Chapter 381 News

The crisp physical impact became more wanton, and the two seemed to have put aside the sharp blades in their hands and started a hand-to-hand battle.

When a warrior with a sharp blade throws away the knife in his hand, it is like a tiger losing its fangs and claws. This is a regrettable thing, but what is surprising and even shocking is that

Not only was the battle below not affected in the slightest, but the sound of the battle became more ferocious and wanton.Instead of becoming a dull cat, they lost their sharp blades, but turned into dragons.

It seemed that there was endless pressure suppressed in their chests and could not be released. Now, at the moment when the two of them made physical contact, the pressure had an outlet for a while, and the torrent of pressure behind them swarmed along the gap in the embankment. Down.

Like a flood that was released from the floodgates on a rainy day, the turbulent waves almost completely covered up the clear and clear singing of Kazama Liuli.

The floor was even shaken by the huge force.

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi stupidly, and Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian blankly.

The two of them could clearly hear the sound of attacks coming from the floor below. The flesh-to-bone contact of punch after punch was crisper and clearer. The huge force even brought the floor below under the impact of each punch. Numerous wooden debris erupted from the lower eruption.At this time, they didn't look like two strange enemies at all, but like enemies with bloody feuds.

"They can't really guess who the other party is, can they?" Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi opposite in surprise.

Xia Mi hesitated for a moment, looked outside, then looked down, and shook his head, "Probably not, the two are rivals in Kassel Academy, according to their personalities, they naturally have to know themselves and each other when dealing with their opponents." To some extent, maybe they couldn't tell who the opponent was in the beginning of the battle, but now this situation is not so simple,

There is a feeling of releasing emotions in their current battle," Xia Mi propped his chin, thinking in his eyes,

"It's like a high school examinee who is under the heavy pressure of the exam. After they come out of the exam room, they need a complete physical and mental release.
It’s just that the pressure they bear during this period is tens of millions of times that of the students because of their studies, so the way they release it naturally needs a thorough way,

Looking at it now, I not only designed an opportunity for them to escape from Japan, but also gave them a post-war traumatic psychological counseling by coincidence. "

Xia Mi clicked his tongue and spread his hands helplessly.

"Sounds really good, but..."

Fu Nian listened to the uninterrupted melee sounds below, and the splashing blood dripped on the floor like bullets hitting the steel plate. Xin Dao deserved to be a mixed race, even the way to release the pressure was so different.

I just don't know if it will be possible to be disabled.

"I don't know either. Who knew that mixed races would be so psychologically fragile. The nuclear bomb explosion on the bottom of the sea and the escape life after that gave them so much pressure."

"How about I go down and stop it?" Fu Nian smiled wryly.

"This is not good." Xia Mi shook his head, "Brother can't show up. Otherwise, no one will end my story."

"Looking for someone?"

"Who are you looking for? Most people can't persuade them. It's easy to be exposed if they change people. They're not fools. It's very difficult for us." Xia Mi shook his head again.


When Fu Nian was in trouble, the lights in the Diva Theater suddenly turned on.

The glaring white light pierced through the dark haze like a sharp sword. Caesar, who was entangled with each other and shaking his fists, suddenly stopped.
Staring at the pair of lava-like golden vertical pupils under the incandescent light, under the bloodshot tattooed face, Chu Zihang's face was clean and recognizable.

It's time for the intermission of the diva's singing,

There is no noise in the lounge,

Everyone was immersed in the performance just now, and some people felt lost,

Someone whispered,

Someone gasped in pain.

The two stared at each other, panting heavily, and the cold air inhaled into their lungs quickly suppressed their physical pain, as if this would prevent the nerves from keeping up with their breathing speed, and the pain would not be able to catch up with them.

"Are you still fighting?"

Caesar looked at Chu Zihang who was silent, his eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake,

Let him instinctively want to avoid the opponent's eyes, but considering that the battle between the two sides has not yet been decided, how can he show weakness when he is proud,

So he bit the bullet and stared at those eyes, raised his chest, bared his teeth, making himself look like a majestic lion.

Chu Zihang didn't have as many careful thoughts as Caesar. He looked at the almost peeling wound on the cheekbone on the opponent's face, secretly looked away, and slowly loosened his hands on the clothes on the opponent's chest.

