I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 380 Chu Zihang and Caesar beat up

Chapter 380 Chu Zihang and Caesar beat up


Ginza, Kabukiza.

Fu Nian was sitting in a VIP room on the third floor, wearing a rare pure black kimono, holding a white paper folding fan, sitting in place and looking out the window, with a lingering calmness in his brows.Like a king in charge of great power, also like a general who is sure to win.

Natsumi on the opposite side was wearing a white kimono embroidered with cherry blossoms, and a beautiful Mount Fuji stood upright at the waist of the kimono.On the corner of the ear full of aura is a mountain peach blossom that I don't know where to pick it.With the swaying body, swaying from side to side.

After checking in at the back street of the University of Tokyo in the morning, the two came here without stopping.Because in the near future there will be a Kabuki performance full of traditional culture.

The Kabuki theater where they are now is a very historical and cultural place. Looking at the introduction in his hand, Fu Nian shows that it has a history of more than 100 years and can be called the throne of Kabuki theater.It has been burned several times and rebuilt several times. Today's building has a clear Momoyama style, with purple cloth hanging in front of the door.Smiling service staff come and go in the corridor separated by a wall.

Because of Kazama Ruri, they got a valuable invitation coupon, which belonged to the VIPs here.Enjoy the treatment of the highest service here.When you enter the venue, there will be waiters waiting for you to change clothes, and then introduce the box with the best location.

The main reason for this is that Kazama Ruri is the biggest finale performer here tonight, and as the number one cowherd in the Japanese cowherd world, as soon as the news of the performance came out, the seats here were immediately blocked. Swept away.

Just like now, Fu Nian stared at the endless stream of women at the door below. They were all beautiful, and their striking red lips were like rose petals scattered on the scene.

They stepped on high-heeled shoes, dressed in elegant kimonos or evening gowns that reached to their feet, and were led into the reserved VIP rooms with the help of waiters.
Some of them are well-known actors in the fashion industry, and some are the wives of senior government officials. They come from all walks of life, but the only thing they have in common is the fanatical fans of Kazama Ruri.

They walked with ladylike restraint, and thanked the waiter who led them into the room gently.The etiquette of the nobility is fully reflected here.

The scene was quiet without a single sound, as if everyone was deliberately maintaining their limited physical experience, expecting the most eye-catching star to come on stage and cheer.

"I didn't expect the dragon king of the fierce ghosts to have such a big reputation in the cowherd circle. It shouldn't be. The Bajia of Sheqi doesn't seem like a group of fools."

Fu Nian forked the foie gras on his plate, curiously watching the flow of people coming and going underneath.It's fine if he doesn't speak, but when he speaks, the calmness between his brows can no longer hold up, and even the huge aura behind him collapses in an instant.Only the damn beauty is left...

Xia Mi grinned at Fu Nian.

Fu Nian waved his hands indifferently, since there were only the two of them in the room, he didn't have to be nervous.

"The ghosts are the ghosts, and the cowherd is the cowherd. In the ghosts, he is the vengeful girl, and in the cowherd circle, he is the charming Kazama Liuli. I don't think there is a conflict."

Xia Mi held the straw in the cup, instead of looking at the entrance with curiosity like Fu Nian, but stared at the stage intently.

The curtains on the stage at this moment were lowered, it was pitch black, and there was nothing particularly interesting about it.

"As for why the Sheqi Bajia didn't link the two together, it was naturally because the Sheqi Bajia didn't know who the dragon kings of the fierce ghosts were. The king was still very smart. Hiding behind the scenes, it is difficult for even the best agents of the Snake Ba Family to find out about the two.

Moreover, ordinary people would not associate a fierce ghost who kills decisively with an intellectual cowherd who fascinates everyone.Not to mention, Kazama Liuli's seductive temperament is really quite tasteful. "

"It seems to make a little sense." Fu Nian nodded thoughtfully.Looking at the flow of people outside, I don't know what I was thinking.

"Brother, do you want to try this feeling too? Do you want to experience the spectacular scene where tens of millions of people cheer?" Xia Mi suddenly had a smirk on his lips.

"Huh?" Fu Nian opened his eyes wide.

"Don't lie." Xia Mi suddenly pointed a finger at Fu Nian.

He swallowed the words that Fu Nian instinctively wanted to reject in his throat.

"Just thinking about it." Fu Nian smiled helplessly. He really thought about that scene, but he didn't have too strong an impulse, let alone a desire.
Because he who holds the power doesn't need this kind of false belief at all.

"Xia Mi can make it a reality for my brother. My brother is a step higher than a star without makeup. What's more, the facial contour is not the most fatal attraction.

The elder brother has a shackle that Kazama Liuli has never broken through.Wouldn't it be easy to become Japan's top cowherd? "

"Huh? Is there something so deadly about me?"

"Of course, the most fatal attraction has never been the facial features,
It's temperament.

