I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 386 Identical Expressions

Chapter 386 Exactly the same expression

Just when Uesugi was sweating profusely, looking helplessly at the modern world.

A small notebook suddenly appeared in front of Uesugi Koshi.

"Follow the car."


"The family car."

Erika pointed to a black Mercedes-Benz that was driving at a high speed in the distance, and the family crests of the Snake Ba Family stood out beside the door of the Mercedes-Benz.

Uesugi Yue suddenly came to his senses, and quickly put his head down and stared at the pedals of the tricycle at the ramen restaurant.

Under the brute force output, the tricycle is like a falling roller coaster, crossing the non-motorized lane with a swish, and inserting directly into the middle of the motorized lane that is advancing at high speed with an extremely elegant posture.

Before the driver behind had time to swear, the passenger in the co-pilot looked at the tricycle ahead with dull eyes.

The Mercedes-Benz of Snake Bajia is gathering in the direction of the theater at a speed of 120.

But the speed between the tricycle and the Mercedes-Benz is pulling in at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wind whizzes past the overhead above the roof.

Strands of dark red hair flew freely like ribbons.

Erika was showing her small head on the top of the roof, her two small eyes were curiously looking at the overtaken cars.

The car owners on the main road all stared at Uesugi Koshi who was rapidly exercising his muscles with the eyes of aliens.

The dragon's blood that had been silent for decades began to gallop in Uesugi Yue's body, and the endless power was transmitted along the blood to the bones, and the bones to the muscles, and the muscles drove the tricycle. In less than a minute, Uesugi Yue let it reach the car. The pinnacle of life is enough to compete with Mercedes-Benz.



Chi~! !
The wheels and tires rubbed against the asphalt road harshly, and sparks shot out on the tires that had exploded at some point like fireworks.

Uesugi Yue braked and stopped in the direction of the main entrance of the theater, looking at the densely packed vehicles inside Saki Hachiya

spit out slowly

"Fortunately, I didn't lose it, it should be here." Uesugi Yue looked up at the wooden font on the theater, and nodded with satisfaction.

Turning around and looking at the roof behind him, he looked at Erika who was facing him with a smile like asking for credit.

But the moment he saw Erika's face, Uesugi Koshi's body suddenly stiffened for a moment,

It's not that there is something wrong with Eriyi, but,

In the crimson pupils of the other party's glazed glass, a figure from the back in a black windbreaker was reflected in the pupils of Eri Yi.

Like a lake reflecting the sky, it quietly removes surprises, without any ripples.

But this kind of surprise, in the eyes of Uesugi Koshi, is a bit unusually frightened.

He still clearly remembered that before the other party left, Yuan Zhisheng stared at him solemnly and said that he was not allowed to make Erika's idea.The voice was thunderous, and the sight was piercing.

Even Uesugi Koshi, who possessed the royal blood, was in a cold sweat for a moment.Inexplicably, he felt that the air around him had turned into bitter cold in the blink of an eye.

On the other hand, Natsumi felt inexplicably stupid, she stared blankly at Uesugi Koshi who drove the ramen cart to the entrance of the theater, and Minamoto who appeared behind him,

The whole body is a little inexplicably stiff.

"Did I miscalculate something?" Xia Mi stared blankly at Minamoto and Inuyama Ka behind Uesugi Koshi.

Inuyama Ka stood behind Minamoto at the door,
Yuan Zhisheng stood on the steps at the end of the door.

A huge shadow enveloped Uesugi Koshi's head, and also enveloped the call records in Natsumi's hands.

It's been less than a minute since the call ended... It's cold?

"Natsu Mi may have miscalculated Uesugi Koshi's IQ."

Fu Nian said solemnly, he looked down at Uesugi Koshi below, and at the surrounding black Mercedes-Benz with the Saki Hachijia logo, even though there was no one in the Mercedes-Benz, even though all the law enforcement officers were gone Invade the theater in an all-round way.