Caesar also let go, and the two bodies slowly separated like snakes.

"What a coincidence." Chu Zihang stood up and adjusted his clothes in front of the broken mirror.Let yourself try not to look at the other person's injuries.

In fact, he had already recognized the other party in the second move of the knife fight with the other party,
Caesar's first hand gesture in the pitch-black darkness is the Rakshasa ghost bone in the heart-shaped knife flow.

This move is an authentic Japanese kendo style move, and it is also a very fast move, an extremely bloody move,
The figures of the two crossed each other in the darkness. Surprisingly, the moves of the two were exactly the same. Both sides launched the attack with the idea of ​​defeating the enemy with one move.

It's a pity that both of them are very familiar with this move, and they turned their backs to each other and wondered each other for half a second.

The fight happened again.

However, the styles of the two sides' shots changed drastically when they turned their heads.

Chu Zihang is fine, not so outrageous,

But Caesar turned around, stepped on the wall to use his strength to reverse his body, and bent down in the air to chop, which is the "jumping knife" in cavalry swordsmanship.However, although cavalry swordsmanship and Japanese swordsmanship are both swordsmanship, there is a distance of thousands of miles between the two. One of them is on horseback, and the other is on bow. Well informed,

However, the sharpness of the knife in the second move is sharp, and it is not as stagnant as the first move just now. Although the first move has extremely fast speed and bloody and tricky angle support, a discerning person can know the opponent at a glance It's not completely handy yet.

Chu Zihang's way of responding to this move was also extremely relaxed. He lifted the black long knife from bottom to top, turned his body slightly sideways, and casually waved out the "reverse cassock" of the Japanese sword.

At this time, he recognized the other party's identity, and he believed that Caesar also recognized his own identity at this time.

The move of Heart-Shaped Sword Style was learned by Yuan Zhisheng during a brief discussion with Yuan Zhisheng before the departure of the Longyuan Project. Yuan Zhisheng briefly explained the experience of this move, and they learned it after practicing several times.

Both of them value the extreme speed and fierceness of this move, and they are not very familiar with it because this is the first time they have used it in actual combat.

The subsequent moves were even more helpless.

Caesar learned various moves from a special swordsmanship master since he was a child. Cavalry swordsmanship is a well-known swordsmanship in Europe, and it is used by Caesar with ease.Superb, few people can find out the coping skills in the instant of a move during the battle.

In the battle with Chu Zihang, it was used at a very high frequency. At the beginning, Chu Zihang couldn't find a countermeasure, but after a long time, Chu Zihang finally discovered this super easy-to-use countermeasure. Cassock.

As a result, Caesar's confident blow, which was about to make a quick decision, was blocked by the opponent with a sword in his back.

Then the two fight more and more until the lights come on.

"Why are you here?" Seeing that the other party didn't answer him, Chu Zihang silently took out a piece of paper from the table and wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and glanced at Caesar who was dressed in a messy woman's attire.

Kaiser turned dark and didn't want to pay attention to Chu Zihang.

Sitting on the other side, he took out a golden invitation card from his pocket and put it on the table.
Chu Zihang glanced at it, and took out an identical invitation card from his pocket and put it on it.

"Who gave it to you?" Caesar was not surprised that Chu Zihang took out such a thing.

"I don't know, it appeared in my pocket for no reason." Chu Zihang lowered his head and looked at the intoxicated quiet atmosphere outside, his voice was very low, "At first I thought my identity was exposed, but after hiding for a while to observe , found that it was not, thinking to come over here to have a look.”

Chu Zihang looked at Caesar expressionlessly.

"Mine is the same, but I thought it was Fu Nian who found us and wanted to find a place to connect, but I didn't expect to meet you. Why didn't you see Lu Mingfei?"

Caesar looked around at the open windows. He had the Speech Scythe Itachi. After opening it, he didn't need to see anyone to know who it was.But he found that there was no one he wanted to see besides Chu Zihang.

After listening to the ring for a week, I sighed silently,

Staring at the surrounding lights that went dark again, the second half of the diva performance has already started,
"I still haven't figured out how we came back alive," Caesar frowned.

Chu Zihang looked up at Caesar opposite, his golden eyes flickering in the darkness.

