Chapter 383


"Fucking bastard! Is he trying to send us to Yuan Zhisheng directly!!"

The moment Caesar rushed out of the door, he suddenly froze in place.

Not long ago, the corridor was full of guards in black suits, but now it was empty. The ghosts and ghosts all evacuated without the words spirit sickle Itachi not noticing.

It seems that the water flows along the gap of the desert and seeps into the underground river, silently.

With all the things related to the ghosts.

The stage decorations, props, crew members celebrating the success of the show drinking champagne in the lounge, and the cute girls in kimonos in the corridor all disappeared from the Kabuki theater in less than 1 minute .

There is only an empty theater left, and today's performance looks like any other performance in the past. The performance that was too touching to own is just a dream.

Caesar suddenly turned his head to look at Ruri Kazama behind him.

The white smoke curling from the incense burner in the corner is still rising, and the elegant smell of incense fills every inch of the room.
But there was no longer Kazama Ruri in the room, only a blood-red plain coat fluttering in the air in the direction of the end of the window.

The evening wind blew from the window, and the white smoke covered the plain clothes and gathered and spread in the wind, like a big hand that closed and opened, clutching Caesar's heart tightly.

"Damn! When did he leave!!" Caesar was a little uncontrollable and wanted to be furious.

But Chu Zihang next to him ignored him at all, and instead punched Caesar on the chin extremely hard.

Caught off guard, Caesar suddenly fell on his back.A smear of scarlet sprayed out from the corner of his mouth.

But after being beaten, Caesar did not have the expected rage, instead his depressed pupils suddenly became clear.

Surprisingly, Chu Zihang also slapped himself hard with his backhand, fixed his eyes on the incense in the corner of the room, grabbed Caesar's wrist on the ground,

"Go, there's something wrong with the smell here!"

Caesar woke up startled, spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground, followed Chu Zihang and started to run wildly,
At the same time, his gaze followed the direction behind him,
The gust of wind from the helicopter tore through the curtain of the attic, and behind the curtain, the incense that was burning was emitting white smoke in large areas.

"Lucine-inducing drugs!! Ruri Kazama..." Caesar's eyes narrowed inward.Angry veins stretched in the temples.

"It shouldn't be aimed at us. The smoke has just started to get thick, and our emotions have just been disturbed. My situation is a little better than yours, so I can wake up early, but we have to get out of here quickly. It's hard to imagine what will happen afterwards! "

Chu Zihang soared his speed to the extreme at this moment, his windbreaker whizzed behind him, Caesar kicked off his high heels and followed him barefoot,
"But there are law enforcement officers from the Bajia of Snake Qi everywhere, are we going to fight a bloody way among them!!"

In Caesar's hearing, the theater has been completely surrounded by people from the Snaki Bajia, and the sound of countless engines tearing fills the air. Among them are black sports cars, off-road motorcycles, and what is even more frightening is the Helicopters roaring overhead.

The moment Yuan Zhisheng saw the news, he immediately mobilized a large number of family officers, including army and air forces, snipers, and commandos in large numbers...

Yasha and Crow took the lead, carrying shotguns and breaking through the main entrance. Behind them, a crowd of mixed races launched an extremely efficient offensive formation, and everyone's eyes were shining with murderous excitement.

Caesar did not think at all that he had the means to break through them head-on.

"No, Kazama Liuli absolutely doesn't want us to fall into the hands of Sheqi Bajia. They released the hallucinogenic drugs to give us enough room to escape." Chu Zihang took out the envelope Kazama Liuli gave them with his backhand.

Caesar looked at Chu Zihang blankly.

Chu Zihang turned his wrist, and the envelope was turned over.

On the back of the envelope, a detailed map was clearly opened and drawn on it, and an escape route was marked on the map.

"This is……"

"Their sincerity." Chu Zihang recalled Feng Jian Liuli's silent laughter before leaving, instead of feeling excited, an inexplicable chill spread up his spine.

This younger brother gave him a very unpredictable feeling, as if everything was under the control of the other party.All developments are within expectations.

It's like an ongoing chess game in which they are each other's pawns.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, Chu Zihang turned his head to look at Caesar behind him, Caesar also felt this, his blue eyes were full of seriousness.

