I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 382 The grand escape

Chapter 382 The grand escape

Caesar stared at Chu Zihang opposite him with wide eyes.

Chu Zihang narrowed his eyes slightly inward, looking at the news on the mobile phone that was soaring in popularity, and at the man who was performing to his heart's content on the stage.

Although they haven't seen Kazama Ruri, but according to the similarity between the actors on the stage and each other.

With rich executive experience in the executive department, Chu Zihang could easily see who the other party was.

"Fiendish ghosts?"

Caesar followed Chu Zihang's gaze and stared at Liuli Kazama who was slowly dancing on the stage.

Kazama Ruri's appearance is extremely beautiful, and her singing voice seems to be so natural. With the sadness of a lonely whale, the gloom and mist permeate the Kabuki theater, and the audience seems to be shuttling between myth and reality.

"It should be. But why did they invite us?" Chu Zihang didn't know the authenticity of the news, but he knew that their invitation must have something to do with the ghosts.

"The fierce ghosts are the enemies of the Sheqi Bajia, and we are the enemies of the Sheqi Bajia. According to your Chinese saying, isn't the enemy of the enemy a friend?" Caesar hesitated.
"Are they working with us?"

Chu Zihang looked up at Caesar, expressionless, with unspeakable doubts in his eyes.

"Do we have anything that they value?" Chu Zihang pondered for a long time before opening his mouth slowly.

Caesar spread his hands. Although both of them are very proud mixed races, since they came to Japan, they found that the mixed races in this place are as tough as hungry wolves.

Probably one-on-one, they have nothing to fear.But wolves are a group.

A large-scale wolf pack, even they have to avoid their edge.

And the two of them who are now in a mess in Japan don't have anything worth paying attention to.

"It doesn't seem to be true." Caesar spread his hands.

"But, what if there is?" Chu Zihang pointed slightly.

"You mean..."

"Maybe the executive department has come to reinforce the army?!" The two said in unison.

Caesar wandered back and forth towards the room, seeming to be struggling with something.Chu Zihang also frowned and looked at the darkness outside, his eyes flickering with thoughts.


Suddenly, the quiet room was suddenly disturbed by a crisp sound of the door opening.

The two stood up vigilantly at the same time, holding the weapons at their waists with one hand.

Kaiser and Chu Zihang looked at each other, Chu Zihang quietly hid in the darkness on the side of the door.

Caesar stood still in the doorway.

The door opens.

A female servant dressed in kimono appeared in the field of vision.But the other party was very cautious and didn't go forward, but walked quietly outside the door, his eyes sparkling brightly.

"Gentlemen. The master is welcome." The waiter lowered his head and spoke softly.

"Raise your head." Caesar stared at the woman, and gently pulled out the dick pusher from his waist.

The woman raised her chin obediently.

A pair of faint gold lights up in the dark corridor covered with blankets, and on the chin illuminated by the dim light, a striking "ghost" character is flowing bright red ferociously.

"What are the ghosts looking for me for?" Caesar narrowed his eyes.

"The master came with good intentions." The servant's voice was calm.

"How can evil spirits have good intentions." Caesar didn't show any face.

But the attendant didn't seem to understand.Instead, he continued, "A guest is a guest, and an enemy is an enemy. A guest can be an enemy, but an enemy will not be a guest. Although the ghosts are evil ghosts, the ferocity of the evil ghosts is also an enemy locked on the face. We are the guests of the demons. Please rest assured, gentlemen."

The woman bowed slowly towards Caesar, then stepped back in small steps to make way for him.

Kaiser and Chu Zihang looked at each other, and Chu Zihang nodded towards him.

Caesar narrowed his eyes, hesitated, and spoke.

"lead the way."

While Caesar and Chu Zihang quietly left the scene,
The performance on the stage just ended just in time,

The two walked along the winding corridors with the attendants.The corridor was quiet without any sound, and even the sound of footsteps was infinitely weakened by the soft cushions.

But on the other side of the wall, the enthusiastic cheers were like a tidal wave, and the excited kabuki critic stepped onto the stage to hug Kazama Ruri, and hoarsely praised that this was the most perfect kabuki performance he had ever seen in his life.

The audience burst into tears, and the sound of sobbing echoed in the auditorium like a tidal wave.

Caesar didn't know if this show was really so touching.Because after the whole game, his focus has never been on the stage,
But in the atmosphere of the singing he heard faintly, he knew that the performer named Kazama Ruri was still very good.

He turned his attention to the surrounding corridors,

On both sides of the crooked corridor, underworld bodyguards in black suits lined up and bowed. They all had badges with the word "ghost" on their chests. These brass badges reflected bright light under the lamp.

After losing the underworld war, the ghosts still have such a huge force. It can be seen that the Snake Bajia completely misjudged the organizational structure of the ghosts. The only gangs attached to the ghosts were defeated by the Bajia of Snaki. The real core elite "fierce ghosts" have infiltrated every corner of Tokyo.