But you, Uesugi, sneaked out with Erika!
Now Uesugi Koshi's behavior is like cheating on an exam and copying other people's test papers. In the end, he even copied other people's names on the papers, and the teacher found out that it is a nature.

Inuyamaga and Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were fixed on the ramen roof at the bottom of the steps at the same time, but their expressions were completely different at the moment.

Inuyama Ka stared at Uesugi Koshi who quietly revealed his head behind Uesugi Koshi, and then at Uesugi Koshi who put a hand on Erika's arm and tried to help him get down,
The whole person was a little dizzy for no reason. You must know that he can still maintain a clear mind even in a place where hallucinogenic drugs are strong.

Maybe others don't know what Erika means to the family, but he, Inuyama Ka, knows it all too well. The reason why Tachibana Masamune was able to become the last patriarch, although he has something to do with the blood of his Tachibana family, but the real reason is actually It was still the thrust standing behind him, and the one who produced the greatest thrust was Inuyama Ka, who was on the side of the power of the Saki Hachika at that time.

One of the most important reasons why he recommended Tachibana Masamune to be the head of the family is that the two children he brought back, one Eriyi and the other Yuan Zhisheng, the ones he really wanted to recommend at the time were Erika and Yuan. immature,

He knew that was the future of Sheqi Bajia!

But he didn't expect Tachibana Masamune to do a very good job in office.It is also very in line with his expectations to cultivate Yuan Zhisheng.

It also cultivated the relationship between Yuan Zhisheng and Erikai.Inuyama Ka knew how much Minamoto valued Erika, and countless examples made him understand how terrifying this was.

As a result, Uesugi Yue sneaked out the other party under his nose. This extremely bad behavior, Inuyama Ka had no doubt whether it would trigger Yuan Zhisheng's rage.

But what made him dizzy was that Uesugi Koshiya on the opposite side was an emperor who was not inferior to Yuan Zhisheng in strength.If there is a fight between them, Inuyamaga will be extremely embarrassed for a while...

It's just that the next scene made Inuyama He a little baffled.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the two figures that appeared in front of him, his melancholy expression was not expressed too much.

He stared at Erika who was slowly supporting Uesugi Koshi's arm, looked at the extremely bright figure in a red dress at the moment, and looked at the pair of eyes looking at him, with seven-point surprise and three-point dodge in his eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng actually felt that his mood was slightly relieved, as if the undulating sea surface had been calmed down, leaving only faint ripples spreading outward.

"Where is Eriyi going?" Yuan Zhisheng walked down the steps slowly towards the other party.He reached out to catch Erika's little hand.

"I'm here to find my brother." Erika said nonsense in her notebook in a serious manner.

"Lie." Yuan Zhisheng squeezed Erika's earlobe behind him, but there was undisguised tenderness in his eyes, but there was a little sigh in the tenderness.

He glanced at Uesugi Koshi behind him from the corner of his eye, and took a deep look at him.

At the same time, Erika who had been exposed with a single word subconsciously glanced at Uesugi Koshi behind her.

Then Quiet Mimi's eyes drooped, and the words Uesugi Yue just heard from her ears echoed in her mind,

The index fingers of both hands were crossed, and the mouth was pursed, showing an aggrieved appearance.

Before Yuan Zhisheng had time to react to this change, Inuyama He who was behind him staggered in an instant.

Although he usually doesn't have much contact with Patriarch Uesugi, but after more than ten years in the family, he also really knows what kind of personality the other party has.

Anyway, not such a character.

Not only Inuyama He.

The most surprised was Fu Nian who was looking down at this scene in the cafe.

Fu Nian put away Erlang's legs, sat up straight and stared at the unusually familiar expression on Erika's face.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Xia Mi.

Xia Mi was very cooperative and also showed an aggrieved look.

Fu Nian, "Damn it! Why are they exactly the same?!"

(End of this chapter)

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