Chapter 378


"Son, is your name Yuan Zhisheng?"

Although Uesugi Koshi said it in a questioning sentence, his tone was very firm.

He stared at the feminine and handsome young man standing opposite him in the elevator. The moment he appeared, he knew that the other party must be his son.
definitely is.

Not only because a group of people surrounded him, but also because he saw the shadow of his youth in the other party.

The facial features are exquisite, and the face shape that is so soft and beautiful that women are envious is exactly the same as the original self, the melancholy eyes, and the long black hair hanging on both sides, aren't they carved out of the same mold as when I was young!

When he was young, he was a super handsome guy. Unexpectedly, his son was also a super handsome guy.

Tut tut.Uesugi stretched his neck more, bowed his body and looked at Yuan Zhisheng on the opposite side carefully, his eyes were like a mother cat looking at her newborn child.

Gentle, patient, and a little stern.

He wouldn't mind being a cat mom who licks her kittens if possible.But there are more people around,
What's more important is that Yuan Zhisheng's body is covered with a layer of icy cold aura that should not be approached by strangers. Even if the aura is five meters away, he can feel a trace of coolness.Otherwise, he doesn't mind rushing up.

Sakura and Crow looked at each other, and they were a little at a loss for a moment.

They don't know who Uesugi Yue is, but according to their understanding of the young master, this reaction is obviously not a normal reaction.

Suddenly, Sakura suddenly turned her head and looked towards a certain direction in the stair corridor, where an unmanned passage was automatically opened in the middle of the law enforcement team in a defensive formation.

The passage extends from the white porcelain floor of the corridor of the stairs to the front of everyone.

The visitor was moving very fast and in a hurry. The sound of the crisp wooden clogs falling on the floor was like a crackling rainstorm. Sakura could even hear the rapid breathing of the visitor. The other party obviously just learned some important news and was using the Hurry to the scene here.

Soon, in the blink of an eye, an old and familiar face appeared in front of everyone,
The moment the visitor climbed the steps, he looked at the face of Uesugi Koshi who was surrounded by people, and the moment he saw the other person, the other person's face suddenly changed.

The sound of the beating heartbeat is still clear even though it is separated by the breathing of so many people.

Immediately, the visitor saw the elevator opening, and the naive figure in the middle of the elevator overwhelmed him like a mountain peak that was falling.

He instantly felt something was wrong in the surrounding aura.Secret channel is bad.

"Master." Inuyama Ka hurriedly saluted Minamoto.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded slightly, but his eyes never moved away from Uesugi Koshi.

"Oh, so it's Ah He."

Uesugi looked more and more at the familiar face in front of him, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Mr. Yue." Inuyama Ka put his left hand on his right obediently, and bowed to Uesugi Yue.

"Are you still alive?" Uesugi was obviously surprised.

But what is even more surprising is that Yasha and Crow, as well as the surrounding law enforcement officers,

Because Inuyama congratulates the family with the highest standard of etiquette, just like the head of the family.

"Thanks to your concern, Mr. Ahe is still alive."

This gesture of Patriarch Inuyama stunned the law enforcement officers around him.Although everyone didn't dare to speak, everyone's eyes under the goggles were full of shock.

"Let's all go down." Yuan Zhisheng pointed to the law enforcement officers in the distance and said.

The law enforcement officers surrounding the center did not dare to neglect, and began to retreat in a large area in an orderly manner.

For a moment, the crowded space became clean in an instant, and the team leader of the law enforcement officers kindly closed the door of the room when he left.

Yasha looked at the crow, the crow looked at Sakura, and Sakura stared at Yuan Zhisheng intently.

Inuyamaga stood where he was, his gaze wandering back and forth between Uesugi Koshi and Minamoto.

When he heard the name of Uesugi Yue from his subordinates, his heart suddenly thumped, and he rushed towards this side at a high speed. Others didn't know who Uesugi Yue was. How could he, as a person who witnessed the entire Snake Bajia from an era? May not know who Uesugi Koshi is.

At the beginning, the other party burned the shrine with fire and left easily, but the series of things caused by the loss of the head of the family were all settled by Inuyama Ka at the time. The rent of the land is paid by Inuyama Kato every year, otherwise it would be impossible for Uesugi Koshi to sell ramen there.

When he heard that the other party actually spread out the ramen at the door of Genji Heavy Industries, he instinctively thought that the other party was coming to fight again.Hurry up and leave the work at hand and rush towards this side.

It's just that he didn't expect that the current head of the family had already met with the other party under his haste.

But because the other party's file was deleted by the family, Inuyama Ka guessed that Yuan Zhisheng might not know the other party's identity, which was a small blessing that could comfort him.

When hesitating how to explain his identity to the other party.

Yuan Zhisheng's low voice appeared in the air.

"Uesugi Yue, the previous head of the Snake Eight Family, the former head of the Uesugi family."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Uesugi Koshi, without the slightest emotion in his voice.Changes in mood cannot be heard.

"It's me, it's me." Uesugi Yue smiled with wrinkles all over his face, staring intently at Yuan Zhisheng's cold face, as if he was ready to rub his cold butt with his hot face

Witnessing Uesugi Koshi's scene, Inuyama Kawa was obviously stunned for a moment, not quite understanding the reason for the other party's gesture.However, the heart that was in suspense was slightly relieved.

As long as the opponent doesn't come back to find fault, otherwise, with the strength of the opponent's emperor, even in his old age, there may be no one who can really stop a furious emperor in the Bajia of Sheqi.

But the faces of the three Sakura behind them changed dramatically, "Big... big head??"

"Ex... ex?" Yasha and Crow stared in horror at the man who was wearing a white ramen costume and didn't even take off his hat.

This has nothing to do with the wisdom and martial arts of the head of the family in their impression,
"You were the one who burned the family shrine?" Yuan Zhisheng's voice became even colder.

Inuyama Ka's let-down heart was suddenly raised again, and the attitude of the elders was not so calm.

"It's me, it's me." Uesugi nodded hurriedly, for fear of neglecting the child in front of him.

"But this matter is a bit complicated. It was they who killed your grandma, so I was so angry that I burned the shrine down..."

hiss! !

Three bursts of air-conditioning sounded from behind Yuan Zhisheng at the same time, and they stared at the master who looked kind and even a bit smirking, as if they had heard some shocking secret from the past.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Ahe. Ahe understands." Uesugi Yue glanced at him, and quickly bowed his head to Inuyamaga.

Yuan Zhisheng turned his head to look at the three stunned guys.The atmosphere here made them a little unacceptable for a while.

The normally majestic Patriarch Inuyama unexpectedly...

"You go out first."

(End of this chapter)

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