How can the elder brother's temperament be grasped by ordinary mixed races?As long as brother quietly reveals your little arrogance, and Xia Mi quietly teaches brother a few tricks, "

Xia Mi stretched out his palm and pointed down,

"Rich woman, beautiful woman, take it easy."

"Actually, it's pretty easy now." Fu Nian made a grimace at Xia Mi. "But I'm not interested."

"Then what are you interested in?" Xia Mi raised her white chin.

Fu Nian didn't say a word, but stretched out his index finger and thumb from a distance and pinched Xia Mi gently.

"Hey, got you."

"Childish." Xia Mi rolled his eyes up, but the corners of his mouth couldn't restrain himself from rising.

"Think about it, how about it?
If my brother becomes a big star, I can squander money every day, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, spend the most expensive money on the most expensive dinner every day, maybe even spend money to be a president or something. "

"Ah? Then how many guests do I need to pay for you to be the president? Don't I have to be used as a donkey every day?"

"It's all for my sister."

Xia Mi's happy eyes are intertwined with the soft yellow light in the room. If there is another glass of red wine at this moment, the gentleness revealed will become more natural and comfortable.

"If you're lucky, my brother will also be able to get close to one or two super rich women who pay for you every day, the kind who are in charge of a family. My sister will be really happy for my brother."

"That must be a big fat woman." Fu Nian's face darkened. "At that time, I was afraid that I would not be exhausted to death, but crushed to death..."

"How can the dragon body be dragged down by the mortal body, brother can rest assured."

"No." Fu Nian shook her head.

Xia Mi pouted aggrievedly, "Why?"

Fu Nian glanced at the flow of people outside, and looked at Xia Mi carefully, "All I have is Xia Mi."

"But Xia Mi doesn't want to have a brother." Xia Mi glanced at his mouth, preventing Fu Nian from looking at his face.

"Ye Mengjia has to think." Fu Nian chased after him.

Xia Mi, "Ye Mengjiad doesn't want to either."

Fu Nian, "But Fu Nian wants to."

Xia Mi, "Fu Nian is not allowed to think about it."

Fu Nian, "That Fenlier thinks."

Xia Mi, "Fenrir must not think about it either."


"You are not allowed either!"

Fu Nian smiled helplessly.

"Then what should we do?" Fu Nian asked.

"Xia Mi wants a fat woman, bah, a rich woman."

"Xia Mi is actually a rich woman."

Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, thinking of the gold and art collections in BJ Nibelungen, which were almost out of place.Each of them is priceless.

"But Xia Mi still wants it."

"I'm a little greedy."

Xia Mi bared her teeth at Fu Nian.

"Xia Mi's arms are a little sore."

Then intentionally or unintentionally, he tried to reach out and pinch his shoulder. The next second, Fu Nian's palm landed on Xia Mi's shoulder, and he massaged him moderately.

Fu Nian is actually very happy to do this, because Xia Mi's internal injuries are still very serious, and it will take a long time to recover, and the most important thing to avoid during this period is fighting.

But she still gave Uesugi Koshi a punch this morning.



"They are here."

less than 5 minute...

Xia Mi, who was slightly enjoying himself, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the slightly flickering lights on the ceiling, and raised his lips slightly.

Fu Nian frowned, and cast his gaze outside the window. He also felt a very familiar smell appearing in the surrounding environment.

at the same time,

The surrounding lights suddenly went dark.

muffled drums beating on every side of the darkness,

Someone knocked on the sakura wood drum, and the drummer tapped on the surface of the drum, as if a ghost was summoned from the distant ancient times in this ancient attic.They floated around, and some guests who had not fully sat down late stumbled.

Fu Nian sat quietly on the chair and looked at Xia Mi next to him. Xia Mi propped his chin and looked at the stage in the distance.

The curtain opened, and a ray of light appeared in the center of the stage. A plain white woman stood there quietly, with long black hair hanging loose.The drooping cheeks make it difficult to see the face clearly.

"Is the time just right?"

Fu Nian glanced at a sneaky guy who appeared in the direction of the door. He was obviously as strong as an upright bear, but he was dressed in a woman's dress and stepped on high heels. Under Fu Nian's eyes that were not affected by the darkness You can also see that the other party has a little bit of thick foundation.

Fu Nian, who smelled strongly of incense, almost sneezed.

But even so, the visitor still easily delivered the invitation to the waiter, and under the leadership of the other party, he walked towards a distant direction step by step.

Almost at the moment when the visitor was led up the stairs by the waiter, another figure also entered the attic from another direction, but this time the visitor was not dressed in enchanting clothes, but was dressed in a cold black suit, with loose hair covering his eyes. The eyes are also exquisitely made up, but they don't have as strong fragrance as the previous person.

"Why do you give each of them an invitation card?" Fu Nian looked curiously at the two people who came over.The whole person is inexplicably a little strange.

