I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 384 Angers: Help me contact Norma

Chapter 384 Angers: Help me contact Norma


"Let's go now!" Uesugi couldn't wait more.

"But my brother won't let Erika go out."

"Your brother doesn't let you go out because he is afraid that bad people will lie to you, but can I be a bad person?" Uesugi Yue stared into Erika's eyes seriously, not wanting to miss a single detail.

Erika shook her head.

The corners of Uesugi Yue's mouth rose in satisfaction, a smile from the inside out spread from his face,

"Isn't that all right? I'll take you out to see a doctor, and come back after seeing a doctor. Will it be better soon if your brother doesn't find out?" Uesugi Yue
Erika paused for a few seconds, looking at Uesugi Koshi quietly, she felt something was wrong, but she didn't particularly want to care about it.

After making the decision, Erika nodded quickly.

Uesugi smiled more satisfied.



Ten minutes later, in a flash, Sakuragi's sliding door was suddenly pulled from one side to the other.

The attendant, who was sitting behind the wooden door and chatting boredly, suddenly stood up, and hastily bowed to the person who appeared

This is the shrine of the family, and he is a family member who serves the family priest.

He is guarding here today under the order of the head of the family, so he naturally knows the importance of the identity of the people living inside.

Out of the corner of his eye, a white instep appeared in his line of sight. The little feet were supported by high heels. Above the ankles, the silky skirt swayed slightly in the air. It was a crimson magnificence,

Under the orange light above the corridor on the floor, it looks like a rose flower blooming on the top of the mountain. The sun is leaning on the center of the flower, and the petals stretch out wantonly. Just a corner touched by the eyes is so beautiful. It's hard for him to imagine how amazing this girl is, she really is a big shot in the family.The attendant secretly sighed inwardly.

The girl's steps were fast and easy, like a little girl who got a lollipop that she had long wanted, almost jumping on high heels before walking.

The attendant was secretly surprised by the girl's happiness, because he had heard from other priests who had met Patriarch Uesugi that she was a very well-behaved girl.

While surprised, the attendant was also very happy, because this way he would also have a chance to be praised by the elders.Thinking, the corners of his mouth slowly raised,

But before the corners of his mouth were completely curved, the corners of his mouth suddenly froze in place and remained motionless.

From the corner of his vision, a pair of scruffy trousers with black stains appeared.

Not only are the trousers with black stains, but even the shoes on his feet are shiny, as if they haven't been cleaned for decades, and he seems to be able to smell the lingering ramen smell from them.

Isn't there only one person in Uesugi's room? !

How did those feet come about? !

The servant looked up abruptly,

In the twisted sight, a tall and straight figure appeared in the reflection of his pupils.

It was an old man with half-white hair, wearing a ramen master's hat, wearing a ramen master's clothes, and even a ramen master's towel on his shoulder.

Beside the ramen master, a girl who was suddenly startled by the attendant instinctively stepped back and hid behind the old man.

The girl was born extremely beautiful, and the long dark red hair in the shawl looked like a fairy from the flower garden against the dark red long dress. She carefully prepared golden earrings with tassels for today's going out, and they can also be seen in a certain ramen. Under the instructions of the master, the gorgeous red lips were painted.

She looked curiously at the attendant who suddenly raised her head, her agile eyes were no longer dull as before.

But the attendant only dared to glance at it quietly, and then turned to look at the ramen chef next to him.

"This... you are!" The attendant looked at the two people who appeared in front of him with a little unacceptable,
Two people!

If the head of the family knew that he had let an outsider enter the room of Patriarch Uesugi in silence, he would probably kill himself!And the one who went in quietly was an ordinary ramen chef on the street.Even the attendant can't forgive himself! !

Suddenly awakened, he raised the gun in his hand,

But before he could raise his arm, a black shadow instantly covered his sight.

The surrounding sight began to tilt, and the darkness wrapped around his neck like a giant python escaped from the abyss.

In a blink of an eye, he passed out.

Uesugi turned his head to look at Erika behind him, Erika had a big mouth, and her eyes were shining brightly.

She has never hit a family member in the family yet.

