Chapter 379 Uesugi Koshi and Minamoto ([-])

After the three of Sakura left, the atmosphere in the room became even weirder.

The more Uesugi looks at Yuan Zhisheng, the more fiery his gaze becomes,
At the same time, Yuan Zhisheng looked at Uesugi Koshi with colder eyes.

Sandwiched in the middle, Inuyama Ka is in a dilemma. One time is the former shadow king with unrivaled combat power, and the other is the current patriarch who has just been promoted and is majestic.

"Mr. Yue, Snake Bajia has just gone through a war with Deadpool, if there is something we have offended you, please tell us, we will definitely..."

"Ahe, I'm not here to find fault this time."

Uesugi Koshi's voice made Inuyamaga's expression relaxed.

He turned his head to look at Yuan Zhisheng,

"Master, although the past incident was very serious and had a great impact on the family, after all, it has passed for so many years, and Patriarch Uesugi has also accepted our punishment. Are we..."

"I'm here to find my son!"

Before Inuyamaga's voice finished, Uesugi Koshi's voice echoed in the air again.


Inuyama Ka silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looking at Uesugi Koshi who was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

"Mr. Yue, be more sober. You had no heirs when you left."

"Ahe, you were still young at the time, so you didn't know. Those old guys took a bottle of my bullets and gave them to the Germans. Decades later, their scientific research results have been crystallized.

I was told my son was here and I rushed over. "

"Mr. Yue, how could this kind of thing be possible..." Inuyama He still found it unbelievable, "And there is only Patriarch Erika Uesugi in the Uesugi family, and there is no son of yours. If you don't believe it, you can ask... ..."

Yuan Zhisheng's palm suddenly stood in front of him, interrupting Inuyamaga's voice,

Inuyama Ka looked up blankly and stared at Yuan Zhisheng for only a moment.

Inuyama He froze in place.

The aura surrounding Yuan Zhisheng became more and more oppressive, full of hopeless suffocation.His originally dark and deep eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes in just an instant.

The bloodshot pupils trembled uncontrollably,
But Yuan Zhisheng's attitude was completely opposite.

He took a deep look at Uesugi Koshi who was opposite him, and walked out of the elevator slowly,
The stride is firm and powerful.Like a hammer hitting the ground.

He missed Inuyamaga's shoulder, like a cold blade rubbing against his skin and sucking, he walked slowly towards Uesugi Yue opposite.

What happened in the past few days gave him a blow to his life.

In the recorder late last night, he learned about himself and Yuanzhinv's test-tube baby from Tachibana Masamune, but the other party did not tell them who the test-tube baby's gene came from.

just now……

Yuan Zhisheng's footsteps are very heavy, each footprint is solid and falls together, it seems that there are dozens of tons of chains wrapped around his ankles, restricting his strength in walking.

He remembered that when he was very young, his adoptive father was not good to them, because there was no foster fee, and the adoptive father would find various reasons to beat and scold them after gambling and getting drunk. Every time, he would always look like a little lion Standing in front of my younger brother and confronting the drunk man, and then being whipped hard by the man,
The younger brother lay on top of him crying and refused to let go, so the man walked around his younger brother and pumped on his back.

Afterwards, I always run away from home alone.A person hides behind the abandoned school and looks at the stars in the sky.

He remembered that the stars in the sky were big and bright at that time, like big hot teardrops in those nights.But like countless homeless children, he questioned why he didn't have a complete family, why he didn't have a father who would protect him from the wind and rain...why would he leave himself and his brother here so cruelly...

Fast forward ten years, his life was burning like a candle, he became the patriarch of the Sheqi Ba Family, bearing the honor and disgrace of the whole family on his shoulders.

But at this time, a man named father appeared in front of him.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the opposite man whose complexion became extremely excited, and who had already opened his arms.

He missed each other's eyes, the two bodies passed each other, the wind blowing the corner of Yuan Zhisheng's windbreaker from the corridor, time was frozen in this moment like an oil painting,
In the upper part of the picture scroll is a white figure with a hunched back stretched out into an embrace. The white is shining with oil, making people unable to see the other party's mood.

One is a young man shrouded in darkness with his head down.The shadow blurred his eyes, like a phantom that has not been carefully portrayed, making people feel unreal about the other party's expression.

The two bodies crossed each other, and the crisp leather boots fell to the ground like stones falling on tiles.

"Mr. Yue, you don't have your son here, please go back." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was so flat that no one could hear the emotion.

After the sound fell to the ground, Yuan Zhisheng didn't have the slightest intention to stay, so he lifted his feet and walked towards the door of the corridor.

Inuyamaga looked a little lonely, and Uesugi Koshi, who was hunched over, quickly stepped forward and chased after Minamoto.

Who is his patriarch and which side he should stand on is something he can't understand.

Inuyama He's footsteps were fast, and he was still thinking about taking this opportunity to open the door to the parents.

Just as his arm was about to touch the doorknob.

The closed door was suddenly pushed open.

A crimson pupil met Inuyamaga's pupil, and the big eyes fluttered like colorful butterflies flying among the flowers.

"Patriarch Uesugi." Inuyama He said hastily.

Uesugi Yue, who fell behind the two of them, instinctively turned his head to look behind him.

A figure covered in red was also reflected in his eyelids.

Uesugi's eyes narrowed inward.

"Why is Erika here?" Yuan Zhisheng's eyes showed a rare trace of tenderness.

"Brother is not uncomfortable."

Erika held up a small notebook in her hand, with handwriting crookedly written on it.She rarely answered Yuan Zhisheng's question, but looked at him obediently.

Gentleness rippled at the corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth, he stretched out his hand to gently caress the other's cheek, and slowly hugged him into his arms.

"With Erika here, my brother won't feel bad."

"elder brother?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice appeared behind the two of them.

Uesugi Yue seemed to have heard something terrible, and appeared in front of the two hugging together.

Staring intently at Erika's cheek, the whole person has a big mouth.

elder brother,

younger sister!

Uesugi stared in disbelief at the girl who was so beautiful that he exclaimed.

"I... I!!" Uesugi Yue's mouth trembled a little.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned his head to look at Uesugi Koshie, the ferociousness in his eyes was like a fierce tiger that would choose someone to eat.

The raging storm gathers in the depths of his pupils, his life is so dark that he can't see the light, he will grit his teeth and endure no matter how difficult it is, and he can keep silent, but he doesn't want this man to ruin Erika's life, Not at all!

And more importantly, Erika is Tachibana Masamune's daughter, not his Uesugi Koshi's daughter! !
"We've seen it before." Uesugi Yue was obviously taken aback by Minamoto's expression, pointing at Erika's arm trembling.

"Uncle's ramen is delicious." Erika wrote in a small notebook.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't look at Uesugi Koshi anymore, he used his back to block Uesugi Koshi's sight,
"Did Erika go out and have fun?"

"Very happy, it would be even happier if someone accompanied Erika."

Yuan Zhisheng touched Eri Yi's head, "Okay, after my brother is done with this matter, I will take Eri Yi out to play, okay?"

Erika nodded obediently.

There was a trace of anticipation in the godless eyes.

Behind Uesugi Koshi looked at this scene with weird eyes, and then kicked Inuyamaga next to him.

There was doubt in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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