And the fierce ghosts here are not ferocious, they are respectful, silent, and polite, like mighty and solemn warriors standing in front of the ancestral temple.

At the end of the corridor is a black wooden door, a woman in a black kimono is kneeling outside the door, young, beautiful, and smart.She opened the door, prostrated herself on the ground to salute Caesar and Chu Zihang, and closed the door behind them.

Behind the door is a spacious Japanese-style room. There is a lot of people outside the window, and the audience is still applauding this exciting performance. The room is lonely and empty.

Kazama Ruri was still wearing the scarlet robe she wore on the stage, she was facing the mirror taking off her makeup, the makeup on the left half of her face had been removed, the person in the mirror was between a plain white boy and a pale girl, twisted The beauty is soul-stirring.

"Here we come." Kazama Liuli looked up at the two people who entered the room, and said lightly.

Chu Zihang and Kaiser looked at each other.

"You are Yuan Zhisheng's younger brother? The leader of the demons?" Caesar looked at the face in the mirror and said.

"I saw the news so soon." Kazama Liuli didn't seem surprised at all, nodded and admitted generously.

"Yuan Zhisheng is my older brother."

"But you don't seem to be much like him." Caesar raised his chin.Looking up and down Kazama Ruri, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate from the outside to the inside of the other party.

Looking at the other party's eyes, Kazama Liuli was not angry, she hesitated for a while, fiddled with her hair a few times, turned around,
"Does this look like your brother?"

At this moment, the light was shining from behind him, and Caesar couldn't see the heavy makeup face clearly from the angle of his eyes. He could only see the face after the makeup was removed.
Only then did Caesar realize that Ruri Kazama and Yuan Zhisheng had almost the same facial features.If Kazama Ruri puts on a long black trench coat and a fortified ancient sword, Caesar will definitely mistakenly think that the head of the Japanese underworld is sitting opposite.

Kazama Liuli smiled slightly, and in a blink of an eye she became a handsome boy again.

Caesar understood that what really distinguished the two men was their temperament. The elder brother was sharp and straight, like a long sword on a warrior's waist.

The younger brother is graceful and beautiful, like the sword hidden in the sleeve of a noble girl.

Kazama Ruri is also a natural actor, as long as he changes his hairstyle and attire, he can transform himself into another person.

"You are more like brothers and sisters." Caesar narrowed his eyes.There is a lion-like scrutiny in the eyes.

Kazama Liuli smiled shyly, "My brother used to say that about me when I was a child... I never thought that after such a long time, I can still hear similar words."

He was wiping the makeup on his face, and talking incongruously.Like a returnee preparing dinner.He didn't care about the strength deliberately disguised by the other party.

But Caesar was not as calm as Kazama Ruri, he knew exactly what the news meant.

Japan is the Japan of the Snaki Bajia. They and the ghosts are all shady mice. The news is the hands that untied their clothes.

They will be in full view in the sun in no time.

"What should we think of you? Yuan Zhisheng's younger brother? The leader of the demon group? Or a genius Kabuki actor? Or Japan's number one cowherd?" Chu Zihang asked in Caesar's voice.

"These are all my identities, but I'm the one who's most interested in my identity in the Ghost Clan, right? Senior cadres in the Crowd of Ghosts all use shogi pieces as their code names, and my code name is 'Dragon King'. " Kazama Liuli bit the comb and tied her hair.

"Then why did you ask us to come here?" Chu Zihang didn't want to waste any more time, and went straight to the point.

"Mr. Chu Zihang." Feng Jian Liuli smiled politely at Chu Zihang, "I have read the file of Mr., you are an outstanding fighter, a pursuer who is carrying a heavy shackle."

Chu Zihang narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of sharpness in his pupils. There was a scar in his heart that no one could touch.Like the reverse scale of a dragon, you will die if you touch it.But the other side is trying to uncover that scar.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean to offend you. I just want to tell you that we are actually the same kind of people.

I have seen the majesty of a lion in your eyes, but I have seen my own reflection in your eyes. After removing the disguise, I am still just a child hiding in a corner and crying secretly, just like a child after removing the costume Kazama Liuli is just an ordinary girl.

I am a person who gets lonely very easily. In the past, whenever I couldn’t stand the loneliness, I would find a cowboy’s shop to sit down.

Then try to find the loneliest girl that night.

Their eyes in the crowd are as beautiful and vigilant as deer.I'd put on the brightest makeup, sit next to her, and ask her if she'd buy me a drink. "

Kazama Ruri laughed again.

It's just that the smile this time is different from the previous ones. There is tenderness in his eyes, bitterness in the tenderness, yearning, hope,

For the same laugh, Caesar and Chu Zihang can laugh in at most three or five ways, but Kazama Liuli can laugh in thousands of ways.

