I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 385 The choice of painting pear clothes

Chapter 385 The choice of painting pear clothes

At the end of the corridor, there was the sound of a sharp blade cutting open the wooden door. The sharp knife was like lightning flashing across the clouds.

If it wasn't for the Patriarch of the Sheqi Ba Family to be present in person.That must be the arrival of the elders in person.

Because in Japan the mixed race is the ceiling of swordsmanship, and the patriarch is the ceiling of the mixed race, it is difficult for the rest of the mixed race to achieve such a state of handy.

In fact, not only the patriarch, but the patriarchs and patriarchs of the Sheqi Bajia were extremely rare to be present at the same time.

The wooden door collapsed in front of Yuan Zhisheng. He carried the spider and stepped into the room at the end of the corridor. There was no one in the room.

Behind him, Inuyama He held an iron knife still in its sheath around his waist. He was like a warrior behind a king, with a ferocious face and fierce eyes. It was impossible to tell that this was a man over seventy years old. elder.

If a dead waiter ran out from a certain corner of the room at this time, there was no doubt that he would explode in an instant, and then cut him in two with a single knife.At this time, he is more like a loyal bodyguard than Yasha and Crow.

It's a pity that Deadpool didn't give Inuyamaga a chance to perform,
He stood quietly behind Yuan Zhisheng and looked at the room filled with smoke.The rich smoke is no ordinary smoke.

It's a thick smoke made of hallucinogenic drugs.

A large number of law enforcement officers who entered here, only the two of them can enter the range here, the air is full of the smell of hallucinogenic drugs, the officers who are inhaled will become irritable, crazy, and even have unreal hallucinations, and then attack each other.

This is an extremely dangerous situation without any enemies.

Yuan Zhisheng relies on his own powerful imperial blood without fear of the erosion of hallucinogenic drugs, as for Inuyama Ka, it is because of decades of tough will that he has cultivated a heart that can control his emotions.

But even so, he was still affected by hallucinogenic drugs and became aggressive and indifferent.

Yuan Zhisheng raised his foot and stepped through the door, the screen in front of him was also torn in two by the powerful saber energy, and he fell to the end of the tatami.

There, stood a Tang-style dressing table with a brass-edged round mirror on top of the dressing table. There was a hanger next to the round mirror, and a blood-red plain dress was hung on it.

This is the outfit worn by Yuan Zhinv on the news.At that time, Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a full minute in front of the photo.

The evening wind blows from the window, and the plain clothes tremble in the wind, just like the ribbons on the flagpole fluttering in the cold wind.Ripples in the air appear and dissipate, the person has gone, but there are traces left by that person everywhere in the room.

There is also an ipad on the dressing table, and on the ipad is a group photo of two people, two thirteen or fourteen-year-old children leaning on the light helicopter, the sunset is setting behind them, one child has a proud expression, and the other a shy expression.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in front of the photo, silent for a long time.

Inuyama Ka stood behind Yuan Zhisheng and looked around,

They got the news more than ten minutes ago, Yuan Zhisheng's expression changed when they saw the online news,

Throwing down the work at hand and explaining to Erika with a few words, he rushed to the rooftop and set off on the helicopter of Saki Hachiya. At the same time, Inuyama Kawa was at a loss, and at the same time, he didn't care what he was doing to receive the task of Angers, and followed Yuan Zhisheng boarded the plane behind him.

Although Sakura didn't know exactly what happened, but the words of the fierce ghosts let her know what she should do.

One minute later, a large number of Mercedes-Benz came out of Genji Heavy Industries with the elite of Saki Bajia,

"Father, our people are temporarily unable to search because of the hallucinogenic drugs inside, but we have sealed off the area around the theater..." A crow's voice came from the intercom.

"There's no need to search, he won't leave me a chance." Yuan Zhisheng's voice carried an unknown emotion.


Inuyama Ka looked at the photos on the iPad that Yuanzhi was clutching tightly in his hand, and questioned.

"His name is Zhinv, he is my own younger brother, and he came back from hell to find me."

Yuan Zhisheng slashed horizontally with the knife, the light of the knife flickered, and half of the plain clothes fell to the ground.

"Let's go back."



Fu Nian was sitting by the window drinking coffee, while Xia Mi looked down and seemed to be answering some news.

The two are now in a cafe across the street from the theater.The surrounding citizens looked curiously at the theater surrounded by black Mercedes-Benz in the distance, guessing in low voices what happened.