"I don't know if my memory is fragmented, or it really happened at that moment in reality. I vaguely heard the roaring explosion sound in my memory, which means that the explosion was successful, but the explosion was successful. How on earth did I come back alive? It’s thousands of meters below the sea!! Not to mention that the thing that exploded was a nuclear bomb, even if it was an ordinary bomb, I would be crushed to pieces by the pressure of the seabed.”

Caesar stared at Chu Zihang who was frowning.

"I don't know what happened. After you fell into a coma at the bottom of the sea, I took over your task, but unfortunately, I didn't complete the task. Moreover," Chu Zihang's frowning brows became even tighter, "I heard the explosion too."

"Fu Nian." The two said in unison.

"But...but how did Fu Nian complete it? The countdown time was limited at that time, and if you didn't complete the task, it means that the time may not be enough..." Caesar knew the crisis of the situation at that time,

"So how did my brother do it?"

Upstairs above the two of them, Xia Mi propped his chin and looked at Fu Nian opposite, his huge eyes flickered.

"That's it, it's easy to enter a password." Fu Nian avoided the important and ignored it.He opened his mouth without mentioning the impact of the terrifying energy of the nuclear bomb.

"We lost Lu Mingfei, and now we can't find any trace of Fu Nian, and he is wanted by the Japanese branch." Caesar rubbed his delicate chin covered with liquid foundation, with an indescribable feeling of confusion, It seems to be full of fighting spirit, but I can't find the direction of my struggle.

"But today is an opportunity to break the ice. We should be able to find the purpose of inviting people to come here." Chu Zihang stared at Liuli Kazama who was singing slowly on the stage, with a hint of vigilance in his whole body.

He instinctively felt that the people on the stage were a little dangerous.But it's hard to say where the danger is.

"Maybe. I'll answer the phone." Caesar said casually to Chu Zihang, took out a fairly smart phone from his pocket, and connected the phone, "Hello, boss."

"What time is it!! You haven't come back to pick up customers, have you been fired, or do you want to use your ass to pick up customers?!! Do you know how many customers you lost for us today..." There was a burst of chatter on the phone, did Caesar listen? Very clear Japanese voice.

Although Caesar didn't understand it very well, human emotions are conveyed in the same way, and the meaning conveyed by the boss is still very clear.

Hurrying to hang up the phone after two calls, Caesar's unattractive face turned even more gloomy at this moment. It was the first time in his life that he was scolded by the boss in front of his opponent.

No, it should be said that he was scolded by the boss. This was the first time in his life.

As the young master of the Gattuso family, he has been trained as the heir of the family since he was a child. Not to mention being scolded, it is impossible to work for others.

But the tiger will fall into Pingyang one day, and the young master of the rich family will also come to Japan.

In order to avoid the investigation of the Bajia of Snake Qi, he still needs to endure for a while after all, and he has the right to experience life.

Chu Zihang didn't laugh at Caesar. First, he didn't have the habit of mocking his opponents. Second, he was not much better than Caesar. Caesar was in the bar, he was a cowboy, and everyone was mutual.

Suddenly, Caesar, who was lowering his head, catapults away, his whole body is like a cow seeing the red cloth, his brain is congested in an instant, and he stands upright.
Looking at the news on the phone in horror, staring at the dazed Chu Zihang,

"What happened?" Chu Zihang instinctively grabbed the long knife at his waist and focused his attention on the surrounding environment. He instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the surroundings.But the only thing that is quiet around is the cold singing...

Caesar suddenly thrust the news with blue light on the screen in front of Chu Zihang.

The above is the morning news that Caesar accidentally clicked on. CNN News put the news of the kabuki "New Edition of Kojiki" in front of them on the headlines.
The title is "Kabuki no Hana", and the first accompanying picture is Kazama Ruri in women's clothing.

A star of the cowherd praised by critics and seniors, Ruri Kazama went off in person, and performed her own new mythological drama on stage at the Kabuki Theater.
This is a major event that has caused a sensation in the kabuki world, and it is not surprising that Chu Zihang made the headlines.

It wasn't this that shocked him.

Behind this news, there is a big red letter on the back.

The dragon king, the leader of the fierce ghosts, Liuli in the wind...

(End of this chapter)

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