The marked route is an underground passage.

They ran from corner to corner along the passage.

The two pushed out from the sewer manhole cover in a daze.

This is an extremely remote street, and at the end of the street there is a garbage dump that has not been cleaned for an unknown period of time.
As soon as there was any movement between the two, a group of mice that were looking for food were shocked by them.

The two walked out of the alley exit in a daze, looking at the unfamiliar deserted street.

When hesitating how to find the way to come.

The sharp whistle instantly tore their eardrums.

Like frightened roosters, the two stood back to back in vigilance, and the village rain around Chu Zihang's waist had already been unsheathed.The cold white blade gleamed with a cold murderous look under the incandescent sunlight.

"Vigilance is not bad, but your ability to observe the surroundings needs to be improved. You are easy to die like this." A magnetic male voice sounded from the shadowy corner behind them.

Because the skyscrapers in the distance are too tall, the area at the back is shrouded in shadow, which is why this area is sparsely populated.It is because of the long-term lack of planning that this place has become a temporary waste dump.

Orange car headlights tear the curtain of shadows,

Chu Zihang stretched out his hand to block the light in front of him, and a silver-white Maserati appeared in front of them from the corner of his vision.

Immediately afterwards, a series of elegant da da leather shoes made contact with the ground.

In the light curtain of the headlights, an old man in a black suit stepped on the greasy sewage on the ground.

The black umbrella was held in front of the opponent with both hands.




Uesugi stared at the girl on the ground more quietly. Even from such a long distance, he could still see the delicateness of the girl. The white and tender hair on the fair skin was so clear and delicate. The porcelain doll is fired out of the oven, and the perfectionist porcelain maker does not allow her to have any spare silk.

But even such a perfect girl, in the eyes of Uesugi Koshi, is not satisfied,
girl too white
There was not much blood on the cheeks that should have been flushed.Against the backdrop of the opponent's red maiden costume, this whiteness is even more obvious.

It seems that blood is an extremely scarce thing in the girl's body, which makes Uesugi feel a little uncomfortable inside.

Although this kind of unhealthiness just looks a little unhealthy, it is still a bit difficult for Uesugi Koshi to accept.Because it is difficult for a father to accept that his child is unhealthy.

When Uesugi Yue stared at Erika, Erika also looked at Uesugi curiously.

The old man in front of her gave her a very different feeling. From the first day she saw him in front of the ramen stall that lit up the road at dawn, Erika felt it.

This is a wonderful feeling, like being wrapped in a pair of thick hands, very safe and happy.

The last time she felt this way was on her elder brother Yuan Zhisheng.After that day, the brother became her best brother.

The man in front of him...

Erika blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes rippling in the air.

Erika had never looked at someone for such a long time before.
there has never been.

My brother was very busy before, and when other people looked at me, they would automatically look away.Then there will be a trace of fear in the eyes.

But this man doesn't seem to be afraid of himself.

Not only no, it seems, it seems... There is also a little bit, to please?
Erika didn't quite understand Uesugi Koshi's almost melting eyes.

No one would have imagined that the man who lost hope in life at the Ramen Roof, the man who played a scoundrel in front of Xia Mi, the man who never cared about the humiliation he had suffered, could feel the fiery human tenderness in the other person at this rare moment. .

The tenderness seemed to turn into water and flow from the eye sockets.

Yuan Zhisheng did not tell him who Uesugi Erika was.

Inuyama Ka also did not tell him who Uesugi Erika was.

But he didn't need them to tell her who it was.

When Xia Mi told him that there are still children in this world, something in his body seemed to be opened.

Just like Yuan Zhisheng when he first saw him, the moment he met the girl's eyes, a mysterious and mysterious thing from the blood appeared in his mind.

It wasn't the first time he saw this girl, but it was the first time he found that he was so kind to her.

If someone tells him that this girl is not a daughter at this time, Uesugi Yue will let him see for himself the despair that a real emperor can bring.

The two stayed silently in the dark and stared at each other silently. The curtains in the room were drawn and the lights were not turned on.

Because when Yuan Zhisheng left, he told Erika to sleep well.

Erika was very obedient, even though she was not too sleepy, she obediently went back to her room and closed the curtains, lying under the quilt and looking at the ceiling.