"Let's go." Uesugi glanced at the attendant who was lying unconscious on the ground, and walked towards the distant corridor.

Erika followed closely behind with her dress in hand.

No one noticed that the camera behind them was slowly turning their sights.



Chu Zihang sat silently in the rear seat of the Maserati,
In the front co-pilot and driver's positions, Caesar and Angers were silently silent, and the open window was shrouded in wisps of smoke extending outward.

In the palm of Angers holding the steering wheel, a light yellow letter was quietly sandwiched between the index finger and middle finger,

On the tightly exposed cover, a Shura hell entangled by evil ghost skeletons spreads on the letterhead, and the raging fire spread on it seems to be real, reflecting the bright sunlight around it in the slight shaking of Ange's breathing , making the surrounding emotions that were not very high at all exaggerate a layer of coldness.

Angers didn't open the letterhead immediately, but first quietly listened to their experience in Japan and the accident that just happened in the theater.

Time has not passed for a long time, because the Sheqi Bajia in the theater not far away has not had any harvest, and there has never been any sign of leaving.

But Angers already knew that they would not have any substantial gains.

Because even if he is on the dark side, he can be counted into it. He doesn't think that the Snake Bajia, a giant standing on the bright side, will be ignored by the other party.

Like Caesar, he was flipping through the morning news when he suddenly saw this news that appeared on his title screen.

Because the news of Kazama Ruri was extremely popular at that time, Angers did not suspect that there was something wrong with this matter.

So after failing to find Uesugi Koshi, he curiously drove to this very remote corner of the theater, imagining watching a grand light-dark showdown like an audience sitting in the auditorium.

However, what he didn't expect was that he was also a node in this duel between light and darkness.Here he met Caesar and Chu Zihang who escaped from the theater.

What's even more frustrating is that they actually brought themselves a letter of sincerity from the leader of the fierce ghosts.

It is extremely rare for Ange to smoke a cigarette and frown and meditate. He has not had this feeling of being controlled by others for too long.

I have to say, this kind of feeling is very bad, like the director gave you a script before the mission started,
And said impatiently: Next, you don't have to use your brain.You can act as you say above.

Maybe he would be satisfied with Uesugi Koshi.He's good at mindless things.

But he is Angers, the most powerful person in power in this era.He didn't allow anything involving dragon slaying to escape his vision.

Because once this kind of thing happens, the ending will lead to an extremely terrifying chain reaction event.

At that time, it may no longer be as simple as one or two people dying.

The battlefield of dragon slaying has always been cruel.

The shredded tobacco was scattered in the air little by little, and Angers slowly opened his eyes when the sparks were about to burn to the butt of the cigarette.

Throwing the cigarette butt in his hand out of the window, he looked at the letter in his hand.

"Did he say anything else?" Angers voice was a little heavy.

"He said that after the principal reads it, everything will naturally be understood." Caesar also threw the cigar in his hand out of the window.Clap your hands and raise the Maserati's window.

Angers didn't hesitate at all, the moment Caesar's voice fell, he suddenly clenched his fingertips.

The wax was lifted by the huge force spreading upwards.

The letterhead was opened.

But Angers pulled out a very ordinary piece of paper from it.

Angers frowned.

Not because of how horrifying the contents are.Angers has not seen the content.

He is frowning at the paper in his hand, the napkin.

Visible napkins at nearby restaurants.In this way, it is difficult for him to obtain any useful information from above.

"It's really interesting." Angers suddenly smiled, but there was no smile at all in this smile.

He flipped open the napkin,

His expression froze.

At this moment, Chu Zihang and Kaiser clearly felt the air flow in the car stop, and the shredded tobacco floating in the air was like a drawing board fixed on the wall.

Ange quietly stared at the three words on the napkin, his eyes were more solemn than ever.




For a full 5 minutes, the air pressure in the car did not calm down from beginning to end.

Angers stared at the three words that were written down on the napkin and remained motionless.

"Principal?" Caesar asked tentatively.

Ange slowly raised his head, a pair of shining golden pupils gleamed with swirls.

"Help me get in touch with Norma,"

"Okay." Chu Zihang nodded without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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