"Who knew that their luck would be so unlucky, my brother threw them on the beach, and Caesar was washed away by the waves, and Sakurai Kogure found each other in a same-sex bar in Tokyo after a lot of effort." trail of

It's really a pity that Japanese men are not very interested in Europeans, so Caesar was able to keep Chrysanthemum in a coma and replaced it with Chu Zihang. Their fate is a bit rough if it is true. "

Fu Nian shrank his muscles subconsciously, and looked at Caesar's face with more sympathy, "That is to say, neither of them know the news that the other is still alive?"

"I probably don't know, Chu Zihang works in a cowboy's shop, and Caesar works in a same-sex bar. Although the distance between the two is not very far, according to the Snake Bajia, they have not withdrawn their arrest warrants." Ling, and their own vigilant personalities, the possibility of finding each other is still very small."

"Then Xia Mi is..." Fu Nian looked at the two people walking towards one of the rooms from different directions.

"Oh, Xia Mi is so beautiful and kind, of course give them a private place where brothers can recognize each other. You see, they are a cowherd and a gei..."

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi, who was a bit nervous, with a dark face, and then glanced at the crotch positions of the two of them who were protruding at the same time.

The thick handle of the knife stood upright like a piece of wood, no matter how the two concealed it, it was difficult to deny the fact that they came with guns.

Coupled with the current pitch-black environment, Fu Nian couldn't believe that two A-level hybrids could have such eyes that he could do whatever he wanted.

"If they don't recognize each other, will they fight according to their cautious characters..."

The dull impact sound was heard from downstairs of the two of them in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, there was a tearing sound of gold and iron clashing.The voices were lowered to each other, but no matter how low it was, the two dragons couldn't bear to eavesdrop.

The battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out.

at the same time.

On the stage, a clear voice sounded.

The figure dressed like a ghost from the underworld slowly raised its head, it seemed to be a woman, her face was as pale as paper, only the corners of her eyes were blood red.

But his voice is clear and soft, and his figure is graceful and charming, just like a peerless beautiful woman wrapped in tulle, the charming white and greasy scenery makes people's hearts slightly sway.

"All happiness in the world is a fleeting epiphyllum in the shadow of the moon, only loneliness and pain are always with you..." The clear voice reached the ears of the two.

"Kazama Ruri?"

Amidst the dull battle sounds below, Fu Nian was attracted by the owner of the voice. To be honest, he was attracted the moment the other party spoke. Such a beautiful sound.

Appearing on the stage is Kazama Ruri in women's clothing.Fu Nian is not too surprised that she is as delicate as a girl and plays a female role.

But he actually saw the sex appeal of a woman in this man,
This made him somewhat creepy.

But he couldn't ridicule, he was really surprised by Kazama Liuli's feminine charm, and felt that Kazama Liuli was no longer the dragon king of the fierce ghosts at this moment,
Instead, she was possessed by a noble female ghost thousands of years ago on Fengjian Liuli, and through his body, she slowly narrated the millennium's sorrow and lamented the passing of the world of mortals.

The glass in the wind is singing and dancing, and the big white sleeves are spread out like the wings of a white bird, with ancient characters written in ink on them. The left sleeve symbolizes the rising sun, the growth of all things and the dreamlike world, while the right sleeve symbolizes The moon rises, the dry sand and the eternal hell.

Dancing and dancing, he gradually took off the outer white robe, like a fat and tender woman who slowly took off her veil before taking a bath,

But what appeared in front of the audience was not silky and crispy white skin,

Rather, it is a brilliantly painted lining.At the same time, the spine of the audience felt creepy. The colorful shirt is not so much the robes of the living, but rather the funeral clothes of the dead. The patterns of skulls and maggots are embroidered on the colorful clothes. .It looks like the fading pattern on the body of a ferocious giant python.

The stage play slowly tells the beginning of the story in Kazama Liuli's clear and beautiful voice.

Under Fu Nian, the battle between Chu Zihang and Caesar had just begun.

In the dark environment, the two couldn't see each other's faces clearly, but Caesar relied on Kamaitachi's super-high hearing to distinguish and analyze each other's movements and moves at all times.

Chu Zihang relied on his excellent instinct to avoid the strong wind howling from the sky.

From time to time, the lights on the stage flashed through the window of the room they were in. At this time, the two of them got down in an extremely tacit understanding and stopped fighting until the lights whizzed past.

The clear and depressing collision will sound again.

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi beside him helplessly.

Xia Mi spread her hands as if it was none of my business.

"What I originally thought was the touching scene of them crying and recognizing each other. Who knows that these two people are incompatible explosives. If you want to fight, just fight, two brats, I don't believe that you can really kill each other .”

"It's not enough to kill, but it won't be demolished here?" Fu Nian heard the increasingly wanton muffled sound from below, and he could feel that the other party had already started a real fire with each other.



There was a sound of cracking wooden floors.


Xia Mi blinked.

(End of this chapter)

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