Then look and look...

A face suddenly appeared in front of her.

Uesugi slipped in from nowhere.It just happened to appear in Erika's field of vision.

Uesugi Yue didn't speak, Erika couldn't speak...

Then the two quietly stared at each other for nearly 10 minutes.

Erika tilted her head, Uesugi Koshi also tilted her head.

Erika blinked, and Uesugi Koshi blinked too...

"Go out to play?"

Finally, when Uesugi Yue finally realized that time could not be delayed any longer.He opened his mouth, and a few voices came out of his throat.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the scene when he confessed to the girl he liked in his youth, that kind of excited heart beating.That adrenaline rush.

Let him have an illusion of going back in time and returning to his youth.

It's just that he clearly knows that he is not playing hooligans with some beautiful girls, but expressing his father's love to his daughter.

"But my brother said that Erika is not allowed to go out to play." Erika wrote in the notebook.

"Do you listen to your brother very much?" Uesugi Yue was very patient today. He lived his whole life and never found out that he still had a hidden chatterbox attribute.

"Listen." Erika wrote, but in the middle of writing, she seemed to suddenly think of something, "But sometimes I pretend not to hear."

"Ah?" Uesugi Yue's eyes widened, "When?"

"When Erika wants to go out and play."

"Is your brother not letting you go out to play?" Uesugi was a little confused, as if the girl was a little strange.

"My brother is afraid that Erika will get lost."

"Lost?" Uesugi became even more confused.

"The doctor said that Erika's body is not in good health and needs to be cultivated. She cannot be greatly stimulated, so the family does not let Erika go out to play." Erika wrote in her notebook.

Uesugi Yue suddenly frowned.Jump down from the ceiling.

Grab Erika's wrist.

It was rare for Erika to have no conflict.Let the other party hold his wrist and frown.

Naturally, Uesugi didn't know much about medical skills, and he didn't even know how to feel the pulse.

But he is the real emperor of the Bajia of Sheqi.

Countless ghosts who once turned into dead waiters in front of him were cut in half by him.

He deeply understands the gap between emperors and ghosts.Know how blood tainted by dragon's blood reacts.

Although no one dared to stare at Erika for a long time,

But also no one dared to stare at Uesugi Koshi for a long time.He has the extreme bloodline in his body that is very close to the real dragon.

But after Erika and him watched for so long, nothing happened.

Uesugi grasped Erika's wrist more, and the frown that was already tightly frowned was piled up on his face like a lump of iron.

"Ghost?" Uesugi muttered in a voice, his eyes revealing a coldness.

But that's just the sentiment on the word.

Erika looked at Uesugi Koshi blankly.I don't know what the other party said.

"Is this why you can't speak? The dragon blood concentration in your body is too active, stimulating the ability that should have been suppressed. What you say will produce an effect similar to the spirit of speech. It will happen very scary thing?"

Uesugi Koshi once hunted many secret things in the shrines of the Saki Hachi Family. He knew that people from the Uchi San Family were more likely to become ghosts, and they were also the kind of extremely evil ghosts with extremely strong fighting power.After the emperor's blood enters the ghost, it will produce extremely terrifying effects.

But this kind of ghost will not exist in human consciousness, nor will it live for too long.

He didn't expect such things as Erika to appear on Erika, but fortunately, Saki Hachika seemed to have found a way to restrain the excessive dragon blood in her body.At least the other party has survived until now.

Although Erika couldn't understand what this man was saying, she still knew the reason why she couldn't speak, and on the sea that day, that handsome Fu Nian told herself the same.

She nodded.

Uesugi's face became even uglier.But this expression didn't last long, he seemed to think of something suddenly,
Let go of Erika's arm and start rummaging for something.

But after looking around, I remembered that my mobile phone was forgotten in my ramen cart before I came.

Uesugi turned his head and stared at Erika,
"Eriyi, I will cure your illness and let you speak normally!"

There was firmness in Uesugi Yue's eyes.He hadn't been this serious for a long, long time.

Erika stared at the man's eyes. In fact, she wanted to say that she could talk in front of a person, but at this time, Erika didn't want to say it.

She nodded slightly, obediently like a daughter...

(End of this chapter)

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