At this moment, his pupils were shining brightly, and he was very attractive. It was hard to imagine that a girl would reject such a man.

"Time does not allow us to continue this kind of chat. Let's get straight to the point." It is not clear whether the two have found a sympathy or found that the other party is not in danger, Chu Zihang's tone obviously lost a trace of coldness.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was negligent. I usually like to chatter," Kazama Liuli suddenly came to her senses and hurriedly apologized.

"Your Excellency is right, we really don't have much time." Kazama Ruri looked down at the clock behind her.

"The performance ended at ten o'clock, but the cultural reporters present today included the Asahi Shimbun, the Yomiuri Shimbun, Bungeishunju and CNN,

My photo should have appeared on the headlines of the cultural pages of major newspapers in the middle. It was not only us who saw the headlines, but also my brother.

The Sheqi Bajia are very mobile, and they have a strong belief in killing me, so our conversation time was only less than 5 minutes from the beginning. "

Kazama Ruri looked at her watch, "Very well, we have less than 1 minute left."

Caesar instinctively glanced at the corner of his mouth, and now he strongly suspects that Ruri Kazama is playing with them.Different from his elder brother, this younger brother is obviously not as straightforward as it seems on the surface.

"The purpose of my coming is very simple. I just want to form an alliance with you."

"Alliance?" The two were taken aback.

"Maybe you don't know it yet, but your Kassel College has already entered Japan."

"How many people are here!" Caesar stood up abruptly.He wasn't surprised, but still excited.

Kazama Liuli paused for a moment, then cast a seductive glance at the two people opposite,
put up a finger,
"one person."

Caesar paused,
He turned his head and glanced at Chu Zihang beside him.


Chu Zihang looked at Fengjian Liuli and spoke with a firm voice.

"Hahaha, what did I say?" Fu Nian on the floor laughed loudly.He looked at Xia Mi who had an unhappy expression on the opposite side.The whole person is indescribably relaxed.

"Keep your voice down, Caesar's speech spirit is Kamaitachi." Xia Mi gritted his teeth.

"That's right, it's Hilbert Jean Angers. Our respected Mr. Principal." Kazama Ruri's voice was soft as if two balls of cotton were stuffed into her ears.

"The cooperation matter, you have found the wrong person. We can't represent the principal." Kaiser and Chu Zihang said at the same time, "If it is someone else, we have the right to represent Kassel College, but in front of the principal, we cannot represent the principal , please..."

Kazama Liuli suddenly reached out her hand and interrupted the follow-up conversation of the two.Then she swung her slender waist lightly,
"I don't want the two of you to immediately agree to make a choice. There is no rush for things like alliances...

This time we are very sincere," Kazama Liuli waved her hand lightly.

A group of ferocious ghosts in black windbreakers appeared from behind the screen.

She held a light yellow letterhead in her hand.The seal of the envelope is branded with wax.The shape of the imprint is also a hideous ghost character.

"This is the sincerity of our fierce ghosts." Kazama Liuli signaled the attendants to come forward.

The attendant placed the envelope between Chu Zihang and Kaiser.

"Pass it over to Mr. Angers for us. Please also ask Mr. Angers to open it yourself."

Caesar frowned and reached out to take the letter, staring at Ruri Kazama.

"If the principal agrees, how can we contact you?" Caesar looked around, "This place will be abandoned by you soon."

Kazama Ruri gently covered the smile on the corner of her mouth, "You don't need to contact us, Principal Ange will naturally make a choice after reading it, and the beginning of the principal's choice is when our alliance is in progress."

"But we haven't met the principal, and we may not be able to find the principal." Chu Zihang went straight to the essence of the problem.

"Do not."

Kazama Ruri looked out the window where the commotion started.

The smile on the corner of the mouth is even brighter.

"You'll find the principal."

Before the words were finished, there was a screeching sound of brakes outside. It sounded like a super sports car was slamming on the brakes in front of the Kabuki theater. It was a modified Ferrari 599GTB.

At the same time, the roar of a helicopter came from above, and someone landed on the roof of Kabukiza from the sky.

The expressions of Chu Zihang and Kaiser suddenly changed. They did not expect that the 1-minute time would be so punctual, and the armed forces of the Snake Ba Family still appeared in all directions around the theater.

Without any hesitation, the two of them suddenly turned around and ran towards the exit.

"Gentlemen, begin the grand escape."

Kazama Liuli stood up slowly, and opened her arms towards the air. The howling wind from the window blew the blood-red robe on his body, like a manjusawa flower blooming against the wind in a pool of blood.

The smile on the corner of Fengjian Liuli's mouth became wanton, and he stared at Kaiser and Chu Zihang who turned around and ran towards the outside

look up,

Laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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