but he dared to come to Sheqi Hachi's house to find his son! !
This is impossible.Because the upper three of the eight of them have the Uesugi family.He came here to look for them to slap them in the face. As a retainer of the head of the family, he naturally had to teach this short-sighted guy a lesson.

Yasha looked at the crow whose brain circuit was the same as his own, and silently breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately this guy didn't have much thoughtfulness, but before his anger was completely relaxed, his hand suddenly stretched out to grab the crow and was about to swinging arms.

It was because of this brain circuit that the anger accumulated in his chest, and then he was kicked out by the opponent, and he couldn't find the southeast, north, south, and northwest.Based on his years of street fighting experience, and his almost clairvoyant knowledge of crows.

He definitely wanted to follow in his own footsteps, but of course he couldn't let the crow follow in his own footsteps.

It was not only Yasha who stretched out his hand, but also Yuan Zhisheng standing in front of them.

"Boss..." Crow looked at Yuan Zhisheng and tried to speak.

But he was interrupted by the other party's eyes.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng frowned tightly, and his eyes were deep like obsidian reflecting sunlight.

"What's his name?" Yuan Zhisheng asked Yasha as if confirming.

"U... Uesugi Koshi." Yasha blinked, "Say...to find my son."

Yuan Zhisheng turned around and took a big step towards the elevator.

The crow gave Yasha a brain in the head.

Without the slightest hesitation, he followed Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura closely.

Yasha clutched at the pimples where the old wounds were not healed and new wounds were added, and also staggered behind them.

Yuan Zhisheng naturally didn't know who was here, it was his son, but he knew the name Uesugi Koshi.

He is the current patriarch, although he has not yet finished sorting out the top-secret family information that the previous patriarch Tachibana Masamune handed over to him, but he still knows who this Uesugi Koshi man is.

I remember, when Minamoto first came to Tokyo, Tachibana Masamune took him to the shrine in the mountains the next day.

At that time, he stood in front of the burnt torii gate, watching the black stains on the bluestone slabs that time had not washed away.His eyes were full of doubts.This is the most sacred place of the family, but there is a dilapidated torii that is incompatible with the surrounding environment.It looks like there is an eye-catching black mole in the middle of the beautiful jade.

Tachibana Masamune was asked about this abrupt scene by the boy at the time, but Tachibana Masamune did not directly answer him who did it.Instead, he said vaguely,
"Sinner of the family."

It wasn't until two days ago that Yuan Zhisheng knew who the sinner of the family that Tachibana Masamune said was in the document.

That's right, his name is Uesugi Koshi.

The previous head of the Sheqi Eight Family, and the awakened Shadow Emperor, Uesugi Koshi!

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the ordinary elevator that was descending rapidly, with puzzled thoughts in his eyes.

The last patriarch abdicated in the 40s.Almost 70 years have passed since today.

Even those born in that era are already old people, not to mention that Uesugi Koshi, who took office at that time, was already in his prime.The other party is still alive after a hundred years, and even came to Genji Heavy Industries, the headquarters of the Eight Snake Family.

"Which floor is he on?" Yuan Zhisheng turned to look at Yasha next to him.

"When I went upstairs, I was on the second floor. Now..."

"Second floor?" Crow asked in surprise. "I remember that the defense force at our gate has been increased by at least two times!" In order to prevent outsiders from entering and avoid the leakage of Deadpool's secrets, they even deployed a special assault team.

"They were all killed. They were killed before I went." Yasha said this reply so sharply that his lips and teeth were trembling.

"Stop talking big!"

"Do you think I look like a person who can be scrapped by an ordinary mixed race!" Yasha patted his chest. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, like a bear standing up.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't listen to the bickering between the two of them, and directly pressed the switch of the elevator.

At this moment, the elevator stopped at the office building on the fifth floor.

The moment the elevator opened, the space suddenly became quiet.There was a sudden silence outside the elevator.

A man who was cursing and beating the family secretary with a wooden stick was standing in the corridor facing him at the moment,
Looking at the elevator that opened suddenly, the man was not very curious. Although he was very curious about this one-up-and-down thing, he was not surprised that someone came.

Although his brain can't keep up with the development of modern technology, his ears are still very useful.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the old man in ramen clothes opposite, with a hint of doubt flickering between his brows.

But the moment he and the other party looked at each other, he actually felt a very strange illusion.This feeling is very strange and very inexplicable.Gone in a flash.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the howling subordinates around him, frowning.

But on the opposite side, Uesugi Koshi's eyes lit up with surprise.

He stared fieryly at the man in the black windbreaker who was surrounded in the middle of the elevator.

Taking a slight step forward, he easily dodged the officer's attack behind him, then turned around and kicked the opponent into the messy confetti ruins.After experiencing the battle of Deadpool, this place has not been restored.

"Stop!" Yuan Zhisheng stared at the law enforcement officers who were gathering in this direction, and beckoned them to stop attacking.

He glanced at the number of injured people around him, and the heaviness in his eyes gradually eased.

The reason why the visitor appeared here quickly was because of the opponent's extreme speed.

The Sheqi Bajia placed their defensive forces at the door, but because of Deadpool's handling of the battlefield, there were not many combatants in the rear.

Coupled with the super strength of the incoming person, this has indeed become a powerful force that is difficult to resist.

Fortunately, this man's shot was very measured, but the law enforcement officer fell to the ground, and there was no unnecessary injury at all.Even among the mixed races who were carrying guns and fighting knives, he only carried a wooden stick.

"Who are you?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at the man opposite him who was silently looking at him.

Although he had already made some mental preparations, Yuan Zhisheng still couldn't believe it when he saw the other party.

A person who is more than 100 years old is still so strong, young like a middle-aged person, this kind of situation he has only seen in Angers, the principal of Kassel College.

"Son, are you called Yuan Zhisheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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