"Who is Xia Mi chatting with?"

Fu Nian held up his cup and looked at the theater outside the window. Law enforcement officers in black windbreakers wrapped everything around them tightly.Each of them is fully armed, with a tense and serious expression under the goggles.

It is difficult for the citizens outside to find any useful news from it, and many of them have already called the police.

However, the Sheqi Bajia has a special aftermath department, and they received a letter from Sakura the moment the head of the family acted.

"Uesugi Koshi." Xia Mi turned over the screen of the phone, and it was Uesugi Koshi's name that was displayed on it.

Fu Nian looked at the other party questioningly, he didn't think Uesugi would be someone who knew how to use chat software.

"It's a phone call." Xia Mi saw Fu Nian's question at a glance. "He seems to have some problem that we need to help him solve. Want to know where we are."

"What can he do?" Fu Nian was even more puzzled.He clearly remembered Uesugi Yue's appearance this morning as a hexagonal warrior who didn't eat soft and hard, and didn't eat oil or salt.

"In the past, Uesugi Yue had nothing to worry about in this world, so he had nothing to do, but..." Xia Mi smiled mischievously.

"Yuanzhisheng or Erika?" Fu Nian understood what Xia Mi was saying.

"It should be Eliyi. Yuan Zhisheng is right under our noses, and there is nothing wrong with it, but it is Eliyi...My brother has seen it too." Xia Mi thought for a while and said.

"Brother, you'd better get ready. If he really agrees, Xia Mi won't be able to accomplish that."

Fu Nian nodded.There are many problems with Erika, but in the final analysis, there is only one cause of the problem.That is dragon blood.

All the power of the hybrid comes from the dragon's blood in the body, and the same troubles also come from the dragon's blood in the body.The problem of mixed races in Japan is particularly serious, and the inexhaustible demons are a typical example.

But to completely solve this problem, there must be a certain sacrifice.

But this sacrifice has two extremes,

The first is to deprive the dragon's blood and become an ordinary person,

The second is to walk on the path of narrow escape, break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, be reborn in Nirvana, and gain power and power from then on.

The greed of human nature makes 90.00% of the mixed races choose the second path, because no one can easily put him down after tasting the beauty of power, which is a kind of cruelty to them.So there is a road to hell in Japan.Countless mixed races formed the huge base group of successors.Layers upon layers of bones are piled up on the top of the mountain.

For thousands of years, no one succeeded.

But the fact that this is cruel to the mixed race is not impossible in Fu Nian's eyes.It's even a little easier.

If it is the first type, then Erika will become an ordinary person.Live an ordinary life happily.

But if it is the second type, Fu Nian will use the power of the king and the blood of the ancient dragon to give Erika a body that can fully adapt to the blood of the dragon.Because of the uniqueness of Erika itself, once successful,
She will be the dragon species second only to the king under the throne of the earth and the mountain.

Dragon's blood will completely transform her body, turning her into a humanoid dragon with a little girl inside.

At that time, there will be one more mixed race under the throne of the king of the earth and the mountain, and it is difficult to match the attendant.

But for Fu Nian, attendants are not necessary, he is already strong enough, and he doesn't need any attendants to protect himself.Moreover, there are already two attendants under the throne, Wanko Sakurai and Maruko. Although they are high-level dead servants, they can't compete with pure blood in blood, and they can even turn into dragons.

But the two of them are already at the peak of the mixed-race combat power.

So Fu Nian really doesn't value a powerful attendant, and Fu Nian believes that Xia Mi doesn't value it too much either.

But they don't value it, some people value it.

The uniqueness of Erika itself made her be watched by countless pairs of eyes, and even a crocheted chessboard appeared for this purpose.

Fu Nian had to seriously consider this aspect.And on the other hand,

Uesugi Koshi, Minamoto...

Erika is their soft spot, and the choice they make for Erika is also crucial.

As for Uesugi’s demands, they will do their best to satisfy them.

Because Japan's fierce ghosts and snake Qi Bajia need him.



"The cafe next to the theater...the theater...where is the theater?!!"

Uesugi Yue played with the elderly phone in his hand.Obviously the word map was written on it, but it just couldn't be loaded on it.

He looked at the completely changed Tokyo streets around him, and sat on the ramen cart in a daze.

He wants to go to the coffee shop, but he doesn't know the way, so how can he get there? !
(End of this chapter)

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